
Showing posts from August, 2010

c# - Can a Singleton Class inside a DLL be shared across processes? -

I have a custom. I am creating a Net Hardware framework that will be used by other programmers to control some hardware. They will add a reference to our DLL to reach our hardware infrastructure. I need a shared class that will be accessed with multiple applications (processes). What I want a singleton pattern, but it only works for many sources within your process. I may be completely wrong but here is an example of the C # code which I currently have. I can not help feeling that the design is wrong. I wish I could share more specific information but I can not do it I have to emphasize that there will be no control over my client application. New Resource (); Public string data; Personal Resources () {Data = DateTime.Now.ToString (); } Examples of public static processing {return {return m_instance; Examination: (Finally, customer AP) class program {static zero main (string [] args) {Console.WriteLine (" Enter the resource to capture! "); Console.Read...

wxpython - HTML conversion -

How to convert HTML css file to wxPython files? That is, how to make slidsheet in wxPython like HTML css files? This is not absolutely clear what you want to get, I think you get some HTML files in wxPython There is no common HTML renderer in the situation that would display all HTML / CSS files, but simple HTML files can be provided using HTML control. See The best way to display any common HTML page if you need wx () or for webkit control port To use, which comes with wxPython, but it will not run on all platforms.

c# - Returning an HtmlTable to be written with ajax -

I want to create a HtmlTable / table programmatically in the code behind a webservice and return it as a string Wish HTML so that it can be written with javascript in a span / div / whatever : // webservice.amsx.cs Build table, which A secured string from another / different method is called Table_Maker () (HtmlTable tbl = new HtmlTable (); HtmlTableCell cell = new HtmlTableCell (); HtmlTableRow line = new HtmlTableRow (); Cell.InnerT Ext = "whatever text"; row.Cells.Add (cell); tbl.Rows.Add (line); return tbl.ToString ();} write the table in the //somepage.aspx devail function menu (helper, toplayernumber) { Replace ucMainMenu with var sublayertable; var sublayerpostcompileID; menuHelper_Part1 (); function menu on_part1 () {// ucMainMenu_pnlContent sublayerpostcompileID = toplayer.replace ("ucMainMenu", "ucMainMenu_pnlContent"); // WebMebt WebberNet Call. Menu on the WebSaver SBI menu_helper (toplayernumber, menuito_part2); } Function Menu Helper_...

c# - Emitting a colon via format string in .NET -

Does anyone know how to create a format string in .net so that the resultant string has any colon? In detail, I have a value, say 200, I need a format as a ratio, that is, "1: 200". That's why I'm building a format string like "1: {0: N0}" that works fine. The problem is that I want to display zero as "0", not "1: 0", so my format string should be like "{0: 1: N0 ;; N0}", but of course it Does not work. Any thoughts? Thanks! using the system; Namespace Console Application 67 {Class Program {Static Zero Main () {WriteRatio (4); WriteRatio (0); WriteRatio (-200); Console.ReadLine (); } Private static zero WriteRatio (int i) {Console.WriteLine (string.Format (@ "{0: 1 \: 0; -1 \ 0: 0; 0} \ 0}, i));}}} returns 1: 4 0 -1: 200 ; format string In the mean, the separator means positive numbers like this; negative number like this; and thus zero 'colon escape with \ is equal to the standard numerical fo...

.net - Http and file uploading - How does it really work (under the hood) -

OK, this sounds a bit of a noob question but I can not fully understand a lot of web developers. I am / P> How to upload a file with a file that uploads a file from a web page file input box to a webserver (for example, hosting a pure site)? I understand that the post server was requested to request a stream, which is sent back to the browser and the server's data starts streaming. My friend says that he understands that the whole file is encoded in the post request by the browser and (huge) post is sent to the server I thought this is not the case It may be that there is no way to create an Ajax progress bar because the server will not be able to do anything until it gets the full post till that time, save this file to its disk. So how does it actually work on the server from the browser? Your friend is correct if you want an AJAX progress bar, then you jump through some hoops Will happen. Typically, for uploading technology, IHttpHandler inside a IFrame sto...

.net - Reference to undeclared entity 'nbsp' - why? -

मेरे पास कोड की निम्न पंक्ति है: XDocument फ़ॉर्म कॉन्फ़िगरेशन = XDocument.Load (कॉन्फ़िगरेशन प्रबंधक। AppSettings ["XMLFileURL"]); मुझे निम्न अपवाद संदेश मिलता है: अघोषित इकाई 'nbsp' का संदर्भ कोई भी & amp; nbsp; अनुक्रम XML में XML में कोई & amp; वर्ण नहीं हैं क्या यह हो सकता है था एक & amp; nbsp; घोषणा, जो एक मुद्दा है, क्योंकि एक्सएमएल दस्तावेजों के लिए ऐपरसैंड (& amp;) की अनुमति नहीं है?

objective c - Where can I find an iPhone OpenGL ES Example that responds to touch? -

I want to find an iPhone OpenGL EE example that responds to touch. Ideally it will meet these requirements: Displays a 3D object in the center of the screen like a cube A textured map for solid surfaces Zoom in and out of the camera on the cube should be zoomed Alternatively there is a background behind the cube that wraps around the back of the camera (For example, it can cause the effect of the cube in space) Has anyone seen one or more examples that can do this or at least the texture of the cube? My iPhone application via BSD license This uses OpenGL ES to present a molecular structure , Uses a single touch to rotate the structure, a pinch gesture for zooming, and simultaneous movement of two fingers for panning on the molecule. Unfortunately, it does not yet use the texture for any rendering. I document things I learned about OpenGL ES from them.

Is there a good alternative to PHP's SOAP extension? -

I have a project that relies heavily on PHP's SOAP extension, it's great, and works brilliantly . However, I must employ a version of the software on which the extension is not (this is PHP5). At this time, there is no alternative to changing hosts; And it seems that installing an extension is not an option too. Is there a SOAP client library's pure PHP implementation that I can use in its place? I do not expect the perfect drop-in replacement - I am fully prepared to prepare a bunch of code - but whatever I can do is work. NOOOOP:

java - Javac: Treat warnings as errors -

I have an ant file that compiles my program, when I receive a notification of any warning by the compiler, I want to fail Any clues on how to do this? Use -wire flag this -help is not listed in the output, but it works. I found it in my own code (ant with netbans) and checked it. The output was: WARNING: [serial] Serializable class, there is no definition of a kind of mailclass. VNUIID public class Mykles has expanded to JakomNennet {1 warning bullet has failed (total time: 3 seconds) Note that this is only Java 6, though. Edit : An example of specifying it in the ant build file: & lt; Javac srcdir = "$ {src.dir}" destdir = "$ {classes.dir}" classpathref = "classpath" & gt; & Lt; Compilerarg value = "- existent: all" /> & Lt; Compilerarg value = "- panic" /> & Lt; / Javac & gt; - What is "ShowWindow Lib "user32" " about? -

I was seeing a code that was written by another developer and found: Private Announcement Function ShowWindow Lib "user32" (In the form of an interputer, as an interrupt in the form of HTML, handle NLM as integer) integer function as the personal announcement function SetForeganWindow Lib "user32" (in the form of interpetric Byte Wide handle) as an integer What does this and what is it for? These PInvoke declarations are those that represent the functions present in the c libraries and are defined as That is to allow them to be told with VBNET. For example, the ShowWindow user is an announcement of the Win32 ShowWindow function present in 32.dll. Calling this stub will call the C function. ShowWindow: This specific style of declaration is known as DL Declaration. The more common syntax is to use DllImport and Share methods (mainly because its 'compatible with enhancements'). The DllDeclare syntax is a container in many ways from VB6 style ...

wpf - Using Generic Types in Window.Resources -

I'm trying to use generic type in Windows. Resources section in XAML code To attach the notification for the collection of objects, my general collection is given below as per the observation: Public Class Presentation Collection & lt; T & gt; : Observable collection & lt; T & gt; {Public Presentation Collection (list & amp; tt; t & gt; list): base (list) {}} is an extension method that gives an overview concept for the list That is shown below: Public Static Class Extension Rule (Public Static Presentation Model Collection & lt; T & gt; ToObservableCollection & lt; T & gt; (This list & lt; T & Gt; list) {Model Collection to return the new presentation & lt; T & gt; (list);}} Now, Resource is shown below: & lt; window; Resources & gt; & lt; LearningWPF: Presentation Collection Collection: Key = "Customer" & Lt; LearningWPF: Customer First Name = "Mohammed" Last Name = ...

components - Access the project file structure within the Visual Studio Properties property grid? -

I am creating a component that will be used in the VS drag and drop designer. One of the properties of this component should have a pack URI of a file in the project. I want to make things a bit easier and propertyGrid uses the property for my type from within the property editor, check the solution, build the urei and present the user to choose them. Is this possible? And, if so, do I get some indication and how do I go about this? P> Is this a component which is only for WPF projects? So you can be in luck. Here's a write-up. Or this MSDN sample can help

How can I change the Apache ErrorDocument from a Perl handler? -

Does your PerlAuthenHandler, PerlAuthzHandler, or even your PerlHandler change the error document for a request? Example: When the user goes to a specific page and receives an error, then I have to choose a subtitle to throw error document errors. I think you can do whatever you like.

sql server - Inserting n number of records with T-SQL -

I want to add a variable number of records in the table (day) and I have a A clean solution was seen: SET @ nRecords = DATEDIFF (d, '2009-01-01', getdate ()) SET ROWCOUNT @ntRecords INSERT INSERT (ID, 0,1) in sysobjects A, sysobjects b SET ROWCOUNT 0 Sadly, the UDF does not work in (because #TripP and SET Rowet). How can any ideas be obtained? At the moment I am doing it with WHILE and a table variable, but in terms of performance it is not a good solution. If you are using SQL 2005 or newer, you can get a list of dates or numbers You can use the recursive CTE ...

c# - How can I query this hierarchical data using LINQ? -

I have 3 types of objects: Agency, BusinessUnnet and Client (with their own table) In terms of hierarchy, agencies themselves are own customers of Business Units and Business Universe. I have 3C # Poko objects, to represent them (instead of using LINQ Generated classes I usually choose them from the new ones): Public Sector Agency {PUBLIC INIMMERABLE & lt; BusinessUnit & gt; BusinessUnits {get; Set; }} Public Sector BusinessUnit {Public IEnumerable & lt; Customers & gt; Customer {Received; Set; }} Public Class Client {Public Entry Number of Extensions {Received; Set; } {Get the location of the public decimal amount; Set; } Public Decimal AGB Annex {Received; Set; } Public double planning scores {received; Set; }} You can see that there is a list of BusinessUnits in the agencies, and BusinessUnits has a list of clients. I also have a mapping table called BAC_Map in the database that says which is the owner and it looks like this: How can I create a q... - Testing to see if ContentPlaceHolder content has been overridden by a child page? -

I am currently migrating .NET 1.0 to .NET 3.5. Pure 1.1 There are several pages in the application + Usurrons that I want to migrate to the masterpage. My issue is trying to be practically tested to see if the content of the main page has been overridden by the child page or not. Is this possible? Do anyone have samples or references that I can see? Thanks in advance Communicate with a page master page On the contrary, the content on the content placeholder is not related because the master page on the Master page is the fastest way to create a page "registration" on its master page, declaring a class that comes from the .NET Master page and Exposes the communication functionality in that class. Public Essentials MyMaster: System.Web.UI.MasterPage {Public MyMaster () {} Public abstract zero TellMeSomethingAboutTheContent (SomeArgs args); } Then the master you use in your page can do something like this: Protected Zero Page_load ( Object sender...

Get Resharper to Consume StyleCop configuration -

There is already a StyleCop configuration in our project. I am using ReeseRper and I want to use Style Cop settings To be able to use R #. I know that you can create settings in Rushperver to use StyleCapforressResper and export them as a style coop configuration, but you can reverse and whether the current rehearse Do Style Caps Config Consume? I'm not sure whether this post is still real. Free at CodePlex It uses the StyleCop assembly, so it will use the project file setting. mvc - How does JSON work? If I do a jquery $.post with a return type of json, how does the data get returned? -

अगर मैं jquery से ऐसा पोस्ट करता हूं: $। Post ("row / GetRowNames ", {currRow:" MyRow ", ऑफसेट: 3}, फ़ंक्शन (पंक्ति नाम) {/ मैं कैसे डेटा को व्याख्या कर सकता हूं}," जेसन "); मैं डेटा पंक्ति नामों को कैसे परिभाषित करूं जो कि नियंत्रक में विधि से वापस पास हो? मुझे जेएसन परिणाम को तार की एक सरणी में बदलने की जरूरत है ... यहां नियंत्रक विधि है जो पंक्ति नाम प्राप्त करती है: [AcceptVerbs (HttpVerbs.Post )] सार्वजनिक JsonResult getRowNames (स्ट्रिंग currRow, int ऑफसेट) {यह लौटें। जेसन (_rowRepository.getRowNamesByOffset (currRow, ऑफ़सेट)); } और getRowNamesByOffset (currRow, offset) स्ट्रिंग्स की एक सरणी देता है। मुझे यकीन है कि कैसे जेसन काम करता है, क्या क्या यह सरणी को करने से पहले इसे जावास्क्रिप्ट पर वापस भेजता है? जावास्क्रिप्ट को जेएसओएन को कैसे आवश्यक डेटा प्राप्त करने के लिए हेरफेर करना चाहिए? जावास्क्रिप्ट ऑब्जेक्ट नोडेशन (JSON) वापस कर दिया गया है और कॉलबैक को भेजा गया है: फ़ंक्शन (पंक्तिनाम) {// पंक्ति नाम JavaScript का ए...

.net - Can a subclass inherit a constructor? -

I have a base class, "B", in which there are two constructors, no parameters and the second I have a sub-class, "s", which is derived from "b" and does not define any constructor in it. I make an example of S, trying to pass the constructor closer to the integer. I get an error: Error 1 Many arguments for 'Public Sub New' () Code> " This is a surprise to me because I thought that if a constructor is not defined in the subclass, S, the base class constructor method, in particular, with one integer param a walk / o error. / P> Do you have any idea why I am getting this error? Are the consignor a special case? As you suspect, the Constructors are not inherited. To implement subclasses of their own constructor The reason is that the construc torus of the base class will not know how to start sub-class members, so by applying them the subclass object will be kept in bad condition.

java - Only one row editable on JTable -

I am trying to create a special type of jettbble. I want the whole table not editable by default. But when the user clicks on a line, then clicks on "edit" jbutton, this specific row is editable. And once they search for that row, it is no longer editable. How would I go about doing this? To control which cells are editable, you need to extend JTable or JTableModel (See the model call in the example below) to ensure that this method line from JTable is right for all the cells in the row (s) you want to be editable based on your imagination. The public boolean is CellEditable (int row, int column) {return getModel (). IsCellEditable (Row, ConvertMulFlmModeel (column)); } Take a look at the tableclass editors too.

c++ for loop temporary variable use -

निम्न में से कौन सा बेहतर है और क्यों? (विशेषकर सी ++) a। int i (0), iMax (vec.length ()); // vec एक कंटेनर है, कहते हैं std :: वेक्टर के लिए (; i & lt; iMax; ++ i) {// लूप बॉडी} b। के लिए (int i (0); मैं & lt; ve.length (); ++ i) {// लूप बॉडी} मैंने (ए) के लिए कॉलम की लंबाई फ़ंक्शन के लिए सलाह देखी है I यह मुझे परेशान कर रहा है क्या कोई भी आधुनिक संकलक (ए) के समान होने के लिए (बी) का अनुकूलन नहीं करता है? उदाहरण (बी) के उदाहरण (ए) के लिए एक अलग अर्थ है, और जैसा कि आप इसे लिखते हैं, उसे संकलक के रूप में व्याख्या करना चाहिए। यदि, (कुछ तैयार किए गए कारणों के लिए जो मैं नहीं सोच सकता है), मैंने ऐसा करने के लिए कोड लिखा था: (i), i push_back (विजेट ()); } मैं वास्तव में संकलक को प्रत्येक कॉल को vec.length () से ऑप्टिमाइज़ करना नहीं चाहता होता, क्योंकि मुझे अलग-अलग परिणाम मिलेंगे।

mysql - MyISAM or InnoDB, for safety of data, which should I choose? -

Or, for the sake of data security, should I choose? Obstacles, data integrity and reliability are better respected, for example it supports foreign key constraints and transactions Does ... documentation

delphi - Horizontal text orientation on left aligned tabs of PageControl -

Is there any possibility left horizontal left tab captions? Not sure what you really want, but you can set the OwnDraw property to True And use the OnDrawTab event to attract yourself.

mysql - Most appropriate data structure for an ordered list in an RDBMS? -

I am storing an indexed list of hundreds of millions of items in a MySQL database, usually by adding items to the list Should be known or removed; Frequently, an item should be set to be located in the list. I would say that the ratio of reading / writing is approximately 50:50. Starting with the linked-list model, I read [1] and the various models discussed there. For a strict link-list, the adjacent list model will work well, but since the reading / writing ratio is more or less equal, I went to get a division and win using standard narrow lists; The estimated list length (~ 10000) in the entire list 'bucket', maintain an index of bucket size and their relative position within the main list. Each item is assigned to a specific bucket and its position is detected within that bucket. With this approach, the position of an item is determined by adding the sizes of the balls which move the item's bucket forward in the list, after which the item's position is add...

java - Access Request object from REST -

Is JAX-RS accessible to a request object in a REST method? I just found out @contact request request; On JX-RS you have to comment on a parameter: @GET Public Response Fu (@contentate request request) {} Alternatively, you can also inject: - How can I store application specific info in web.config such as number of threads to be run? -

itemprop = "text"> I have a module that uses multithreading. I want to store the number of threads created by the module in the web.config file. Which tags should I use? Place it in the App Settings section. & lt; App settings and gt; & Lt; Add Key = "myModuleThreadCount" value = "4" /> & Lt; / AppSettings & gt; Then in your code, reference it as: var thread = int.Parse (WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["myModuleThreadCount"]);

sql - how to write select statement like this? -

itemprop = "text"> I am using SQL Server 2008. I have a table that is made up of three columns, in the form of id string type, as the time of formatting of time as createtime and position as integer. I want to select a record between all records, whose status is 10, and createtime is the most earlist at the same time BTW: ID is a package package and I have an app There is also a time-period column. Thanks in advance, George SELECT TOP 1 * WHERE status = 10 order created

website - Web.Config file and Linq to Sql changing its place -

I have a strange problem with my project, it was a web site that is now converted to a web application that The solution is in Initially classes from Linux to SQL The DBML file was using, which had stored its connection string in /MyProject/web.config, the project ('web application') is in a solution and when I modify the linux SQL DBML file, then this web. The config file only creates a layer above its connection string, in errors in /mysolution/web.config, while I still have / MySolution / MyProject / web.config, there are errors with duplicate connection string names. So, how can I do LINQ in SQL just the web? Use the config file in / MySolution / MyProject / web.config, or my entire web. Config file that is considered in MySolution / web.config (I like to keep it! Thanks! PS: Datacentes / MySolution / MyProject / MACOD / Models / MyDataConnect DBML It appears that updating dbml would always force the root web configuration to be updated. Use the root web. Config,...

Java - How can I create a JTextfield that can be queried but not updated? -

How do I create a JTextfield which can be questioned but not updated? setEditable (false); This will be made using the above method so that users can not edit the text, but it can still be copied or you can get value with getText () Can pull up .

Excel function Fill Up Cells -

Consider the following data on Excel (which you have to create in Excel): Number 0.2 0.2 3.4 1.5 1.8 4.2 Scans through selection to write a VBA function, finds empty spots, and then fills them with a numeric value which sign the function Is passed through. Hi everyone, I have a question above. I was 0.2 0.2 3.4 0 1.5 1.8 0.0 4.2 Wondering that anyone can see my code And can tell me what is wrong with my code. Public Function Mayfill (range in the form of range) X as the X-Range set x = this range redeme y (x. Length) in this range as integer for each x Dim I is like (x.Value = empty) then Y (i) = 0 i = i + 1 end if y (i) = x.Value Next x MyFill = Y termination function Public function MyFile (range) As this category) x = thisRange MyFill = as a dim x range set X and F I thought apparently the answer I had sought.

Sharing code between compact and full .NET Framework -

I have completely projects that I want to reuse between the net compact structure and the whole framework. I have read Daniel Moth's incredibly informative article about this topic () Then there are two main methods: 1) Target the compact structure (i.e. the least common Go to Separator) 2) Do different projects, link to this same source. I like going with Law 1 because I want to write once, build once and deploy it once. Are there any performance / memory / sustainability issues with this approach? The first option is very good theory, unless you are working on one of your projects , And you want to implement some feature for the actually full version, but you can not do it for Compact Edition because it does not support it. I would suggest try to isolate all the "least common denominator" codes in different assemblies from everything else. If you keep your concerns separate, then you will be able to relate each and every related to your entire and c...

Adding authentication functionality to soap server (Using Zend)? -

I have a soap server that is designed like this: class server controller Zend_Controller_Action increases {public function server action () {memcache_flush (); Zend_Registry :: Received ('Cash') - & gt; Clean (Zend_Cache :: CLEANING_MODE_ALL); $ Server = New Soap Server ("http: // #### / services / soap-server / wsdl"); $ Server & gt; SetClass ('SOAP_Server_Map'); $ Server & gt; take care (); }} I want to add certification for this so that whenever anyone calls a function in " SOAP_Server_Map ", it checks that the credentials SoapClient options array ('login' and 'password') are valid. Do anyone have any suggestions / help? To add authentication to either Zend_Soap_Server or Zend_Json_Server, simply copy your HTTP server (i.e.: Apache) to Or specify HTTP Authentication in the .htaccess file. The following .htaccess file should work: AuthType Basic AuthName "Highest Data Services" AuthUserFile...

SQL Server 2008 Hierarchy Data Type Performance? -

Which describes the hierarchy data of SQL Server 2008 as compared to the hierarchy implementation described by Selco:? I have used the method of Selco in the past with great results - but as long as it is provided in SQL Server 2008, it is not better unless it applies to the new project Do not want to. So far, I have found only an interesting article on the subject. The hierarchy is much faster than any self-made self-referenced table solution: I remember a little more comparison than any other comparison (but now it can not be found) Who came on similar conclusions; Using hierarchy to build a hierarchy is a bit of a burden on the best, but query execution is stellar. Mark

java - What is the jTDS JDBC Connect URL to MS SQL Server 2005 Express -

I am trying to connect to a MS SQL Server 2005 Express database that is located on a local host from the Java program Its going on. I have tried the same link URL (below) that I used on any other system (same jave code) that was running MS SQL Server 2000. But it does not work. jdbc: jtds: sqlserver: // 1433 / finance Any ideas? Are you really the right examples? The habit of establishing SQL Express as a naming frequency, such as "Localhost \ SQLExpress", rather than a standard example. So something like this will happen: jdbc: jtds: sqlserver: // 1433 / finance; Example = & lt; Example_name & gt; If this does not work, try to leave the instance name, and change the port to the port used from named frequency: jdbc: jtds: Sqlserver: // & lt; Instance_port & gt; / Finance> Either try to check your connectivity through the OSQL.exe tool, you can also check it on.

java - JTable Column resize isn't working -

तालिका .getTableHeader ()। SetResizingअनुवादित (गलत); Column = table.getColumn (कॉलम [0]); column.setWidth (25); Column = table.getColumn (कॉलम [1]); column.setWidth (225); Column = table.getColumn (कॉलम [2]); column.setWidth (50); Table.doLayout () यह कॉलम को उनके निर्दिष्ट चौड़ाई में सेट करने से मना कर देता है JTable जब आपके आकार में बदलता है, / कोड> नहीं है AUTO_RESIZE_OFF । setWidth का उपयोग करने के बजाय, setPreferredWidth का उपयोग करें। तब तालिका तब इस मान का उपयोग करेगी जब कॉलम रखे जाएंगे। यदि आप न्यूनतम, अधिकतम और पसंदीदा चौड़ाई निर्धारित करते हैं, तो इसे सभी अवसरों के लिए काम करना चाहिए, लेकिन आपके उपयोगकर्ता कॉलम चौड़ाई खुद को बदल नहीं सकते हैं। तो सावधानी के साथ इसका उपयोग करें। लेआउट प्रक्रिया को में काफी विस्तार से वर्णित किया गया है।

c# - [System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(DataObjectMethodType.Select, true)] -

I'm interested in using a DataObject and looking through the documentation. I have seen this line related to various ways in highlighting various calling tools, what do you want to do to make it work? Do I get an error message that the databoxed script is out of context? How do I get a databank to use a function, which I have written? Thank you, R. You are missing the namespace on the DataObsBeatDump type. Any of the following should fix this ... [System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute (System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, true)] Or using the system. Component MODEL; [Data Object] Class Mikalas {[Data Object Mode (Select Data, True)] Inimer Label & lt; Myobab & gt; MyMethod () {...

c# - Have a webpart hide its self, if the user doesn't have proper permission -

If the user creates a web part page in SharePoint and then adds a custom web parts to me, For example, I have a reporting web part, in which some users have access to the reports and do nothing, I have some users Not even aware that the report exists They are. I is a custom security API that uses to determine whether security is allowed or rejected, I would love to say: Secure Override Zero OnInit (EventArgs E) {bool permission = Permission services ISD ("report"); If (! Allowed) {this.Hide (); // where 'this' is the web part) base.OnInit (e); } I do not control the page code, so it should be in the Web part. You want to see. Actually, viewer targeting allows you to customize a page based on that person's group, so that a manager can go for "Home.aspx" and see the result of a top-sheet. Those who include some figures, but if a regular developer logs on to the same page, then the webpart will not be visible. You should be careful that...

c# - How to detect if a type is a Func<T> and get the type of the T -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 16 उत्तर मुझे आश्चर्य है कि क्या मैं कर सकता हूँ आलसी लोड का समर्थन करने के लिए उपयोग कर रहा हूँ एक बुनियादी आईओसी कंटेनर का उन्नयन इसलिए यदि मैंने IFoo पंजीकृत किया है, तो मैं आईओसी कंटेनर को यह जानने के लिए चाहूंगा कि निम्न निर्भरताएं कैसे पूरी करें (पहले मानक आईओसी कंटेनर काम करते हैं, जबकि दूसरा एक साधारण प्रतिनिधि देता है जो कंटेनर को IFoo के लिए कॉल करता है सार्वजनिक बार (IFoo x) सार्वजनिक Bar2 (फ़नक एलटी; IFoo & gt; आलियाफू) समस्या आती है जब मैं लिखने की कोशिश करता हूं कोड जो वास्तव में ऐसा करेगा क्या कोई सिंटैक्स है जो निम्न छद्म-कोड को संकलित करेगा? सार्वजनिक टी रिज़ोलिव & lt; T & gt; () {if (T फ़ंक्ड & lt; X & gt;) रिटर्न (टी) () = & gt ; हल (typeof (एक्स)); रिटर्न (टी) रिजोलिव (टाइपफ (टी)); } या अगर मेरे पास एक प्रकार T है, तो मुझे कैसे पता लगा सकता है कि यह Func & lt; X & gt का एक उदाहरण है? ; , और यदि हां, तो X का प्रकार क्या है? आज सुबह से इस प्रश्न पर एक नज़र डालें - आ...

c# - Why does not Visual Studio display warnings generated by the #warning directive (CS1030)? -

UPD: बग को वीएस 2012 में तय किया गया है। संपादित करें: मैंने इसे माइक्रोसॉफ्ट कनेक्ट साइट (पृष्ठ हटा दिया गया है) पर एक बग के रूप में रिपोर्ट किया है। संपादन 2: Microsoft ठीक नहीं करेगा यह बग (कम से कम VS2010 में नहीं)। प्रयोक्ता परिभाषित चेतावनी केवल प्रति फाइल प्रति एक फ़ाइल के लिए त्रुटि सूची विंडो में दिखाई जाती हैं। इसलिए यदि आप अपनी परियोजना की कई फाइलों में # चेतावनी निर्देश डालते हैं, तो आपको अधिकांश फ़ाइलों के निर्माण के बाद कोई चेतावनी नहीं दिखाई देगी लापता चेतावनियां एमएसबिल्ड द्वारा उत्पन्न होती हैं और आउटपुट विंडो में देखी जा सकती हैं, लेकिन त्रुटि सूची विंडो में नहीं। ध्यान दें: # चेतावनी वाली कोई भी फाइल खुली नहीं होनी चाहिए वीएस संपादक में इस आशय के निर्माण के समय (एक वी.एस. बग?) को देखा जाना चाहिए। मैं अपने सारे उपयोगकर्ता-परिभाषित चेतावनी को बिल्ड पर कैसे प्रदर्शित कर सकता हूं? मैं विजुअल स्टूडियो 2008 एसपी 1 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। मैंने अपना खुद का एक छोटा प्रयोग किया एक सी # कंसोल अनुप्रयोग बनाया और एक दूसरी फ़ाइल जोड़ा # चेतावनी file...

Getting rid of "Magic" numbers in SQL Server -

Once the application can specify a globally accessible static / enums / etc, once again through the application It can be used, it gives the ability to use meaningful names like 'Mazda' instead of numbers like '2'. We want to do the same in our SQL server stored procedures, but it is not certain that the best method is Carm Manufacturer 350Z 1 Hilx 2 Yaras 2 Manufacturer Manufacturer 1 name Nissan 2 Toyota instead of typing select WHERE creator by car = 1 - Nissan We want to write something like from where the car maker selects = Nissan Are have a restriction that we can not rely on the manufacturer. Life of the App We thought of having a "code" column that can never change and there are possibilities of joining: Select * Join Car C inner Manufacturer ON c.mainufacturerId = m.mainufacturerId WHERE M.Code = 'Nissan' I'm a bit hesitant because it uses an extra included and string comparison that is misspelled Might be p...

How to show decimal zeroes for a number in SQL Server -

I am pulling the following numbers from MS SQL Server: 345 345.6 345.67 How do I drag them so that they look like the following: 345.00 345.60 345.67 What datatypes should they be stored and what is the magic task to drag them? / P> Thank you. You can use the cast function. Since you are extracting the value of a table, you will use a selection and can be used like a few things - select CAST (value AS DECIMAL (5,2) )) From the table I hope you want this. Cheers

php - How do I make a regex not 'swallow' a character? -

I have a text file like {word} definition {second word} second Definition {word} They are not on different lines I was using regex $ regex = '/ \ {(az) + ) \} (+) \ {/ I '?.? However, it causes problems in swallow the last brace, and then in the next word it will not match the next match. To perform, I have done this for debugging purposes echo preg_replace ($ regex, '& lt; b style = "background color: red;" & Gt; $ 1 & lt; / b & gt; & lt; b style = "background-color: yellow;" & gt; $ 2 & lt; / b & gt; '$ $ content;); Here is an example of my output (In the next word the opening brace has no notice, so it does not match in regex) & Lt ; B style = "background-color: red;" & Gt; Broom & lt; / B & gt; & Lt; B style = "background color: yellow;" & Gt; How can I modify my regex to do this work Multi-Stimed Woody Plant & Lt; / B & gt; Than...

Visual Foxpro modify general field -

First of all, I'm not a VFP programmer, so what I'm doing wrong is probably something simple. I am trying to remove some documents from the normal areas in a VFP 9 database. I effectively have a way of doing this by copying and pasting the field in the post and then saving the word document for the disc. I'm all working inside a .prg file inside the FoxPro development environment. Here is the courage of my code (most of which was copied from a Microsoft support question): Do not do EOF () empty (tnoteole) then loop Endif Keyboard "{CTRL + C} {Ctrl + W}" Common Modify Try TryoutEditPaste. ENDTRY .InsertPara file name = path + ALLTRIM (STR (recnum) + '.doc ".FileSaveAs (file name) .EditSelect All Skip EidClear recnum = recnum + 1 ENDDO My problem is that it works fine when I run this from inside the development environment, and in the general area The window looks up on the screen and it is pasted into the word, etc. But when I get an approved e...

java - How do I make this regex more general, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't -

I have the following regex that I am using in the Java application. Sometimes it works correctly and sometimes it does not happen. & lt ;! - & lt; Editable name = (\ ". * \")? & Gt; - & gt; (. *) & Lt ;! - & lt; / Editable & gt; - & gt; Sometimes I will get a white space before / after it, sometimes it will be text. It also goes to the area within the tag. The main problem is that name = (\ ". * \")?> Sometimes matches more than that. I'm not sure there is something that is clear to solve, just looking at this code. XML is not a regular language, nor is there any other language with the creation of HTML or "nesting" . Do not try to parse it with regular expressions.

database - Problem in WHERE clause (don't know how I can address results from DECODE() function in WHERE clause) -

मेरे पास एक सरल PL / SQL क्वेरी है (...) DECODE ( ऊपरी (तालिका। स्तंभ), 'SOMETHING', '---', TABLE2.COLUMN2) के रूप में VALUE (...) मैं उपरोक्त विवरण का उपयोग करते हुए WHERE खंड को कैसे लागू कर सकता / सकती हूं? क्योंकि जब मैं कुछ का उपयोग करता हूं: ऊपरी (VALUE) 'SOMETHING' जैसे की इससे मुझे एक रिक्त रिकॉर्ड (और मैं बिल्कुल सकारात्मक हूं) मुझे पता नहीं है कि यह मामला है, लेकिन मैं वीबीए और CreateObject ("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") का उपयोग करके एक्सेल कार्यपुस्तिका के भीतर से इस क्वेरी को बुला रहा हूं। । कॉपी और पेस्ट करना सबसे आसान समाधान है। WHERE ऊपरी (DECODE (ऊपरी (तालिका। स्तंभ), 'SOMETHING', '---', टैब 2। कॉलम 2)) कुछ की तरह ' कुछ हालांकि LIKE के लिए अच्छा खोज पैटर्न नहीं है।

Self modifying code in Java -

Have you ever made or faced it in Java? If so, please post the link or just post the code. Ignore the world of grief, creating self through the modified code (!) I think there are 3 options: Use the inbuilt compiler support of Java 6 and write / re-compile / reload sections directly to your square Use Apache Bytecode Manipulation Library to write Inbuilt scripting support for Java 6 (or use Apache) Use the write methods in your JVM scripting language, and execute these The three above, in the absence of my initial choice (required) option would be to take a look at 3. I suspect that this is the least painful way to start. I have used all of the above - unfortunately I can not post links to client code

objective c - localizing currencies in iphone app -

I'm testing my app when I change local people to Germany, even then all are working fine . Basically you input 2 values ​​in your local currency, a calculation occurs and the user gets back information User numeric input is well controlled. Is executing a method on "editing the end and end", which converts the number into its local currency counterpart. So if American users enter 10000, they will be returned $ 10,000.00. Here is the code: - (NSMutableString *) formatTextValueToCurrency: (NSMutableString *) number string {NSNumber * aouble = [NSNumber number with number: [number string flat value]]; NSMutableString * aString = [NSMutableString string withCapacity: 20]; NSLocale * theLocale; NSNumberFormatter * currencyStyle = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init]; [Currency Style Settlebervier: NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4]; [Currency styling set number number: NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle]; TheLocale = [NSLock Challenge]; [Currency style sitelokel: theLocale]; [A...

python - Resize images in directory -

I have a directory full of images that I would like to resize about 60% of my original size. How would I go about doing this? IF How is part of using mogrify? If you really need to control it with Perl, you can use it or

c# - How to change the format of specified lines in a RichTextBox -

I have a rich textbox with rows of lots of text (for example, 2 MB text files), and programmatically It would like to change the formatting of specified lines, such as highlighting them. How do I address lines instead of letters? Is this type of richtextbox also the best control, or is there any other option? I have tried InfraGivicics UltraFormattextExtet editor, but some commands of the least magnitude were slow to display the text, so there is no good for my long files. Thank you! You use Lines property to access lines of text box controls richTextBox.Lines From there you can repeat through lines and work with people you want to change. EDIT: Agree, I was reminded to highlight part (1 to answer your own question). Working code is included: int lineCounter = 0; Foreach (string line in RichTextBox1.Lines) {// Add conditional statement if all the lines choose Rich Textbox. Select (Rich Textbox .GetFurstchirefamline (Line-Quarter), Line.); RichTextBox.SelectionCol... - implementing a trackbar that will change background color of form -

I want to have a trackbar on my form which will correspond to the background color of the hie, ranges from 1 to 360, And another trackbar that corresponds to the background color saturation within the range of 1 to 50. By using the HSVTOGGB Both TrackBar can control the same event handler and use this code: Personal subtbHUE_Scroll (ByVal Sender as System.Object, ByVal e System.EventArgs as tbHUE.Scroll, tbSaturation.Scroll dim R, G, handle b as integer HSVtoRGB (R, g, b, tbHUE.Value, tbSaturation.Value / 50, 255) BackColor = Color.FromArgb (R, G, B) End Sub EDIT: Here are the right Following the best practices since the process is not really in the link: Private Sub HSVTO RGB (Integer such as Bay Ref Red, By Reef Green, by the referee Blue Integer As, byVal Hugh Double, ByVal as Shani Double, ByVal value in the form of integer) I dim as the integer dim, double as double, double as double, double as T Q as the form If the force = 0 then red = value green = value b...

SQLite error: cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in progress using Java Code -

I am facing a SQLite error, although I am not using any explicit AutoCommit true or false . Anyone can provide any input on this error, what is the situation where you will get this error. Thanks in advance I believe it was a rollback that was not possible. I was inside looping on table entries when I was looping. Unless the cursor is processing the entries, a SQL statement is "in progress" I do not know at all, if it also restricts the commit, but it may be. When you try to process table entries and insert entries in the same or a different table, you inserts or updates the memory after data and the loop. Additional information: Generally "Autoclimate" can also be SQLite (it may also depend on the layer which is definitely used - for "true" - I'm using Python and ASPW So I can not tell you much about it in Java). This means that every entry is automatically notified automatically. ==> This may be another solution, instead of storing dat...

c# - FileSystemWatcher - monitor Alternate Data Streams -

क्या FileSystemWatcher का उपयोग करते हुए मॉनिटर (उदा। निर्माण) वैकल्पिक डेटा स्ट्रीम है? या, शायद एक और तरीका है? मेरे आवेदन के लिए मैं किसी भी मतदान तंत्र को लागू नहीं करने जा रहा हूं। अग्रिम धन्यवाद, क्रेग FileSystemWatcher डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से ऐसा कर सकता है जब आप किसी फ़ाइल के एडीएस को अंतिम संशोधन परिवर्तनों का टाइमस्टैम्प संपादित करते हैं तो आप इसके लिए जांच कर सकते हैं बाद में आपको फाइल के लिए एडीएस की गणना करना होगा

javascript - iPhone - Hide Address Bar on Page Load -

I have a web page that aims to be loaded on a person's iPhone when the page is loaded, I want to hide the status and address bar located on I have noticed that in other attempts to accomplish this, I have placed the following code in the section of my web page: The "page_load" function is triggered through the load event of the body element of the page. Oddly, when the page loads, the status / title bar is hidden, however, the address bar is not. How do I hide the status / title bar and address bar both when a web page is loaded? Thank you! There is an even simpler version of jQuery using one of you: $ ('body'). ScrollTop (1);

layout - size the height of a flex component to fill the space available on stage -

Using MXML I'm trying to create a layout in Flex, a canvas component and a box in the layout. The layout should always be that the box sits on the lower edge of the application and has a fixed height, while the canvas fills the remaining phase area and does not overlap with the box. My MXML follows; & lt; Mx: module xmlns: mx = "" width = "100%" height = "100%" layout = "full" clip content = "wrong" vertical gap = "0 "& Gt; & Lt; Mx: width of canvas = "100%" height = "100%" /> & Lt; Mx: box width = "100%" height = "30" & gt; & Lt; / Box & gt; & Lt; / Mx: module & gt; I have tried to use a dynamic binding to set the height on the canvas (height = "{this.stage.height - 30}"), but it produces wrong results Does. What can I accomplish without setting the height of the application's use? ...

sql server - How do I split an address string in T-SQL? -

I want to split a column into 4 columns based on the column. Example: 'City_name', 'state', 'zip' code, 'country' in column value: I call it 4 different columns such as City_Name , state , zipcode , country . How can I do this by using T-SQL? Assuming that you always have 3 commas in that column, you can use the function Table # Test Creation (Colonel Curse (100) ) Insert Personnel (Colonel, ',', '.'), 4) Name of the city as the name (pattern (colonel, ',', '.'), 3) state, (Q Name (Colonel, ',', '.'), 2) In the form of a zipod, the name (replacements (colonel, ',', '.'), 1) #test as the country Output City_Name State Zipcode Country New York City NJ 10028 United States Es

RegEx to randomly set case of characters in a string -

I am looking at the case of the character of the string given for the use of a testing function for RAGX. Example input: Quick brown fox jumps on lazy dogs sample expected output: THE Quick Browen Fox Juns Over THE LASI DOG. It would be nice if the RegEx was applied every time the output was made. For example, the above input was given, once the RegEx was applied, the output could be: This QIKC was Browan Fox zoompus OVR were La Aji Dog I know that setting up a replacement table would be easy (eg, 'x' => 'X', 'B' => 'b'), but this is not what I'm looking for . I did a Google search for it and nothing came, though I know it has been done. I had the code (now lost) that did so. perl in this work Pearl-E '$ _ = "Quick Brown Fox jumps on lazy dogs "; / ([A-zA-Z]) / rand () & lt.5 UK ($ 1): LC ($ 1) / Ge; Print it several times ... Thiq Quick Brova Fox Jumps Over LA AG Dog Thaq Quick Braun Fox ...

internet explorer 8 - Css problem with IE/FF compatibility -

I have some CSS that does not deal correctly with IE8. It works fine with FF3, but IE8 has white boxes in between the list items and the whole thing is small. The question here is CSS #golist {width: 900px; Margin Top: 20px; Margin-Correct: Auto; Margin-left: auto; } # Listings {list-style: none; Margin: 0; Padding: 0; } #listing li {float: left; Display area; Width: 128px; Background: #fff; Limit: 1px solid # 000000; Height: 96px; } #listing li a {border: none; } #listing p {margin-bottom: 0; } / * ---- Show-hidden element ---- * / #listing li .show {display: block; Width: 128px; Height: 96px; } #listing li .hide {color: # 121212; Align text: left; Height: 0; Hidden flurry; Background image: url (bghover.png); } #listing li: Hover. Hull, #listing li.over .hide {cursor: pointer; Height: 96px; Width: 128px; Text-align: center; } #listing li: hover. Show, #listing li.over .show {height: 0; Hidden flurry; } #listing li a, #listing li a: visited, #listing li a: active {color: # 12... - Databinding of RadioButtonList using SelectedValue...possible? -

I am dubbed an object data source in a gridweight. There is a list in the template field in Gridview, which includes a radio button list with list definitions inline. I want to place the selected value of the radio button list in the other underlying table as the other grid column, but it does not work! Do I have a wrong syntax, or is it impossible, and requires looping codes to separate individual items in each line? & lt; Llblgenpro: LLBLGenProDataSource ID = "LlbComputerApplication" Data Container Type = "Entity Collection" Runat = "Server" & gt; & Lt; / Llblgenpro: LLBGenGradasource & gt; & Lt; ASP: Gridview id = "Grid Computer APPS" datasource id = "LLB Computer Application" Runat = "Server" Autocontent Columns = "False" blankettext = "No application found for this computer." DataKeyNames = "ComputerID, ApplicationID" EnableViewState = "False" style = ...

javascript - Convert JSON array to an HTML table in jQuery -

Is really the easiest way I can take an array of JSON objects and change it in HTML table, leaving some fields Am I Or do I have to do this manually? I'm not sure what this is, but there is it can get JSON and the grid Can do.

plugins - How to build ASP.NET MVC user controls into class libraries -

I am trying to create some .ascx controls in the class library for the plugin to create some CSS. The type of my project is a special C # class Libory that has been added to the system. Web.mvc & amp; Friends My problem arises in an attempt to make a strongly-typed user control. My control looks like this: Control = "C # "Inherits =" System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl & lt; TagCloudWidget.Models.TagCloudWidgetData & gt; " & Gt%; Even if I have another public class under the same nameSpace TagCloudWidget.Models in the same project, let me know this .xx I have tried to add the file name to Import , but then it only complains that the namespace does not exist. The Tag CloudData class file looks like this: Namespace Tag CloudWidget Model {PUBLIC Class Tag CloudWidgetData {Public ILIST & lt; TagCount & gt; Tagcount {receive; Set; } Public content type content type; Public string controller; Public string action; Public TagCloudW...

Retrieve TOP X members of each group using SQL Server 2005 -

I have seen that this question has been asked many times, and I have written my query, but it is very slow, In a simple scenario, I have the following two tables: Group - Group ID (primary key) Member member (key key) Group ID (foreign key ) Suppose, for each groupID in the group, I have to find the top two member item values ​​from the member group that is groupID. This is my current query that works, but the pain is slow: SELECT M.MemberID, M.GroupID FROM member AS M WHERE in M.MemberID ( Select the top 2 members.See member member member member IDID = M. Group ID order by member. MIBIDID) The following lines are in the group: Group ID 1 2 3 And the member has the following lines MemberEid, GroupID 1, 1 2, 2 3, 3 4 , 1 5, 2 6, 3 7, 1 8, 2 9, 3 Then my query should be returned: MemberEid GroupID 1, 1 2, 2 3, 3 4, 1 5, 2 I believe that the dependent nested query is well for the DB engine Can be optimized (although requested by John Saunder...

internet explorer 6 - IE MIME/content filtering -

I am looking for ways to develop an extension for IE6 + which will allow the management of custom MIME types As an example, I should be able to take a document with a custom mime type that is returned by the server, do some processing on it, and then change the MIME type back to something which is the original of IE IE Handle the form, such as text / html or image / JPEG. I am familiar with the URLMN MIMA filter, but they have a major weakness; They are applicable only for top-level documents, and for any additional page content such as images and likes. The way I think that it will work, it is similar to the work of HTTP / Google Gears, protocol handlers using Vtable / iat patch, to be able to block response headers and specify MIME If you receive a document with the type, be able to modify the header and reaction body. I am thinking that no one else has any good ideas on how this can be accomplished in a less sophisticated manner. EDIT: Just thought I would like to foll...

How can I redirect Windows COM port output to a file? -

Is there an easy way to redirect serial port output to a file, which I can keep on a test Windows desktop system Anyone without changing code? I am trying to debug a problem in a serial receipt printer module and I do not have the actual device work today. If I can help it, then I do not want to make any changes to the code, I just want to capture at that time, so that I can see it in a file. This is Windows XP, if it does not matter. A quick Google led me - I have not tried it, but if it's on tin So it should be fine for you. Edit: It's incoming, does not seem to be outgoing, maybe worth a try: -)

c - Create a pointer to two-dimensional array -

I need an indicator for a stable 2-dimensional array. How is this done? Fixed uint8_t l_matrix [10] [20]; Zero test () {uint8_t ** matrix_ptr = l_matrix; // wrong idea} I will get all types of errors: Warning: Assignment with incompatible index type subscripted Value here Here you have the first element of the array one Want to create an indicator uint8_t (* matrix_ptr) [20] = l_matrix; With typing, this cleaner looks typedef uint8_t array_of_20_uint8_t [20]; Array_of_20_uint8_t * matrix_ptr = l_matrix; Then you can enjoy life again :) matrix_ptr [0] [1] = ...; Be careful in C, much confusion is around this. Edit Other reviews are here, because comment areas were too few to do there, many options were proposed, but it was not shown how they behaved We do. Here's how they do uint8_t (* matrix_ptr) [] [20] = l_matrix; If you fix the error and the operator & amp; In the snippet below, type uint8_t (* matrix_pTR) [] [20] = ...

silverlight - Generic IPropertyChangedNotifier using Dynamic Proxy and wcf serialization problem -

मैंने एक जेनेरिक आईपप्रॉटी चेंगलटेड नॉटिफ़िएर का उपयोग महल गतिशील प्रॉक्सी के साथ किया है। यहां मैं प्रॉक्सी ऑब्जेक्ट में सेटर कॉल को अवरुद्ध करता हूं ताकि मुझे अपने डोमेन ऑब्जेक्ट के सेटर्स में प्रॉपर्टी चेंन्ड इवेंट को बढ़ाया न जाए। उद्देश्य इन प्रॉक्सी ऑब्जेक्ट का उपयोग करने के लिए इसे एक सिलेवरलाइट एप्लिकेशन में UI बाइंड करना था। समस्या प्रॉक्सी ऑब्जेक्ट का सीरियलाइजेशन WCF सेवा कॉल में विफल हो जाती है जो प्रॉक्सी ऑब्जेक्ट के [DataContract] की अनुपस्थिति के कारण है। समस्या के चारों ओर पाने के लिए मुझे अपने इंटरसेप्टर में उदाहरण की प्रतिलिपि रखने के लिए और इस ऑब्जेक्ट को सीरियललाइजेशन के लिए भेजना पड़ा। IPropertyChangedNotifier इसके परिणामस्वरूप जटिल कोड है जो डीबग करना या समझना मुश्किल है सेवा कॉल में एक प्रॉक्सी भेजते समय सीरियललाइज़र को बेस क्लास (उदाहरण) का [डेटा कंट्रेक्ट] विशेषता का उपयोग करने के लिए सीरियललाइज़र को सीरियलिज करने की समस्या को हल करने का एक आसान तरीका है। क्या होगा अगर आप बेस क्लास प्रकार को डालें?

typography - css text-align bug -

I'm looking at a strange text-align bug using FF 3.0.11 on Ubuntu-Hardy. In the left field, the "F" letter exits, I can also do it with different types of fonts and sizes, in which three letters are flying and stacking on each other Includes. Is it known? Is a known known? (I have another question that I am closing the ash, because context has been rejected) if you select" text-align: center; " If you add, nothing changes; Diva for CSS?

iphone - How to commit changes in SQLite? -

I have a problem in my database - sometimes changes are sometimes not autocommitted, so let me manually is required. / P> How can I do this? Thank you. Thank you. As I happened to write just one more question, most The easiest way: char * errmsg; Int result = sqlite3_exec (database, "comma", zero, zero, and errmsg); Normal result code and with after you use the error message, if any, you will need sqlite3_free (errmsg)).

Drawing once per frame in Cocoa -

When I use GLUUT, I can provide a callback function which can be used to generate or animate the frame content Is called once per frame. / P> How can I do the same thing with cocoa? I understand that the set is Ned's display, but I do not know how to avoid calling it more than once per frame. What I need is an event or other callback that tells me how to draw another frame. Everything in cocoa is buffer, so that you can animate and adjust the sequences without undoing them Able to do If you need to see a view as much as possible (for example, drag and repeat: Create your own animation) You need to create a timer that comes in every 1/20th position of each other And triggers the freshness of the scene. You can create a timer like this: with Time Timer: 1.0 / 20.0 Target: Self Selector: @Selector (Animated) userInfo: Zero Repeat Is: yes]; Your callback function ("Animate" in this case) will look like this if your animation requires business logic, you ...

ms access - How to get today record min (time) and previous day record max (time) -

एमएस एक्सेस डाटाबेस का उपयोग मैं आज रिकॉर्ड न्यूनतम (समय) और पिछले दिन के रिकॉर्ड अधिकतम को प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूँ (समय) तालिका व्यक्तिगत पहचान पत्र CARDEVENTTIME 5008 20090805 080000 5008 200 9 805 140000 5008 200 9 80 9 180000 5008 200 9 80 9 220000 5008 200 9 0813 090000 5008 200 9 813 200000 5008 200 9 818 110000 5008 20090818 232200 3405 20090805 080000 3405 20090805 180000 3405 20090809 070000 3405 20090809 230000 3010 20080806 090000 3010 20080806 230000 3010 20080810 100000 3010 20080810 ऊपर से 160000 और इतने पर ... तालिका मैं आज मिनट (समय) और पिछले दिन अधिकतम (समय) को प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूं पिछला दिन का मतलब नहीं है, विशेष व्यक्ति आईडी के लिए पिछले कार्डिवेंट। ख प्रश्नों। मैं नीचे उल्लेख क्वेरी का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ। "का चयन करें PERSONID, CARDEVENTDATE, मिन (CARDEVENTTIME) INTIME, मैक्स (CARDEVENTTIME) से OUTTIME के ​​रूप में के रूप में (चयन T_PERSON । टीएपीडीआईएएनएनटीएनटी। के लिए, T_CARDEVENT.CARDEVENTDATE, T_CARDEVENT.CARDEVENTTIME से (T_TITL...

jquery - loader problem -

itemprop = "text"> I want to know whether a loader is appropriate, which will run all the images on the page until it is loaded on the page. . I have a website in which some PGGs are large size images, I want to load all the images before the animation starts .... plz help Have you tried this technique What you need will do it.

c# - Get Repeater's Items -

I'm trying to get the check box of all the checkers of the repeater before the page movement (pagination) Trying to store at a location. foreach (Repeater IIT. Items in RPT) {check box box = (checkbox) ri.FindControl ("chkBox"); If (box check) {...}} The problem is that where can I call this function? I have tried to select it from ObjectDataSource1. (I use ObjectDates to populate the repeater) and ObjectDataSource 1 selecting but RTP Items are also count 0. The rpt_PreRender () event returns the correct number of items but this does not happen before selecting the check box. What can I do? The way you are looking it is not possible ... plz to use this code Try ... if (repeater 1. item calculation> 0) {for (int count = 0; count & lt; repeater 1. item; count; count ++ ) {Checkbox chk = (checkbox) repeater 1. Item [count] .FindControl ("checkbox 1"); If (chk.Checked) {}}}

encoding - Converting hebrew text to an image using imagemagick -

I have to convert the text to an image I can do this using Imagemagick. However, the part or all text can be in Hebrew (an RTL language), it means that the word in Hebrew has been sung backwards, if I was convinced that this text was only Hebrew, then by sending it on the image magic It must have already reversed it. However, this solution will not work if part of the text is in English. Does anyone know how this can be done? I am not committed to using ImageMagic, if it comes in better way. However, the solution should work for both Linux and Windows (I can live with a non-Windows solution, but a multi OS solution is better). Thanks, Nive I see this link They suggest probably unfreeze () or encoding master ()