c# - ODP.net Oracle Decimal Number precision problem when filling a dataset. Exception: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow -
I am working in c # .2 (Visual Studio 2005 SP1) Filling a dataset < / Strong> With the result from a table * from an Oracle10g database, the .net frame, IDE and database no can be changed on this client site.
I'm connecting to the ODP.net Provider DLL version
When I fill orders I get an exception:
An overflow as a result of arithmetic operation
In addition, if I use Visual Studio Designer Show) If I try to view the offending column in the table, then I'll call for each row in this table get. This code works perfectly if my query selects other columns with the integer to leave other columns in this column.
When I look at it from TED in the database, the column looks ok, the data looks like:
< 919.742866695572me Exact is required because it is necessary for a Monte Carlo simulation.
If the adapter uses a detarder to fill the datagram instead of using the data and calls the DataRender.Gate value, I get the same error, but if I call the Detector Gate OracleDCMail (column index) I'm getting results, no error.
I use data adapters and want to fill the dataset am (note that these data are datasets, because I could not find the dataset typed emphatically to work with Oracle DB) I Detar I do not want to use and want to walk through the result (choosing column values) because I try to write it as a general method to work for many scenarios. Yes, no matter what number of columns, index of decimal columns are required that call received by specific datatype.
Can anyone help? Can I use new versions of ODPX DLL to connect to the old Oracle10g database? I'm thinking that it will help.
I have posted it on Oracle to use forum reply < / P>
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