visual studio 2008 - Running PublicResXFileCodeGenerator at compile time -
We are using PublicResXFileCodeGenerator to generate * .designer.cs files from * .resx files. Currently, whenever .resx is saved or when we right click and choose "run custom tool", then they are generated.
Instead of running this tool automatically, I want to be able to run it. This is not manually placed Designer.cs files under source control, so it gets annoying That someone else changes the resource to generate them manually, or at first checkout. It's okay if the files are generated on every build, because they are not too big, but only if it is old, it will also be cooler.
Note: This will be a part of the creation of a visual studio, no command line build. I got an answer to another question, which states that VS It is possible from within, do not simply command line:
You can write VS macros, when you need it, the custom tool Runs. Automation method: Take a look at this answer for similar problem:
Otherwise, PublicResXFileCodeGenerator
only one VS Cover is the way you can automate the way you want. I do not know that there is an MSBલ્ડ task above it, but you can write one, or you can write a custom program in a pre build step. Here's an example of how to use this class:
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