
Showing posts from July, 2013

sql server - How to programatically save a query results to a text file? -

SQL Server 2005 - How can I programmatically save the results of a question? (Ie, without selecting results for file option in the analyzer and not through sql command)? For example choose from northwind.dbo.suppliers and can I save my results in a CSV file? Open a SQL Connection issue in the language of your choice (select)

objective c - Want to display the "Button menu view" comes up form the bottom in iphone -

I need to customize the page where the customizable "button menu pane" visible at any event below Is just one of the "TwitterRrift" application (please see screenshot). I have tried to implement via modalViewController properties but it populates my customizable view on the whole screen and my parent view disappears in the background. Code Snippet: MyCustomizableButtonMenuContoller * ButtonMenuTrainer = [[MyCustomizableButtonMenuContoller alloc] init]; // In order to show my customization button menu below on seeing any parent at any event. [Self-Present Model View Controller: Animated Button Menu Controller: Yes]; // Optimize button to hide the menu [Self buffer model controlling controller: Amit: Yes]; I also tried to make my customizable button menu transparent but it does not work on my requirement. UA Worksheet I think that is one, but it is possible to customize buttons with images again? If there are other ways to get a scenario in the screen shot...

ClearCase: Find files having exactly one specific label and not more -

I would like to find files in the ClearCase labeled with a specific label, but nobody else's example For, if I have files labeled like this: file1 LBL_A, LBL_B file2LBL_A I have a query Which does not just give me file2 and file1. Is there a way to do this with Chalnul? If it is not possible to do this with a single question, then I will be happy for any ideas how to do it in many phases (I will call Cleitul from a Perl script, so saving the list of files will be easy And run the next commands on them). Thanks a long time ago! Jan LBL_A believes that you want to run only (only ) Is labeled Cleatonal search / some / diary-version 'lbtype (LBL_A)' -print | Xargs cleartool description -fmt should give "% n:% l" file1: (LBL_A, LBL_B) file2: (LBL_A) As an output you can then check in your perl script or filter by using sed -n / s / \ (. * \): (LBL_A) / \ 1 / p ' (no colon handling file names). Update: As Voncchi correctly stat...

php - Extract keywords/tags from string using Preg_match_all -

I have the following code $ str = "keyword keyword 'keyword1 and keyword 2 'one more' one more '. Another keyword "yes, one, two'; Preg_match_all ('/ "[^"] + "| [^" \',] + | \ '[^ \'] + \ '/', $ str, $ matches); Echo "& lt; east & gt;"; Print_r (matches $); Echo "& lt; / pre & gt;"; Where I want it to remove the keyword from the string, and keep wrapped in one or double quotation marks, the code above works fine, but it does not have the value quotation marks Gives along I know that I can extract them through str_replace or similar, but I'm actually looking for a way to solve it through the preg_match_all function. Output: Array ([0] => array ([0] = & gt; keyword [1] = & gt; keyword [2] = [4] = & gt; one more '[5] = & gt; "second keyword" [6] => Yes [7] = & Gt; one [8] = & gt; two)) Besides, I think my Regex is a li...

java - Gettign the error :Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from jaxb -

मैं करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं java -jar jaxb-api-1.5.jar मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिल रही है: जेक्सब-एपीआई-1.5.जर से मेन-क्लास मैनिफ़ेस्ट विशेषता को लोड करने में असफल रहा मैं इसे jdk1.4 env में चल रहा हूँ। ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है और इसे कैसे पढ़ा जा सकता है? मैं क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ, एक्सएसडी से कक्षाएं जेडब xjc कमांड में जेडीके 1.4 एंव यदि कोई अन्य तरीका है तो कृपया मुझे बताएं कि कोई भी सूचक आपकी सहायता करेगा मैंने इसे और इसके मैनिफ़ेस्ट एमएफ में किसी भी मुख्य-क्लास के एडिट्रीब्यूट में काम नहीं होता है। मुझे लगता है कि इस जार को java -jar कॉल के जरिए निष्पादित करने का इरादा नहीं है पर कुछ resouces हैं आप से नवीनतम स्थिर संस्करण डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। इसमें आपकी जरूरत के लिए शैल स्क्रिप्ट / बैच प्रोग्राम शामिल हैं।

coldfusion - Where do you put cfimport -

Works on my cfimport page, but I tried to move it to Rookstart and it does not work. Then I tried to put it in a folder in a folder, and it was not working. Should cfimport be on the page itself? Yes, the tag is used only on the page where cfimport is used; From: The page that uses the imported tag should have a cfimport tag. For example, if you use the cfimport tag on a page that you include with a cfinclude call, you can not use the imported tag on that page, which contains the cfinclude tag. Similarly, if you have a cfimport tag on your application.cfm page, then imported tags are only available on the Applications.cfm page, not on other pages of the application Cold Fusion does not make any errors in these situations, but imported tags do not run.

Objective C problem defining properties -

When I try to define an int as an asset in Objective-C, I get an error ( Not of type object). I have tried using NSInteger and int, but neither has worked. Code: Full seat; @property (non-nominal, retaining) int seats; You can not have an int or NSInteger because they are primitive types - not objects instead use the following Do: @property (nonatomic, assigned) int seats;

Can I use PowerShell 1.0 to list processes along with their PIDs and Command Lines? -

Edit by OP: My question was assumed that PowerShell is the best tool for this job Was there. There is a simple way of achieving my goal: A friend told me just about it: It displays absolutely essential information without the need of PowerShell. I have dozens of ASP.NET websites running locally and when I want to debug a particular website name, for example, foo I go through the following steps: Run Process Explorer (from SysInternals) and it seems that w3wp.exe was started with on its command line. Note the Process ID (PID) of that w3wp.exe process. Visual Studio is connected to that process ID Is there a way to write a PowerShell script that is my Will each of the w3wp.exe process running on the computer print the PID and command line logic? When I run the matching process w3wp, I get: & gt; Received Process w3wp Handle NPM (K) PM (K) WS (K) VM (M) CPU (S) ID Process Name ------- ----------- ----- ----- ------- ----------- 688 2...

command - Doxygen \xrefitem doesn't seem to work -

I am trying to use xfirecimal to create "related pages", but this does not work, no In the same line Here's an example: /// \ XFITIMUM make-up "makeup" "This is made" OK so it is /// \ XFITIMUM makeup 2 "makeup 2" "it was made I'm using Doxygen 1.5.9 "OK" it is #incompatible "up" None of these appear in related pages. I am also adding a comment to the CPP file. two quick thoughts: First of all, does it work for you ? (The text is divided on the second row ...) /// \ xrefitem make-up "make-up" "it is made" /// OK then it Apart from this, the tag in your second example has a number - is it irrelevant? When a tag called "Aditogram" was actually created, then I actually had problems with "ADTGroup" and it was not upto hours of hair drawing, I think that these numbers are ignored in a tag. Just a thought ...

vba - add item to right-click menu in Excel chart -

How to add items to the right-click menu in Excel charts using VBA? Excel 2007 is. The chart is a standalone sheet. It's too late, but I thought it was important for someone and to do this Trying In Excel 2007 and 2010, you can not change the context menu for charts and shapes. There are no errors, but amendments are not applicable only. Microsoft knows about this, smart people in at least product groups, but I believe there is no plan to solve this problem for these versions.

javascript - How do I bypass a same origin policy violation for one local file to another? -

मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट + & lt; video & gt; + और त्रुटि: अपवाद अपवाद: [अपवाद ... "सुरक्षा त्रुटि" कोड: "1000" nsresult: "0x805303e8 (NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR)" स्थान: "फ़ाइल: ///media/disk/javascript/html5/chromakey/chromakey1.htm रेखा: 23 "] यहां पंक्ति 23 है: this.referenceImageData = this.bCtx.getImageData (0, 0, this.bufferCanvas.width, यह। bufferCanvas.height); यह एक कैनवास से छवि डेटा प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रहा है, जिस पर मैंने पहले इस तरह से वीडियो की एक फ्रेम की प्रतिलिपि बनाई है: this.bCtx.drawImage (यह .inputElement, 0, 0, this.inputElement.width, this.inputElement.height, 0, 0, this.bufferCanvas.width, this.bufferCanvas.height); जहां this.inputElement इस संदर्भ (काफी उबाऊ) तत्व: & lt; video id = "MainInput" src = "320x240.ogg" width = "320" height = "240" & gt; & lt; / video & gt; क्या मेरे पास एक जार के साथ अपना कोड हस्ताक्षरित किए ...

jquery - Iframe in Tab Madness! -

I have searched all and have found possible solutions but they do not do much work for which I need them . I'm actually new to jQuery, but I'm trying to: -) I have a tab in a tab (tab operated by jQuery) The third An iframe in the tab that keeps a slide show My problem: When I click on the third tab in which all controls are visible, the carousel works, but .. No picture !!! Firefox has helped me solve this problem, now I need to find a way to fix it. In Firefox I right click on IFrame and this Go to Frame -> Reload Frame VOILA! Question: Is it possible to select the third tab with jQuery and when that third tab is selected then to refresh a div in the IRF What is possible Tab Code: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" charset = "utf-8" & gt; $ (Function () {var tabContainers = $ ('div.tabs & gt; div'); tabContainers.hide (). Filter (': first'). Show (); $ ('div.tabs ul.tabNavigation a '). Cl...

Sifr 3 Links Problem -

I am currently coding a site which is using a sifr'ed link in a wider amount. The appearance of Sifr'ed text is fine, however, only the links seem to work in Safari. I have noticed that many other people have trouble with older versions of CFR in Firefox, although I have updated to create the latest night Sifr3 site Any help would be greatly appreciated. Make sure to not replace ), but replace its original element. "itemprop =" text ">

xml - Restricting an element to having text, or subelements -

We have a situation where we want to ban an element: Either text (). Or Subelements. For example. & lt; A & gt; Mytext & lt; / A & gt; or but not: & lt; A & gt; Mytext & lt; B & gt; Xxx & lt; / B & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Looking at the system, I can restrict it to just keep the text, and of course I can define the element (elements), it can be allowed, but nobody knows how I combine the two Can I? Allow any text or sub-committees, but not both? Ta Jamie Another option is to use heritage Your resulting XML is not very beautiful, but you get the content you want: & lt; Xsd: element name = "field" type = "field" abstract = "true" /> & Lt; Xsd: element name = "subfield" type = "xsd: string" /> & Lt; Xsd: complex type name = "field" abstract = "true" /> & Lt; Xsd: complex type name = "subfield" & gt; ...

algorithm - Fast generation of random numbers that appear random -

I am searching in an efficient way to generate numbers that a human will experience in random form. Actually, I think about avoiding the long sequences of 0 or 1 bit. I hope that humans want to see a bit of pattern, and a very low CPU should be able to calculate these close to one thousand per second. There are two different concepts which I can think of doing this, but I am losing searching to find an efficient way of accomplishing them. Generate a random number with a certain number. For 32-bit random numbers, it requires 31 random numbers using the Nood Selection algorithm. Is bits a more efficient way to generate a random number with some numbers of sets? Unfortunately, 0000FFFF does not look very random. Some parts feel "part-wise" density as it looks better - but I can not come together, the obvious way of doing this - I think of going through every segment, And calculate how far it is from the ideal density, and try to increase the bit density of the next ...

python - Context-sensitive string splitting, preserving delimiters -

I have a string of "foo-bar-1.23-4" form, and after the first hyphen one digit, The result is that ['foo-bar', '1.23-4]' I have tried the following: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Re.split ('- \ d', 'foo-bar-1.23-4', 1) ['foo-bar', '.23-4'] and & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Re.split ('- (\ d)', 'foo-bar-1.23-4', 1) ['foo-bar', '1', '.23-4'] Can I get a liner without the extracting the delimiter with the last element with sub-corresponding results? You were very close, try this: re. Split ('- (? = = D)', 'foo-bar-1.23-4', 1) I'm using it to complete - basically I Match a dash that is immediately followed by a numerical character. - Multiple Virtual Directories pointed to the same folder on web server -

Presentation is my web form with four load-balanced servers. I have a website that has two websites that represent the website With the domain instead of pushing two consecutive separate folder locations, I thought I could access one place and keep a virtual directory on every website point in a folder on the webserver. Here's the setup: Load Balancer is CoyotePoint Web Framework 3.5. IIS 6 (slowing down from 7). I am concerned about the performance in the production environment. Is there any reason to create two websites with virtual directories pointing to the same directory on the disk? Should I also be worried about the application pool? I think I found what I wanted. It says. Especially, I think, and really what I want!

Install SQL Server 2005 Standard on a computer with SQL Express -

People, Visual Studio has installed SQL Server Express on its computer, Satisfies the needs. Now I need to support remote databases so that the full version of the management studio is required. I tried to install the standard version but it is blocked, apparently because there are new versions of the files in Express Can I do this? Will they play well together? thanks You SQL Server 2005 Express SQL Server Management Studio 2005 can not run on the same machine. However, you can run SQL Server 2008 Express. I uninstalled 2005 and on my machine 2008 to work around that problem. For more information, refer to this t.

java me - sending image from one mobile to another via sms using j2me language -

I am programming a mobile application in j2me, where I need to send an image from one mobile to another via SMS . Problems are being encountered on receipt.This image is not being decoded properly.It is throwing the iPod. I am posting code here..PLG help me Import javax.microedition.midlet. *; Import javax.microedition.lcdui *; Import *; Import javax.wireless.messaging *; Import; Import *; Import java.lang *; Import * *; Public class receive_mms MIDlet tool commandstore displays {display; // text box Txtbox; Message Connection msgConn; Message message; Form frm = null; Byte [] msgrev; Byte [] data; // string msgrev; Image im = null; Image im1 = null; Image item img = null; Int i, j; Bytereinputstream bracket = null; Command cmd_exit; Public receive_ms () {disp = Display.getDisplay (this); Frm = new form ("see photo"); I = frm.getWidth (); J = frm.getHeight (); Cmd_exit = New command (...

database - How to do a NVL (or DECODE or CASE) statement within an Informix SE SQL query? -

IOM is very clear on its Infomix Standard engine, it does not support neither the case nor the DOCDE. It will never happen! So maybe someone might have an idea that I want to be equal to this: MyTable manufacturing process NVL (one chor (32), BRR (32) default faucet, C word (32 ) Default Taps, D Charge (32) Default Faucet, E-CR (32) Default Faucet, F Charge (32) Default Faucet, G Chad (32) Default Faucet) Returning Chad (32); If none is empty; Alif B is not zero, then return B; Alif is not a tap, then return c; A.LIFD does not come back then d; Elife E is neither empty; Elf F. does not come back either; ELSE return; end if; End Processing; or - less generally: - @ (#) $ id: nvl_int.spl, v 1.1, 1996-2006 18: 33: 11 John Explanation $ - - NVL_Intage: Returns V1 If this is not empty, then the process of making V2 NVL_Intageer (v1 Intezere, v2 Integer DEFAULT 0) Returning Integer; Defined R.V. INTEGER; If v1 is not zero then rv = v1; ELSEEL RV = V2; End if reverse RV... - How to create a DataTable in C# and how to add rows? -

How to create a DataTable in C #? I liked it: Datatable DT = new datatile (); Dt.clear (); Dt.Columns.Add ("name"); Dt.Columns.Add ("icon"); How do I view the structure of Datatelle? Now I want to add ravi to name and 500 for marks . How can I do this? Here is the code: DataTable DT = new datatable () ; Dt.Clear (); Dt.Columns.Add ("name"); Dt.Columns.Add ("icon"); Datarao_Ravi = DT. NRO (); _ravi ["name"] = "sun"; _ravi ["mark"] = "500"; Dt.Rows.Add (_ravi); To see the structure, or instead of rewriting it as schema, you can export it in XML file. To only export schema / structure, do: dt.WriteXMLSchema ("dtSchemaOrStructure.xml"); In addition, you can also export your data: dt.WriteXML ("dtDataxml");

math - Is there a way to find the approximate value of the nth prime? -

Is there any work that n will return the prime minister's estimated value? I think this would be something like an approximate inverted main count function. For example, if I give this function 25, then it will return a number around 100, or if I give this function 1000, then it will return a number around 8000. I do not care if the return number is dominant or not, but I want it to be fast (hence n do not generate major numbers before n I like it so that I can generate the first n primary numbers by using a sieve (or), n th For approximation, ideally, the value of the actual n does not consider reducing the value of the principal. (Update: For a good method, see n to find the upper limit of the prime number.) Strict range: Fixed priceless small primes_small [] = {0,2,3,5,7,11}; Steady unsigned long nth_prime_upper (unsigned long n) {double fn = (double) n; Double flogn, flog2n, upper; If (n & lt; 6) returns primes_small [n]; Flagon = log (n); Flog...

nhibernate starting performance -

Does every time a request or only once the application starts? What I'm doing here: Public Session Session Manager (Private Readonly Foundation Factory _ Season Factor; Public Session Manager () {_sessionFactory = GetSessionFactory () ;} Public Isession GetSession () {Return _sessionFactory.OpenSession ();} Private Stable ISessionFactory GetSessionFactory () {return flu config. () .database (mssql configuration.mssql2005.connection string (c => c. (@ "Data source = pc-de-yasir; initial catalog = m Adderbase; user id = sa; password = password; integrated security = true ")). Mapping (m = & gt; m. Automapping. Add (autocarrestice model.mindtiesemeddendoffoffs & lt; model category & gt; ())) BuilderSecurityFactor ();}} And here's how I get data from the database Public IList & lt; Category & gt; ; GetCategories () {var session = new session manager (.) GetSession (); Return Session. Secret Carteria (Typef Line)). LIST & Lt; CATEG...

qt qmake -tp vc to create visual studio project files -

I am using Qt Creator 1.0.0 And Qi 4.5.0 LGGL license. I want to develop an application in QT which will run on Windows Mobile 6.0. I have created a simple project in QT and I want to create a visual project file so that I can compile windows on the windows using the visual studio and test using the emulator. I am using Visual Studio 2008 TS and Windows Mobile 6 SDK is installed. However, I have created my project in Qt and I have browsed that the project is located using QT command prompt. I am in the root of my project and I type qmake - tp vc I am getting this output: D: \ projects \ pdfon \ pdfon> gt; ; Qmake -t vc WARNING: Unable to generate output for: D: / projects / pdfone / pdfone // makefile.debug [TEMPLATE vc] WARNING: Unable to generate output: D: / Project / PDA_Phone / PDA_Phone / /Makefile.Release [Template VC] The following files are in my directory: Directory of D: \ Projects \ PDPhone \ PDAFone 06/25 / 2009 05:37 PM & lt; DIR & gt; . ...

JBOSS web service client doesn't work ( runtime modeler error: Wrapper class not found ) -

I have a simple Hello-world EJB3 that has been successfully deployed as a web service. I can see it with the URL: The customer who works for the glassfish, but does not work for jabos Package Com Hardic Mazeb; Import; Import; Import javax.xml.namespace.QName; Import; Public class JAXWSClient {Private static string host = "localhost"; Private static string portite = "halobiine"; Private stable string savannum = "greeter"; Private Static String ServiceNameJabos = "Hello-YS-Hello-Ys"; // works for glassfish / / // private static string serviceEndpointAddress = "http: //" + host + ": 8080 /" + serviceName; // jboss should work for a private static string service AddresspointAddress = "http: //" + host + ": 8080 /" + serviceName_jboss; Private static string name space = ""; Public static zero main (string [...

tfs - Deployment of code which uses the Microsoft Team Foundation Server APIs -

What are the minimum requirements for deploying the XE using the TFS API? I have a machine with a small: (12GB left with 1GB only) SP1 to C: \ (hence the .NET 3.5 SP1) since I used VSStudiio 2008 SP1 on that machine + Team Explorer + can not install the VSStudio SP1 SDK. Any ideas ??? Currently I get an exception: System.Uniproprum Expression: The Common Language Runtime has detected an invalid program. Microsoft Foundation. Client. TeamFoundationServer.get_HasAuthenticated () It is similar to issuing: There is no officially licensed redistribution package for TFS API. So the minimum package is Team Explorer, I recommend VS SP1, as well as to ensure that you get all the bug fixes. Do not be afraid - the VS SP1 package looks great and takes forever, but it will patches only some of the products already present. There are generally per machine license restrictions. * However, it is necessary to ensure that all the users accessing the service written by you will be valid ca...

is it worth using core data for a simple sqlite app on the iphone with one table and no relationships or complicated subtable/views? -

From now on should the core data be used as a cover for a small iPhone app with a SackLite Single Table Database ? Does it unnecessarily complicate things or is it a good practice to use it from now on? Yes I think this is - Core Data is not a complicated API - and it has many powerful features. Provides access to I had to face the same decision as you did - I had core data invested in half a day and was very happy. An app that starts in the form of a table can be useful and can be quick and if you do not build on a solid foundation, then you can find that you will find yourself in the future. Have a big headache - just save some time. Yes, this is a good practice - you will be very grateful for taking the core data route.

performance - Speed tradeoff of Java's -Xms and -Xmx options -

इन दोनों आज्ञाओं को देखते हुए A: $ java - Xms10G -Xmx10G माइजवाकोड इनपुट। Txt बी: $ java-xms5g -xmx5g myjavacode input.txt मेरे पास दो प्रश्न हैं: चूंकि कमांड ए इसके मापदंडों के साथ अधिक मेमोरी सुरक्षित रखता है, क्या बी की तुलना में तेज़ गति होगी? -Xmx और -Xms चलने की प्रक्रिया और मेरे प्रोग्राम के आउटपुट को कैसे प्रभावित करते हैं? यह जीसी पर निर्भर करता है जो आपका जावा उपयोग कर रहा है। समानांतर जीसी अधिक बड़ी मेमोरी सेटिंग्स पर बेहतर काम कर सकते हैं - हालांकि मैं उस पर कोई विशेषज्ञ नहीं हूं। सामान्य तौर पर, अगर आपके पास बड़ी मेमोरी है तो कम से कम होने पर इसे जीसी-एड होना चाहिए - बहुत सारे कमरे हैं कचरा के लिए हालांकि, जब यह एक जीसी की बात आती है, तो जीसी को अधिक मेमोरी पर काम करना पड़ता है - जो बदले में धीमा हो सकता है।

list - sharepoint validate custom field -

I created a custom list in SharePoint (12 built and provision for honeycomb) How to do Can I check on certain areas of the list when a new list item is added? I think I can do this through the "add item" incident receiver, but is there a more beautiful sharepoint? For example, I just want to check an email field is a valid email format. I think you should have the option as you have already used an event receiver , There will be a way. But I think that one more elegant and more like a sharepoint will have to be applied to yourself and this will give you the option of validating the mail address before triggering any event receiver. And will respond with a verification message to give the user the option to correct their input.

sql - How to retrieve scalar value from stored procedure (ADO.NET) -

Text after " In the archived process, I just select a statement from sometable , select the select count (*) , Then from the client side (I am implementing the stored procedure using C # ADO .net SqlCommand), how do I get the count (*) value? I am using SQL Server 2008. I am confused because count (*) thanks. The return value of the stored procedure is not used as a parameter Advance, George Or you suggested using Andrew as ExecuteScalar - or you have to change your code a little bit: create process dbo.CountRowsInTable (@RowCount INT output) Select someTable end and resume @RowCount = COUNT (*) Use this ADO.NET call to get the value: (SqlCommand cmdGetCount = Using new SqlCommand ("dbo.CountRowsInTable", SqlConnection)) {cmdGetCount.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; CmdGetCount.Parameters.Add ("@RowCount", SqlDbType.Int). Direction = Parameter Direction.optput; SqlConnection.Open (); CmdGetCount.ExecuteNonQuery (); Int rowC...

objective c - Multiple Image Operations Crash iPhone App -

I'm new to iPhone app development, so it's possible I'm doing something wrong. Actually, I am loading a bunch of images from the Internet, and then crop them. I managed to find examples of loading asynchronous images and adding them to those sequences, I have succeeded by adding an image with a NSOata with NSData Which was included in the NSOperationQueue . Then, because I had to make thumbs of fixed size, I wanted a way to crop these images, so I found a script on the net, which was originally called UIGraphicsBeginImageContext () , Uses UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext () and UIGraphicsEndImageContext () to attract the crop image, with unimportant size calculations The thing is, the method works, but since it is 20 in these images, after some of them is produced, it randomly crashes, or the app closes once or twice And after some time to open again What should I do in this case? I tried to run this method asynchronous in any way, along with...

python - How to create Fibonacci Sequence in Java -

I actually suck into math. I mean, I'm really trying to make the class a simple Fibonacci sequence I suck an algorithm on mathematics I, I've seen examples of Python, which looks something like this: a = 0b = 1 while B & lt; 10: Print B A, B = B, B + A The problem is that I really can not do this work in any other language. I would like to work in Java, because I can translate there from the languages ​​I am using from there. This is a general idea: public class Fibonacci algorithm {private integer a = 0; Private integer B = 1; Public Fibonacci algorithm () {} public integer increments () {a = b; B = A + B; return value; } Public Integer getValue () {Return b; }} Whatever I finish, it is doubling, which I can do with multiplication: (Can anyone help me? Mathematics told me. I will do it like this: public class Fibonacci algorithm {private int A = 0; private Int B public = 1; public Fbiansia algorithm () {} public Int Inrgment () {EIT Tempp = B, B = A ...

iphone - Core Data vs Sqlite and performance -

I am thinking that someone has a real world number on the performance difference between an old SQLite application that has changed into core data SDK 3.0 has been done I suspect that the hood is using the sqlite just as under the core data and it adds a little overhead to the cost of the feature, but I thought I could Will ask Core data has been highly customized in relation to caching, lazy-loading and memory management. If you use it (with SQLite store type), especially in combination with the NSFATED Resolutions Controller, you should get better performance by joining with SQLite. Apple has worked hard to make core data better on the iPhone. My application switched from SQLite w / FMDB to core data and it is now faster and more stable with less code.

php - Populating an object's properties with an array? -

I want to take an array and use the array's names to populate the values ​​of that array in the properties of the array. Want to Like: $ a = array ('property1' => 1, 'property2' => 2); $ O = new Obj (); $ O- & gt; Populate ($ one); Class Obj {function populate ($ array) {// ?? }} After this, I now have: $ o-> Properties 1 == 1 $ o- & gt; Properties 2 == 2 How would I go about doing this? foreach ($ one $ key = & gt; $ value) {$ o- & Gt; $ Key = $ value; } However, the syntax that you are using to declare your array is not valid. You need to do something like this: $ a = array ('property1' => 1, 'property2' = & gt; 2); If you do not care about the class of the object, you can do so (by giving you an example of stdClass ): $ o = (object) $ a;

Linq To Sql Entity Operations -

I'm trying to use: // This is a breakaway class Ado Net Data Entity Modal_Antencies_antity.AdTebreckHistory (this); _entities.SaveChanges (); And I can not be referred to "a unit object with many instances of IEntityChangeTracker." Error I think my update code: _entities.ApplyPropertyChanges (this. EntityKey.EntitySetName, this); _entities.SaveChanges (); And I'm thinking that I'll probably get the same type of error. Do I have to get this kind of original bikehistory object? var BasicBrownHistory = (_entities.BreakHistorySet in BH where bh.BreakHistoryID = Select bh) .FirstOrDefault (); - Updated 4:40 pm on the same day It seems that I may have another problem that might be related. I am adding the current break-green unit to the manager unit object because they are related and I am getting this error: "The relationship between the two objects can not be defined because they are related to different object object objects." Co... - ASP.NET: How to create a connection from a web.config ConnectionString? -

आप प्रदाता नाम पर आधारित एक DbConnection का निर्माण कैसे करते हैं? नमूना प्रदाता नाम s System.Data.SqlClient System.Data.OleDb System.Data.Odbc FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient मेरे पास आईआईएस सर्वर की वेब। कॉन्फ़िग फ़ाइल में कनेक्शन स्ट्रिंग्स संग्रहीत हैं: & lt; connectionStrings & gt ; & Lt; नाम जोड़ें = "विकास" कनेक्शन स्ट्रिंग = "प्रदाता = आईबीडीए 4 400; डेटा स्रोत = माइस्काइस्टामेन; यूजर आईडी = यूजर यूजर; पासवर्ड = माइ पावर्ड;" प्रदातानाम = "System.Data.OleDb" / & gt; & Lt; नाम जोड़ें = "लाइव" कनेक्शन String = "usd = sa; pwd = password; server = deathstar;" प्रदाता नाम = "System.Data.Odbc" / & gt; & Lt; नाम जोड़ें = "परीक्षण" connectionString = "usd = sa; pwd = पासवर्ड; सर्वर = डेस्टास्टार;" प्रदाता नाम = "System.Data.SqlClient" / & gt; & Lt; नाम जोड़ें = "ऑफ़लाइन" कनेक्शन स्ट्रिंग = "सर्वर = लोकलहोस्ट; उपयोगकर्ता = S...

c# - Binding query parameters by name with ODP.NET -

I am currently using Microsoft ADO.NET provider for Oracle ( System.Data.OracleClient ). I know that this is definitely not the best Oracle Provider available and that, I should use ODP's ODP.NET. The reason is that I still use the MS provider because ODP binds norms based on the state of the net , not by name. When you use several parameters in the query, it can actually be a PITA, because you have to be careful to add them in the right order, which can easily be bugs. For example, when you use the same parameter multiple times in the same query, it is also troublesome: select A, B, C, from where Fu = X : PARAM_X OR: PARAM_X = 0 With ODP.NET, I have to add two parameters in the Oracle Commands , which I think is stupid. . ODP The default is Oracle Commodity to change that default behavior: BindByName . When set to true, parameters are bound by name, which I want. Unfortunately, this does not really help me because: It is set to false by default I'm clear...

Bluetooth Protocol? -

OK, this may just be a dumb question, but I was wondering if Bluetooth pursues TCP or UDP protocols Does it? With my knowledge of the network protocol (which is not much), I would say that it does not follow any of them and that there exists any specific Bluetooth protocols that exist. I have another question ... What does the protocol of Bluetooth functionality in gamekit follow in the new iPhone OS 3.0? I have not seen every word of apple documents yet, but so far, I can not find it. There are TCP and UDP transport level protocols, while Bluetooth will be low-level protocols. This way you can use TCP or UDP on top of Bluetooth, just like you use TCP and UDP over Ethernet.

sockets - JAVA NIO ByteBuffer allocatation to fit largest dataset? -

I am working on an online game and kills a few difficulties while working on the server side of things. / P> When using non-blocking socket in Java, what is the best action to handle the full packet data set, which can not be processed until all data is available? For example, sending a large 2D tiled map to the socket. I can think of two ways to handle it: Handling a bytebuff on a large scale, from my example, on a large 2D tiled map Continue to add data to the complete data set buffer needed to process, until all of this is achieved and there is a process from there. If the bytebuffer is a small size (maybe 1500), then it can be read later and as long as the file can not be completely processed, one Out of file It prevents big bitbuffers, but decreases performance due to disk I / O. I am using a dedicated ByteBuffer for each socket channel so that I can read the data until it is complete for processing the problem is that if My 2D tiled map is equal to 2 MB size...

c++ - How do I declare template function outside the class declaration -

#include & lt; iterator & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; नक्शा & gt; #include & lt; vector & gt; टेम्पलेट & lt; वर्ग T1, वर्ग T2 & gt; वर्ग ए {सार्वजनिक: टाइप कियाइफ़ टाइप नाम std :: vector & lt; std :: pair & lt; T1, T2 & gt; & Gt; :: इटरेटर इटरेटर; Std :: जोड़ी & lt; iterator, bool & gt; फू () {इटरेटर एआईटर; वापसी std :: जोड़ी & lt; std :: vector & lt; std :: जोड़ी & lt; T1, T2 & gt; & Gt; :: इटरेटर, बूल & gt; (एआईटर, झूठी); }}; उपरोक्त कोड मेरे लिए ठीक काम करता है लेकिन मैं कक्षा घोषणा के बाहर फ़ंक्शन की परिभाषा को स्थानांतरित करना चाहता हूं। मैंने इसे करने की कोशिश की। टेम्पलेट & class; class T1, class T2 & gt; वर्ग ए {सार्वजनिक: टाइप कियाइफ़ टाइप नाम std :: vector & lt; std :: pair & lt; T1, T2 & gt; & Gt; :: इटरेटर इटरेटर; Std :: जोड़ी & lt; iterator, bool & gt; foo (); }; टेम्पलेट & lt; वर्ग T1, वर्ग T2 & gt; std :: जोड़ी को & lt; std :: वेक्टर & LT;...

Easy pagination in Java EE with jsp -

I am looking at the open source pageigen component, where I can only list the items that have an endorsement page in my JSP. I will get items from the database by the page parameter and the pagination method can be done for the rest. Is there any good componenets for that? According to the list of objects at a glance it can create paged tables.

Design for Ruby app using meta programming -

I am creating an outline where the objects should be created according to a predefined XML file. For example, if the XML file The following happens: & lt; Type name = "man" & gt; & Lt; Property name = "name" type = "string" & gt; & Lt; Property name = "height" type = "int" & gt; & Lt; Property name = "age" type = "int" & gt; & Lt; Property name = "business" type = "string" value = "unemployed" & gt; & Lt; / Type & gt; In Ruby, you should allow to create an object as: Man New ) Note: For values ​​where 'value' is defined in XML, no value should be accepted in the initial method, rather It should be determined by the class as a default value. Any recommended implementation for this? I'm watching Dave Thomas's screencast about meta programming, so it looks very suitable, but any suggestions would be appreciat...

Java- How to Display record count -

I would like to display the records obtained after a query in the following format 'Record 20 of 1 ' I have a raven and the total records are retrieved. It is just to show that I should know. It would be great that it can be displayed in jlabal. Thanks label.setText ("" "+ +" "Records" of); Note that the event should be processed for the value shown to you, so when you just set up the text and then continue processing (blocking main thread), the value In the widget the OS will not be able to render it on the screen.

python - How to sort on number of visits in Django app? -

In Django (1.0.2), I have 2 models: Lessons and State Lawson. class lessons (models.Model): content = model. TextField () def get_visits (self): Return itself Statlesson_set.all () Calculation () Category StatLesson (models.Model): Lesson = Model. ForeignKey (text) Datetime = models.DateTimeField (default = ()) Records 1 visit of certain text. I can use lesson.get_visits () to get the number of visits for that lesson. How do I get a query of the lessons, which is solved with the number of visits? I'm looking for something like this: Lesson.objects.all () Order_by ('statathon__count') (but it does not clearly work) class "itemprop =" text "> There will be gross support on DJJongo 1.1. Text (models.Model): Content = Model TestField () visit_count = models.IntegerField (default = 0) Category StatLesson (models.Model): Lesson = Model. Foreign key (text) datetime = models.DateTimeField (default = datetime ...

Using Grails/Hibernate with old Databases. How to create missing functions? -

So Hibernate supports the latest version of Firebird, which is really great. But ... I got a firebird 1.5.2 database here. My Grails app using this database via Hibernate ... so far everything is great. My applications ask questions with tasks that are not known to my database, for example, the function is low, which is now supported in firebird since 2.x. My question: Is it possible to get a special hibernate bid for my database? Currently I am using: quote = "org.hibernate.dialect.firebirdDialect" How can I help in my databases handling my unknown tasks? You can create your own language by sub-closing the firebirdlist and by overwriting all the functions that Different values ​​should be returned. For the simple case of the need to rename the function, Hibernate is using low case, you can only set the following in your hibernate configuration: hibernate.query .substitutions toLowercase = mylower However, as the firebird 1.5 does not have any type of e...

html - which of the h1 tag code is correct? -

I want to know which of the following codes are correct ... all three ... & lt; H1 & gt; & Lt; Span class = "bold" & gt; RestState & lt; / H1> & Lt; H1 & gt; Realestate & lt; / H1> & Lt; H1 square = bold & gt; Real estate & lt; / H1> Please let me know about that ... The best option would be 4: & lt; H1 class = "main-title" & gt; ReState & lt; / H1> You should give your classes a semantic meaning - the main title will always be a main title, but what happens if the designer decides they will be better underlined? You will end with: .bold {font-weight: normal; Text-decoration: underlined; } Which is the most deceptive!

sharepoint - Web Part connections in site definitions -

I need to specify the Web Part connection in onet.xml. Therefore, when creating a site using this site definition It has been said that Web Parts are already connected and ready for use. What properties I need to specify in that onet.xml for that specific web parts. I even walled on this one in the past year! It seems that connections can no longer be specified on web parts in the new .webpart format because they can be in the old .dwp format. I also eliminate custom attributes like Site Definition such as KPinhack suggest too. To add web parts, my code is listed below. The method is designed to connect only two different types of web parts - it does not support many web parts of the same type of same page. But I'm sure you'll catch the general idea. Private Zero ConnectWeb Pars (SPWeb Web, String PageName, Type Provider Type, Type Consumer Type) {SP File File = Web. Gatefile (PageName); SPList list = null; If (file.InDocumentLibrary) {list = file.Item.ParentList; I...

applet - When do we get java.lang.NoSuchMethodError even when the jar/class has the particualar method -

I am using the ITTable library to facilitate PDF export in an applet. During the export it failed with the following error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable.completeRow () V I opened Itext jar / PdfPtable.class in JD Decompiler and confirmed that the class is completely in the form of public method. Can someone explain the code when a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError is also thrown into jar / square? Here is a stack trace; Can not be very useful as most of the calls to our application are specific During the export to the CSV file - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError. com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable.completeRow () V com.blox.table.action.ExportToCSVAction.actionPerformed ( javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed (Unknown Source) javax .swing.AbstractButton $ Handler.actionPerformed (unknown source) javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed (unknown source) javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed (unknown...

search - What is the best metaphor of AND and OR for searching? -

As a programmer, we all know about the difference between AND AND (junction and union). I'm building a website that lists the list properties and I'm really struggling on the search part. I want the users to be able to use the checkboxes, but understand more using some criteria and using more. For example, show the "4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms" and "near the nearby town or near the bus transit" property. Usually search only junctions (like Google), or they actually interpret the use of OR or OR but since my target audience is very broad, I'm looking for a simple view indicator Can also be understood by the person, not just those who are mathematically interested). When users select their options, then you simultaneously (ajaxly) a phrase in plain english You can write This will allow you to understand users very fast interface.

c - Please explain this strange output -

# शामिल हैं & lt; stdio.h & gt; # से & lt में शामिल हैं, conio.h & gt; शून्य प्रिंट (चार * arr); शून्य मुख्य () {clrscr (); चार ताइप = 'आर'; प्रिंट (& amp; अस्थायी); getch (); } शून्य प्रिंट (char * arr) {int arrsz = sizeof (arr); Printf ("आकार% d" है, sizeof (arr)); Printf ("char है% c", arr); } मुझे यह आउटपुट क्यों मिलता है? आकार 1 वर्ण है निश्चित रूप से यह कहना चाहिए char is r ? आप पते का उपयोग मूल्य का उपयोग नहीं करते printf ("char है% c", * arr); इसे समझने के लिए डिबगर के माध्यम से इसे चलाने की कोशिश करें, और कृपया एक वास्तविक प्रश्न पूछें, जैसे कि आपको क्या करना चाहिए, और इसके बजाय आप जो देख रहे हैं ऐसा करने से आप अपने प्रश्न के अधिकांश जवाब खुद जवाब देंगे। वैसे, एक बार प्रिंट में, एआर एक स्थानीय वैरिएबल है, और आकार के मूल सरणी के आकार को जानने के लिए कोई रास्ता नहीं है, इसलिए यह आकार 4 प्रिंट करना चाहिए। नीचे दिया गया कोड इस व्यवहार को दिखाता है, और जब आकार के आकार की बात आती है तो सरणी और पॉइं...

.net - Remove day name from DateTimePicker -

मेरे पास DateTimePicker है और यह वर्तमान में "शुक्रवार, 26 जून 2009" प्रदर्शित हो रहा है मैं इसे कैसे बदलूँगा, इसलिए यह "26 जून 2009" myDateTimePicker.CustomFormat =" MMMM dd yyyy "; आप इसे इस पर डिज़ाइनर में भी सेट कर सकते हैं। आपका दोस्त है।

XML frameworks in PHP -

In addition to this question: I would like to know that there are very good XML parsing frameworks for PHP. PHP already has great XML support, but I wonder if it can be better (in terms of display, memory usage, etc.). And in terms of performance, your best choices are probably. These 2 have the advantages of not having a full DOM tree in your XML memory, though they are not convenient to work with.

objective c - Correct Structure to check for Errors using NSError -

I'm coding different routines and I'm doing my best to keep it organized and restructured. The methods I am making are starting to look similar to this code: - Press the (IBAction) button: (ID) sender {// of this document Create a document shopping list with [something to do: & amp; Error]; If (error) {[NSAPP present error: & amp; Error]; Return zero; } [Auto doSomethingElse: & amp; Error]; If (error) {[NSAPP present error: & amp; Error]; Return zero; } [Auto doYetSomethingElse: & amp; Error]; If (error) {[NSAPP present error: & amp; Error]; Return zero; }} I like NSError, but it seems to be a very strange way of handling all of my errors. I have some ideas about alternate methods: a) Error probes can be made in the doSomething, doSomethingElse etc., but then I would like to return some kind of press Without checking the button will not be able to exit the press method, which is back to me in a similar structure. b) I can install the NS...

c# - How do I stop web.config inheritance -

OK I have SP Pure 3.5 website in IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003 (32 bit) . With an ASP.Net 1.1 WebApication in a sub-virtual directory. (The old runtime is set to use and its own application pool is configured so it is completely different for all intents and purposes. Except this root The website's .net 3.5 web continues to remain .config I have tried to add & lt; location path = inheritInChildApplications = "false" & gt;. "; for root web.config websites, but this does not seem to work Strange Root is actually . SectionGroup name = "system.web.extensions" type = "System.Web.Configuration.SystemWebExtensionsSectionGroup, System.Web.Extensions, version = , Culture = neutral, publicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35 "> Information from where the website path is being given with .net 1.1 order / OLD_WEBAPP but it is web.config (.NET 3.5) As someone) is moaning about the website and how it does not understand...

Register hotkeys in Linux using library for c++ -

Is there a library for writing Linux in C ++ that can register global hotkeys for my application ? Thank you. You have to provide more information. In the genome, the global functionality is changed by the window manager, MetaCity global shortcuts are configurable, like compiz and softfish, and they are all configured differently. Can be used for the same functionality, however, all are limited to launching applications only. Within the KDE application framework, you can register global shortcuts that perform actions within your program. They are actually controlled by a module (launched on demand), so they also work outside the KDE desktop environment. If you do not use the KDE framework, but still using X11, you can use the xlib API to call the root window. For shortcuts that work outside the X, as long as you are running in root (or permissions have been changed with permission) on the 2.6 kernel, you can open directly and for the desired key events. vote.

linux - Net-SNMP variables using C++ -

I'm having trouble with some variables that provide Net-SNMPP library, especially in / out Octets ability In / OutOctate Points: I have another check for ASN_INTEGER and I am holding this object, production does not seem right. I am using vars-> val.integer and pushing it for a long time but I am getting a negative number now, so I tried to cover it in double but the output is completely different from that actual value Did anyone else have this problem and if you can provide some insight, please? Thanks in advance. I have resolved this issue partially using ASNIA, instead of ASN_INTEGER. Although a counter 32 is actually an integer, this is a type of ASNIAER. Therefore the use of probing ASNIAER with * vars-> val.integer is actually the correct method for catching a counter 32.

Jquery's ThickBox: opening an iframe with GET parameters -

I tried all kinds of combinations, how can I open a page in the thickbox, which has parameters? For example: & lt; A href = "" heading "bla" square = "thickbox" & gt; Example 1 & lt; / A? Also, is there a special thing when working with a thickbox in the Firefox extension? BTW If you look at the document, the additional value should be before the thickbox parameter, such as ? This is also true & amp; TB_iframe = true & amp; Height = 400 and width = 600

silverlight 3.0 - Selected Index on a DataFormCombobox -

Does anyone know a simple way to set Silverlight 3 data composer to a selected index or item? All online documents show that it can only be done through the database, which I am not using in a particular example. Thanks Steve This has become controversial with the last release of Silverlight 3 .

java - IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent never returns to onActivityResult(int, int, Intent); -

I start a IMAGE_CAPTURE intent, and my activity's onActivityResult () receive call: intent = new intent (android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE, blank); I.putext ("return-data" is true); StartActivityForResult (i, PICK_ICON_FROM_CAMERA_ID); But, if I start my intention in this way, the capture image intent was called, but never called onActivityResult () of my activity Gone: Intent I = New Intent (android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE, blank); I.putExtra (MediaStore.EXTRA_UUTUTUT, URI.PRSE ("File: /" + "Mattstuff")); I.putExtra ("Output Format", Bitmap Compress Format. PNGN (.)); StartActivityForResult (i, PICK_ICON_FROM_CAMERA_ID); Can you please tell me how 2 nd case work? I think the "file: / mytextfile" is a wrong Yuri. Try doing something like this: file f = new file (Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory (), "MyTestFile"); Intent.putExtra (MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT...

sql server - FOR XML PATH(''): Escaping "special" characters -

This code basically describes the characters in the same string in the second string based on the condition in a string and it Runs for everyone rows in the table When I run this (simplified version):. @R Four (40) Declaration @U Four Announcement (40) Set @ R = '! Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz @ # $% ^ & amp; @TestTable table (RowID integer identification (1,1) primary key, vague varchar (500)) @TestTable value ('+ μt) * () _ +' + 4 (181) set @ u = reverse (@R) $ ZW! * Μsu + yt! + S $ xy ') Enter the @TestTable value ('% * !! xμpxu! '(@) Into the @TestTable value (' pxpμnxrμu + yμs put in% $ T '); CodeValues With the number (SUBSTRING (@R, number, 1) R, ASCII (SUBSTRING (@U, number, 1)) where the number is UA where number & lt; = LEN (@R) Select T. ROD, (Select number '+ Combination from CR based on number N interiors ASCII CodeValues ​​(SUBSTRING (t.Unreadable, n.Number, 1)) = c.UA Where n.Number & lt; = LEN (t.Unreadable) for XML...

Unable to set syntax highlighting automatically in Vim -

मेरे पास .vimrc वाक्यविन्यास पर फ़ाइलप्रकार प्लगइन इंडेंट पर # धन्यवाद जेरेमी के लिए मुझे चलाने vim ~ / .vimrc मुझे सही सिंटैक्स हाइलाइटिंग मिलता है। मैं अपने .vimrc में कई फ़ाइलों का स्रोत बनाता हूं। मेरा। Vimrc मेरे लिए एक रोडमैप की तरह है, जहां मैं नेविगेट किया है CTRL-W f समस्या तब होती है जब मैं एक फ़ाइल पर नेविगेट करता हूं I Sourced है: कोई रंग । मेरे सभी sourced फ़ाइलों में उनके PATHs में शब्द विम होता है। इस तथ्य को सुलझाने में इस तथ्य का उपयोग करना संभव हो सकता है। आप sourced फ़ाइलों के लिए स्वचालित रूप से वाक्य रचना हाइलाइट कैसे कर सकते हैं? ".vim" में सवाल अंत में फाइल करें? यदि नहीं, तो vim का फ़ाइल प्रकार पहचान यह निर्धारित करने में सक्षम नहीं है कि इन फ़ाइलों में vim-script है आप या तो फ़ाइलों का नाम बदल सकते हैं ताकि वे .im में समाप्त हो जाएं, या उचित रूप से फ़ाइल प्रकार को सेट करने के लिए एक ऑटोकॉम्म्म जोड़ दें। बाद में करने के लिए, आप अपने जैसे कुछ जोड़ सकते हैं। Vimrc: ऑह! BufNewFile, BufRead PATTERN फ़ाइल प्रकार = vi...

objective c - Should I Use self Keyword (Properties) In The Implementation? -

O people, I believe that I understand the properties for the most part. My question is, if I have a property for a frequency variable, and I am installing or retrieving it in the implementation file by a method, then I would like to call me self.myProperty or just MyProperty ? I either do one thing, but I have seen mixed sects, sometimes the code gets direct access through the property and directly at other times. Is there any technical reason to do this? Is this just a conference / personal preference? And I am not referring to examples where the parameter name of a method collide with the name of the present name, which can be a reason to use the property ( at least, in other languages, Do not know about a ). I believe that when someone uses the property within the implementation, they want to take advantage of the method in which they declare the property ( i.e. nonatomic, retain ), for example, in a method Can also: self.myProperty = [someObject someAutoReleasedObject...