date - Interpolating data points in Excel -
I'm sure this is the second problem that has been solved many times earlier.
A group is going to measure people (home energy use to be accurate) they will do this at different time and different intervals.
So whatever comes from each person is a set of {date, value} pairs, where the dates in the set are not there. / P>
What do I need {{date, value} is a complete set of pairs, where the value is known for each date with a value (either measured or calculated). I hope that a simple linear interpolation for this project will be sufficient.
If I think that it should be done in Excel, what is the best way for each other in such a dataset (so I have the value of each day)?
Thank you.
Note: When these datasets are completed, I will determine the slope (i.e. usage per day) and after that we can start comparing the home from home.
Additional Information: After some suggestions first: I do not want to know manually that the holes are set in my measurement (set many incomplete measurements !!) I'm looking for something (existing) Automatic if I have to do this for me
{2009-06-01, 10} {2009-06-03, 20} {2009-06-06, 110} < / Code>
then I'm hoping to get it automatically
{2009-06-01, 10} {2009-06-02, 15} {2009- 06-03, 20} {2009-06 -04, 50} {2009-06-05, 80} {2009-06-06, 110}
Yes, Write the Tier I just am hoping that this (rather designed to run before the software (Excel) feature general) problem. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is as follows:
Use the function () = Apparel ($ A $ 1: $ A $ 3, $ B $ 1: $ B $ 3, D1, False, Inaccurate)
You must have input in columns A and B, and column g should include all your date values. Formula goes into column E.
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