python - Can you access a subbed-classed model from within the super-class model in the Django ORM? -
Say that I inherited the model's legacy as defined below.
If I need a list of all the articles, even if (in this case the order has been ordered in both the review and the news), I ArticleBase Once I can run a query, I have a paragraph base record to determine whether it asks both questions of a model. Received related to a review or news records, foreign keys which have recorded?
I am assuming that all paragraph examples are examples of article subsection subclasses.
A solution is to collect subclass names in ArticleBase and some methods that return the subclass or subclass objects based on that information. Since multi-table succession defines an asset at the original frequency to reach a child's example, it is all very straight forward. Paragraph Base (models.Model) from the category of Django.db import models:
This is not the only way to go about this. This, however, is a very simple and straight forward solution. Excellent stuff content type applications and generic modules that take advantage of it, they offer a variety of ways to do this, well, normally.
This article can be useful for the following in Base:
def __unicode __ (self) returns self.get_child () .__ Unicode __ ()
In that case, be aware that the failure to define __unicode __
in sub-codes, or on an event of ArticleBase (one that has not been subclassed) __Unicode __
calling will lead to an infinite recursion, thus following advice, discretion check (for example, directly in this way the RTIs An immediate stop)
This code is unwanted, I 'm convinced that there is a typo or two in it, but the original concept should be sound. There should be some flawed check in the production level code so that usage errors can be stopped.
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