vb.net - Reading vCalendar and vCard using .NET? -
I want to be able to read vCard and vCalendar data using .NET, I have something that it Does, and it has seen the specification
For those formats, in which there is no format here, my current application has some test data:
BEGIN: VCALENDAR version: 2.0 PRODID: - // Microsoft Corporation // Windows Calendar 1.0 // eN CALSCALE: Gregorian method published bEGIN: VTIMEZONE TZID: Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin \ Edinburgh \ Lisbon \ begin in London: standard DTSTART: 20001029T020000 RRULE: freq = yearly; BYDAY = -1SU; BYMONTH = 10 TZNAME: GMT Standard Time TZOFFSETFROM: +0100 TZOFFSETTO: +0000 END: Standard Start: DAYLIGHT DTSTART: 20000326T010000 RRULE: FREQ = YEARLY; BYDAY = -1SU; BYMONTH = 3 TZNAME: GMT Daylight Time TZOFFSETFROM: +0000 TZOFFSETTO: +0100 END: end of daylight: VTIMEZONE start: VEVENT description: upload ZuneCardr new ZuneCardr.com DTSTAMP of InTouch Brand: 20080l20Tl35839Z DTSTART; TZID = "Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London": 20 08 0318T140000 DTEND; TZID = "Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London": 200,803 18T150000 Location: Internet Summary: ZuneCardr Intouch UID: D6969118-476F-4BB1-A71C-FC8D212F97CF end: VEVENT end: VCALENDAR
and a vcard
BEGIN: Wockard version: 2.1 N: Planedide, Rogue, Middle; Mr; FN: Rogue Satellites ORG: Comentsys Title: My Contact Title Note; ENCODING = Cited-Printable: Stack Overflow Phone; work; VOICE: 020-000-11 Tel, home; VOICE: 191-999-9999 Phone, Cell, VOICE: 177-899-111 Phone, Work, Fax: 020-000-222 ADR; work; ENCODING = Cited-Printable: ;; stack Overflow; Stack Overflow City, MO, 98901; ADR; home; ENCODING = Cited-Printable: ;; Address; City, CO, 90210; EMAIL; PREF; Internet:. Email@examplekorg REV: 20030407Tl44607Z end: VCARD
are stored as filename.ics to filename.vcf for both plain text, vCalendar and vCard
I am currently using the line-by-line parsing, though primitive sounds like iCalendar items can be multi-line, is LINQ can be used similar methods, such as the disappearance or cope with the additional elements Are the data included in the carriage return?
I have specifications for this, if something is possible for something similar then it would be fine, I am using .NET 3.5 and Visual Basic 2008, so it can use any .NET utility. Which can support it.
Check this:
Or try using regular expressions: )
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