performance - Why is IE7 so slow compared to Safari? -
I have a large "grid" of data that can be generated in plain text and about 40 seconds Seem to be If I wrap the text with HTML table formatting (with fixed TD width), it takes 200 seconds to fully display in IE 7, and one minute down to appear in Safari. Either the small "grid" in the browser is displayed under 5 seconds, so I do not think this data is related to anything other than the volume. Can I do anything to speed up the IE7 display? Users do not have the option to ask to stop beating their head against the walls.
Set CSS attribute table-layout: fixed on table. IE will be when the table size will be added again for each additional row / column and it will speed up dramatically.
BTW, there is some good information about this.
Table-layout takes one of three values: auto, fixed and heir
Auto is the default browser must calculate the size and load the entire table before starting the rendering. It is very slow slow on the basis of the browser's rendering engine.
Fixed The first row defines the width of the columns, because of this, the browser can download the content because it is downloading. Therefore, the increase in speed is a small side note, because all the width except for the top row are ignored, you do not want to send the width data for the remaining columns ... This means that your page size is slightly smaller Could.
Inheritance . In fact, parents get the value of it.
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