F#: is there no UI (like WPF) for it? -
I recently watched some videos on F #. It seems that it is used primarily for services or classes? Can not I see any "F # WPF" app in VS2010 beta?
F # In fact there are some very good structures for creating event-driven UI applications, like calling Sets from property constructor like:
New form (text = "my window title", width = 600, height = 400)
and more .
However, creating a form designer in VS confirms a codedom for your language. Existing codedom architecture works great, as long as your language looks like absolutely C # or VB; It does not lend itself well to build the F # code (it's from a webcast or interview that I can not find right now) Partial classes are required for those who remember me correctly, beta 1 is not supported in the language. Instead of focusing on designer support in the first release, the F # team decided to spend their resources on increasing other parts of the language, such as asynchronous and parallel programming etc.
This means that you have at least 4 options for creating a UI in F #:
- Write all UI codes with hand, which is for simple AIDS Okay;
- To handle "as hard parts" such as asynchronous and parallel code or computational code, create your F # code as a library and call it from C # / VB;
- Create your UI code as a C # / VB Library, and drive both F # and assign event handling to F #; Or
- To simplify or use UI creation by hand (this has been discovered while searching for other links in this answer).
Of these, the Library with C # UIF # can be the most flexible, while still a familiar pattern can be maintained, but to build the UI quickly by hand Using computation expressions is definitely worth it.
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