iphone - Thousands of new 0 size objects being added to my net total every second, should I be worried? -
Text after "
I have just finished leaking your project, but still the items under the category "GeneralBlock-0" There are thousands. The number of pure allocation is through the roof (I type as one lakh rupees), but none of these leaks and none of them is more than 0 bytes.
UPDATE & amp; Edit it:.
The QuartzCore attacker is responsible for all of the items
Responsible Calls (Frequency per game loop are in order of execution:
- [CALayer SetPosition:] x_hash_table_new_ // x2 hash_table_modify - [CALayer setPosition:] // x9 - [CALayer (CALayerPrivate) _copyRenderLayer: Flags:] // x13
is a device running, 48 bytes These objects are allocated under the same properties as described above under GeneralBlock-64, 128, 256 etc. As it follows it is clearly an important slow down The reason is unacceptable. This is the same code, the problem is found in your project:
topRow.center = CGPointMake (topRow.center.x, topRow.center.y-PIXELS_PER_FRAME), While (nextRow = thisTopRow.below) prevents it to run in tooparova, it is no longer zero.Row center = CP point make (next line center, next line center .Y.-PIXELS_PER_FRAME); If (next line center 20 + 401 & nextRow.userInteractionEnabled) [Next line enableInteraction]; ThisTopRow = Next Line; }
I was under the assumption that CGPoint was a type, and it would be terminated at the end of the block of code. Why is this my memory? If it comes down, then I will upload a trace file saved on the device for any interest, but I am pretty sure that I have covered everything.
Assume that you can copy the behavior under the simulator, make sure to check that RSIZE of your application also does not increase using a 'top -u' in a terminal.
This is most likely because Quartzcoor has implemented its own allocation and allocation area, but the data is not fully connected to the collecting system. Device
Please file a bug.
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