.net - Logout or signout problem in asp.net c# using Master page and windows authentication -
I'm new to asp.net, using my problem master page and window authentication while experiencing logout problem in myappication If I use the browser back button after signing out of my application, it goes back to the signed page again, after which I click on any control, only goes back to the logout step, but I unknowingly logged in page I do not want to show.
I am using href, document.location.replace (page), response.write ("mypage.aspx"), this technique for shipping purpose and I use sessions in all pages I am here.
Note: I am using log and logout in the main page ... so if I check the session for a blank redirect on the home page which is also a page, then I can see the home page I am not able to login myself because there is infinite looping.
When I am searching I have got some coding to clear the cache, but IA is facing the problem, after which I have logged in and navigated on some pages, then I am clicking on the browser backbutt without signing out. Refresh to get data back ....
Finally, I need a solution like Google Signout: after signing out of Google page, if we use it back only shows the home page And please tell us which event has been removed when clicking on the browser backbone if so, how to validate session and redirect to the logout page.
Please help me I am facing these problems in a week ....
Thank you in advance ..
The easiest way to solve this problem is to cache the page's cache.
May help you.
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