In the scenario below, the final selection fails from the alliance view, why any thoughts? The subset table does not contain a single line that corresponds to one in the mastercod, which is not assigned any integer values. Create Table MasterCode (ID INT, code VARCHAR (10)) Select Tab Subset (ID INT) Select SID, M. Combine code, CAST (M.Code ANNT), Intradode with substrate s inner MAID = S IDCET MasterCard (ID, code) values (ID, code) values on MasterCard M (1, '1') INSERT MasterCard (ID, code) value (2, '2') MasterCard (ID, code) value (3, 'three') INSERT MasterCoodes ID, code) value (4, '4') INSERT subset (id) values (1 ) INSERT subset (id) values (2) select INSERT subset (id) values (4) * from the combination - Selects 3 rows * Adds WHERE code = '2' - 1 row returned SELECT * to WHERE code = '3' - 0 rows mixed SELECT * FROM Combine WHERE IntCode = 2 - Failure, error Msg msg 24, Level 16, state is 1, failed to convert ...