python - wxPython SplitterWindow does not expand within a Panel -

I'm trying a simple layout and a divider by a divider does not extend to fill the entire area, I What is this:

  [button] & lt; = (Fixed size) --------- text area} ~~~~~~~~~ & lt; = (It  
  import wx app = WxkApp () Frame = Wx: separator)} This is a panel text field}  

The actual code .Frame (no, WxkID_ANY, "translator Registration") parseButton = wx.Button (frame, label = "parsing") panel = wx.Panel (frame) panel.SetBackgroundColour ( "Blue") separator = wx.SplitterWindow (panel) inputArea = wx.TextCtrl (separator style = wx.TE_MULTILINE) outputArea = wx.TextCtrl (separator style = wx.TE_MULTILINE) splitter.SplitHorizontally (inputArea, outputArea) sizer = wx.BoxSizer (wx.VERTICAL) Size measure Add (parsetton, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) sizer.Add (panel, 1, wx.EXPA ND | wx.ALL) frame.SetSizerAndFit (size measurement) frame.SetAutoLayout (1) frame.Show (true) app.MainLoop ( )

I have set the panel color differently, and it is actually using the whole area, so the problem is just SplitterWindow within the panel, not within the box support box.

Why is it not working any idea about it? Thanks!

panel is probably expanding, but ScrolledWindow is not within the room, because you are not Using an anodizer for the panel, only the frame.

You can also try to be a child of the frame without SplitterWindow panel.


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