.net - Resize an Image and keeping Metadata/property item -

.NET libraries work excellent in resizing images that look great:

  Bitmap NewImage = New Bitmap (Nudity, NewHead); Using (graphics gr = graphics.frame image (new image)) {gr.InterolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear; Gr.DrawImage (srcImage, new rectangle (0, 0, NewWind, NewHead)); }  

An issue that is running with the solutions I have seen online erases embedded metadata within these images. Is there a way to move this data into a new image? Or use the original image and continue this data?

Ideally I would like to maintain this solution only in Microsoft's NIT libraries if possible.

Replace all through the image. Property items and add them to the new image How you can copy metadata using this method, get sample.


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