c# - Throttling MSMQ messages / prioritising messages -
I'm not sure how to describe it best, or the best title, so bear with me!
I will stop HTTP requests for many websites and APIs, which are using MSMQ to queue a large number of commands. To stop these services (and to stay within some pre-defined request limits) I need to make sure that the work to kill the same domain is executed only after the last request.
I was using a database to queue functions, and could do a query to do this, but we quickly switched that number of work (how many tables on the table Deadlock).
Do anyone have any suggestions on which approach we can take? I have considered moving objects from Qi, unless you can not be executed - but I am aware that there is nothing to stop the order in the queue which means that we will find different You can take thousands for the same domain before. Domain.
Thank you!
You can change the 'outgrew' relational database to MSMQ? It is like 'publicity' from the college's kindergarten! There is no 4 GB size limit, no high availability solution, questionable retrieval, no queue queue, you are already running in many borders, because everyone claims that from a distance MSMQ is taking a relational database based queue. ..
I highly recommend that you go back to the table-based queue, there are several ways to avoid deadlock in the table-based queue, especially with the arrival of output clause for DELETE (which is a table based queue Is the key to writing fast dead-free deck operations).
Or you can use an off-the-shelf in the database queuing solution, basically SSB offers a free meal with its many features, such as a schedule created in throttling () However, high availability on the basis of database mirroring or clustering to enable / disable processing (by enabling / disabling activation), or to try again.
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