Flash - AJAX call -
I want to call a web page from Flash and use the returned data from it (either plain text Or in XML) I see with NetConnection that you can connect to a web service, but I just want to call a plain old web page. It seems that I was able to do this a while ago, but for my life, I can not find the answer on the web. Does anyone know that function / code is going to call a web page in the flash and get data back What about
Thank you,
You only need to use a URL loader.
var urlRequest: URLRequest = new URLRequest ("http://example.com/page/"); _urlLoader = New URL loader (); _urlLoader.addEventListener (event.complete, onXMLDataLoaded, incorrect, 0, true); _urlLoader.load (URLRequest); XML dataloaded (EVT: event) on function: zero {var xml = new XML (_urlLoader.data); }
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