
Showing posts from September, 2015

jquery - JavaScript animate resizing div -

I'm trying to put a small animation on one page. On my side there is 2 divisas, the second of which has its content called through Ajax, so the height of the divis is different without refreshing the page. & lt; Div id = "number1" style = "float: left; padding-down: 140px" & gt; Static content, 200 px or so & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "number2" style = "float: left" & gt; AJAX Content Here & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div style = "clear: left" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; It basically gives me a 2 column layout, and the image nest under the left hand column does not matter if I & lt; Img src = "image" margin-top: -140px "/> What I'm trying to do is to transmit image transition Animate the page when the page height comes thanks to the Ajax content. At present and above the image shock, I want to calm the page easily. Is it possible? I'm not in my J...

web services - Can I call PHP webservices from .Net code? -

I have a webservice in SOAP (php), and I have a net program that will call that web service and The results will recover. Is this possible? Any tutorials on this? Hope this will help you

flash - as3 I'm lost, how can I move different text objects? -

I recently started posting with A3, which looks very good, the problem comes from 2 and I'm completely lost I'm trying to import text from 4 text files, then moving them to another location: text1x = 100 , Text2x = 150 text3x = 200 etc. Here's where I got stuck: Import flash.display.MovieClip; Import Flash.Display.Loader; Import *; Import; Import caurina.transitions.Tweener; Var myTextLoader: URLLoader = new URLLoader (); Var myTextField_txt: textfield = new textfield (); MyTextField_txt.wordWrap = true myTextField_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; Var i: int = 0; Var Sips: Intrate = 200; For (i; i I do not understand how I should tell the verbs to move them to different states. Thank you very much for your patience David Uhum, a hack will be a solution ... but you should try a clean solution classes ... I'm not completely sure what you want to do, but this should do the trick: package {import caurin...

winforms - How to build multilingual Crystal reports -

We are developing a multi-lingual conform application using Studio 2008. I am trying to figure out how to make multilingual reports using crystals. Report. Is there something like a real resource file in the world of crystal reports? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I am sorry that I am robbing you with your tubble badge, but I do not think crystals have many language support . I think your only option is to keep a separate report for each language and engage the report in that language in the data you want to display. There is a link to the same answer.

flex - clear the text field or destroy the object -

I have a text field, which holds the session value. Now that I do the logout operation .. Text field clearing does not work ... sessionHold.text = ""; The above code does not work, it does not clear the session value in the field. appSes = event.result as array var vinoth: string = string (appSes [0]); (vinoth); SessionHold.text = appSes [1]; Now I am a bit confused .... Why do not you have to hold session ID inside a text field and not inside the string variable ?!

mxml - What does {variable} do in flex -

I'm using {} around the variable in MXML, in fact to understand what they are. I need to know now that I should use it around a variable .. What happens like this? Example: & lt; Mx: label text = "{variable}" /> It's binding !, In this case, this means that The label will display the contents of "variable", if you change the value of "variable" then it will also change the text displayed by the label.

jQuery javascript scoping problem -

I have the hidden input element that I use to give the names of the more input elements generated by javascript counter I am using as To get the counter value I use parseInt ($ ('# counter'). Val ()); However, I use this code snippet several times in my code, so I thought it would be better to put it in the function function getCounter () {ParseInt ($ ('# counter'). Val ()); } It always undefines, while only the code snippet returns the correct value when running. It happens in many ways, which tried to throw the function as function inside $ 400 (function () {}), such as global function etc. How can I fix scoping? Add "return" to your return statement :) function GetCounter () {return parseInt ($ ('counter') ()).}

c# - RegEx Expression Help -

I need a regular expression that will not tell anyone that the word 'box' or 'type in the box' or After 'box' numbers To complete both the conditions for work, the word box and number one or the other, do not anyone have to write it? Edit: O people, I have tried something and the problem is that 1234 S. I want to stop it, if user p.o. Box 1234. We are searching for anything with the word 'box' and after this the number should not be accepted. Thank you The edit was made after the question: New Reggae (@ "\ bbox \ s * \ d +", ignore the RegexOptions case); This will match "box" as a word, alternatively after white space, after a number, anywhere in the input string. Then this match will be: Box 12 Box 12 Drink Box 12A Box 12A This will not match: Box12 Boombox 12 Box Pog (This would be very useful if your original question told you what you were trying to actually do!)

C# Windows Form .Net and DOS Console -

I have a windows form that executes the batch file. I want to transfer everything in my console to a panel in my panel, how can I do this? How can my dos console communicate with my windows form panel ??? Thanks You can call dos or batch programs from your form application And can redirect the output to the string: using (var p = new System.Diagnostics.Process ()) {p.StartInfo. UseShellExecute = false; P.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; P.StartInfo.FileName = PathToBatchFile; P.StartInfo.Arguments = args; P. Start (); String o = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd (); P.WaitForExit (); }

c# - What's wrong with this reflection code? GetFields() is returning an empty array -

C #, Net 2.0 Here's the code (I removed all my domain-specific stuff and It still gives an empty array): using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Text; Using the system. Namespace Console Application 1 {Class Program {Static Zero Main (String [] ARG) {ChildClass cc = New ChildClass (); Cc.OtherProperty = 1; Fieldinfo [] fi = c. Gettype () GetFields (); Console.WriteLine (fi.Length); Console.ReadLine (); }} Class base class & lt; T & gt; {Private int mover; {{MyVar; public IT information} } Set {myVar = value; }}} Class Child Class: Base Class & lt; ChildClass & gt; {Private int mover; Public Inc. {property {myVar; } Set {myVar = value; }}}}} without parameters GetFields () Return the Public field if you want non-public, then use it: cc.GetType (). GetFields (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); or the appropriate combination you want - but you must do have at least one example and still , Otherwise it...

bash - How do I use the linux flock command to prevent another root process from deleting a file? -

I would like to stop one of my root processes by deleting a certain file. So I came in the order of the herd, it seems to my needs, but I could not find its syntax. If I only point out a stock lock, then it does not work: flock -s "./file.xml" If I add a timeout parameter, it still does not work flock -s -w5 "./file.xml" It seems That fits in, herd [-sxun] [- w #] fd # route. (What is the FD # parameter?) Therefore, I flag [-sxon] [- w #] file [-c] command tried to use flock -s -w5 "./file.xml" -c "tail-3 / .file.xml" and this Work done, tail command was executed on ./file.xml. But I would like to know, the lock ends after the command or after the execution of the command executes it 5 seconds? My main question is, how can I stop any other root process from removing files in Linux? The flock does not prevent anyone from doing anything Unix Lock Advice, which means they Prevent processes from calling the herd ... - Can Visio's macro warning prompt be surpressed when automating in code? -

मैं एक VB.NET ऐप से Visio 2003 को स्वचालित कर रहा हूँ। मंद objApp न्यू Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.InvisibleApp रूप objApp.Settings.ShowFileOpenWarnings = झूठी मंद objDoc Microsoft.Office के रूप में: मेरे कोड (अरुचिकर हटाया सामान के साथ) इस तरह दिखता है। Interop.Visio.Document objDoc = objApp.Documents.Open (VisioFilename) मैं पाया है कि अंतिम पंक्ति Visio कह एक छिपा MessageBox बढ़ाने के लिए कारण बनता है: इस दस्तावेज़ में मैक्रोज़ अक्षम हैं क्योंकि सुरक्षा स्तर अधिक है, और मैक्रोज़ को सुरक्षित रूप से डिजिटल रूप से हस्ताक्षरित या सत्यापित नहीं किया गया है मैक्रो चलाने के लिए आपको या तो उन्हें हस्ताक्षर किए है या अपने सुरक्षा स्तर को बदल सकते हैं। के बाद से इस कंप्यूटर मैं फ़ाइलों के साथ नियंत्रित नहीं करते हैं चल होने जा रही है मैं उन विकल्पों कार्यों के न को नियंत्रित नहीं करते मेरे लिए। मुझे वाकई कोई परवाह नहीं है कि मैक्रोज़ अक्षम हैं, मैं सिर्फ फाइल को एसवीजी के मूल प्रारूप से कनवर्ट करने के लिए बस विजिओ का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। मैं निश्चित रूप से उन है कि वे सुरक्षा स्...

genshi - Customizing Trac: remove standard footer -

We use hosted Trac This Genshi template uses I think we can submit our site You can. We want to get rid of the trek standard footer. What is the most beautiful way to do this? I suspect that the answer is in some good moves. I do not know Gansehi nor Trac is additionally. I tried some things on the verge, no work done. I tried CSS It's okay, unless you want to use your own footer (called "#sitefooter"). It comes after a "#footer", and the skidder skips an ugly white spot. Then I tried jquery: & lt; Script & gt; JQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {$ ("# footer"). Text ('');}); & Lt; / Script & gt; That's fine, but I'm not sure how much broad support is actually for jquery. I do not have a copy of a track recently, as far as the template is to go, but For CSS, you want to try display: none; Margin: 0; Padding: 0; instead of Visibility: hidden; Visibility hidden items still take pl...

sharepoint 2007 - Trying to install SPJobDefinition; not showing up in list -

I am trying to follow and similar tutorials have derived me custom SPJobDefinition and found a feature. Definition does nothing, because I'm just trying to set it up. FeatureActivated has the following code: // Get site collection in which it is being activated SPSite siteCollection = (SPSite) properties.Feature.Parent; // Make sure that the job is not already registered foreach (SPJobDefinition jobDefinition in siteCollection.WebApplication.JobDefinitions) if (jobDefinition.Name.Equals (TIMER_JOB_NAME)) jobDefinition.Delete (); // Create Job Form 40EscalationTimer timerJob = New Form40EscalationTimer (TIMER_JOB_NAME, siteCollection.WebApplication, null, SPJobLockType.Job); SPMinuteSchedule schedule = new SPMinuteSchedule (); Schedule.BeginSecond = 0; Schedule.andsecond = 59; Schedule.Interval = int.Parse (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["Form40EscalationJobIntervalMinutes"]); TimerJob Schedule = schedule; TimerJob.Update (); // Install the job - not basically he...

java - How to use command-line arguments to print ms office files? -

We are making an app to manage and print Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF files ... ( P> "c: \ program files \ 3 \ program \ soffice.exe" - norestore -nofirsts tartwizard -nologo -headless -pt MicrosoftXPSDocumentWriter doc1.doc (using the word MS) "C: \ program files \ Microsoft Office \ Office \ WINWORD.EXE" doc1.doc / q / n / M FilePrintDefault / mFileExit But we can not find any options to set the page range to print ... Is this possible? Thanks for reading. Any ideas will be appreciated I really like this app in Java I am doing If the application is to manage word documents, and the word includes connotations in your conversation, the word is set on a local machine, then Java is not adding anything to the party. NAT is probably the right way to go here (where you can easily communicate with office com objects so that you want to do). It is being said that for Open Office, you want to make this app...

security - Generate cryptographically secure random numbers in php -

PHP's rand () function does not give a good random number. That's why I have started using mt_rand () , which has been asked to give better results. But how good are these results? Is there any way to improve them again? My thoughts: function rand_best ($ min, $ max) {$ gener = array (); {$ Generated for $ i = 0; $ i It should give you a "perfect" random number, should not it? (PRNG) are very complex animals. There are no real "perfect" random number generators - really the best that math functions can be pseudo-random - they are random enough for most intentions and purposes. In fact, performing any additional actions by the number returned by a PRNG does not actually increase its randomness, and in reality, the number can be less random. So, my best advice is to not mess with the prices returned from any PRNG. Use a PRGG that is sufficient for the desired use, and if it is not, then it can get a PRNG which can produce b...

c# - Using iText (iTextSharp) to populate XFA form fields in PDF? -

I have to fill out the XFA form field in PDF (created with Adobe Live Sequel Designer). We are trying to use iText (actually iTextSharp) to use the CD to parse PDF, populate the XFA field, and then save the modified PDF from the outside. All examples that I can find with iText (many iTextSharp examples) talk about modifying the acroform field. This PDF does not have acronym fields and uses only XFA. Indicators of any non-standard resources will be helpful (I have already done googling on the subject and I did not find anything useful). example: text "> If you can get a data packet in PDF, the XFA runtime in Acrobat will populate those areas with data in the data packet. If you want to see that one of these looks like LiveCycle Create a form in the designer (comes with Acrobat Pro), add some fields to it, and save it as a dynamic PDF. Open Form in Acrobat Type some values ​​in the field and save it. Open PDF with a device that lets you peer on PDF data a...

expression - Self Centering Page in Silverlight \ Express Blend -

I am trying to create a page (XML) in the expression mix, which stays in the center of the browser, But so far it is less when the browser window is resized, white space on both sides. And the example is the site or the most decent site on the net. Thanks a code example or link After posting this question, I did it immediately. Being really simple in Silverlight, I was making it hard for myself. Give your grid the size of your layout grid size and remove the width and height properties for user control. & lt; UserControl xmlns = "" xmlns: x = "" x: class = "SilverlightApplication2. Page "Xmlns: d =" "xmlns: mc =" "MC: Ignorable =" d "& Gt; & Lt; Grid X: Name = "Layouts" background = ...

c# - Sending Messages to Selected Ips -

I have an array of IP addresses in which there is a set of IP address, which is communicated to the server. Example: 5 The customer's IP address of 4 will be stored in this IP address array. The remaining one will be blocked when sending a message from the server. How will this be done? My sender's message is shown below. Private Zero Button SendMsg_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {Object objData = richTextBoxSendMsg.Text; ByData = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes (objData.ToString ()); For (int i = 0; i Try applying an array of n + 1 size, where Place the number in the customer's IP address array as the "Blocked" client (preferably first or last index). So, something like this will happen in your code: if (m_workerSocket [i] .connected) {clientIp [0] = m_workerSocket [i]; // Index Blocked Clients Client IP [IndexAF (M_Workscat [I])] = Faucet; M_workerSocket [i] .Send (byData); } After this, return your clientIp array position, set ...

Problem Compiling in VS 2005 after installing microsoft platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 SP1 -

The headline indicates that I'm having trouble compiling MFC-based applications, this problem is caused by the Windows Server 2003 platform SDK started immediately after installing and still when I try to compile a new MFC project, I get the following errors: c: \ program files \ microsoft platform sdk \ Include \ zmouse.h (141): Error C2146: Syntax Error: Disappears ';' Before identifying 'HwndMSWheel' 1> c: \ program files \ microsoft platform sdk \ include \ zmouse.h (141): error C2433: 'hwnd': 'inline' is not allowed on data announcements 1> c: \ program files \ microsoft platform sdk \ include \ zmouse.h (141): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C ++ default-int 1> c: \ program files \ microsoft platform does not support sdk \ include \ zmouse.h (142): Error C2065: 'PUINT': Undeclared identifier 1: c: \ program files \ microsoft platform sdk \ include \ zmouse.h (142): error C2146: syntax err...

compression - BlackBerry - Problem with GZip decompression -

There is a strange problem that I'm running into, I can not work because it's described in the documentation. Br> If I'm using plain text file, then add GB to the resources of the Blackberry project and try to decompress it in the app, there will be unlimited loop, () never return -1 ... Try {InputStream inputStream = getClass () GetResourceAsStream ("test.gz"); GZIP InputStream gzis = new GZIP InputStream (inputstream); Stringbuffer sb = new stringbuffer (); Four c; While ((C = (four) ())! = -1) {sb.append (c); } String data = sb.toString (); Add (new RichTextField (data)); Gzis.close (); } Grip (IOException ioe) {} After compressed content, () has a repetition of 65535. I've found that the only solution is dumb while ((c = (four) ())! = -1 and c! = 65535) But I'm curious what's the reason, am I doing wrong, and why? is an unsigned, 16-bit data type. Casting around -1 is 65535. Change t...

winforms - Where and when is InitializeComponent called in Windows Forms control in VB.NET? -

I am projecting a Windows project in VB.NET, but VB.NET is completely new to me, I Mainly a C # developer In the C # Windows form, the initialize component of a user control is called from the form / control constructor. When I make the same scenario in VB.NET, I can not find a constructor, and I can not locate the place where InitializeComponent is called. I have to call my code between InitializeComponent and when the control code load is picked up, preferably still in the constraint of the control. How do I do this in VB.NET? Look at the code in your form, and right drop down from it and select "New method". There you can see where the initial group is called and insert your logic. Your code, if your form is empty, should look like this: public class form 1 public sub-new () 'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent () Add any start after the 'InitializeComponent () call. End Sub End Class

What is the corresponding function for DeviceIoControl (C++) in -

DeviceIoControl is used in C ++ to communicate with the USB device connected to the system. I want to use the same functionality in C # .net, but I can not find anything similar. You can PInvoke it:

CSS, overflow with safari, chrome and IE 6 -

Does Safari and Chrome support overflow? IE 6 or above, does it match the overflow? Yes you can see it (search "Overflow" in the page). Edit: As mentioned in the chart, IE 5/6 overflow: visible Does not apply correctly. make new versions.

actionscript 3 - AS3 bitwise shift 0? -

I came across some AS 3.0 code on this: (duration> Gt; 0) Where duration is a number I think I know what does, but what does the transfer of 0 bits mean? This code takes some time, I think what it does. There are a few reasons for this. First, multiplication and division actually In some circumstances, when we use shift, the correct change ... i.e. binary is number 1 00000001, left it to be 00000010 and now is 2 .. i.e. 1 X 2 Shift twice to multiply / divide by 4, 3 times for 8, 4 times for 16, etc. ... Is not used often, but In case of physical science engine port from C / C ++, in large quantities of data processing, or in some 3D engine, we will see it as shifts for the predecessor of the original code, or just for speed. (You can also look at it on some J2ME mobile Java games, for example, floating point units are not available or enter a value of 10 bits so that the remaining 10 bits work as a decimal point Then move it back to the real value, when dr...

dependency injection - Resources and Examples of using MEF for DI/IoC -

I am highly searching and find specimens about using MEF for DI. I do not know of this, but I What I hear (actually listen in podcasts) can be used in this way ... but I am not getting any blog posts or samples. I am using MEF in this project already (to support plugins) and thought it would be good to avail for DI. Maybe I am barking the wrong tree? This example can be described by an example. For example, suppose you have a core library on which you base all your bespoke apps. Call it mycompany Generally, in every app you write, MyCompany The core has to be in the context, and then the app must be called in bootstrapping and microphone. Corps to start the proper services, etc. The correct order. It does not matter much when you think that the core itself knows better how to get it started, etc. To use MEF for dependency injection, your core will do this: [import ("/ application", type (IBSpoke application)) Private IBSpace application bespokeApplication ...

ruby on rails - Why is this ERB code in a fixture throwing 'undefined method'? -

I try to use fixtures to add more complex test data to test specific scenarios with front end I'm in Flex, I'm not sure that this is the right way to go with the rail. My train app is a card game and 'more complex test data' I am trying to test different combinations of cards For example, I want to set a test game where players have 1 card in hand B and C, where I have specifically added cards to B and C in the hands of the players. I have basic fixtures for players, sports and users who are working fine for a while. I have tried to add the following ERB code compared to the games, to start the game. Start method, and getting NoMethodError: The 'game' for the undefined method main: Object is the stability code snippet: four: id: 4 num_players: 3 turn_num: 0 status_id: 1 & lt;% game_four = games (: four). Game_four.start% & gt; game_four = games (: four). First Sports methods are only in test cases, not in fixtures. You should e...

dynamic - mvc application - load/override views, controllers, JS files from plugin assemblies -

मैं ASP.Net MVC अनुप्रयोग को कार्यान्वित करना चाहूंगा जिसमें नियंत्रक, विचार और सामग्री फ़ाइलें (जैसे कि जेएस, चित्र, ..) गतिशील रूप से इकट्ठे मेरे पास एक बेस वेब प्रोजेक्ट है जिसमें कुछ बुनियादी नियंत्रक, दृश्य और अन्य सामग्री फ़ाइलें शामिल होंगी, लेकिन इन सभी मदों को विस्तार / प्रतिस्थापित करना संभव है। इस प्रकार की आर्किटेक्चर का मुख्य कारण है मेरे पास एक ऐसा एप्लिकेशन है जिसे अधिक ग्राहकों द्वारा उपयोग किया जाना चाहिए। कई बुनियादी सामान्य चीजें हैं जो सभी ग्राहकों के लिए समान होंगी, लेकिन कई चीजें हैं जो प्रत्येक के लिए अलग-अलग व्यवहार करना चाहिए। कुछ ग्राहकों में भी विशिष्ट कार्यक्षमता होती है जो अन्य नहीं होती हैं। मुझे पता है कि आदर्श और सेवा परत (आईओसी कंटेनर में उत्तराधिकार + उपयुक्त सेवाओं को पंजीकृत करने) में इस समस्या को कैसे हल करना है, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि एएसपी नेट माइक्रोसॉफ्ट आवेदन। मेरा मूल विचार यह है कि आम नियंत्रकों, विचारों, जेएस फाइल्स आदि के साथ कुछ मूल परियोजना होगी। इसमें एक और परियोजना भी हो सकती है जो कुछ ऐप्लिकेशन भागों को बदल सकती है / जोड़ सकती ...

internet explorer 8 - What is the correct usage of CSS attr function? -

Since this function has been implemented in IE8, I want to see what I can do with it, but I Having trouble css after pseudo elements: Before and: To work somewhere else besides this. Should the following be allowed? span [color] {color: art (color); } I also used it in Google Chrome, but it does not work. Also, what about more dynamic things: input [value = attr] (default)] {color: gray; } In CSS 2.1 (which should be used these days) the function is a bit Limited in what it can do The only place where it can be seen is an asset on it. Its sole purpose is to generate content . In CSS 3, that etir can return only strings (compared to other types) and it can also be used for other properties. But keep in mind that most CSS 3 recommends a candidate with very few features ( not including prices and units ). Support of user agents for CSS 3 features varies next to currently limited and non-existent. Most browser vendors have to fight bored by implementing "cool ...

syntax - What's the difference between "2*2" and "2**2" in Python? -

निम्नलिखित कोड के बीच अंतर क्या है? code1 : var = 2 ** 2 * 3 code2: var2 = 2 * 2 * 3 मुझे कोई अंतर नहीं दिखाई देता है यह निम्न प्रश्न उठाता है। हम code2 का इस्तेमाल करते हैं तो क्यों code1 का उपयोग किया जाता है? कोशिश करें: 2 ** 3 * 2 और 2 * 3 * 2 अंतर को देखने के लिए। ** "की शक्ति" के लिए ऑपरेटर है आपके विशेष संचालन में, 2 की 2 शक्ति की पैदावार 2 गुना 2 के समान होती है।

functional programming - Position Independent Parameters to Scheme Functions -

How can I pass state-independent standards for scheme functions? (define area (lambda (x #: width y) (* xy )) = "Post-Text" itemprop = "text"> (area 3: width 10) or (region #: Width 10 3) Both 30 will return.

multithreading - Java Thread Performance -

I am working on a bit client, the easiest way for me to communicate with them is by communicating with the colleagues. One of them is to create a new thread, but if the user wants to have a large number of associates, then I had a reason to create many threads. I thought that there is a thread for another solution which is to run them again through peer objects and for the e duration. I have checked most of the other libraries (my name is in java) and they create a thread for each new counterpart. Do you think that the user sets a connection number like 100 or 200, then the execution is lowered by generating a thread? This should not be a problem unless you run thousands threads. I want to make an agreement, using a Threadpool. You can find the number of CPUs at the runtime and decide how many spines to spin it based on, and after that, put Thadpool in hand to work. - Why does Visual Studio 2008 ask about enabling debugging when debugging is already enabled? -

I have Web.config (via MSBuild) that runs before the build target, which contains content , Among other things, & lt; Compilation debug = "true" & gt; The generated Web.config is copied to the root and the content is put in the item group. But when I run a debug build in Visual Studio 2008 (via F5), I get the following dialog: If I select" Add ... "and click OK, then it generates the Web. Connects the project to the project and it appears as the project IDE in the file. So maybe the question should be: Web Why should the config file be a part of the project? I really want to avoid including the config files generated in the project due to source control. If the web The config file is there, when the application runs, I do not think why Visual Studio should be concerned, is there such a way that viewer studio is a generated web Is configuring a way to accept it without being connected to the IDE? Visual Studio Web Config is required for the par...

sms - How to send text messages to mobile devices programmatically and on-the-cheap? -

I think there is very little experience in this area so that this question can be understood properly. (This is probably the reason why I can not see Google in a decent answer.) What should I know if sending a text message to a mobile user free and easy? I understand that a third party can be registered with the SMS gateway provider or if someone was more enthusiastic (i) then he could buy GSM modem and use software such as kernel to get his gateway Could establish. An ideal scenario will be such that I will not buy GSM modem and just run the canal in some way and send SMS to STM to SMS (i.e. without GSM modem), which will then send them to mobile device. . Thanks in advance ... stackoverflow rocks! R Most cell phone providers have an email gateway for SMS . Sending is super-easy. All you have to do is justify the appropriate email address / conversion for each provider.

Dealing with gridview in -

When I added the 'Edit' column to a grid view, I found this error: Gridview removed 'registered list' incident rowing, which was not operated. How can I fix this? You have to handle event rotating. In markup: & lt; Asp: GridView id = "Registered List" runat = "Server" OnRowEditing = "Registered List / Edit" /> and in the following code: protected void registered registered_rowEditing (Object Sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e) {// do stuff}

multithreading - Java synchronize statement around a lock -

मैं सोच रहा था कि सिंक्रनाइज़ (लॉक) {...} जहां लॉक java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock का एक उदाहरण है, किसी अन्य ऑब्जेक्ट की तरह lock व्यवहार करता है या कोशिश-अंत में आईडीआईओएम अर्थात् lock.lock (); कोशिश {...} अंत में {lock.unlock (); } : ध्यान दें कि लॉक इंस्टेंस हैं सिर्फ सामान्य ऑब्जेक्ट्स और खुद को सिंक्रनाइज़ किए गए स्टेटमेंट में लक्ष्य के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है। लॉक इंस्टेंस के मॉनिटर लॉक को हासिल करना उस उदाहरण के किसी भी लॉक () विधियों को लागू करने के साथ कोई विशिष्ट संबंध नहीं है। इसलिए मूल रूप से, इसे किसी भी अन्य वस्तु के रूप में माना जाता है, यह अनुशंसा की जाती है कि भ्रम से बचने के लिए आप इस तरह लॉक इंस्टेंस का उपयोग न करें। और, ऐसा मत करो।

c# - How to store and resend keyboard input for UI automation? -

I have a winforms application where I need to capture keyboard input and store it in a script. The script can be re-run with IronPython again to automate the application. Taking my present on this is listening to the KeyPress event and resending the pressed letters with SendKeys. To handle input with the modifier (alt, ctrl) I hear the keydown event but I do not know how the keys pressed in the script are represented. This is what I would like to do: Public Zero Text Box / Keyword (key events) {script.AddStatement (string.format ("SendKeys.Send ('{0}')", ?? ??))); } Do I have to manually create a string from KeyEventArgs that understands SendKeys? Eg shift + A, shift + B gets sendKeys Send ("+ (AB)"). Details from Is there any other way? Maybe store KeyEventArgs.KeyData and create a new KeyEventArgs instance and send it somehow? The answer to this question was to stop using SendKeys and instead using p / invoke of keybd_event There were time-re...

wpf - Odd Loaded behavior in markup versus code -

I am currently very confused with the different behavior about the FrameworkElement.Loaded event. There is a small example app that shows it. Xaml: & lt; Window x: orbit = "wpfApplication1.Window1" xmlns = "http: /" xmlns: x = " Xaml "title =" window 1 "height =" 300 "width =" 300 "loaded =" window_loaded "& gt; & Lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; TabControl & gt; & Lt; TabItem Header = "Tab 1" / & gt; & Lt; TabItem Header = "Tab2" & gt; & Lt; WindowsFormsHost name = "formhost" loaded = "form host_loaded" /> & Lt; / TabItem & gt; & Lt; / TabControl & gt; & Lt; / Grid & gt; & Lt; / Window & gt; Code: using System.Windows; Namespace WpfApplication1 {Public partial squares window 1: window {public window 1 () {...

css - How to specify the word-breaking conditions in IE? -

Specifically, say I have a string like ABC-123-NNN. I would like to paragraph a line break, but not to break on the dash. i.e. If my text "serial number is not valid on ABC-123-NNN", then if I exceed the container width I want to put the whole serial number together. Then the following is OK: The serial number ABC-123-NNN is not valid but the following (which is the behavior of IE6) is not: / P> serial number ABC-123-NNN is not valid Currently breaking on IE dash does it seem to have any applicable CSS or whatever I can apply to avoid it ? To fix in IE: In the text, & lt; NOBR> tag, and then & lt; WRR> tag to indicate a break: & lt; Nobr & gt; Serial Number & lt; Wbr / & gt; ABC-123-NN & lt; Wbr / & gt; Not valid & lt; / Nobr & gt; Or to ensure that the serial number is intact: serial number & lt; Nobr & gt; ABC-123-NN & lt; / Nobr & gt; Not valid Note that this method is deprec...

php - How can I create separate web directories for each application in symfony? -

For example, I have two applications: 'frontend' and 'backend'. I want to set up my / web directory so that '/ web / frontend' works in 'frontend' property, and '/ web / backend' all image paths need to be modified without 'backend' in property Works, etc. After "text" itemprop = "text"> , each application should do this by doing this in config.php [Example apps are showing / Backend / config / config.php] sfConfig :: add (array ('sf_web_dir' = & gt; SF_ROOT_DIR '/ web / backend', 'sf_upload_dir' = & gt; SF_ROOT_DIR '/ Web / backend' sf config: find ('sf_upload_dir_name'),)); For some reason, this method does not work. If you take a look at all variables defined in sfConfig, then you will see that you have to change sf_web_dir and work to get more than sf_upload_dir. An option will manually override all the variables inside sfConfig which will point to ...

sql server 2005 - Rows to Columns using Sql Query -

Hello I have a table with column Cost rate repair 12 repair 223 Wear 1000 Wear 666 Fuel 500 Repair 600 Fuel 450 Wear 400 Now I Need This Data Wear Repair Fuel 825 2066 950 Using SQL Query Thanks in advance Choose the amount in the form of repair (case when cost = 'wear', then rate and tap end), wear, zodiac (in case when cost = Fuel Cost Ratet as Fuel 'Rate and Null end)

javascript - eval issues in IE -

While running eval in IE7, my JSON has special characters like language, it has not developed properly. I Is there any way I can change language settings to do this work? Did you JSON.parse () ?

linux - how to play .mp3 songs randomly by searching for them recursively in a directory and its sub directories? -

Once I'm in the directory with .mp3 files, I run random songs using - Z * .mp3 But if I want to find a directory and its subfolders for .mp3 files and run them randomly, then I tried the following command, but it does not work is. Mpg123 -Z & lt; (Find / media -name * .mp3) (find / media -name * .mp3), when executing all .mp3 files currently / media and its sub directory. / P> mpg123 -Z $ (find-name "*. Mp3") $ (...) means execute the command and paste the output. Also, to specify the command line length limit, try: mpg123 -Z $ (find -name "* .mp3" | sort - Random-sort | head -n 100) Edit: Sorry, try: find -name "* .mp3" | Sort --random-sort | Head-n 100 Xargs -d '\ n' mpg123 This should be properly addressed from the blank, assuming that you do not have file names with embedded newlines. This will index your list of MP3 randomly, then select the first 100 of the random list, then pass them to mpg123. ...

sql server - DateTimeOffset.Now in T-SQL -

I am executing INSERT for a SQL 2008 db. I now include T-SQL in the DATETIMEOFFSET column. This will give you local time server where SQL is installed. Do you also want to store timezones etc.? If so, then () may be better

security - Setting Secure cookies when HTTPS (for mixed HTTPS/HTTP site) with JRun/ColdFusion -

We have a site running CF7 that uses jsessionid for both login and logout section and session Have done When switching to HTTPS (for safe sections), we need to start a new secure session, on which the 'secure' flag is set on the jsessionid cookie. While JRUN has 'safe' it seems to be a whole or a few bargain. Is there a way to always use safe in HTTPS mode? Related Questions: This explanation looks completely completely. For some reason, this is not trivial.

How to select content type from HTTP Accept header in PHP -

I am trying to create a standard consistent website framework that creates XHTML1 as the text application / XHTML + XML or HTML 4.01 / Html Depending on browser support, currently it appears only for "App / XHTML + XML" anywhere in the "Header / Acceptable Header, and uses it if it exists, but it is not flexible - Lesson In addition, higher scores can be in html / html, besides this, it will be more complex when other formats (WAP, SVG, Explosives etc.) will be added. So, does anyone know that by server Do you know about a tried and tested piece of PHP code to get the best support of the sorted list based on client or client score given from the given string array? You can take advantage of this way when you want to deliver content type (E, G, "I really want to apply the application / XHTML + XML Modules including your own preferences for the client The original solution of the whole range of offers can be used very much like ".) Original solution: ... - NonComVisibleBaseClass was detected; How do I fix this? -

मेरा क्लास सिस्टम से मिलता है। Web.Security.MembershipUser मुझे प्रपत्र सबमिट करते समय यह त्रुटि हो रही है I पॉपअप प्रपत्र एएसपीपीडीएफ का उपयोग करता है और कस्टम सदस्यताप्रयोजक उपहार को कार्यान्वित करने से पहले आवेदन में इस समस्या नहीं थी। ध्यान दें यह केवल डीबगिंग त्रुटि है ऐसा लगता है जब मैं डिबगिंग नहीं कर रहा हूं। क्या किसी को पता है कि मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं? गैर-कॉमविज़िबलबसेक्लास का पता चला था संदेश: एक क्वेरी इंटरफ़ेस कॉल को COM दृश्यमान प्रबंधित क्लास 'XyAmpUser' के डिफ़ॉल्ट IDispatch इंटरफ़ेस का अनुरोध किया गया था। हालांकि इस वर्ग के पास एक स्पष्ट डिफ़ॉल्ट अंतरफलक नहीं है और गैर COM दृश्यमान वर्ग 'System.Web.Security.MembershipUser' से प्राप्त होता है, QueryInterface कॉल विफल हो जाएगा। यह COM COMMUNITY नियमों द्वारा बाधित होने से गैर COM दृश्य बेस क्लास को रोकने के लिए किया जाता है। धन्यवाद, ~ San Diego में ck मैंने हाल ही में इस त्रुटि को पूरी तरह से असंबंधित परिदृश्य में आपके लिए खोजा है। डीबग-> अपवादों पर जाएं ... "प्रबंधित डि...

sql - How can I optimize this query...? -

I have two tables, one of the routes is another for airports. There are only 9000 rows in the routes and I have indexed each column. There are only 2000 rows in the airports and I have also indexed each column. When I run this query, it may take up to 35 seconds to return 300 lines in: SELECT routes. *, The original_name as, destination_name as, a1.IATA = routes on AF airports a1. Join the left A2 at the airport a2.IATA = routes.destination WHERE path_build.carrier = "Career name" Running with "Descrip", I receive follow-up information , But I'm telling this what it's telling me, it's not 100%. id Choose type. Table | Type | Possible_Keys | Key | Key_Len | Referee | Rows | Apart from ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 1 | Simple | Routes_build | Referee | Carrier, carrier_2 | Carrier 678 | Constant | 26 | Where to use ---...

c# - Alternatives to wsdl.exe for creating proxy classes from wsdl -

, to generate a proxy class from wsdl. This (and also, see). Is there an optional proxy class generator? I am not doing WCF, so the tools can not be as useful. wsdl.exe is the only core, which is in addition to netkey proxy generator svcutil.exe. If you want something else, you will need a third party tool. Unfortunately, I do not know about one mvc - Is my IQueryable syntax correct? -

Generated SQL does a cross job, but as the ID ID matches, it works like an internal investment, But is this a better display way to actually do this by using keywords included in C #? Item is a page class PageRoles is an IQueryable property in one page. What is a way where you do not include attributes to specify class aspnet_roles is an IQueryable property in a square class class var item = _repository.GetByKey (999); Var f = (FD in item FD.aspnet_roles from k in pagerails where roles are. Gatorolfoyer user (). It contains (K.RellName) & amp; amp; k.RoleId == fd.RoleId k.RoleName Select.); Edit: Here is an example of an IQueryable property in my classes comes from the example pageroll class below Public IQueryable & lt; Aspnet_role & gt; Aspnet_roles {get {var repo = NorthCadburyWebsite.Models.aspnet_Role.GetRepo (); Return from item in repo. GetAll () where the item RELEASE == _ Choose the rolled item; }} Does it compile, or do you get an er...

sql server - sql query - true => true, false => true or false -

Simple query is probably impossible, but I know that there are some clever people :) Boolean parameters, where do I want to define where no one can limit the output of the column or do anything. Then, the given parameter @bt = 1 will result in: where column = 1 given parameter @bt = 0 will result in: / P> Where column = 1 or 0 means there is no result / display all results (column is a little area) I do not want dynamic SQL - I It can be arranged to fix it in code but I wonder if there is some clever magic that is clean and simple than above. Is there there? I am using SQL Server. Cheers: D Answer column = 1 or @bt = 0 works if the column can only be 0 or 1. If there is any value in the column then you want: column = 1 or @bit = 0 and column = 0 .

jquery - Need a working example of a cascading drop down list written in -

I should work in a cascading drop down list box written in ASP. Net MVC application tried to change the three instances I wrote in C # but it is unable to understand and I have left. In the examples I have tried to change and. This is my first pure application. So I am a newbie. The biggest problem is that I do not understand the JavaScript code just in the ideas. Thanks, John What is a specific thing about jQuery that you having trouble? Why do you want to convert from C # to VB? If you take time to practice C # syntax, you will have a much easier time with thousands of examples (the difference is not big at your level.) Edit: The examples of jQuery listed in the links you have mentioned are very simple. When changing that dropdown, the change event is controlled by jQuery. jQuery uses its $ .jax method to post in another controller method (i.e. / car / color / list? Model = valuefiremodel.) Carrollers' Prepares a list, and sends it back via J...

security - Does read-only file system access guarantee a write access? -

I am developing a web application and I wonder if someone is only readable to my file system, is it The person (assuming that everything is necessary) has a write access to the system? For example, if you have a PHP script that outputs any file content on the server - should anyone be able to access the actually system write? Like ... can he rewrite PHP scripts? I'm talking about web server ... so both Windows & amp; Linux related comments are welcome In addition, in such cases where most of the cracker can have a write facility for most files, but not for everyone on the system? I'm just curious to summarize: "Is there a vulnerability in a PHP local file, is that any time the cracker is allowed to write files?" A malicious user can download and crack your password file, or maybe the MySQL user table Can read and receive the password for my MySQL root user. Then use that user to take advantage of privilege enhancement and to do something similar. ...

NHibernate Criteria query building -

I'm having some difficulty, which seems to be a little code I have 2 class company and company. As the map: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Hibernate-mapping xmlns = "vase: nehinet-mapping-20" & gt; & Lt; Class name = "Core.DataTransfer.CompanyLocation, Core.DataTransfer" table = "` Company Location '"Lazy =" True "& gt; & Lt; Id name = "CompanyLocationId" column = "` CompanyLocationID` "type =" int "& gt; & Lt; Generator class = "parent" /> & Lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Many-to-one name = "company" cascade = "none" column = "` CompanyID` "no-null =" true "/> & Lt; / Square & gt; & Lt; / Hibernate-mapping & gt; & Lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Hibernate-mapping xmlns = "vase: nehin...

html - What is the character limit on URL -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 16 उत्तर के लिए चरित्र की सीमा क्या है एक यूआरएल, खासकर यदि यूआरएल फॉर्म के जीईटी पद्धति से बनता है। माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के अनुसार 2048. चूंकि उन्होंने इंटरनेट का आविष्कार किया (और प्रकाश, अंधेरा और लिनक्स) वे सही हैं :-) .... या..और जब से IE इस कम मूल्य को बल देता है, यह सबसे कम आम भाजक है। फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स के नीचे, मैं लोगों को नेट रिपोर्टिंग यूआरएल पर देखता हूँ 0xFFFF काम: यह एक और पोस्ट है जो इस बारे में बात करता है: संपादित करें: यह बहुत दुख की बात है कि मेरे जवाब के लगभग 5 वर्षों बाद मैंने यह जवाब लिखा - यह अभी भी सच है। यदि आप कर सकते हैं, तो इस उत्तर के इतिहास को देखें। EDIT2: मुझे स्टैक ओव्हरफ्लो पर एक बेहतर उत्तर मिला -

Why does tokyo tyrant slow down exponentially even after adjusting bnum? -

Has anyone successfully used Tokyo cabinet / Tokyo dictator with a large dataset? I am trying to upload the users of Wikipedia datasource. After hitting almost 30 million records, I get exponentially slowed down with both the HDB and BDB database. I have adjusted the expected number of records for the HDB case to 2-4x, with only a slight speed I also set up 1 GB or GMIS, but eventually I still hit a wall. It seems that Tokyo dictator is basically in memory database and when you exceed xmsim or your RAM, you have a difficult database. Has anyone else had to face this problem before this? Were you able to solve it? I think I have cracked it, and I have not seen this solution elsewhere is. On Linux, there are usually two reasons that Tokyo starts slowing down. Walk through ordinary criminals. First of all, it is that if you set your bnum very little, you want it to be less than half the number of items in the hash. (Previously higher.) Second, you want to try to get close to th...

cocoa touch - iPhone SDK 3.0 in-app email - changing navigation bar tint color -

My app uses the new in-app email feature of the iPhone SDK 3.0. I want to blacken the tint color of the email UI and make it transparent. I tried the following code, / * picker.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor black color]; Picker.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = Yes; * / But the color of the scene is changing, MFMailComposeViewController * picker = [[[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init]; Instead of the compose window, type the window. Is this the least possible? Or should we paste it with Apple, is it blue?

ide - Keyboard shortcut to "untab" (move a block of code to the left) in eclipse / aptana? -

OK, hopefully the question is self explanatory. It is so easy to select a block of code and tab, but how about reverse? Currently, I just search & amp; At the beginning of the line place for white space anything faster? In Visual Studio and the other half decent IDEs you can do just SHIFT + TAB, just opposite to tabs Does. I think and hope that the IDE that you mention it also support it.

SSO using CAS with ASP.NET membership provider backend -

I am trying to use SSO to run the same domain name. I though I really do not understand CAS can. Does CAS provide user management or do I have to apply it myself? Can I integrate the ASP.NET subscription provider as an ASP.NET antenna provider? Thank you! Does the CAS provide user management or do I have to apply it myself? No, it is not. Can I integrate the subscription provider in the CAS as an ATNICTATION provider? Yes, edit deployerConfigContext.xml in your CAS server and add your authentication operators.

delphi - Speech recognition not working well -

I have followed an article on speech recognition with Delphi (SAPI 5.3). I created a basic application but the problem is that the app is all wrong! It is not right to say what I am saying. If I say for example: "word", it gets "ward" For any speech recognition tool, you have to make sure that you give it adequate training so that you can recognize the way you speak. If many simple words have not been correctly identified, then you may need to train some more equipment. In that article, below you will see a picture of a "Speech Properties" box in it's place of "recognition profile". Make sure that you train your application, create a validation profile, Use it in your application Make sure to read the second reference in that article: Speech Part 2 - which comes in more detail on this.

multithreading - Derived class for Ruby Thread? -

I've lived in the C ++ world for years, and I'm starting with Ruby. I have a class that I want to make a thread. Is it wrong to get a square from ruby ​​in ruby? I look at examples that use the concepts given below. {& lt; Some blocks & gt; } What would be wrong with doing this? class MyThread & lt; Thread DEF started running end DRF; & Lt; Main loop & gt; I think this is actually a question about domain modeling. I think it's really a question about domain modeling. If you want to increase / increase the behavior of a thread, nothing will be wrong with what you are doing - for example to add debug or display output, but not me Feel what you want. You probably want to model some concept in your domain with active objects, in that case the standard ruby ​​approach is better because it allows you to get it without bowing your domain model. Legacy should really be used only to model IS_A relations To activate its object, it ha...

c# - What are the common practices for notifying a user of invalid input? -

In my company, I have seen several ways to inform the user when their input is invalid (our validity is usually Occurs when user clicks on some form of "Send" button) This is the most common approach I've seen: To control Using Classes which contain illegal input under control ( This is my current priority because the The installation can be done in one shot and the user can easily recognize which control has invalid input. ) Confirm the input in all the controls And compile the list of messages to display the user. Once the validity is completed according to the rule, the user can display the "invalid input" message at a time (via the message box). In order to verify the input sequentially in each control and inform the user once a piece of invalid data is found (through a message box) ( I Not a fan because if both Control_A and Control_B contain invalid data, then the user must try to submit data twice to see both the verification message. ) ...

javascript - how to load a webpage into the google map bubble rather than a textnode of text -

Instead of using textnode to show content, try to learn how to load a webpage with parameters in Google Maps I am doing If (GBrowserIsCompatible ()) is working with {var map = document.getElementById ("map_canvas"); Var M = new GMAP2 (map); M.setCenter (New GLatLng (36.158887, -86.782056), 13); M.openInfoWindow (m.getCenter (), document.createTextNode ("This is our business.")); M.setMapType (G_SATELLITE_MAP); Var c = new GMapTypeControl (); M.addControl (c); M.addControl (new GLargeMapControl ()); } I have a short javascript, how would I load webpage content instead of using createtextnode with text? Try making IFRAME: var iframe = document.createElement ('iframe) '); Setting up more sources: iframe.src = ''; and use it instead of the text node: m.openInfoWindow (m.getCenter (), iframe);

c# - Finding the position of the caret in a TextBox -

I need to know the position of the carot in the text box, so I can pop up a context menu near it. How do I find my placement? ( I came to know what I should do. It turns out that the placement target of the text box and GetRectFromCharacterIndex can set up the placement reCanal and this will work.

c# - Is there any relationship between anonymous session ( which enables temporary profile ) and …? -

There are relationships between anonymous sessions (where the random identifier is generated for anonymous users, which enables for anonymous users Use temporary profiles) and a session situation? If an anonymous user is authenticated, then we need to clear the anonymous identifier so that migrateAnonymous won the event is not a fire again but ASP.NET Why is it not able to detect that the user is now certified (because now this is a certification cookie) and thus does not send anonymous cookies back to the browser? Thanx No anonymous identification uses its own cookie This session is not related to the situation. For example, an unknown user may have made some adaptations in the application. You may be able to store customizable information for that website as soon as the registers Please If it destroys the cookie at the time of authentication, you will lose access to the work that it did. UPDATE (in response to comment): From a completely technical pers... - Ajax AutoCompleteExtender with more parameters -

I want to use Ajax AutoCompleteExtender for ASP.NET. I have some opportunities but only two parameters are used in those examples. I want to use three parameters. Some examples used a contextual property. I also checked but it does not work. Can anyone help me out? Take a look at It provides a full description of how to use the contextKey property, using contextKey is the only way that specifies an additional parameter, so I give it another try I am

Find first null in binary tree with limited memory -

I have a binary tree where the value of each node can be. If the value of the node tree is zero and the nearest of the root, if there are two nodes with the same distance from the root, what would happen if I need to reduce the number of binary trees to read That work memory is limited to only K nodes. DFS is fully k-deep, but the closest node will not be available until I have run through the whole tree before. BFS will find the closest, but it may fail because DFS can find deep noses with the same memory. I have the lowest number of trees to read and find the closest null node. (I will eventually need to implement it in the N-trees also, so also, a common solution would be good. Not allowed to write the tree, just read.) You might want to see. It will automatically find the nearest node but will be able to reach the same depth as DFS. However it will use Read More access. You can also start with BFS, and if you are not getting a blank with acceptable memory, then r...

c# - SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail unexplainable error -

I have an error at this time for which I am trying again to see why this is present. Although the error can be ignored, but I want to know why it exists at 1 position. Result = SetupDetSetSyncInterfaceDebate (deviceInfosite, referee interface, INTERPTR.zoro, 0, ref Buffers, Interpet .Zero); If (! Result) {int errCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error (); Error Message = New Win32Exception (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ()). message; StatusLabel.Text + = "\ n (1) SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail error:" + errCode + "=> + Error message + "."; "; // breakdown;} This is the first call on this function for the purpose of setting the buffersize variable for the second call of the function. Received print error message: 122 => The data area provided to call the system is too short Looking at the error message, I thought it was the second parameter (referee interface) Something must be done with and I can ignore it for the other pass which is proved rig...

How to use transactions with the Entity Framework? -

When you have such a code: something = something new (); BlahEntities b = new BlahEntities () b.AddToSomethingSet (some); B.SaveChanges (); What extra work does the transaction work? You can enter your code in the field of transactions (Transaction Scope Scope = New Transaction ()) {// Your Code is scope.Complete (); // to commit. } The TransactionScope System.Transactions are located in the namespace, which is located in the assembly of the same name (which you may have to manually add to your project).

fast and easy way to template xml files in python -

Right now I have coded the entire xml file tightly in my python script and just taking it out. Write (), but now it's getting difficult to manage because I have several types of xml file. What is the easiest and fastest way to set up templates so that I just give the variable name amd filename? You asked the easiest and fastest, check out this post: If you want some clever, take a look.

c++ - boost exceptions -

Are all exception exceptions received from std :: exception? If they do not get everything from the base exception class then? Boost: according to exception does not inherit std :: exception . It explains why. Although it shows how to use the Boost exception correctly.

security - How to sanitze user input in PHP before mailing? -

I have a simple PHP mailer script that takes the form submitted through POST and mails them Is: & lt ;? Php $ to = ""; $ Name = $ _POST ['name']; $ Message = $ _POST ['message']; $ Email = $ _POST ['email']; $ Body = "person $ name submits a message: $ message"; $ Theme = "a message is presented"; $ Header = 'to:' $ email; Mail ($ $ to $ $ theme, $ body, $ headers); Header ("Location:"); ? & Gt; How can I input the input? Like: resonant filter_ ($ _ POST ['email'], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);