What is the simplest way to get all the parents of a record using the id / parent_id model in mysql/php? -
I find the easiest way to recover all parental elements from the database using the closest list / single table inheritance. I'm model ( id, parent_id
My selection currently looks like this:
$ sql = "SELECT e.id, TIME_FORMAT (E.start_time, '% H:% i') AS Start_time, $ title AS title, $ description AS description, $ type AS type, $ place_name AS place_name, p.parent_id as place_parent_id, p.city AS photosBC, p.country AS Place_country as the event EE LEFT JOIN place P Leave p.id = e.place_id in the form event_type as et at et.id = e.event_type_id WHERE e.day_id = '$ day_id' and e.private_flag = 0 order by start_time "; Each event
is linked to location
, and each location
can be a child of another Is location
(up to 5 levels)
Is it possible to do the same selection with mysql?
At the moment, I am thinking that this can be a different function, returning place_parent_X
elements to $ events
ending through the array, but Not sure how to implement it.
It is possible to do this in MySQL
, but you can create a function and A query will need to be used.
ex> Function Hierarchy_connect_by_parent_eq_prior_id (value INT) Returns INT nocturnal READS SQL data start DECLARE _id INT; DECLARE _parent INT; DECLARE _next INT; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER set not found @ID = NULL; SET _parent = @id; SET _id = -1; If IID is IS tap then empty return; end if; Loop Select (ID) from @ location where parent = _parent and id & gt; _ Id; If @Id is not faucet or _parent = @start_with THEN SET @level = @level + 1; Return @ id; end if; SELE @level: = @level - 1; SELECT id, parent _id, _parent location in WHERE id = _parent; End loop; Select the end ID, ID from the parent (select hierarchy_connect_by_parent_eq_prior_id (id), from @level level (select @start_with: = 0, @id: = @start_with, @level: = 0 ), T_hierarchy wars are not @id zero) but on Hi.id = ho.id place hi join
After all the children of the node given the curiosity (which you have in You should select the @start_with
To find all the ancestors of a given node, you can use a simple query without the sub Individuals can:
SELECT @r AS _id, @r: = (SELECT parent place where id = _ id) to be selected as parent (@r) : = @node_id) Wars, place
This article describes this query in more detail in this blog:
To work on both of these solutions at the right time, you need to do this, there are both indexes on ID
and parents
Ensure that your id
is defined as the primary key
and you are a seconday on parents
Index is
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