java - How to get the URL of the captured image? -

I launch an activity to capture a photo from the camera:

  intent I = new intent (Android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE, blank); I.putext ("return-data" is true); StartActivityForResult (i, PICK_FROM_CAMERA);  

Can you please tell me how to get the Capture Image URI?

You will do the following to get the picture taken from the camera

< Pre> // Call to start call ActivateFor-Result (New Intent ("Android Media. IMAGE_CAPTURE"), PICK_FROM_CAMERA); Override public zero at @activityResult (int request code, INC results, result data) {if (requestcode == PICK_FROM_CAMERA) {Ury uri = data.getData (); // Set image image image via Yuri_previewImage.setImageURI (Yuri); }}


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