flash - how to pass an object from a windowSWF to JSFL? -

I am working with a fla, as a file (document class), and a jsfl file. The SDF is generated in the window SWF folder (such as $ Flash / Window SWF)

I have a simple window SWF and I have M3 Mxcute and Flow. I did not imagine that I would be in trouble if I use things.

In my window Sweep I have a datagroup named SettingsGride with the following columns: ["prefix" "suffix", "type"] and I settingsGrid.dataProvider Tring to pass toArray () to jsfl script.

The problem is that it is undefined on the other hand. Any indication about how I can get around that?

Brief version: How can I type an array of objects in {prefix: "value", suffix: "value"}: "value"} actionscript to jsfl

My function calls appear:

  "Element list missing after error"  
Like this: < Pre> MMExecute ('fl.runScript (fl.configurI + "Command / LazyJane.JSFL", "Generate", "_",' + settingsGrid.dataProvider.toArray () + ');');

And the signature for the method in the JSFL file looks like this:

Generates the
  function (prefix agg, settingsorg) {}  

I am passing an object from a data grid to JSFL. The objects have the following properties: key , replacement and type . Here's the function that I created a string that I could pass in JScript with actionscript: Private function dataProviderToString '; (Var i: int = 0; i & lt; dataProvider.length; i ++) {if (i & lt; (dataProvider.length-1)) settingsString + = '{key: "' + dataProvider.getItemAt (I) .key + '", Replacement:' '+ Dotfinder Gat ITame (i). Replacement +'", type: "'+ Datasaver. Gat ITame (i) type +'"}, '; Else settingsString + = '{key: "' + dataProvider.getItemAt (i) .key + '", Replacement: "' + Dataprider. Gat ITame (i). Replacement + '", type: "' + Dotfinder .getItemAt (I) type + '"}'; } SettingsString + = ']'; Return settings string; }

I saw that the settings were not saved in SWF by any means, so I used the local share object to store settings from a dataproder. I think I could just write one file using the FLfile, but I did not want to change the arrays in the string and do not keep back. I am writing DataProvider.toArray () to the DataProvider.toArray (), which I just read back and when I need it, I enter into a new Detector Creator.


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