sql server - Dimensional Modeling: should a fact table have a foreign key? -
Is there no key at all? Or if it can, is it a good design? If there is no dimension in any fact table, on which basis is it analyzed?
What if a fact table is not a primary key / only and no foreign key /?
Speaking silently, with foreign keys, you can link to those tables that are your fact table To break into categories and sub categories.
If there was a table of contents
to create a table store (id, typeoffery, sale)
Then kindOfStore will be your dimension- If it was, then you can argue that there is a separate table for the overstore overkill (except space, instead of "Kind_id = 8") store is destroyed by saying "food." If you have sub categories, So this is a dedication table like
table type offstore (id, variation, specialization, sub To make the arrangement), this will be the place of free space for diversity, expertise and sub-disassembly. Fact Table. The result is a schematic level schema and data warehouses Although new and fast data warehousing engines seem so fast that even a non-star schema is very fast.
Datawarehouses denormalize (Less Use Tables ) An OLTP data Fact tables compared to the base, but no meaning means that you should try for a table solution.
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