- Securing ELMAH while yet making it possible to access it via RSS Reader -
We use ELMAH error exception logging in our application. Although I want to keep ELMAH safe from regular users while making this available to the administrators / developers of the applications.
When you set up security with form authentication in web.config, you lose the ability to access RSS feeds. I want to be able to secure ELMAH but to be able to access the RSS feed (i.e. / LMAXX / RSS) RSS reader, FDD has still been passed through authentication.
Considering that HTTP authentication is appropriate, then I can meet with the following URL syntax on the RSS feed, I think that you have to set authentication mode = "window" on that particular path in the web. Will be required. Config One problem is how do you set up credentials on a virtual file?
Seeing Google, it brings back the way cookies are set up on a certification passthrough. Is this a good solution to my problem?
Is there any other way better to be able to reach the RSS feed?
Thank you. Basically you can adjust your web to a DLL by adding Madame to your project. Configure and configure which file (s) you want to authenticate as a form instead of the form:
& lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; ConfigSections & gt; & Lt; Section group name = "madam" & gt; & Lt; Section name = "user security" authorization "type =" system. Configuration. Singettage SectionHandler, System, Version = 1.0.5000.0, Culture = Neutral, Public Koken = B77A5C 561934A90 /> gt; & lt; Section Name = "FormAfficient Disposition" Type = "Madam. FormationAuthentication Disposition Shaxhandler, Madam "/> & lt; / sectionGroup & gt; & lt; / configSections & gt; ... & lt; madam & gt; & lt; userSecurityAuthority ... / & gt; formsAuthenticationDisposition & gt; & Lt; discriminators all = "[true | False] "& gt; ... & lt; / discriminators & gt; & lt; / formsAuthenticationDisposition & gt; & lt; / madam & gt; ... & lt; system.web & gt; & lt; httpModules & Gt; & lt; add name = "formatting deposition" type = "madam.formsitification disapproval module, madam" /> gt; add name = "authentication module" type = "madam authentication module type" /> & gt; LT; /system.web>)/confery & gt;
It was easy to install and solve my problem Elmah.XD was able to authenticate and still fundamental Authentication is capable of subscribing to RSS feeds with credentials.
Side note Madam written by the same person who wrote ELMAH, coincidentally?
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