How do I set up TFS PowerShell Snapin -
I have installed TFS Power Tools and I'm trying to use PowerShell Snapin, but I do not determine I can see how to set it up when I look in the install folder, I only see the following 5 dls
Maikrosoftktekmfoundeshnkpovertoiskclaintkdl Maikrosoftktekmfoundeshnkpovertoiskcomnkdl Maikrosoftktekmfoundeshnkpovertois Kantrolskdl Maikrosoftkvisualsatudioktekmfoundeshnkpovertoiskcomnkdl Maikrosoftkvisualsatudio .TeamFoundation.PowerToys.dll I used Instalutil to install each one, and then I used Generation ps code to see where CMDlets are installed, I Can add snapin, but it seems that handles present only in those DLSs are present and these commands are not yet useful for me Are you PS H: \ & gt; Get-pssnapin -registered name: TfsBPAPowerShellSnapIn PSVersion: 1.0 Description: This is a PowerShell snap-in which Team Foundation Server cmdlets PS H: \ & gt; Get-command -pssnapin TfsBPAPowerShellSnapIn CommandType Name Definition ----------- ---- ---------- Simdilet go MsiProductId go MsiProductId [[-ProductIndex] & lt; Int32 & gt; ] [[Mo ... Simdilet go Tifsbibirvr-T-Fdibirvr [[-dibeepath] lift; String & gt;] [-Verbose] ... go to CMDlet- go to TFSHealthPing-TFSHealthPing [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAct ... go CMDlet- TfsSqlData Get-TfsSqlData [[-connectbuilder] & lt; SqlConnect ...
You are also a chance that running on x64? Microsoft on my x64 system Telefoundation Power shell snapin only appears under the PowerShell X86 taste. Adding it as simple as this:
PS & gt; Ed-PSNNPin Microsoft. TAM Foundation. Power Shell
I think you have released TF Power Tools October 2008. If so, there is also a shortcut on the Start menu for a PowerShell console file that you can fire before it loads the TF snapin.
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