linux - Automated Testing of Binaries from SVN on HPC -
I want to ask for some automated testing of tests on Forman binaries within an SVN repository, working on demand or by cron . To make this issue a little confusing, test cases will be run on a computational cluster so that each test case will need to be prepared for PBS scripts. (Linux Environment)
There are so many web tests, and unit testing solutions out there, However, I can not get anything for test bills, provide input, and the required solution Compare the output with.
Any suggestions on how this might be done?
I agree that this is something that will be very simple for scripts how your binaries are configured Depending on how different your programs are from each other, you can also include a test script as part of your SVN repository.
Since you are in the batch system, you have freedom to schedule some tests. You may want to get a general "verification" job, from which you can provide setup parameters (such as expected and for actual program output output locations). Used to see the grep
to see the output of qstat
for your work ID, but you can ask PBS to take a job until someone Other jobs are not completed This would mean that you have something like this:
... # PBS-N Run_test_1 # PBS-A 200906270000 ... & lt; Compiled Testing & gt; & Lt; Run Test & gt; & Lt; Save output & gt;
When submitted, save the returned job ID returned by qsub
(How to do it depends on your platform - usually something like job_id = $ (Qsub) $ JOB_FILE)
is enough). Then, plug that value into another script:
... # PBS-N verification_text_1 # PBS-W dependent = later: $ job_ id & lt; Run comparison & gt; ...
This (when the value of job_id
is entered) holds the execution of running the test till midnight on June 27, 2009, And the execution of the job until the completion of the examination job ( later
instructions indicate that it should always be run after the first job - not just succeed).
Cluster's turnaround time, however, you can put all these in a script, however you can still use PBS time-based holders only at a particular time. I recently started using Python instead of shell script to handle systems related system jobs - I tested the Python script executable yesterday and directly added PBS instructions directly to the source - it Used to work very well.
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