Switch Statement for Enum Value Representations in Java -
I am very familiar with using anem in other languages, but I have some difficulty in Java with a special use is.
Sun documentation for anoes is boldly said:
"Java programming language enmoys are far more powerful in other languages compared to their counterparts, which are slightly more than glorified integers Are. "
Well, it's dandy, but for comparative reasons in a switch statement, I need to continuously represent datatype for each anome. The situation is as follows: I am creating nodes which will show a given location, or 'slot' in a maze graph, and these nodes can be made from a 2D integer array representing the maze. What I have found for the majnode class is that which is currently the problem (switch statement bark):
Note: I know that this code does not work because of dynamic item case In the statement of this is to clarify what I am after. Public square mesanode {public enum slot value {empty (0), start (1), wall (2), visited (3), end (9); Private Int M_ Presentation; Slot value (int rendering) {m_representation = representation; } Public int getRepresentation () {return m_representation; }} Private SlotView m_mazeNodeSlotValue; Public mezznode (slotwalks) {m_mazeNodeSlotValue = s; } Public mezznode (int s) {switch (s) {case slot value mp.representation (): m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.start; break; Case SlotValue.end.getRepresentation (): m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.end; break; }} Public Slot Value getSlotValue () {return m_mazeNodeSlotValue; }}
then complains to the code switch statement, "case expression must be continuous expression" - I can see why the compiler may have trouble, technically they are dynamic , But I'm not sure what approach will it take to solve this, is there any better way?
The bottom line is required to have a uniform integer value to compare against the 2D array of frequencies in the program.
You can use something like this:
Import java.util.HashMap; Import java.util.Map; Public class meznode {public enum slot value {empty (0), start (1), wall (2), visited (3), end (9); Protected int m_representation; Slot value (int rendering) {m_representation = representation; } Private stable last map & lt; Integer, slot value & gt; Mapping = new hashmap & lt; Integer, slot value & gt; (); Stable {for (slot value slot value: slot value.values ()) {mapping. Input (slotv.m_ rendering, slot value); }} Report from the public fixed slot value {slot value slot value = slot valuemapping. Gat (rendering); If (slot value == blank) / / throw an exception of your own throw a new runtime exception ("Invalid representation:" + representation); Return slot value; }} Private SlotView m_mazeNodeSlotValue; Public mezznode (slotwalks) {m_mazeNodeSlotValue = s; } Public majonode (int s) {m_mazeNodeSlotValue = SlotValue.from Report (s); } Public Slot Value getSlotValue () {return m_mazeNodeSlotValue; } Public static zero main (string [] args) {Mesonode M = new Mesonode (2); Println (m.getSlotValue ()); M = new maznode (9); Println (m.getSlotValue ()); }}
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