c# - Silverlight Deepzoom API output vs. Deepzoom Composer output -
Using Dzozom Composer creates a good clientbin and a good HTML page that works in HTML
< P> Using the DeepZoom API, I can create processed pyramid images and some metadata in some XML files and all of them, now, when I have those images and metadata, which is half the battle, then I have some Silverlight and HTML ( Programmatically Being able to go to all engineers of the metadata and images should be about how to use, without Deep Zoom and create music without reverse ??It is important for my purposes that I can automatically generate complete Shebang, because the Deepjum Composer does not have to click around in the visual studio.
At the very least I should be able to exclude the image that is shown from time to time in the final Silverlight Deepzoom app completely magically reconstructed (I hope that MSBILD It is not necessary to be included here because I prefer it to freely redistribute it.)
I'm just looking for some quality reference material and some ideas. Links, books, blog entries, etc.
Thank you!
- Chris.
Deep zoom compositor using Output Type = "Silverlight Deep Zoom" and "Exports (Single Image) as a Structure" Output from; Format = jpeg; Quality = 95; Image width = 800 generates a bunch of files in a named folder within the "Exported Data" folder. There is also a "Working Data" and "Source Images" folder.
In the "Exported Data" folder it has a folder in which you exported each of the Deep Zoom Composer. Within those folders, the content depends on whether or not you have composition or composite, but take a look at a composition as it is simple because it is simple. The content includes:
Test.html (which contains an embedded silverlight 2 object source = default .xap)
Default.xap (which includes a headlight.pler.dll And one is the AppManifest.xaml file)
A "generated images" folder containing the folder "dzc_output_files" and files dzc_output.xml, scene.xml, and SparseImageSceneGraph.xml
SparseImageSceneGraph.xml is a 1KB file that contains the SceneNode element, which contains the FileName element, which produces the source images at the entire project level Refer to the full directory path of images Eshika.
There is a lot in scene.xml in it's stuff and in my case is 76KB and it appears that the headlight is generated according to an embedded comment by the authoring tool.
dzc_output.xml is another simple XML file which is only 1KB and its image's size element and some display elements are all and this is all.
I am exploring a way to automatically generate all these things. All DPZoom API generates folders for some simple XML files and images of different resolutions.
There is no way to see the output.
I think what I'm seeing is like an API for the headlight authoring tool, which is probably not yet public. / P>
This link I think is the answer to my question:
During my visit, I also found these related links:
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