
Showing posts from July, 2010

tsql - Beginner: Checking availability on a booking table in SQL -

I'm writing a job vacancy database for a little fun (and to learn and learn T-SQL / SQL Server) This is in my application table so far. application_id name from the interviewer location_ id ---------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- ------------- ---------------------- 1 Blogs All Saunders 100 2008-12-25 00:00: 00 2008-12-26 00:00:00 2 Barry White Issac Hayes 100 2008-12-29 00:00:00 2008-12-30 00:00:00 It's easy enough to find out that for these dates Which booking has been done; A simple selection statement will easily get them well. I still have the only problem that it is to find out that bookings are not included during the day. I want to do a search on the following table to see what dates are available in the room with the location_ID 100 "2008-12- 25 00:00:00" and "2008-12-30 00:00:00" And have returned it that no interview is being conducted from 27th to 28th in the room. I'm sure this is very easy, b...

Django ORM: query of two models -

I have 2 models I use this model to show avatars in comments. django_comments: user_id comment ..... myapp_profile User_id image_path ...... Actually I cursor Execute () with a raw query, to get this data - --------------------- - 'user_id' 'image_path' 'comment' ------- ---------- - ------ 3 name.jpg test But I want to do in "Dijenjo Yam Ways" Any solution? Thanks Think about this: What will you get? This will not be an example of any model, right? However, with the new annotated () and F () features, you can drag something like this: comment.Object.All (). Annotated (image_path = F ('user__profile__image_path')) Of course, you always: comments.Obsets.All (). Get image_path from select_related () and x_user.get_profile (). Image_path

Bibliography as section in LaTeX / BibTeX -

Although I'm writing a brief document using classes instead of chapters as the top-level (DocumentClass Report) , \ bibliographystyle {amsplain} \ bibliography {general} The bibliography is inserted as a chapter rather than a section Any way By default, report use the document class \ Chapter As the bibliography list in the form of the top level, article document class \ section uses the graphite title as the level. If you are not using \ Chapter anywhere in your document, you would want to use the article class instead. If you really want to use report for class, you should use \ section instead of \ section To do the thebibliography environment must be redefined. Before the introduction of your document ( \ documentclass line, but before the \ start {document} line, insert the following: \ Makeatletter \ renewenvironment {thebibliography} [1] {\ section * {\ bibname}% & lt; - this line changed from \ Chapter * to \ section * \ @mkbot...

Need Pure/jQuery Javascript Solution For Cleaning Word HTML From Text Area -

I know that this issue has been touched here, but I still have not found a viable solution to my situation , So I want but to rely on the brain to work back and see what can be done. I have a text in which something has been pasted in it, and any hidden HTML & amp; Quotation mark. The content of this form is being emailed to a third party system which is specially showered, so sometimes it is not a safe bet to encode the characters of the HTML unit. I can not use anything unfortunately like FCKEditor, TinyMCE, etc., it will be a regular textarea in this example. I have tried to piece out the FCKEditor's paste from the word function, but it does not keep track of luck. Although I need to be needed, but I'm able to use the Java library, but no jQuery plugins have been found for this yet. I have been specifically designed to clear information stuck in information, not how to monitor the element of change of material. Any creative help would be greatly appreciated...

c# Winforms Controls rendering the components they are positioned over to a bmp (intelligent screenshot?) -

समस्या: मेरे पास एक उपयोगकर्ता नियंत्रण (लाइटबॉक्स्) है जो कि कई अन्य नियंत्रणों को ओवरले करता है उपयोगकर्ता नियंत्रणों को देखता है, जो उस पर स्थित है, लेकिन उपयोगकर्ताओं को लाइटबॉक्स के तहत नियंत्रणों के साथ इंटरैक्ट करने की अनुमति नहीं देता। प्रश्न: मैं कैसे एक बीएमपी (स्नैपशॉट) को रेंडर करने के लिए Lighbox नियंत्रण प्राप्त कर सकता है: Winforms (लगभग कुख्यात रूप में मुझे पता लग रहा है) अल्फा मिश्रण को संभालने में बुरा है। स्पष्टीकरण: इसके कारण मैं यह करने के लिए देख रहा हूं कि लाइटबॉक्स को इस रेंडर स्नैपशॉट से अपनी पृष्ठभूमि को आकर्षित करने की इजाजत देना है। यह (उम्मीद है) उन मुद्दों को रोक देगा जो मुझे बड़ी मात्रा में झिलमिलाहट और अवांछनीय रेंडरिंग से प्रभावित कर रहा है। क्या ये भी संभव है ?! आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद। संपादित करें 1: मुझे कुछ ऐसे मुद्दों का सामना करना पड़ता है जो मैं सामना कर रहा हूं और कम से कम यह बताता हूं कि मैं क्या करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं, यानी पृष्ठभूमि का बफर बनाओ छवि। हालांकि, इस बात को स्पष्ट करने के लिए कोई लिंक नहीं है कि यह कैसे हासि...

sql - How to Join Multiple Joins yet return Distinct Values -

I am trying to get involved in multiple tables in Table 2 of the unique ID in table 2 for many names for each ID There are 2 dates for each ID in Table 3, say 3, When I join three tables, I get 6 rows of data for each ID. The name appears three times Frequently and every date I have to return 3 different names to 3 rows only and 2 different dates for each ID. What is the way to do this while attending SQL? To get a result line per line in Table 1, you can use a group function on other tables For example, if you want the last (in sequential sort order) name and date, you can select, max (, max ( T3.datefield) Table 1 T1 to Table 2 T2 at T2. TI.ID = T. 1. In T. T. 3 T3 T.ID = T 1. T.ID on ID Group;

CSS box "flow"/stacking (see screenshot) -

The boxes shown in the attached screenshot are taking me hard times as the flow. Seeing me, I'm not even sure what this technique is called, it's making it difficult. Update: Thank you Jonathan, it's close, but it's clear that I do not have it Well described this problem, each box has a category title, and the unknown record (bookmark) related to that title - maybe two, maybe Is 50 Let's say I have six bookmark categories because users can enter multiple or some bookmarks, because they are in every category (whichever is unlimited), I really do not know How big would any box be? In the new enclosed depiction, it's better, I hope. I prefer not to be in a certain number of columns, because the width of the container depends on the user's screen resolution. Therefore, the less resolution may be room for two columns, while the higher resolution There is room for five columns / large browser width. I can use it somehow, but this is not correct,...

coding style - Make multiple asynchronous calls and do something when they are completed -

I have participated in this problem in many problematic languages ​​and I was just wondering what its best way is. I have three method calls that are closed asynchronously. I have a callback, I want to do something when all three callbacks will be completed. What is the best way to code this? I usually end up with all these public bool flags and as you call more the code becomes more complex. After Coming from C #, I would probably use it to create an array of objects ( To complete each task), and pass that array to WaitAll . Threaded tasks will get each manual resetset object, and call the set method when they are ready. Waiting will stop all calling thread until all the tasks are completed. I will give a C # code example: Private Zero SpawnWorkers () {ManualResetEvent [] [ResetEvents = New [] {New ManualResetEvent (wrong), New ManualResetEvent (wrong)}; //, do not block workers from a separate thread so that // WaitAll calls the main thread ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkI... - Problem passing JSON data using jQuery $.ajax() to .NET MVC Action w/ custom BindingModel -

I am trying to use JSON data from ASP.NET MVC action from client browser using jquery $ .ajax () I am Tie this to a .NET class using a custom ModelBinder Client JavaScript: .. Click on $ ('# btnPatientSearch') (function {} {var patientFilter = {last name: 'flinstone', first name: 'fred'}; = $ .toJSON (PatientFilter); $ .ajax ({url: '/ service / GetPatientList', type: 'received', cache: false, data: JsonData, contentType: 'application / json; charset = utf-8', data type: 'Json', timeout: 10000, error: function () {warning (error loading JSON = '+ jsonData);}, success: function jsonData) {$ ("# patientSearchList") fillSelect (jsonData);}}} ; .NET class for JSON data [ModelBlinder (typef (JSONmodebanker)) Public class petit filter {#region properties public string IDNumber {get; Set;} publ ic string firstname {received; Set; } Public String LastName {get; Set; } Public string SSN {get; Set; } Pu...

c# - XElement: a collection of all the leaves? -

How to obtain a collection of all the leaves of a XElement tree, regard the hierarchy? Thanks What is the way you are after? This all descendants - to get only the leaves, you get a where section: element.Descendants () With LINQ can use the object. (Desc = & gt ;! Des.Elements (.) Anyone ()); (Note that this is still the only element, not other nodes like text node. Hope is ok.)

Writing an Airline Routing Algorithm Efficiently -

दिए गए: उड़ानों का एक डेटाबेस (प्रस्थान शहर, आगमन शहर, प्रस्थान समय, आगमन के समय)। प्रश्न: दो शहरों के बीच लिस्टिंग सेवा के लिए सबसे प्रभावी एल्गोरिथ्म क्या होगा, अगर प्रस्थान का समय महत्वहीन है? विचार करें कि हम लेओवर समय को कम करना चाहते हैं (लेकिन अभी भी न्यूनतम न्यूनतम, यानी 20 मिनट), और स्टॉपओवर की संख्या को कम करना चाहते हैं (यदि कोई नॉनस्टॉप मार्ग होता है, यह तुच्छ है, लेकिन यदि नहीं, -कनेक्शन और इतने पर, उचित स्थगन के समय, कम तुच्छ)। यदि संभव हो तो, मैं विशेष रूप से किसी भी हवाई अड्डे के केंद्रों को लेबल के रूप में नहीं लेना चाहता, इसलिए की संभावना को खोलने के लिए बिंदु-टू-पॉइंट मार्ग नेटवर्क। वांछित (अनुमानित) प्रस्थान समय निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए कोई विकल्प होना चाहिए I यह ठीक है अगर इसकी अपनी एल्गोरिथम पहले से अलग है। इस परियोजना के लिए कोड भाषा अभी तक चुना नहीं जा चुकी है (संभवत: एक। NET भाषा है, क्योंकि त्वरित रूप आसान काम में आ जाएगा ), इसलिए स्यूडोकोड एल्गोरिदम पसंदीदा हैं I यदि जानकारी में मदद मिल सकती है तो मैं अनुवर्ती सवालों के लिए एक आंख रखूंगा। ...

c# - How can I copy a file as a "Standard User" in Vista (ie "An Administrative Choice Application") by prompting user for admin credentials? -

मेरे पास है जो यूएसी विकास मार्गदर्शिकाएं एक "प्रशासनिक विकल्प अनुप्रयोग" के रूप में दर्शाती हैं। यदि आप परिचित हैं कि यह अगले अनुभाग पर जा रहा है। पृष्ठभूमि: मैं एक "मानक" उपयोगकर्ता को चलाने की चुनने / अचयनित करने की क्षमता देना चाहता हूं मेरे आवेदन के लिए प्राथमिकताओं में स्टार्टअप विकल्प। चूंकि मेरा एप्लिकेशन प्रति मशीन है (प्रति उपयोगकर्ता नहीं), क्या होने की आवश्यकता है, इसे या तो स्टार्ट मेनू / प्रोग्राम में एक शॉर्टकट फाइल को हटाने या कॉपी करने की आवश्यकता होगी / स्टार्टअप फ़ोल्डर जिसे इस ऑपरेशन के लिए व्यवस्थापकीय पहुंच की आवश्यकता होगी। तो, मुझे जो दिखाना है वह "उपयोगकर्ता खाता नियंत्रण क्रेडेंशियल प्रॉम्प्ट" के लिए होता है और उस तरह यदि उपयोगकर्ता के पास एक व्यवस्थापक खाता भी होता है वे क्रेडेंशियल में डाल सकते हैं यह जाहिरा तौर पर है कि प्रयोक्ता को जब भी प्रशासनिक कुछ करने की आवश्यकता होती है, तब उपयोगकर्ता को दूसरे खाते पर स्विच करने के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया जाता है। एमएसडीएन दस्तावेज़ीकरण से उद्धरण: एक प्रशासनिक ...

How do you limit a Facebook app to a small number of people during testing? -

I know about the test accounts, but during beta I only want to allow my friends to enter, and then later friends-friends, and then only finally Kevin Bacon and his friends. He probably will suck, is not he? The app will be listed (What is the method to stop the listing?) And I do not know anyone can try it and "Sorry, this is in development message." I think they will get upset and will not come back. I take only a few apps, which I have read, but when they descend, they actually stop. Do the developers bake these things completely? Does anyone open with open social or other small-to-facebook networks? Any ideas for soft, gradual, restricted roll-out? Apps are listed only in the app directory if you submit them and they There is no problem with stopping listing accepted , this is something to apply for you. To restrict users, you can complete it with a script in the application that checks that the currently logged-in user sets your restricted user, for exa... mvc - Trouble passing ViewModel to Partial View -

मेरा दृश्य मॉडेल वर्ग (आइटमव्यूमोडेल सी) इस तरह दिखता है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग मदविविमॉडल { सार्वजनिक आइटम दृश्य मॉडेल (xxx.Product उत्पाद) {this.product = उत्पाद; } निजी रीडोनली उत्पाद; निजी रीडोनली Pers Pers; निजी रीडोनली आइटम आइटम; सार्वजनिक उत्पाद {{वापसी उत्पाद;}} सार्वजनिक आइटम आइटम {प्राप्त करें {वापसी आइटम प्राप्त करें; }} सार्वजनिक आइटम सूची आइटम {प्राप्त {return product.Items; }} सार्वजनिक रूप से Pers {प्राप्त {वापसी pers; } सेट {value = pers; }} पब्लिक पर्सलिस्ट पर्सलिस्ट {रिटर्न उत्पाद प्राप्त करें। पर्सलिस्ट; }} } दृश्य में इस कोड को परिभाषित किया गया है (मैंने कुछ अन्य केस लाइनें लीं, सिर्फ एक को दिखाने के लिए उन्हें एक उदाहरण के रूप में): & lt;% @ पेज भाषा = "सी #" मास्टरपेजफ़ाइल = "~ / दृश्य / साझा / मास्टरपेज / आइटम। मास्टेरर" इनहेरिट्स = "सिस्टम.Web.Mvc ViewPage & LT; xxx.ViewModels.ItemViewModel & gt; " & Gt%; & Lt;% foreach (Model.Perslist में Pers पी) {स्विच (पी। DispTyp...

cmd - ms speech from command line -

Is there any way to use MS Speech Utility command line? I can do it on Mac, but it can not get any reference on Windows XP. Thank you. I do not think there is a command line tool for this, but someone wrote:

c++ - how to Ignore definitions (VS2008) -

I have some source code that I want to compile with VS 2008 but I have many errors which I have to fix . Now something like this is: enum {background = 0x00000001, WEAPON = 0x00000002, TRANSPARENT = 0x00000004} The problem is that TRANSPARENT is defined WinGDI.h Transparent 1 This would be a compilation error: Error C2143: Syntax Error: Before 'continuous' is disappearing '}' To correct this error, delete the field without enum and WinGDI It is possible to rename without You can use #undef TRANSPARENT but due to errors There may be other reasons, if WinGDI transients are used later, the solution may be a (messy) solution: #ifdef TRANSPARENT #define _TRANSPARENT TRANSPARENT #undef TRANSPARENT #ENDIF and after your code: #ifdef _TRANSPARENT #transportant _TRANSPARENT #endif Define

scala - Howto design a clock driven multi-agent simulation -

I want to make a multi-agent simulation model for the actual word creation process to evaluate some transmission rules. Simulation requires event logs to evaluate the time effect of dispatching rules compared to real creation event logs. How can I include the 'current simulation time' in a multi-agent such message is going through deep simulation? Background: The simulation of classical discrete phenomena (which handles time-progress well) can not be applied here, because the agent in the system represents relatively complex behavior and routing. As well as requirements for dispatching rules, they often need to be communicated, and this and other process complications exclude a centralized scheduling approach. In manufacturing science, there are thousands of papers using multi-agent simulation to solve some manufacturing related problems. However, I have not yet found any paper that describes the internal workings or implementation details of these simulations in the ...

scripting - how to run a script file remotely using ssh -

I want to run a script remotely but the system does not recognize the path. It complains that "there is no such file or directory" am I using it? ssh kev @ server1 `./test/` Baitics will run commands on the local shell and put the results on the command line. What you are saying 'execution ./test/ and then pass the output such as I type it on the command line'. Try the following command, and make sure the path from your home directory on your script to the remote computer. ssh kev @ server1 './test/' In addition, the script should be on a remote computer. What does it do that logs you into a remote computer as your shell with the computer listed. You can not run a local script like this on a remote computer (unless I know nothing).

lisp - How do you compare two strings and ignore the case in Scheme? -

मैं एक समारोह likep लिखना चाहता हूँ, जो #t को (बराबर "Xy" "xY") देता है। का प्रयोग करें (स्ट्रिंग-सीआई =? "Xy" "xY")

colors - Is it possible to make Eclipse's code-folding gutter black? -

What's the way (I'll settle for a hack) A black background to make a code-folding gutter in Elles ? I'm sticking to TextMate as my main editor but actually want to get back to Eclipse to complete the code, but I'm sticking with this ugly nonsense: Garg, does not look like this ... This guy has the same issue: Edit Do : It appears that has already been entered as a bug with eclipse, see:

groovy - Saving associated domain classes in Grails -

I'm struggling to get rights on Grails. Suppose I have two domain squares: class engine {string name int number of cylinder = 4 static barriers = {name (empty: incorrect, faucet: wrong) Number of cylinders (category: 4 ..8)}} class car {int-year string brand engine engine = new engine (name: "default engine") static barriers = {engine (faucet: wrong) brand (empty: incorrect, faucet: incorrect) year ( Totally qualified: wrong)}} The idea is that the user without first creating an engine Make cars, and those cars get a default engine. I have in the car controller: def save = {def car = new car (params) if (! Car.hasErrors ()) & amp; When trying to save the flash.message, I get: "Car saved" redirect (verb: index)} other {render (see: 'create', model: [car: car] )}} A tap value exception on the Car.engine field, so the default engine is clearly created and not saved. I manually tried to make the engine: def save = {def car = new car (p...

php - Does Adobe AIR work on linux ? how do i install because linux does not support exe format -

I'm the beginner so there is some doubt about Adobe Air. How do I install my air project in Linux, or Mac OS because my project is out. AAR (File Exec.) Does not support OS File? Is this Adobe air? And another, how can I use an external CSS file to CSS? Does this support live streaming video in desktop applications? In Flash we are using Adobe Media Server for streaming video. What about Adobe Air? Does it support encryption and decryption in Adobe Air? If so, how do I get the compatibility with encryption in PHP? Is it possible to identify pure traffic in Adobe Air? Please explain if you know someone can help with someone. I've always been waiting for your valuable answer ... post-text itemprop = "text"> To answer your basic question For ... yes Adobe Aero works on Linux Google "adobe air linux". Set fire on a Linux PC and go here: ... You will be given a link to download AIR for Linux . I use ExtJS help pages wit...

c# - UserControl working in one page but not in others -

I have already introduced this problem. I have to face the same type of problem again. I have a user control that shows information from some business object. I'm already using it on two pages. In both pages I use a method with a business object On the properties of the call, the control of the user control is called (mostly asp label). I call this method in the loaded method of aspx page. Secure Zero Page_load complete (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {control.LoadData (bussinessObject); } This is working fine on both pages. Now I have a third page where I am using the same control. Now when I call LoadData in this new page, I get an exception nullreference : object reference object Not set for an example. Description: An uncontrolled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where the code has originated from it. Exception Description: System.NullReferenceException: Object...

java - How to read response from Https urls? -

I am using the following code to get response code from https based URL, but when I run a program So it just hangs cont code: import; Import; Import * *; Square Https2 {public static zero main throws exception []] {url u = new url ("https: // myurl"); HttpsURLConnection hc = (HttpsURLConnection) u.openConnection (); Hc.setConnectTimeout (3000); Hc.setReadTimeout (5000); System.out.println ("Response Code:" + hc.getResponseCode ()); Hc.disconnect (); I do not know what this helps, but I have never found much happiness with the classes of JDK and usually using the normal HTTP client API () Jakarta.

shell - How to check with PHP if the script is being run from the console or browser request? -

I tried things like $ _ENV ['CLIENTNAME'] == 'console' but it only works on some OS It seems (worked in windows, not Linux) I tried! Empty ($ _ ENV ['SHELL']), but it does not always work either ... Is there any way to check that OS / environment will work in all? Thank you! Usage Returns a lowercase string, which is the type of interface ( Server API, SAPI), which is using PHP. For example, this string in CLI PHP will be "cli", whereas with Apache it can have many different values ​​depending on the exact SAPI. For example: $ isCLI = (php_sapi_name () == 'cli'); You can also continuously use PHP_SAPI

How would I use GWT to create an infinite scroll panel? -

By infinite scrolling, I mean I initially loads a few widgets, and the user is lazy to scroll it down Fill out to load more. Any thoughts appreciated. (ideally should do something for GW 1.6 and 1.5) Try to do something like this: class = "lang-java prettyprint-override"> implements InfiniteScrollPanel to public static class {StringHandler {string text = "email ad server, consectetuer ... "; ScrollPanel Panel = New ScrollPanel (new HTML (text)); Int height = 200; Int width = 200; Public InfiniteScrollPanel () {panel.setHyight (height); Panel.setWidth (width); Panel.addScrollHandler (this); } Scroll to Public Zero (Scroll Event Event) {if (panel.getScrollPosition == height) {panel.add (New HTML (text)); }}} What this code does: This creates a ScrollPanel and adds a ScrollHandler to it. ScrollHandler is compared to the height of the panel and then another child Adds to the panel. I did not test it because I am writing it on the netbook and I do...

c++ - Is there a difference between compiling projects in Visual Studio 2008 Pro and the Standard version? -

We are using two different versions of Visual Studio 2008, Pro and Standard One. I started the Visual C + + MFC project using the PRO version. My teammate wanted to use my project with the standard project, but whatever he gets, he is doing a lot about missing so much fxheaders and stuff like that. We are really helpless and do not know where to look first. One of you can hope that people can help us, sorry for my bad english, hope that all of you will be understood. Regards, check that the device-> option- Gt; Projects and Solutions-> VC ++ Directories include $ (VCInstallDir) atlmfc \ include in the section section and check that the Fhedheader folder is included in it. Is SP1 installed for Visual Studio on both computers? It may be that the MFC facility pack is required to compile your project ...

c++ - How to buffer output from a .net BackgroundWorker? -

I have a stream of data coming from an external source which I am currently BackgroundWorker . Each time it becomes another part of the data, it presents data to a GUI using a ReportProgress () call. I have the impression that the ProgressChanged function is just a synchronization mechanism, even though my worker thread says both threads are locked, while the GUI process the thread change So I think the problem is that when the background thread is updating the GUI, then it can not get any data, which means that we lose some packets. Is it correct or is my packet going to be more? If it is is the reason, then adding a second thread to the GUI may be the proper solution or Any ideas and suggestions are very welcome Will be done. The worker thread only sends an async message to a GNU thread, which will result in firing an event in the GUI . This should not stop your background thread. (And it does not make any difference. Your GUI program can stop for a long time if...

Where is the .NET 2.0 GAC under Windows Server 2003? -

I am looking for GAC under Windows Server 2003 and I can only get GAC for Net 1.1 Where can I find this folder? C: \ windows \ assembly? On the command line you can browse different folders, although I use gacutil to work with gac, no command line / explorer.

Query Db from within a Linq Query - C# -

after "text" itemprop = "text"> I do a question on my XML file with Linq and when I parsed the data from the XML and received the data, I would go I can perform 2 calls as my snipet show against DB to fill 2 properties of my object needs, but I just need to make a call and 2 properties XDocument recentOrdersXDoc = GetResults (...) to get results to fill; Handle = c.Element ("handle") New ReturnResult (selection) {ClientTemplateID = (string) c.Element ("TemplateID") c, handle = resultref! = Zero? (String) resultref.Attribute ("handle"): Null, ClientID = DataContext.GetClientID (string) c.Element ("TemplateID"), CLIENTNAME = DataContext.GetClientName (string) c.Element ("TemplateID") ),}; To populate ClientID and to modify the date I need to call 2. There is a table called Client, which contains these 2 columns, ClientID and ClientName. Apart from this, when I need to pass it as an absolute in GetClientID an...

ASP.NET Application and ASPNETDB.MDF -

I have created an application and have seen that there are two files in my / App_Data folder: ASPNETDB.MDF And aspnet_log Mdf They are about 10 MB in size I'm handling security through an Oracle database and authentication mode = "form". Why were these files created? Are they safe to remove it? I'm guessing before configuring the providers you click on asp. The net application button, which you can create for them. - How can I write to my own app.config using a strongly typed object? -

The following code has two flaws, I do not know if they are bugs or what I have seen with the design, It is possible to write back to the app.config file using. And work according to the code. The bugs are shown in the source given below and then appear when you return to the property config or try to save Import System.Configuration Public Class ConfigTest Legacy Found in ConfigurationSection & LT; ConfigurationProperty ("JunkProperty", IsRequired: = this is true). & Gt; _Public property JunkProperty (return) string as CSTR (get me ("JunkProperty")) Get Set End Go (as byVal Value String) '*** Bug 1, Configuration ConfigurationErrorsException with Message Configuration' only read Is for." Throw me on the following line ("JunkProperty") = Set End End Set End Property Public Sub Save () as 'Configure ConfigManager Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration (ConfigurationUserLevel.None)' Add / Remove http:/...

c# - loading a control in the itemdatabound event of a repeater -

I have a user control that I have loaded items of the repeater in the item format and not the control itself. Page Life Silicea looks like a page in which item is a detbound event, then user controls, so control loads are too late. thanks Have you tried to override the override on your page, and then downloading its criminal there? Normally you want to add control to OnInit, otherwise you are too late in the life cycle (as you tell yourself). If you already have databases in OnInit, then it should work . Post your ItemDataBound event favorites and where you tell the culprit: -)

http status code 404 - PHP: prevent direct access to page -

I have some pages that I do not want users to be able to access directly. I work with which function I came up with: function prevent_direct_access () {if ($ _ server ['REQUEST_URI'] == $ _SERVER [' PHP_SELF ']) {// include_once (' 404.php '); Header ("Location: 404.php"); }} This does what I want, the URL is not changing, but does the content though I'm thinking the search engine has to say it's a 404 and Not for index. Keep in mind that I do not want to change the URL though. Thank you! Do not redirect, but send 404 status code: header ($ _ Server ['server_ PROTOCOL']. '404 not found', true, 404); Go out;

.NET DLL versions and xcopy deployment -

I am deploying several programs to use XCOPY deployment on a shared network drive in a folder because it allows me to It's very easy to update in home programs. This is a shared DLL NNC.dll. It is not often modified but recently done when I went to deploy I could not overwrite because it is a subversion change. If I change the name of the assembly in NNC project to NNC 1.1, DLL will copy it to the network in the same folder, whether the new DPL programs are new DLL and old NNC Will take DLL What I would ideally prefer, but I would not like to deploy, and then realize that the old programs are raising the new edition assembly because there is a break-change in that, which I have not yet decided in all the projects. There is a strong name in the assembly and I have updated version number to match. This is the way I had hoped in my question.

How can I display a bitmap image in a Java applet? -

I have a hard time showing an image (or image icon) in the Java applet. .bmp) is present and on D drive but when I run it, there is no applet window in it. Can anyone tell me what is missing to create an immaculate show? Public category Form 1 Jopplet {ImageIcon i; Public zero init () {i = new imagen ("d: \ test.bmp"); } Public Zero Color (Graphics G) {iPad Icon (It, G, 0, 0); }} Thank you, Steve. A full local file path referenced through your image will not work when you access your applet from the server Use the ImageIcon (URL location) manufacturer and point to image processing on the url server. Use JApplet.getCodeBase () to determine how your applet adds a file name and adds it. Public class form 1 japplett {image i; Public zero init (try {i = (new URL (getCodeBase ("test.bmp")); } Grip (malarmudural lexception ex) {ex.printStackTrace (); } Hold (IOException pre) {ex.printStackTrace (); }} Public Zero Color (Graphics G) {g.drawI...

c# - Java - Collection base -

जावा में सी # संग्रहबेस के बराबर क्या है? शायद सबसे नज़दीकी है; लेकिन जब से CollectionBase लागू करता है IList , आप इसके बजाय चाह सकते हैं।

Dynamically altering Silverlight control width/height does not work in Firefox -

I have a Silverlight control that automatically resizes on the basis of its content, as well as changing the size of the browser window You can work it in IE (this is the tag cloud right). I know that you have to define altitude to define 100% in FF so that control can be displayed. It does not seem to set down the width and height style properties in FF. C # code for Silverlight Control: I have the following: Silverlight object tag .settail property ("width", divWidth + "px"); And, for height: silver object tag .settail property ("height", uxWrapPanel.ActualHeight + "px"); Neither from these functions in FF. Thoughts? I think I have found that I am still working on the details, and I There is a need to test regression against IE, but it looks better.

ios - How does a delegate work in objective-C? -

Does anyone know where I can find a good explanation / tutorial how and how an application representative Objective I have not been taken into consideration for the representatives in both of those books, and I understand them very well to understand their power and function correctly. In doubt, check! Actually, delegation is a way to allow objects to contact each other with each other, without maintaining strong reliance among them, as this design of your application is less flexible. Instead of controlling objects, they can be one representative who send messages (or representative), and whatever the delegates do, to respond to this message and to do the work, and then mango On the other hand, return some other object. The delegation is also a better option for subclasses. Instead of changing the way to behave in other things, or instead of creating their own custom class to pass them, the delegation allows objects to send messages to their representatives so that...

jquery - Javascript closure scoping issue -

I am trying to find references to the cell and it looks blank. If I understand it correctly, then I should be able to reference the variable. correct? $ ('td [someAttr]'). Mousecenter (function (cell) {var timeoutId = setTimeout (function () {// should be variable cell?}, 1000);}); Mouse center (function (cell) {var timeoutId = setTimeout (function ()} // OR $ ('td [someAttr]') What should be the variable cell?}, 1000, cell);}); It was obvious, but due to this I asked this because the cell. Pejaks If you had, then undefined: > $ ( 'Td [someAttr]') Maussentr (function () {var cell = this; // var timed id = set timeout (function () {warning (cell.pageX); // cell.pageX will be zero) 1000);}); However, if you have: $ ('td [someAttr]'). Mousecenter works well in the form of cell (cell.pageX); // The value will be the correct value in pagex.)); The context of the event handler is set to the element that triggers the event You can g...

linq - How to load an xml document from an openxml file without saving the xml file on disk? -

I have to load an XML document that is stored in an OpenXM file. Load the document in Xelement or Xdocument. Is this possible without saving the XML file for the disc? I like code in, but c # is fine and using What you want to do with one here (which is a great blog).

String.contains in Java -

string s1 = "quick brown fox jumps over a celestial dog"; String s2 = ""; Boolean B = s1.contains (S2); Println (b); I run the Java code above, the B returns is true. Because S2 is empty, why is S2 included in S1? I check the Java API, writes: returns returns if and only if this string has a specified sequence of character values ​​ Parameter: s - Sequence of search for returns: Correct if this string is in S, otherwise it is incorrect blank is a subset of any string. Think about all those that are between every two letters. The way there are infinite numbers on any line of the line ... (Hm ... I wonder what will I get if I have an uncounted number of empty strings ) Note that "" only .equals ("") however.

Accessing a PHP-set memcache key from Python -

I am storing a value using PHP's memorycat extension in memorychab and it's written in Python The web app is trying to recover in the daemon But, no one returns or "throwing the local variable" is "referenced before work" .. I am sure that I am searching for the same key, and only one amk Server is available local host.) If I try to install a key on a python terminal, then it incorrectly and unset (i.e., I can not retrieve it via PHP) Any ideas? default In the form, the PHP client stores the key in the serial format of PHP (which will not do the Python by default). If the Python client does something similar (using its own serialization format), then it will be your problem. / P> You can always try Telnet / Netcat to see what exactly is being stored.

c# - Bad idea to rethrow ex.InnerException? -

Basically, my question is short and sweet: a bad idea following (encapsulating and ex.InnerException rethrowing instead of former ) is (there's a similar question, but not enough ... I want InnerException reencapsulate, so the stack trace preserved without reflecting internals) Public intangible class RpcProvider {public virtual object column (String Name, Parameters Object [] parameter) {MethodInfo mi = This.GetType (). GetMethod (methodName); If (miles throw == null || mi.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (RpcCallAttribute), true) .Length == 0) {new NotImplementedException ( "This method is not provided by the RPC provider."); } And {try {mi.Invoke return (this, parameter); } Catch (target Invocation Akspeshens ex) {new Arpisiakseshn ( "RPC was an error with the call. See Inraksepshn details", ex.InnerException); }}}} intact Staktrres bottom and looks fine (well, it calls on how reflection method without internal), if there is a problem? To make sense of...

python - What to do after starting simple_server? -

For some quick backgrounds, I am an XHTML / CSS man with some basic PHP knowledge. I am trying to dip my feet into the Python pool, and yet I understand how to start simple_services and the same. The extent to which I understand this is the extent. How do I integrate simple_service and my original XHTML / CSS files? I want to start the server and call it automatically, for example, (does it require .py?). Obviously within the index file, I will have my markup and stylesheet and I will work as a normal site at that point. My last goal is to go to the original message board (post, edit, delete, user session). I realize that I need access to a database, and I do not have enough information to worry about my database. Thanks for the help. Edit: Allow me to clarify my goal, as I have been told that Python is much more than PHP, my goal is to start simple web applications in my already existing static XHTML pages To do. With PHP clearly, just make sure that it is installed ...

What is the difference between dynamic languages and functional languages? -

I often find that developers use together working language and dynamic language words, and think that Why are they always kept together, what is the difference between them? What language can be dynamic and functional? Are they complementary to each other? Why do we want them anyway? I am a C # programmer and so far it is not understood as a full dynamic / functional thing (there are some dynamic features in C # to 4). Will it also be functional? What's going on here?). "post-text" itemprop = "text"> To put it in a simple (but not correct) answer They are: Type (class name) is not important Languages ​​typed with the stability of its namespace can be different types of objects given at any given time at any given time. Method invocations are resolved at run-time, that means you lose the benefits of stable typing (compiler warnings), but generic by normal means - sort (list) string. Such as Ruby at all Price irreversibility programs are writ...

c# - How i do for work with objects with composition -

My name is aderson and in this moment I have some questions about the structure that gives context to the display. I have a simple userbase and departmentbase in this model. There is a property of type deparmentbase in the userbase and a type of property listing in the database is Department Department When I have an example of the userbase at this time, load information about the department, but about the departments of the department About load information too. !!! Now, when I have a list of user base, all user processes reload all users, whether it is a good practice or a better form? I do not know if this is a better (or applicable) approach , But I sometimes make short versions of objects that I use for reference from other objects. The white version acts as a base class for the full version of the object, and it will usually contain information that will appear in the list of such objects. It often does not list the list of other items, and in any reference to ...

PHP Sockets or Python, Perl, Bash Sockets? -

I am trying to implement a socket server that will run in most shared hosting hosting. Requirements that the user can install the socket server without doing anything, can start and stop automatically from PHP, no matter what language the socket server It has been written, as long as it will run on the majority of shared hosting globally Currently, I have written a socket server with PHP, which implements the object cache: Source: However, PHP Be compiled with Sockets support, and do not go with many servers PHP sockets support. My real question is: what language should I apply to the socket server, and should be accessible from maximum platform support and inside PHP. In other words, what is the most scripting language on a PHP enabled server? Do I have to write the socket server in a compiled language to work on all servers? IIS is currently excluded from the picture, just Linux server I do not think many PHP sites are running on IIS ... Edit: Sorry I guess m...

Running Sitecore Production Site under a Virtual Directory -

We are using Sitcom 6 on a Windows Server 2003 (32 bit) dev machine. I know that this is not recommended for the CMS editing site, but we have been told that it is possible to run Frant-end Cyclosure websites from the virtual directory. Here's the problem: We draw with the following man's knowledge of what you want to achieve. We have a website (1.1. 1.1) / WebSiteRoot (.net 1.1) | | | ---- Custom .net 1.1 web application | | ---- Spicer frontend webapp (.net 2.0) | | ---- Custom. Net 2.0 Web Applications Its web in the Sitcom web application. The config would include the cyclonline pipeline and we want to use this section to configure the virtual folder where our sitcom app sits and points to the appropriate place in the content tree. Is it possible to turn it off? This is the only customer facing the website, there will be no CMS editing functionality on these servers, which will install a more standard sitecorror within the firewall on a separate server. ... - Determine if user can access the requested page? -

I have an ASP.NET website with many roles, each using a different directory (i.e. admin user / admin By using a shared log in page, buyers can access / shop etc.) If a login page goes to the return URL set on an username in which they do not have access (for example A Shopper Visits / Lodge Mr. Espx). Producer successfully (login credentials are valid), but they come back to the login page (they do not have access to the page they request). How do I raise it, so can I display a message to the user? URL Authorization Module Check URLFranist () is that you need to use the user to use for a location (page or folder) ()

c# - WebBrowser control fails on Vista -

I have a simple WinForms app that has a window inside a web browser control. This date fails to show in Vista but does XP work fine? ActiveX runs the website to show the date. Nameslow WindowsFormsBrowserTest {Public Partial Class} Form 1: Form {Public Form 1 () {InitializeComponent (); This.webBrowser1.Navigate (""); Any clue really will be appreciated, it should be simple, but I have no idea. Is there a safety expert there? Can you see the website properly on Vista in Internet Explorer when it fails? I know that when I came to the website that I was asked to install an ActiveX control WebBrowser control will not handle the installation of ActiveX controls for you.

Manipulating arrays in php -

I have a file uploading file, there is an option to upload it through URL, what I try to do Whenever a user uploads through the URL, I check my database if a file exists that was uploaded through the same URL, then it will display the download URL directly instead of uploading it again. is. The data array form sent for the upload script is such as: / P> array ([0] => [1] = & gt; [2] = & gt; And the array used to output the results is as follows: Aare ([0] => Array ([ID] => 43 [name ] = & Gt; 3342r93.jpg [size] => 362750 [descr] = & gt; [password] => [Delete_id] => 75 CE [upload_ID] => 75F45CAE1) [1] ] = & Gt; Array ([ID] => [name] => 28cfub7.jpg [size] => 105544 [descr] => [password] => [D] Elete_id] => D392 [upload_id] => 6676FD881) [2] = & gt; Array ([ID] => 45 [name] => 12dsa32.jpg [size] =...

hook - pre-update svn script to filter what get -

Imagine a repository with many types of files. Again, I "filter" some types of files from "repository" Process " I mean that all files are versions but for my local work, I just want to get * .php files, instead of ignoring download * .jpg I think client sites think about the hook script (pre-update). Anyone know that this is possible? Thank you! Are you trying to export specific files from your work copy? Or just trying to create a working copy with some file types?

Memory profiler for .NET Compact Framework -

Is there any device I can use for profiling (.NET Compact Framework 3.5 Application (Windows Mobile) )? Thank you! comes with that studio Use this gc heap, traceable roots Gives snapshots of more.

User-customizable rails authorization -

It seems that the popular declarative style is an abundance of authorization plugins, which allows you to state code in some way, As such, the operation of this controller can be accessed by users with such and such roles But what if I need a more dynamic plan? I have to be an admin area with the list of all authorized works and the ability to assign permissions to actions from the UI. I have the idea of ​​how to implement it from scratch, such as defining a model to administer and / or perform actions and to store permissions through the general association. Just think that if there is a ready solution for this. Thank you very much Take a peek, it starts in the right direction Will be done. Here's the link.

iphone - Assigning a protocol to an NSMutableDIctionary? -

I am using singleton backbone in my application to handle the errors After fixing the error, They will be handled in a singleton and will be broadcast during an app notification. Anyway, this is not what my question is about, but when I pass a new error in such a single object [[Singleton Shareholders Shareholder] addError: ErrorDictionary_ here]; I should have a NSMutableDictionary protected errorDictionary_ here in my code given by @protocol , so whenever I send my code to other people I give my team warnings about the wrong information that they may have forgotten to enter the dictionary. This is also possible for beginners because it is to connect the protocols of the setter and one gateer is very easy. - (NSMutableArray * GetmyError {} I hope someone can help me. I'm not the only one to apply the search for objects (read class insenses) instead of dictionary. A protocol has been applied to my dictionary only. itemprop = "text"> If I t...

visual studio - Is it possible to switch to release mode automatically if I publish a vs project? -

I'm clearly developing in debug mode. If I'm starting with standard run command (F5) then my project should start in debug mode, but if I publish my project then it should switch to the automatic release mode whether it is possibly anyway scripted Can also be with? You can easily write a macro in VBA that was bound to VS. In a command that was switched to release mode, rebuilt your whole, and removed the other publication / packaging required. I have done this before. There is a lot of convenience for the object model. Edit: Debug / Release VS has the configuration properties. Once you set it, you should be able to use a build (or something that is available through the menu, etc.) to start.

sql - 3 joins and where clause together -

मेरे पास 3 टेबल हैं bl_main (bl_id unique, bl_area) bl_details (bl_id unique, नाम) bl_data (bl_id, month, paper_tons, bottles_tons) bl_id अंतिम तालिका में अद्वितीय नहीं है उसी की कई पंक्तियां होंगे bl_id मैं निम्नलिखित तरीके से डेटा को पुनः प्राप्त करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं bl_id | नाम | Bl_area | राशि (पेपर_टोन) | राशि (बोतलें_टन) | पेपर_टाउन | bottles_tons योग (paper_tons) ही bl_id जनवरी की तरह दिसंबर तक के लिए सभी कागज टन की राशि वापस आ जाएगी। नीचे दिए गए क्वेरी का उपयोग करके मैं परिणाम के अलावा सभी डेटा ठीक से प्राप्त कर सकता हूं, bl_ids (bl_data तालिका से) के कई घटनाएं हैं। का चयन करें bl_main.bl_id, नाम, bl_area, sums.SummedPaper, sums.SummedBottles, paper_tons, bl_main से bottles_tons पर bl_main.bl_id = bl_details.bl_id छोड़ दिया बाहरी bl_details शामिल हों शामिल हों bl_data पर bl_data.bl_id = छोड़ दिया bl_main.bl_id बाहरी JOIN (bl_id का चयन करें, SUM (Paper_tons) SummedPaper के रूप में, योग (bottle_tons) SummedBottles रूप bl_data से bl_id द्वा...

osx - Unable to understand a permission warning in Mac -

There are 777 permissions for App Aqualace installed by My MacPorts. I run ./ I found zsh: permission denied: ./AquaLess App This is a strange warning, since I have 777 permissions. How can you use a program installed by MacPorts? or you can run: $ ./ Who runs the actual executable within the AOP bundle.

oop - Singleton with Arguments in Java -

I was reading a singleton article on Wikipedia and I came to this example: Public Class Singleton {// Private Constructor Private Singleton () {} / ** * Singleton Holder Singleton. Gesture is loaded on first execution of * (*) or first access to singleton handlers. INSTANCE, Not Before * / Private Static Class Singleton Holder {Personal Static Last Singleton INSTANCE = New Singleton (); } Public Stable Singleton getInstance () {Return Singleton Holder. INSTANCE; }} Although I really like the method of behavior of this singleton, I can not see how the constructor should be able to adapt it to incorporating logic. What is the best way to do this in Java? Will I have to do something like that? Public class singletons {Private stationary singletons singleton = zero; Personal Final X; Private Singleton (int x) {this.x = x; } Public synchronized static singleton getInstance (int x) {if (singleton == blank) singleton = new singleton (x); Return singleton; }} Thanks! EDIT: I...

iphone - how can i trace the finger movement on touch for drawing smooth curves? -

Like if I want to sharpen my finger on the iPhone screen, then I should do something that is appropriate The curve is made using Quartz 2D or OpenGail. I want to make a path in the curve style ... I saw that the GL paint is an example (OpenGLus), but it will not help me, if your fingers grow faster. .... Some are making a smooth curve ..... any kind of example, please tell me thanks edit : Moved from the answer given below: Thanks for everyone ....... But I betge with two control points Trying angular angle but the problem is how to calculate the control points first if there is no predefined number .... As I mentioned, my movement of finger is fast .... .. So instead of most of the time, I get a straight line curve, due to receiving at least touch points ....... Now it has been said in the form of Mark as comparable, ihad Tried that the first four tu ch Render them on screen, then first remove the point and then go for the next four points east. Phase 1: 1,2,3,4 Ph...