Flex/.NET: Simple chat application using FluorineFX -

I Flex /. Trying to create a very simple chat application using FluorineFX in the Net, but it can not be found to work.

  & lt; Mx: VBox width = "100%" height = "100%" xmlns: mx = "http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" & gt; & Lt; Mx: style source = "../../../ Monkeywrench.css" /> & Lt; Mx: script & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [import mx.controls.Alert; Import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent; Import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent; Import mx.messaging *; Import mx.messaging.messages. *; Import mx.messaging.events *; Import mx.core.Application; Private Function Message Handler (Event: Message Event): Zero {txtLog.text + = event.message.body.userId + ":" + event.message.body.text + "\ n"; } Private function messagefaultHandler (Event: MessageFlite Event): Zero {Alert.show (event.faultString, "Error"); } Public function sendMessage (): Zero {var message: AsyncMessage = new asyncMessage (); Message.body = {userId: Application.application.auth.user.Email, text: txtOutput.text} producer.send (message); TxtOutput.text = ""; }] & Gt; & Lt; / Mx: script & gt; & Lt; Mx: consumer id = "consumer" destination = "chat" message = "messagehandler (event)" mistake = "message fault handler (event)" /> & Lt; Mx: creator id = "creator" destination = "chat" mistake = "message fault handler (event)" / & gt; & Lt; Mx: textair height = "100%" width = "100%" editable = "wrong" id = "txtlog" /> & Lt; Mx: hbox width = "100%" & gt; & Lt; Mx: text input width = "100%" id = "txtoutput" /> & Lt; Mx: button label = "skike" click = "send message ()" /> & Lt; / Mx: hbox & gt; & Lt; / Mx: VBox & gt;  

My services - config.xml:

   & Lt; / Adapter & gt; & Lt; Destination id = "chat" & gt; & Lt; Adapter ref = "messaging adapter" /> & Lt; Channels & gt; & Lt; Channel ref = "my-rtmp" /> & Lt; / Channels & gt; & Lt; Properties & gt; & Lt; Network & gt; & Lt; Session timeout & gt; 20 & lt; / Session timeout & gt; & Lt; / Networks & gt; & Lt; Server & gt; & Lt; Allow sub-topics & gt; True & lt; / Allow-sub-topics & gt; & Lt; / Server & gt; & Lt; / Properties & gt; & Lt ;! - & lt; Security & gt; & Lt; Security-barrier ref = "privilege-user" /> & Lt; / Safety & gt; - & gt; & Lt; / Destination & gt; & Lt; / Services & gt; & Lt; / Services & gt; & Lt; Channels & gt; & Lt; Channel-Definition ID = "my-rtmp" class = "mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel" & gt; & Lt; Endpoint uri = "rtmp: // {server.name}: 1950" class = "flex.messaging.andpoint.rtmppointpoint" /> & Lt; / Channel Definition & gt; & Lt; / Channels & gt; & Lt; / Services-config & gt;  

It's all compiling properly, and when I try to send, I do not get any errors, but it does not have any results. No messages have been received. Am I on the right track? What is the reason behind Endpoint Yuri? Which port should I use? Should I Configurate Web.config? (Beyond Autoinfix configurations which enables remote service?) I did not get any response in the attine.log.

You can not use AMFChannel / AMFEndpoint for RTMP instead provided in service-config.xml Try using the code that went wrong:

  & lt; Channel-Definition ID = "channelRtmp" class = "mx.messaging.channels.RTMPChannel" & gt; & Lt; Endpoint uri = "rtmp: // {server.name}: 1935" class = "flex.messaging.andpoint.rtmppointpoint" /> & Lt; / Channel Definition & gt;  


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