Making a TPageControl flat in Delphi 7 -

I do not know the answer to this question can be given here, but I hope it will be. I wrote a simple text editor in Delphi 7 that acts as my primary IDE for writing C code under Windows. I will run Windows in a VM and I need some light. In any case, it uses a TpageControl that receives a new tab whenever you open a new file or create a pretty standard Now, there is no flat property in TPageControl under Delphi.

No, I do not mean that the tab style can not be set to tsButtons or tsFlatButtons

not set boundaries to "none" And it sounds really bad when you have a text ad in tab control Add the cut.

Is there any way to make TpageControl flat?


The flat which supports the flat on an open source page control is here: I found:

 < Code> Process TCustomTabExtControl.WndProc (var Message: TMessage); Start (Message.Msg = TCM_ADJUSTRECT) and (FFlat) then Inherited WndProc (message); TPType Case Strength: Start PRect (Message.LParam) ^. Left: = 0; PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Rights: = ClientWidth; PRect (Message.LParam) ^ up: .. = PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Top 4; PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Below:. = ClientHeight; End; TpLeft: Start PRect (Message.LParam) ^. Top: = 0; PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Rights: = ClientWidth; PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Left: = PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Left 4; PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Down :. = ClientHeight; End; TpBottom: Start PRect (Message.LParam) ^. Left: = 0; PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Rights: = ClientWidth; PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Below: .. = PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Bottom-4; PRect (Message.LParam) ^ up:. = 0; End; TpRight: Start PRect (Message.LParam) ^. Top: = 0; PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Left: = 0; PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Rights: .. = PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Right-4; PRect (Message.LParam) ^ Down :. = ClientHeight; End; End; End Wyndproic (Message); End;  

This thing happens when I try to do something like this on the main app, it will not work. It will also not compile

When the tab is prepared in the form of buttons, No border is created around, send code> style property to tsButtons or tsFlatButtons . (For non-VCL programmers, this tab is equivalent to including the window style on the control.)

Using an optional TNotebook contains pages in it, but it does not have any Also does not do painting at all. You must provide a tab, such as setting the height of the tab's height to the height of the tab, or by using TTabSet . ( TTabSet

Regarding the code you received, if you say why it is not Compile, or if you've found it, have given a link to where you came from, because I think there was a compilation error because it refers to the properties of the field or custom class instead of the stock.

Make two new announcements like this in your form : FOldTabProc: TWndMethod; Process tabwindra (Vernal message: TMessage);

In the OnCreate event handler of the form, assign that method to WindowProc property of the page control:

  FOldTabProc: = PageControl1.WindowProc; PageControl1.WindowProc: = TabWndProc;  

Now apply that method and handle tcm_AdjustRect messsage:

  process TForm1.TabWndProc (var Message: TMessage); FOldTabProc (message) started; If = TCM_Actact starts with then, Page Controll 1 TPT Tubesan: Start PRect (Message.LPRAM) ^. Left: = 0; PRect (message.laparam) ^. Correct: PageControl1.ClientWidth; December (PRect (Message. LPRAM) ^. Head, 4); PRect (Message. LPRAM) ^. Bottom: = PageControl1.ClientHeight; End; End; End; End;  

If you need them then you can fill up three other cases. The Tcm_AdjustRect declaration is a message identifier in the CommCtrl unit if you do not have that message in that unit, then declare it yourself; Its value is 494.

I suspect that it can not control the control by portraying its boundaries. Instead, it causes the TTabSheet contained in it to cover slightly larger and borders.


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