interop - Calling back to VBScript from C# -
I would love to know if it is possible to call function from C # to VBScript. Try to clarify to me I am using an application (Quick Test Professional or "QTP") which automates other applications, which mostly uses VBSPit. To extend the functionality of the test by writing an add-in in the testing application (QPP), the model has the capacity through an add, which is the .NET assemblies. The basic workflow is that VBScript automates test-testing applications, and can call methods on class in the Extensibility Aid in the assembly to do more complex things. This part works fine
I would like to know that it is possible for my C # code (in the assembly in extensibility) to call back the function in VBSSP. I do not think the Test Application Framework (KTP) explicitly supports it, so I'm thinking that there is no way to do this using standard interop techniques. I used to get the reference to the VBScript function of half way from the idea of using gate ruff (), to pass it mutually as a method, which I call in Extensibility Adin ( I suspect that I will also go on marshaling issues on this issue?) And then in the C # code of my expandability, please call a method on this object in any way; This is the place where I am completely lost (because I do not know how it is done normally in reflection without the necessary type of information).
I'm thinking this is not possible, but would like if it is a case then the confirmation.
Thank you!
How does VBSPT call C # code? I suspect that he is actually calling on the QPP, and the QPP is calling the C # code, in that case, only the QTP may possibly call VBSCP back.
In what circumstances will your C # code return? I suspect that VBScript can be called asynchronous back.
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