iphone - Is it possible to adjust the width of a UITableViewCell? -
I would like to know whether it is possible to adjust the width of UITableViewCell I would like to put an image on the left side (such as address book In contact view). I got a post which is trying to fulfill me. I would also like to confirm the reply of this post.
There are some style options in OS 3.0 which APIs you want, can do.
Or, you can create a fully custom table view cell inside the interface builder, for example, in one of my applications I do this in my cellphone breakpoint:
< Code> Place ViewCell * cell = (Place ViewCell *) [Table View dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: CellIdentifier]; If (cell == blue) {cell = [self made new placecellFamnib]; }
And this is the method of digging it from NIB
- (Place Vivekel *) CreateNew PlaceCellFromNIB {NSAR * NIB Contents = [[NSBindal Main Bundle] LoadNib nominated: @ "Placecel" owner: self choice: zero]; NSEnumerator * nibEnumerator = [nibContents Object Enumerator]; Place ViewCell * placeCell = Zero; NSObject * nibItem = Zero; While ((nibItem = [nibEnumerator nextObject]) = zero) {if ([nibItem isKindOfClass: [Place ViewCell class]]) {placeCell = (PlaceViewCell *) nibItem; If ([placeCell.reuseIdentifierEqualToString: @ "Place"]) {// NSLog (@ "Placecel - we have a winner!"); break; // We have a winner; And; Place = cell = zero; NSLog (@ "Placecill is Zero!"); }}} Return location; }
Then you can create UITableViewCell subclass directly in the interface builder.
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