How to rename a folder using Ant? -
I want to rename my application folder with a time stamp and then using the same folder name, one of my app I want to open a new version. Using ant, it seems that you can move from one folder to another.
Is this the only way I can do in ant?
The trick works by what you do, but the naming is a bit confusing. If you believe that your directory is a 'file' in the Java sense - a file system handle that can represent, a directory in the middle of others or a file in general sense - then the trick function is understood
then the following
& lt; Move file = "mySourceDirName" tofile = "myTargetDirName" />
This means that instead of myTargetDirName
rename / move mySourceDirName
To move the directory mySourceDirName
to the existing someExistingDir
directory to become the child directory.
, the 'file' attribute in the ant refers to the target in question, and reference to the 'todir' attribute directory, which is the new original location for the target file or directory.
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