.net - wsdl: type * not declared -

It seems that the custom defined type nested element does not work in Visual Studio 2008. I have the following wsdl file:

  & lt; Wsdl: Definitions xmlns: wsdl = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns: ns1 = "http: //org.apache.axis2/xsd" Xmlns: wsaw = "http: //www.w3 .org / 2006/05 / addressing / wsdl "xmlns: http =" http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/ "xmlns: ns0 =" http: //processmaker.com "xmlns: xs =" http : //www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema "xmlns: mime =" http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/mime/ "xmlns: soap =" http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/ Soap / "xmlns: SOAP 12 =" http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/ "targetNamespace =" http://processmaker.com "& gt; & Lt; Wsdl: type & gt; & Lt; Xs: element name = "processListStruct" & gt; & Lt; Xs: complex type & gt; & Lt; Xs: sequence & gt; & Lt; Xs: element name = "guid" type = "xs: string" /> & Lt; Xs: element name = "name" type = "x: string" /> & Lt; / XS: sequence & gt; & Lt; / XS: complexType & gt; & Lt; / XS: element & gt; & Lt; Xs: element name = "process list response" & gt; & Lt; Xs: complex type & gt; & Lt; Xs: sequence & gt; & Lt; Xs: element name = "processes" maxOccurs = "unbounded" type = "ns0: processListStruct" /> & Lt; / XS: sequence & gt; & Lt; / XS: complexType & gt; & Lt; / XS: element & gt; & Lt; / Wsdl: type & gt; & Lt ;! - Press another definition - & gt; & Lt; / Wsdl: Definitions & gt;  

However, when I insert my mouse cursor in the line studio & lt; Xs: element name, so I write " type process, not declared error " = "Processes" maxOccurs = "unbounded" type = "ns0: processListStruct" /> . And as I wanted to generate a proxy class using the following command,

  wsdl /out:mycsclass.cs blahblah.wsdl  

to tell me An error was found that

  datatype 'http://processmaker.com:processListStruct' is unavailable.  

How to fix it, and is there any other device that is with wsdl that can successfully convert the above element? I believe that this is a wsdl.exe bug and I have reported to Microsoft.
