java - Jboss 4.2 swallows the stacktrace on causes of EJB Exceptions, how can that be prevented? -
In JbS 4.2.2 (on JDK5), I'm not seeing this behavior. Is there a configuration or other way to stop it?
If I have such a code:
try {doSomething (); } Hold (exception e) {new EJBException (e); }
As a result, the stack trace (when caught and logged in) will be:
EJBException .... at (..... ( (.... due to: NullPointerException
There is no stack trace for NullPointerException. Do stack trace to prevent swallowing and is actually part of full stack trace Because of this?
This is an implementation decision, they do not set the root cause as the reason EjbException You can see this method. You can see the given exceptions (). There is a jere [1] about you (take a look at this as it has a painful solution), and you can see JBS AS implementation [2].
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