authentication - make an http post from server using user credentials - integrated security -
I am trying to create a post using user credentials from an asp classic server side page ...
I am using msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP to programmatically create posts
I have tried with many configurations in the IIS 5.1 site, but there is no way I can access a specific account I can run IIS with ...
I have created a small esp page with IMI 5.1 Using the IIS 5.1 with the IIS process, Mozammel uses the integrated security process:
/ P>
my_machine \ IWAM_my_machine
I disable unified security, and leave a domain account as an anonymous account, and to test the user (¿?)
I do the following
Personal function joami () Dim shell, CMD set sh = CreateObject ("") set cmd = shell.exec (server.mapPath ("whoami.exe")) Whoami = cmd.stdOut.readAll () set = shell = nothing: set cmd = nothing end function < / Code>
Is it becau since I'm issuing a shell command?
I want to make http post calls, another site that works with integrated security ...
Pass credentials, or at least with a specified account Configure the remote site to run, and then emphasize that account ...
I thought installing the site would be enough to work with integrated security
How can I get this way?
ps: With IIS6, this is what, but if I change the pool configuration, what information does I get?
If I set up a domain account, then I am not getting a "service" missing "message ...
< P> Edit: found this
It says what I did, "If a certified user makes a request, then thread token is based on the user's authenticated account", but Somehow I do not seem to work like this ... What could I possibly remember?
Well whoam thing clearly stupid me
private function whoami_db (servername, dbname) dim cone, data set conn = Server.createObject ("adodb.connection") "Provider = SQLOLEDB.1; Integrated security = SSPI; "& Amp; _" initial catalog = "& amp; DbName & amp;"; Data source = "& ServerName set = selectn'execute (" user_name "as selecter susse_sname)) whoami_db = data (" user_name ") data. Close: conn.close set data = nothing: set conn = Nothing
and function
and everything was working fine ...
but I How can msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP work with credentials ??
whichami.exe You were confused because of starting a separate process, The process must be run as a user. On XP, that will be a COM + Application Host (DLLHOST) and will generally run as IWAM_
However an HTTP request processing thread will impersonate a separate security token. With integrated security as you have found that this User request security This will be a token, because your SSPI exits from the experiment. Machine & gt; \ IUSR_ & lt; Machine & gt; With an anonymous access anonymous site / user configured on the application, this generally & lt
ServerXMLHTTP with this as your specific problem. The underlying component goes back to WinHTTP by default it will only send the current user credentials if the server is accessing proxy bypass list. Even after this it is possible to configure ServerXMLHTTP to never send this user credentials, I have not tested that scenario myself.
Unfortunately ServerXMLHTTP provides very limited access to configuration details on WinHTTP. But if this is a show then you can always use the WinHTTP component directly: -
Moderate oWinHTTP slow odom conte autologonPolicy_Always = 0 set oWinHTTP = CreateObject ("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest. 5.1 ") OWinHTTP.SetAutoLogonPolicy AutoLogonPolicy_Always oWinHTTP.Open" GET "," ", false oWinHTTP. If owinHTTP.Status = 200 then press Odom = Create Object ("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0") oDOM .async = false oDOM.Load oWinHTTP.ResponseStream end then set oWinHTTP = nothing
This is the reason why http should work for https it becomes real dirty.
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