.net - WiX: How to register application to start when Windows launches? -

I am searching for distribution of .net desktop applications with MSI generated by YX.

So far it works very well.

What is the advice of registering the application to start the window (in YX)?


  • The application is not a Windows service and should not be registered in this way.
  • >
  • Allow the user to disable that option in the setup process.

Thanks in advance!

I (launch automated program via registry); It also includes adding UI. Do not forget that you should also provide automatically to provide / disable an option outside the setup.

The origin of this is Wix:

  & lt; Asset ID = "ASSISTANCE_START_VIA_REGISTRY" & gt; 1 & lt; / Property & gt; & Lt ;! - Automatically Start Through Registry - & gt; & Lt; Component ID = "MerliniAssistanceAutostart" Guid = "Place-own-self-GUID-here" & gt; & Lt; RegistryValue id = "MerAs.rst" root = "HKMU" action = "write" key = "software \ Microsoft Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run" name = "Merlinia Support Client" value = "[INSTALLDIR] help.exe" type = " String "/> & Lt; Status & gt; ASSISTANCE_START_VIA_REGISTRY & lt; / Status & gt; & Lt; / Component & gt; & Lt; ComponentRef Id = "MerliniaAssistanceAutostart" />  


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