text - in Ruby, trying to convert those weird quotes into "regular" quotes -
I am trying to parse a text file whose strange quote is in "and" like "general quotation marks" "
I tried to do this:
text.gsub! (" ", '' ') Text.gsub! ("" ", '' '')
But when it is done, they still exist there and
\ x93 and \ x94
, so I tried to add them also with any luck:
text.gsub! ('\\ X93 ',' '' ') text.gsub! (' \\ x94 ',' '' ')
The problem is, when I show those strange quotes on a webpage When I try, it makes a weird diamond with a question mark mark:
It seems that:
text =" "foo" "= & gt;" \ 342 \ 200 \ 234foo \ 342 \ 200 \ 235 "irb (main) : 002: 0> Text.gsub! ("" "'' ') = & Gt;" \ "foo \ 342 \ 200 \ 235" irb (main): 003: 0> Text.gsub! " "\" Foo \ ""
To remove all the character code contained in it, you must use the hex editor.
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