marshalling - C# DLL extern prototype help -
I have a CDLL with the export that looks like the following:
__ declspec Dllexport) int function (four * password, unsigned char * ssid, int ssidlength, unsigned char * output) {/ code>
On the C # side, I am using this type like this :
Something like this:
C => C #
Four * Myarvers => [Marshall AS (unmanaged type) .PSTP)] string myVAR
All types list of?
I ask, because I never know when "referee" or out or when ITPT is used, or how Marshall should do something as something
Finally, In the above code, I am marshning an indicator as a long indicator for a string for an unsigned four array. It does not seem right, but it works for it to finish in a byte [] array, it makes more sense, but I can not get it to work if only there is an online reference which I
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