ant - executing eclipse.buildscript task on a feature misses the fragment -
I have a feature called foo, a plugin called foo and one piece is foo.win32.x86.
I need to be able to call the buildscript in an ant file on a feature and this will create build.xml for the feature, plugin and piece; However, get.xml for feature and plugin i get
foo feature.xml:
& lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Feature id = "foo" label = "% featureName" version = "" Provider-name = "% providerName" plugin = "foo" & gt; & Lt; Install-handler / & gt; & Lt; Description & gt; % Details & lt; / Description & gt; & Lt; Copyright & gt; % CopyRight & lt; / Copyright & gt; & Lt; License url = "license.html" & gt; % License & lt; / License & gt; & Lt; Plugin id = "foo" download-size = "0" install-size = "0" version = "0.0.0" /> & Lt; Plugin id = "foo.win32.x86" OS = "win32" arch = "86" download size = "0" installed size = "0" version = "0.0.0" piece = "true" /> & Lt; / Feature & gt;
foo plugin MANIFEST.MF file:
ManifestVersion: 1.0 bundle- ManifestVersion: 2 bundle-name:% bundle- SymbolicName: foo; Singleton: = True Bundle-Version: Bundle-Vendor:% Plugin.providername Bundle-Localization: Plugin Eclipse - LazyStart: True
foo plugin.xml file:
& lt ;? XML version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt ;? Eclipse version = "3.0"? & Gt; & Lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt ;! - Extension point stuff, blah - & gt; & Lt; / Plugin & gt;
foo.win32.x86 MANIFEST.MF file:
ManifestVersion: 1.0 bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 bundle-name:% bundle- SymbolicName : Foo.win32.x86 bundle-version: bundle-vendor:% Plugin.providername slice-host: foo; Bundle version = "" bundle-localization: plugin
Can anyone explain why I can not build build.xml for the piece?
If I force to call to call. Bootscript for piece works fine, but this is not
You must specify ConfigInfo
attribute value one & amp; " os, ws, arch
" The three separate list scripts are prepared only for platform specific pieces if they resolve for any configuration, if ConfigInfo is not specified, then be default " *, *, *
" which means "platform independent" (which does not match your foo.win32.x86).
& lt; Eclipse.buildscript element = "feature @ foo" buildDirectory = "$ {buildDirectory}" base location = "$ {baseLocation}" configInfo = "win32, win32, x86" />
is the help page, which can be useful.
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