
Showing posts from February, 2012

c# - Cannot reset fields after a postback -

I am using the JavaScript function to reset some fields in my .aspx webpage. When the page loads, it works first time but after postback it does not work at all. Can anyone explain me? Thanax I think you did it in the form of If this is only a partial postback that you are doing, then the whole page is not reloaded and javascript functions are fire If this is the case, then specify Try using ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript . Otherwise, code samples will help us answer.

c# - Populating SQLite in memory for unit testing -

I am thinking of using SQLite in the memory stub for my Oracle database. I can direct all my DAL commands directly to SQLite, but now I am thinking that I should easily fill out the data for each exam method. Make the necessary table (made) of each method and specific tests of rows? Should I be populated in the data stability setup phase in memory? Is there any other way (reading it from some file, but to discard changes, so that the next reading will be the same)? Maybe I should just stumble the DB with a normal stub and return the locally created objects (Datasets and DataTable) if needed? I thought about trying it, but in this way I am passing through real questions and I am testing unit testing methods to test which makes the SQL selection. I want to test the syntax and validity of questions. Is there any best practice about this? Or just about good ideas? How is just supporting the SQLite-Db-file? The good thing about SQLite is that you can copy the entire db file a...

Assembly Code - not getting correct answer -

I'm going through "programming from the ground up" Now I have the following code, which should be given 2 as the minimum answer, but I'm getting 0 as the answer when I do Aloe $ .section. Data data_items: .long 3,67,34,222,56,87,9,2,88,22,11,66,900,0 .section .text .globl _start_start: movl $ 0,% edi movl data_imes (,% edi, 4 ),% Eax movl% eax,% Ebx start_loop: CMPL $ 0,% EX which loop_exacted% ADI MML data_its (,% EDI, 4),% EX square% EBX,% EXG GRArt_Loop MLL% AX,% EBX JMAP Start_Lop Loop_Exit : MGL $ 1,% Exx $ 0x80 OK, less than 0 Because if you value in EX current from ebay If you are going back to the loop, it also seems that zero is used as the exit code in these lines cmpl $ 0,% Eax je loop_exit In this case when you press Zero in the list, this is effectively the lowest number and exit status

osx - Autodetect JRE Version and Install the required Version on MAC OS X before launching an application -

Before locating the GRE version and installing an application, install the required version on Mac OS X. how? Have you seen? It allows your Java solution to be packaged with an installer that can detect JREs and if required, then launches an installer for that particular JR. Note that the website Launch4J is for Windows but the changelog indicates that the Mac OS X version is available for some time (and available)

browser - Print webpage with background images and colors? -

How can I fix a webpage that looks like - what do I mean with background images and colors is? (in IE) Best Zisan IE It is configurable from to check for browser details, though I suspect that you are looking for a CSS solution. I am unable to finish it in fashion continuously. Probably I have seen the best solution. It includes list-style ... to try to get the rules for a job. Best wishes Editing - Dragged from #ti \ tle {/ * 6. * / display: list item; / * 1. * / list-style-image: url (banner.jpg); / * 2. * / list-style-position: inside; / * 3. * / letter-difference: -1000Em; / * 4. * / font-size: 1pt; / * 5. * / Color: #FFF; Some comments: We give our h1 the list item characteristics. We show that our banner image is list-style-image. Firefox wants you to insert this image inside. We make that the text disappears into a black hole through the image of the machete (MIR) replacement. MIR does not work in Opera, we set the font size to ...

javascript - Event for when user switches browser tabs -

I am looking for an incident that the user will switch from page to second tab, and another incident when The user switches back to the tab again. window.onblur and window.onfocus in all browsers Can I see a proxy to synthesize this event? You can try to use a framework, such as MooTools or jQuery which is a cross-browser Provide support. They should be able to detect more reliability with the Blurring and Focus events for the browser window. I have personally used jQuery with a lot of success: $ (window) .blur (function (e) {// put the blur action here} ); $ (Window). Focus (function (e) {// focus action here}};

python - How should I setup the Wing IDE for use with IronPython -

Here's a screen where I should point wing IDE to my python files. I am using IronPython. Am I properly convinced that textbox one is filled with ipy.exe? (Providing proper path) What should be in the rest of the box? I do not particularly know about your question; Although a few weeks ago, Michael Ford published a guide to use Wingide with Ironpathon. You can find it here:

jquery - How to get browser width using JavaScript code? -

I am trying to write the JavaScript function to get the width of the current browser. I found this one: javascript: alert (document.body.offsetWidth); But its problem is that if the body's width is 100% then it fails. Is there any other better work or an alternative solution? This is one. I advise to leave the nonsense and the experiment, from which you will get to $ (window). Width () .

sql server connection error -

I get the following error when I try to register a DB server: TITLE: Connect to Server can not be connected. Additional information: When a connection to a server is connected to SQL Server 2005, this failure may arise from the fact that the default settings under SQL Server remote connection Does not allow. (Provider: Named Pipes Provider, Error: 40 - Can not open connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3) For help, click: Button: OK I googled, but most of the solutions related to checking the stuff on SQL Server are this shared server and I do not have access to the machine. I tried to register another DB server and I get the same error I know that the connection properties are correct. I am not sure what can I do. BTW, Windows Firewall is disabled on my local machine. There is a common thread with some suggestions:. Other potential issues can be a firewall on the server side which only allows connect...

Does iPhone OS reclaim user-space memory at exit? -

I am reading equipment to find leakage for the iPhone development and for deliberately inserting my small program and looking for memory leaks I am here. Before I joined a large, hard-to-debug project before. There is no problem in identifying a memory leak, which is said to be in a regular invented method, such as answering touch events. The leak instrument will eventually detect virtual memory which is not unclaimed. I'm more concerned about the leak in the code to exit the entire system. Once I completely exit my app, is it a matter of concern that some were not removed or can the iPhone OS automatically recover all the user memories at that time? After reading this little case, I am unclear. Without documentation, and without knowing anything, I think that in this regard, other OS should work like this and withdraw all the user locations. If this is the case, will not I clean the leaks regularly, so that my app can run with boundmed memory at any time, then do not wor...

jQuery Training Videos -

I want to learn as much as I can jQuery. I learn through video very fast, are there any great jQuery training video resources on this topic? I know about, which is a great resource but wants to know about other people. They have some pretty good stuff. - Why does VB have more LINQ keywords than C#? -

क्यों वीबी में सी # से अधिक LINQ कीवर्ड हैं? अगर मुझे सही ढंग से याद आती है तो केवल 4 कीवर्ड जो कि VB.Net के लिए उपलब्ध हैं और नहीं # क्यूरी वाक्यविन्यास के माध्यम से हैं वीबी ने इन खोजशब्दों को जोड़ा है क्योंकि हमने महसूस किया है कि यह हमारे उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए मूल्यवान होगा। हमने कल्पना की है कि सिंटैक्स प्राथमिक तरीके से वीबीएन प्रयोक्ता LINQ का उपयोग करेगा और वाक्य रचना के माध्यम से संभव के रूप में कई परिदृश्यों को सक्षम करना चाहता है। मुझे नहीं पता है कि सी # ने इनको क्यों छोड़ा? मेरा अटकलें यह है कि वे इस परिदृश्य को उचित नहीं मानते हैं, विशेषकर इस सुविधा पर विचार करने के लिए अभी भी विस्तार विधियों के माध्यम से उपलब्ध है। संपादित करें जोड़े गए कुल और कुछ अन्य (धन्यवाद डारियो और क्रिस!)

apache - "title" attribute for <html:options> struts tag -

In a regular selection box, you can show the full title on the mouseover using the "title" attribute in the "Options" field. / P> In Apache Straits, you create a selection box from the "html: options" tag. I do not think this tag supports the "title" attribute. What's another way to show the full title of an option on mouseover for "Html: Options" struts tag? Thanks & lt; Select & gt; & lt; option & gt; .. & lt; s: select / & gt; , or for"> the struts tag & lt; S: Double list / & gt; For the double lists & lt; S: doubleselect / & gt; does not support the title at all, you get it javascript (ddoubleselect.ftl) by hand. With default theme, the file has been found in the Stropes 2-Core -2.1.6 .jar template / simple /. .

Eclipse Plug-in / View Question -

I have a plug-in that has class A that brings the defined view through the following line of code in class B : (VideoLogView) PlatformUI.getWorkbench (). GetActiveWorkbenchWindow () GetActivePage () ShowView ("Videolog.VideoLogView"); In the createPartControl () method of the view (class B object), I have to use a method in class A object. How can this be? Thanks It looks like you are facing" how do I pass arguments in my thoughts " The questions asked about the RCP project were strange about the fact that There was no way to pass an argument as seen model. Why? Because (emphasis my): You are on a opened, pluggable platform . You contribute for the current development, others should be able to contribute to you. So you will not give a view "pass" logic, it will lock the whole thing in a non, instead, to determine that your view will ask (or listen to the platform) that platform Which information is to manage. M...

jquery - How to filter a very big json string without looping every object in it? -

I am currently developing a calendar with all the standard ideas (day, week, month). I use JSON to load my calendar events when events are loaded, then I must map them to Active View (day, week or month). For each view I only need a special set of events, see the events between the current date range (= time limit) Therefore, whether for each view Is it possible to filter events (on the date) without the whole JSN object? Now I am doing this: $ (eventCache.Events) .each (function () {// check if this event is displayed}} ; But the list of events can get up to two hundred, by this method the performance of the calendar is slowing down ... This is an example of my data: { "d": { "__type": "GetEventsCacheResult", "Events": [{ "subject", "subject", "CalendarId": "139c9edd-b01b- 47cf-bae9 -18f3e3dca655 "," ColorCode ":" # 093,647 "," id ":" 0dab7ad9-46c7-...

.net - C# get digits from float variable -

I have a float variable and I would like to get only one part after comma, so if I have 3.14 I I want to get it in the form of an integer how can I do this? The method of fraud is to: Private Int32 FractionalPart (double en) {string s = n.ToString ("########", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Return Int32.Parse (s.Substring (s.IndexOf (".") + 1)); } edit2: okay okay okay. Here is the worst hypocrisy version I can come up with. This floating point will return the first 9 digits (or less, if not many) of the decimal part of the number. It is guaranteed to not overflow an Int32, we use irreversible culture, so we know that we can use it as a decimal separator.

web services - How to pass Authorization header from Flex WebService? -

I have a basic authority mechanism on the server for WSDL / SOAP. How can I send the "authorization" header through Flex WebSaver? Simple example: var ws: WebService = new WebService (); Ws.wsdl = "http: // localhost: 8000 / api / service.wsdl" var Encoder: Base 64 encoder = new base 64 encoder; Encoder.InternetNewline = wrong; Encoder.encode ("SomeUser: SomePassword"); Ws.httpHeaders = {AUTHORIZATION: "Basic" + Encoder.Ststring ()}; Ws.loadWSDL (); Var Operation: Operation = ws.get_info; Operation.send (); And I'm getting an error: Error # 2096: HTTP request header can not be set through action script. Flex applications and servers are in the same domain. Also I have the crossdomain.xml file in the root of the server (), but never called by Flex (I know from the log file). I will provide this file anyway: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy system "http://www....

c# - Restoring a Differential Backup with an SMO Restore object -

I restore the database by first restoring a full backup and then restoring a differential backup using Microsoft.SqlServer. I am trying. Management.MO Restore class full backup has been restored with the following code: restored myFullRestore = new restore (); MyFullRestore.Database = "DatabaseName"; MyFullRestore.Action = Restore one. Database; MyFullRestore.AddDevice (@ "C: \ BackupFile.bak", DeviceType.File); MyFullRestore.FileNumber = 1; MyFullRestore.SqlRestore (MYSERVER); // myServer is a pre-existing example of Microsoft. SQL Server. Management.MO.All After restoring the full backup (which completes successfully), my code to restore the differential backup is as follows: restored Do myDiffRestore = new restore (); MyDiffRestore.Database = "DatabaseName"; MyDiffRestore.action = Restore one. Database; MyDiffRestore.AddDevice (@ "C: \ BackupFile.bak", DeviceType.File); MyDiffRestore.FileNumber = 4; // file has many backup sets, t... - Parse a string to a specified length (without cutting words) -

I have a long string that I need to parse in the string array that does not exceed 40 characters in length . The difficult part of me is making sure that RJX finds the empty space to make a clean brake between the strings 40 before I do not want to cut words. Trim the substrings properly as you go: (? & Lt; sub & gt ;. {1,40}) (?: \ S + | $). (? & Lt; sub & gt ;. {40}) The first one tries for a clean brake, but the second if there is a blindfold to cut it blindly, after this, the substring Available in m.Groups ["sub"]. Capture . - multi-platform app: ashx or web services? -

I'm looking to create a lightweight, heavy traffic, DB site. It will be standard 3-tiered architecture in Part of this site is web based, but most of the functions will ideally be available on mobile devices as well. That being said, I know that web service is the classic answer to this, because I can use a web service from multiple platforms, however, I also know that the ash file The lightest weight is there any way to access ash files from non-web platforms? And if so, how would it be to do the same thing in comparison to a web service? A good example: A login page that asks to authenticate a web service or ashx file. Thank you! Eric [edit] I was thinking on the lines of iphone / android / pre-type mobile apps. How do you display on mobile devices? You have said "Web Based" and "Mobile Device" but this can be the same thing as , you should also look at ASP.NET MVC, if you do not have it. It should help with the design and performan...

sql - What is this loop using PHP $$ syntax doing? -

I found this PHP code in an app that I need to modify ... $ Link = mysql_query ($ querystring); Forex Currency (mysql_fetch_array ($ link) as the $ key = & gt; $ value) {$$ key = $ value; } I'm a little stumped. Does this really repeat the query results and is copying the key in the value? If so, what would that mean? Besides, what is the double $$ notation? I have not seen it before in PHP and I can not find a reference on this PHP site. Is this a typo? This does not appear affecting the code; I do not want to go "fixing" anything like this without understanding the results. $$ is not a typo; This is how you interact with a variable in the name of another variable. Like you do $ varname = 'foo'; $$ varnish = 'bar'; You have just set the code to $ foo . What the loop is doing Expand row content in the current variable namespace, like it is a terrible way to do this, at least not because it is also running on numerica...

c# - Access Database, Connection string jiggery pokerery -

I'm trying to access an Access database from my C # codefile. If I use the following: SqlConnection connection = New SqlConnection (connectionString) with connection string: connectionString = "Provider = Microsoft Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = F: \ test_dev \ sm_development \ App_Data \ SMWeb.mdb " I get an error when I try a dataset and the word ' Provider 'is not supported! What am i doing Try it out. OleDbConnection Connection = New AllBackNation (); String Connection String = @ "Data Source = F: \ test_dev \ sm_development \ App_Data \ SMWeb.mdb"; OleDbConnection system. Data.OleDb is in the namespace.

c# - How to select values within a provided index range from a List using LINQ -

I am trying to use it to get the following: I have a List is Ints: - list & lt; Int & gt; IntList = new list & lt; Int & gt; (New int [] {1,2,3,3,2,1}); Now, I want to compare the amount of first three elements [index range 0-2] using the LINQ from the last three [index 3-5]. I tried and select LINQ and bring the SelectMany method along with extension methods, but I can not understand that to say something like (from p in intList where Select Elements from p to intList from p Select the index x to x + n p) .sum () I see that the extension is also an extension, but I do not have to see it That's what I want. Any suggestions? Thank you. Use then use. yourEnumerable.Skip (4). (3). (X = & gt; x) (intList.Skip (x)) Select P from (P) Select P) .sum ()

keyboard - Can I send a <shift> keypress to Windows from Emacs? -

एक फ़ंक्शन 'w32-toggle-lock-key' को प्रभावी ढंग से एक प्रेस कैप्सलक , संख्यालॉग , या स्क्रॉल-लॉक कुंजी का बदलाव कुंजी स्वयं ( नहीं बदलाव + कुछ और ) अनुकरण करने के लिए समान कार्य है? इसके लिए मुझे इसकी वजह इसलिए है क्योंकि मेरे पास shift को विंडोज में भाषाओं को स्विच करने के लिए बाध्य है। मेरा मानना ​​है कि जवाब नहीं है। उसी कारण से चर्चा की गई है, अर्थात् वह बदलाव एक संशोधक है, और विंडोज कुंजीपटल को निगल रही है। यह देखने का सबसे आसान तरीका है कि क्या एएमएसी एक चाबी का जवाब देती है किसी कुंजी पर सहायता ch k & lt; press-key & gt; यदि Emacs आपको बताता है कि उस कुंजी के लिए क्या बाध्य है, तो आप सुनहरे हैं यदि इमैक अधिक इनपुट के लिए इंतजार कर रहा है (और लगभग 2 सेकेंड के बाद आपको मिनीबफर में कुंजी दिखाती है), तो आप अभी भी अच्छे हैं - कुंजी को सिर्फ एक उपसर्ग मानचित्र पर मैप किया जाता है (जैसे ESC या सीएक्स )। यदि Emacs कुछ भी नहीं करता है और अभी भी संकेत पर कुछ लिखने के लिए प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है कुंजी (या क्लिक या मेनू आइटम) का वर्णन कर...

bash - Getting the pid of a job launched in the background remotely -

I am trying to launch a job on a remote machine in the background and am getting its PID So that I may kill him later. What have I come up to now: #! / Bin / bash ip = REMOTE_EXEC = "ssh $ ip -l root" # The following does not work, I am trying to get PID of remote job PID = '$ REMOTE_EXEC' vmstat 1 1000 & gt; Vmstat.log & amp; ; Now $! '' #Also Apache Benchmark AB-N10 http: // $ $ IP / $ REMOTE_EXEC "Kill $ PID" Unfortunately this does not work. I'm getting a bash: syntax error with unexpected token `; ' But I do not know what the correct syntax will be. You got the error, because you ';' Needless to try, 'vmstat 1 1000> vmstat.log & amp; Do allo !! ' But I'm not sure this will work, because after logging out, see the process SUPUP will get NOUP (1).

ruby on rails - "require File.dirname(__FILE__)" -- how to safely undo filesystem dependency? -

Some Ruby libraries I'm using need it like this: requires File.dirname (__ FILE__) + '/specification_helper.rb' lib_dir = File.expand_path (File.join (File.dirname (__ FILE__), "lib")) File.join is required (File.dirname (__ FILE__), 'Lib / tools', 'version') File.expand_path (File.join (File.dirname (__ FILE__), 'datautils', 'conn')) Is this done in this way? Is it possible to change this code (safe)? To remove this dependency on file system? I actually use use in this plan the production code. Relative files are required relative to current source space, which have several advantages: The source tree can be transferred as complete and as long as we need it Because we use the perfect path, we avoid accidental collision (loading another source with the same name in another library, or twice to reload the same source) Modify Ruby's Search Path No code can be used Should you use the modified Rub...

How to get a -0 result in floating point calculations and distinguish it from +0 in C#? -

एमएसडीएन दस्तावेज़ीकरण में उल्लेख है कि डबल प्रकार नकारात्मक शून्य भी शामिल है हालांकि, दोनों -1.0 / डबल। पोसिटिव इनफ़िनिटी और -double.Epsilon / 2 सामान्य 0 (और इसके बराबर तुलना करें) वापस आते हैं। मैं कैसे -0? बिट्स की जांच के बिना दो के बीच अंतर करने का एक व्यावहारिक उदाहरण है । एमएसडीएन लिंक्स और इस उदाहरण के निर्माण में मुझे सहायता प्रदान की। स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {फ्लोट ए = 5 / फ्लोट। एनजीटी इन्फ़िनिटी; Float b = 5 / float.PositiveInfinity; फ्लोट सी = 1 / ए; फ्लोट डी = 1 / बी; Console.WriteLine (एक); Console.WriteLine (ख); Console.WriteLine (ग); Console.WriteLine (घ); } आउटपुट: 0 0 -Infinity Infinity ध्यान दें कि -0 और 0 दोनों को देखो तुलना, आउटपुट, आदि के लिए एक ही है। लेकिन अगर आप उनके द्वारा 1 विभाजित करते हैं, तो आपको एक शून्य या इन्फ़िनिटी मिलता है, जो आपके पास शून्य के आधार पर होता है।

latex - Is there any RAK-WB style for bibtex? -

RAC-WB is a specific graphical standard that is mostly for libraries in Germany; The standard is as follows: However, there is no bibtex package / style for this standard, is there any RAC-WB style for BBTX or do I have to write it myself? If so, what would be good tutorial / introduction to write bibtex-style files? Thank you! I doubt that there is an existing style for RAK-WB; This question is the first Google hit on 'Rak-VB Bebetx' :-) So you probably have to make your own. I'll first try the makebst route, follow the instructions to run Latex MakeBust and create a BST file. You will find some options on many formatting decisions. In this way, you will not need to understand the BST syntax but there may be some control over how the bibliography looks. In the MakeBust Accessories custom-bib package, which should be part of any typical tax establishment. But I suspect that he is going to work with a standard that looks complicated, so if that does ...

c# - Treeview prevent Node collapse -

I have a .NET 2.0 C # project. I have a tree view with 2 nodes, many of them Hair nodes are when you click on a hair node, depending on the properties of the PDF node, a webbrower is displayed in the control. Okay, but the problem is that when both nodes are expanded, and I click on a child node, the other nodes will fall! I do not have any code that falls on any node in the treeview, but somehow this happens! I also had a look at the first callpap event, but in some way it is not a fire, the other node collapses! Does anyone think that why this happens? Thank you very much! I stopped using WinForms TreeView some time ago because its limitations and quirks are My favorite replacement is open source TreeViewAdv:

What could cause issues with JavaScript setting cookies? -

I have an app that is run on compiled DLL on a web server with some single sign on (એસએસઓ) integration with the app , And the only way I can perform the "Inject" functionality is to modify an external javascript file that is referenced. In the Javascript file to set cookies with that session's session ID, some code blocks I tried to add more cookies and add code so that I can read the cookie from any other subdomain / I can not, but cookies are not set! I call the same cookie set function with a different name and it does not work I was debugging with Firefox and the javascript code was called for my new cookies, but then Also, no new cookies! I also see existing cookies being updated! Function set cookie (name, value, expired, path, domain, secure) {document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (+) (+ expires) + "; Expires = "+ expires.toGMTString ():" ") + ((path)" "; path =" + path: "") + (domain)? "; Domai...

c++ - Finding the height of a multiway tree -

How can you find the height of multi-tree trees? If I wanted to find the height of binary tree, then I could do something like this: int height (node ​​* root) {if (root == NULL) 0; And maximum return (height (root-> left), height (root-> right)) + 1; } But I'm not sure that I can implement the same recurring method in the multiview tree. Common case will be: int height (node ​​* root) {If (root == NULL) 0; Else {// pseudo-code int max = 0; For every child {int height = height (child); If (height; max) max = height; } Return Maximum + 1; }}

c# - Getting IE6,7,8 to reliably download office documents over ssl from our site -

I have an ASP.NET web application, which uses a valid commercial certificate to browse the entire site HTTPS Is performed. It is possible to download Excel spreadsheets in one part of the application. Download is started with a post (PostBack from a link button) The response has been cleared (Answer: Clear (), Answer: Binwuright (Byte []) Blow etc. As we have done a Thousands of projects that work well, the right content headers set and everything are the only difference here is SSL but I can not see how it relates. Yes, links are loaded about the cache headers, Net files, so the related office program can be started to open it etc. etc. ... I have read them all, I have verified the cache header with Fiddler and Live Headers (FF Extensions) And can confirm "Cash: Private;" whether sending in the north of both the production site and my local dev set-up. If I have an SSL on my local IIS frequency If I install the certificate and run the project, then I can save it open...

telerik - RadGrid export to excel -

I have a radridge that creates columns dynamically based on user input. After the grid population is over, the user has the option to export the excel or word. However, when users want to keep page formatting, no data is being exported. But if the user chooses to ignore paging, then everything works fine. It seems that if the redridged property "AutoAgrenate column" is set to false, and "Ignoring" is also incorrect, the data is not found Is this the problem or am I seeing something? Here are the ways to configure and call exports: Private Zero Configuration Port (String Strxport Type) {Switch (Strongtepe Type to Lyore ()) {case "Excel": RadGrid1.ExportSettings.FileName = "RadGridExportToExcel"; break; Case "word": RadGrid1.ExportSettings.FileName = "RadGridExportToWord"; break; } RadGrid1.ExportSettings.IgnorePaging = this.cbxPaging.Checked; RadGrid1.ExportSettings.ExportOnlyData = this.cbxFormat.Checked; } Privat...

assemblies - Assembly Dependency Report -

I am working on an web application project that has approximately 7-10 custom and commercial assemblies. Publishing the product, I'm looking for a device that will generate a report that gives me a list of assembly names, versions and perhaps location (GAC or c: \ app \ library) for that project. Then can be distributed in the team for reference. Is there anything like that? can help you

How to use HTML anchors as a table of contents in email when rendered in clients like Groupwise or Gmail? -

I would like to keep a table of contents at the top of an internal email newsletter; Allow 'jumping' in those who are interested in them. Something like this: & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#Funding" & gt; Funding opportunities & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# development" & gt; Professional Development & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# BEST" & gt; Best Practice & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; Then the email is 'Next down' in the newsletter: This works fine in browser-based HTML , but let me give it to different email clients ( gmail, groupwise, outlook ). I, however, have received emails that use the technique as above and I am able to 'scroll' the email I understand that support in different customers will b...

c# - Getting the item under mouse cursor in a listview control? -

Actually I'm trying to implement a feature where the user presses the key, Want to find the cursor So I'm not using mouse events, but keyboard events that definitely do not give me a ListViewItem I still do not know what location I need to get the status of the mouse and change it to the place of control. Any thoughts? If you know which list view you are interested in, then the following method will be trickle : View private list view GetItemFromPoint (ListView listView, Point mousePosition) {// Screenwise translate the position of the mouse from the ListView point to localPoint = listView.PointToClient (mousePosition) Within // customer coordinates; See return list. GETItemAt (localPoint.X, localPoint.Y); } // Call it like this: ListViewItem Item = GetItemFromPoint (myListView, Cursor.Position);

java - How can I handle an IOException which I know can never be thrown, in a safe and readable manner? -

"The main difference between something that could be wrong and which could not possibly be wrong is It is that when a thing which is probably not wrong, it goes wrong, usually it turns out that it is impossible to get or repair it. "- Daglas Adams My Has a class file items nearby. FileItems creates a file, and returns an exception (FileNotFoundException) if the file does not exist; Other methods of that class include file operation and thus it has the ability to throw filesyntfoundaxes. I want to find a better solution I A solution that other programmers do not need to handle these extremely inconsistent FileNotFound exceptions. The facts of this matter: The file exists, but it is not very likely that some major errors of reality have been removed before this method. can go. Since 1 is extremely contrary and unrecoverable, I like to define an unchecked exception. The file already exists, other programmers find it difficult and useless to write the code and...

How to use jqGrid with C#/ASP.NET and JSON.NET (and no AJAX.NET stuff)? -

OK, I see this in a few days and especially not sure what I'm doing I'm wrong. If there are any examples of working with the use of jqGrid with C # / ASP.NET and open source tools, please, please tell me where to find them. Any tips I can use to debug a decent document or device, it will be most appreciated (I am new to JS / JN). Actually I just need the functionality of editing-in-place, so if I'm looking at another obvious solution for this, it can be useful to know ... I would like to avoid using AJAX.NET. P> I think I'm really looking somewhere here. In the following example, I get jqGrid to display, but it does not show any data. Here is the relevant javascript: jquery (document) .ready (function () {jQuery ("# ​​role_assignment_table"). JqGrid ({url: 'http : // localhost: 4034 /? Website2 / PageItemHandler.asmx / GetPageItemRolesJson id = 3 ', MTYPE:' received ', contentType: "application / json; charset = utf-8",...

c# - sql async query problem -

So, why does not it ever call for the callback function? using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.ComponentModel; Using System.Data; Using System.Drawing; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Using System.Windows.Forms; Using System.Data.SqlClient; Namespace sqlAsyncTesting {public partial class} form 1: form {public form 1 () {initial group (); } Private void button1_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) using {(SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection (@ "Data Source = bigapple; initial catalog = master; Integrated Security = SSPI; Asynchronous Processing = true")) {conn.Open (); SqlCommand cmd = new SQL Command (@ "WAITFOR DELAY '00: 03 '; up 3 SELECT * FROM sysobjects;', con); IAsyncResult result = cmd.BeginExecuteReader (new AsyncCallback (Handlcolbak), CMD, Kmmandbavik. Clojhkshn);} } private void handle callback (IAsync results) {dr SqlDataReader; SqlCommand _this = (SqlCommand) results. AsyncState; if (result. IP contained) ...

How can I create custom controls in Android? -

I would like to create custom controls in my Android app. It will have a circular control with some small moving circles which indicate a specific value Will give Is there any way to realize this? Are there some good tutorials where I can read the way to create custom controls? Look at the section of the Android Dev Guide. The general approach is to expand one and the override applied methods.

What does the message "rewrite ... (90%)" after a git commit mean? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर जब git इसे प्रतिबद्ध करता है को फिर से लिखना foobar.bin (76%) की तरह कुछ के साथ बाइनरी फ़ाइलों को फिर से लिखता है। वो क्या है %? क्या यह प्रतिशत बदल गया है या पुराने फाइल से बनाए रखा प्रतिशत? मुझे पता है कि git फाइलों के लिए द्विआधारी डेल्टा का उपयोग करता है, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि% का एक पुन: लिखना कितना प्रतिनिधित्व करता है और यह git help commit के लिए सहायता पृष्ठ में प्रतीत नहीं होता है धन्यवाद! समानता सूचकांक का एक उपाय समानता सूचकांक अपरिवर्तित लाइनों का प्रतिशत है Git सोचता है कि आपकी फ़ाइल पाठ है।

how much more performant is sphinx than MySQL default fulltext search? -

MySQL default full text search is useless when the data volume is large. So I'm counting on Sphinx " The text "> claims 50-100x, up to 1000x, while it has even more harsh results, I have used both on DBS, and in my experience, there really is no comparison; You can not use FULLTEXT for large databases, while Sphinx is both fast and accurate.

How do I create an odbcparameter for a sql server xml datatype for an odbccommand object? -

So I have a situation where I have to pass a bunch of data to create a group of records . So I read and chose the XML method. So I have stored procedures created in SQL Server 2005. But now I need to call it from code. I have an odbcconnection only for a database connection, I think that sqlclient is a native sqldbtype.xml. What should I do if I am using ODBC? Is i sol I think that you can get the SQLconnection & amp; Related Category After doing this, you can use VSNT server explorer, you can make connections to SQL Server using ODBC, extend the tree with stored procedures, and with XML parameters your You can see stored functionality. When you right click, the ODBC data type should be shown for properties on XML parameters. This is entirely based on my memory. I think it should work. Edit: See if it helps see the datatype compatibility term on this link.

php - How do I configure nginx rewrite rules to get CakePHP working on CentOS? -

Hello, help me out, I'm trying to setup a CakePap environment when running a NGX on a Seacon Server, which is actually with CGI. I have a WordPress site on the server and a phpmyadmin site, so I have correctly configured PHP My problem is that I can not get the rule right in my vhost again So that the cake renders the pages correctly, i.e. with style and so on. I swallowed as much as possible and the main consensus from the same sites given below is that I place / {root / var / www /sites/; Index index.php index.html; # If the file exists as a static file, then provide it service without having to rewrite all # directly if (-f $ request_filename) {break; } If (! -f $ request_filename) {rewrite ^ / (. +) $ / Endex.php? Url = $ 1 last; break; The problem is that you write again that you run cakes directly from Webroot, which is not what I have to do. I have a standard setup for each site. I. A folder per site that contains the following folders include logs...

php - SimpleXMLElement Change Attribute Value -

I love - this is very good as an XML element parser. So I'm thinking that there is an XML author - it changes an attribute value, for example, to & lt ;? XML version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt; A b = "one two" & gt; & Lt; C & gt; Seven & lt; / C & gt; & Lt; D & gt; Eight & lt; / D & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Is there an existing library that does this? Does not provide simple explanation, I'm scared. Note that I am reading XML from a file, string not $ xml = '& lt ;? XML version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt; A b = "one two" & gt; & Lt; C & gt; Three four & lt; / C & gt; & Lt; D & gt; Five six & lt; / D & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; '; $ Xml = Simple XMLload_string ($ xml); $ Xml- & gt; C = 'seven'; $ Xml- & gt; D = 'eight'; Echo $ xml- & gt; AsXML (); Works!

ruby on rails - How can I have autospec/test not run the full test suite after everything goes green? -

In the same question as waloeiii: How do I autospec / test everything green Full test suit after color? The next test I will write will be red! I will run the full test room manually. By the way, I tried to add the possibility of a failure: It should be "flanked" and flanked But autospec seems to be ignoring it when it seems. Late, but I was also looking for it, so I thought I would post my solution: The following is ~ /.autotest: class Autotest def rerun_all_tests end and - Find control in Dataset -

I have this code, so I grab the dataset values ​​before I bind it. To work for quickcast, grid view in the form of slow DS new dataset ("miteable"). Datasource = DS retrofit Datacore DetroView = Direct Sext (Dtibles.itm ("MyTable") as String = Detarau ("ID_Equipamento")., IDRI, "Detroit" ("ID_Password"). (/ ID>) Do not use VB, but it will have to go anyway; ds.Tables.Item ("MyTable"). Rows () gives you a data row storage that is not a datorov view. Use it instead; Slight Debt DataRow = ds.Tables.Item ("MyTable") .Rows (). Item (0) In addition to this, I see that you call dataset Material Dataset Datatable is a container, so I recommend calling it MyDataSet. You then add data - for example - MyTable. Cheers!

Ajax Security Question: JQuery ajax() + PHP scandir() = Security Issue? -

I'm starting with PHP security issues Someone reported a security problem with my code but never got the details Given Below is a short version of code. Do you see any security issues HTML document / P> Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ AJAX ({type: "post", url: "example.php", cache: incorrect, data: {foo: "picture", bar: "something else"}, success: function (html) {warning (html); }}); & Lt; / Script & gt; PHP document & lt; Php $ foo = filter_var ($ _ POST ["foo"], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $ Bar = filter_var ($ _ POST ["bar"], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $ Foo = Scanderer ($ foo); $ Bar = (Explosion (",", $ bar)); Foreign currency ($ fu $$) {echo "img src = '$ foo / $ a' & gt;"; }? & Gt; Yes, I can tell every file on my m...

multithreading - Implementing a thread-safe, generic stack in C++ on linux -

In a recent interview, I apply the thread to the normal (ietemplate-based) stack on the Linux machine in C ++ Was said to be. I quickly came up with the following (there may be compilation errors). I got it The interviewer might have liked something in this implementation. Maybe the part of the design :) / Here are some of the problems that can be in this implementation: - 1. Improved implementation to indicate overflow / underflow I am using STL vector in the form of the underlying data structure, so there is no overflow management. Should I have any such handle? In addition, the underflow (in pop ()) produces false as the return value. Should it be done by throwing an exception? 2. Implementation of Popemy Regularity Is the following implementation correct ?? 3. There is no real use of the top element. 4. Better time between the beginning of the author and the reader thread. Please make any comments / suggestions / corrections. Thank you. // Implement a thread secure gen...

c# - Programmatically Cancel a SharePoint Workflow -

I have not been able to see a user name like a workflow in a workflow. If the user does not exsist, I am going to inform the administrator of an email on this, log in the workflow history and then finish the workflow. The question is, how do I end the workflow, from inside the workflow, like I was clicking on the 'End workflow' button on the SharePoint webpage. [Update] I have tried SPWorkflowManager.CancelWorkflow () which actually rejects the workflow but what happens to the code to cancel not running immediately, but then the next task My workflow continues to make and then gets flown when the next task is done on the task-linked activity. Only once he is asleep, the workflow is over, cancel the workflow, not when it's called. This causes a clear problem that I do not want to be made the next task, I'm calling CancelWorkflow because I want it and then cancel it. There are some suggestions on this MSDN thread: Here's a blog post that holds accu...

actionscript 3 - Flash Contact Form; Trouble Returning Server Response -

I have a contact form that connects to my site's back-end, the form presents just fine But I do not have server response It's always 'undefined'. I'm worried that this could happen, but I was hoping that one of the smartest people could help me find a workaround or if it (Note: most likely), if you do not They can tell what is going wrong. // ====================================== ==================== Public Function Openform (): Nil {// ==================== ================================================== ================URL URL loader = new URL loader (); Var newFile: FileReference = New FileReference (); Var Request: URLRequest = New URLRequest (urlString); If (form1.planby.visible & form1.planby.upload.selected) {newFile.addEventListener (HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, response status); NewFile.upload (Request, "Attach [attachment]", Incorrect); } Other {sendForm.addEventListener (HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, response status); SendForm.loa...

c# - Why Not Close a Database Connection in a Finally Block -

प्रमुख संपादन: मैंने लेख को भूल दिया! टिप्पणी आखिरकार ब्लॉक नहीं वर्ग के अंतिम रूप विधि के संबंध में था :)। माफी। मैं बस पढ़ रहा था कि आपको अंत में ब्लॉक के भीतर एक डेटाबेस कनेक्शन को बंद या निपटाना नहीं चाहिए, लेकिन लेख ने यह स्पष्ट नहीं किया कि क्यों मैं ऐसा स्पष्ट स्पष्टीकरण नहीं खोज सकता कि आप ऐसा क्यों नहीं करना चाहते। पाठ "> यदि आप चारों ओर देखते हैं, अंत में ब्लॉक में कनेक्शन बंद करना यह करने के लिए सुझाए गए तरीकों में से एक है। जो लेख आप देख रहे थे वह संभवत: उस कोड के आस-पास एक 'का उपयोग' कथन रखने की सिफारिश की थी जो कनेक्शन का उपयोग करते थे। का उपयोग कर (SqlConnection कनेक्शन = नया SqlConnection (connectionString)) {SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand (); कमांड। कॉमांड टेक्स्ट = "कुछ सेबल से चयन करें"; // यहाँ क्वेरी निष्पादित करें ... इसे एक आंकने / डाटासेट में डाल दें) 'का प्रयोग' कथन सुनिश्चित करेगा कि कनेक्शन ऑब्जेक्ट की तुरंत आवश्यकता होती है जब कचरा की प्रतीक्षा करने की आवश्यकता होती है कलेक्टर इसे निपटाने के लिए। ...

javascript - JQuery: Thumbs up and down rating system? -

I want to apply the rating system above and below the thumb in my web application using jquery Please do me some plug- Indicate these or code how to apply thumbs up and down rating system in your website, please share the link or resources. Thanks jQuery This is a roll-over There is nothing more than the effect, and it knows which database entry is waiting to update. It's not actually jQuery, its "meat" will be your database and server-side scripting. $ ("a.voteup"). Click (function () {$ .get ("updatescore.php", {"Id": "112", "Score": "1"}, Function (Response) {/ * Do something with feedback *}} ;}); This code can be a bit far away, but it is very close to expressing the point. From there, you have a server-side script Getting: Do not use PHP / MySQL Important: for display only. ASP. Net: I had a pre-question Which you are probably working within NAT technologies, the process here wil...

visual studio 2008 - Create VS2008 Plug In with VB.Net? -

Any example VS2008 has any examples in making plug-ins - preferably with "post-text" itemprop = "text"> If you can wait for VS-2010, the new Extensibility framework Due to using it, it should be very easy (MEF). Actually extensibility hooks are now managed and highly decoded. Otherwise, I know I have never used it. Or you can use VS2008 (File> New Project> Other Project Types> Extensibility> Visual Studio Add-in Project Template, Visual Studio Add-In) to learn and It is difficult to debug, but it works. Finally, if it is for internal use, then you can create general vs macros which are common references. Net assembly is such that I do internal expansion project because there is zero friction. You just create small macros that call your assemblies (for example to show a Windows Forms dialog) then you can add that macro to the VS toolbar or define a keyboard shortcut for it. I hope this helps

Spring MVC and Prototype JavaScript -

I am trying to call a Spring MVC controller through an AJAX call via javascript method. Javascript is using prototype library AJAX call. The controller throws JSP as output. I am able to hit the controller because I can see in the log message, but the feedback starts to lose. What could be the issue. This code is .... Submit NewwegeCell () { Warning ('test'); New Ajax. Request ('SimpleApp / home.htm', Method: 'Post', Parameter: $ ('FormId'). Serialize (True), Complete on: Sorsult }); } Function Shortslutt (Results Data) {/ alert (resultdata.responseText); **** // This method is not called ..... **** } home .htm Indicate this controller Public Model and View Handle Request (HttpServletRequest Request, HttpServletResponse Response) exception {System.out.println ("Home Controller:" + + + I) throws; Return a new model and view ("home"); --- It throws home.jsp for your help. If you receive an Ajax response ...

linq - Searching for object in IList or IQueryable -

I need to find a match for one item in the IQueryable list. I have the following list: IQueryable & lt; EventItem & gt; EventItems = New Question Qualified & lt; EventItem & gt; (); Event Event Event Item1 = New Event Item ("Event 1"); Event Event Event Item2 = New Event Item ("Event2"); EventItems.Add (eventItem1); EventItems.Add (eventItem2); I want to find an event in the list by passing in an EventItem2 event event. How can I search for items and some items such as event item found = event events Select (EventItm2); Cheers, s Linux certifies is. Where a method lets you evaluate the item you are looking for in Lambda expression. EventItem found = Event item. Where (E => E == EventItm2) .SingleOrDefault (); can be found, so you need to check that this query / list

sqldmo - Using COM objects in a T4 template? -

I'm new to Visual Studio's T4 template engine, and I'm wondering how I can use COM objects to create templates. In particular, SNO-DMO (SNO is not an option to generate class from the action stored on SQL 2000 server) Has any of you done this? Any suggestions? & lt; # @ Import namespace = "SQLLDO" # & gt; is not working. Thank you! You can use SMO 2008 with SQL Server 2000 (download). To use a COM object, you can use its primary interop assembly & lt; # @ Assembly # If the assembly is not available, you can make it with tlbimp.

database - Should I use a Foreign Key to Show Tree Relationship in SQL -

I am trying to model a tree relation in a table. For example, there are "categories" and the categories themselves can be within a parent category. My schema is: ID primary primary key, parent_id int, name code> My question is, do I have a parent_id Should the column be labeled as a foreign key? Foreign means "outside" and not self-referenced. Is there a different type of key for this purpose? My question is the same :, but I am asking a different question, due to no problem > itemprop = "text"> Self-referencing foreign keys happen all the time, such as an employee may have another "employee" as its manager, so the manager_id one In the same table, the employee_id will be a foreign key of the field. Foreign keys are natural candidates to represent parent nodes in hierarchical data, although they are not specifically used for it :) - SpatialQuery for location based search using Lucene -

My Lucene index has been indexed in areas of latitude and latitude: doc .Add (new area ("latitude", latitude.Toastring (),, field.inindex.IN_TOKENIZED); Doc.Add (new field ("longitude", longitude.Toastring (),, field.inindex.IN_TOKENIZED); I want to retrieve a group of documents from this index, whose length and long value are in some bounds. As you already know, the wave may be longer and the negative value How do I correctly store decimal numbers I signed in Lusen? Do the following points give the right results or is there any other way to do this? Term low latitude = new period ("latitude", border.South.ToString ()); Upper Statement of Period = New Period ("Latitude", Border Answer: Toastring ()); Reconnectivity Overview * New Rangesize (lower latitude, top, true); Address space location Add (LatitudeRange, Booleanclose.Okshur.Soul); Term longlength = new term ("longitude", border west.t...

iphone - Apple PNS (push notification services) sample code -

Is a sample project showing how APNS is used on IPOn and how to decide things? I am currently looking at the documentation but to choose differently, it would be nice to get some work code and see how all this works together? I can not find anything in Google or iPhone Dev Center The worst part about the installation of the push notification service is the major constraint that I had come up with. I do not remember who originally wrote this, there is a little code in Python that helped me test the notification service for the first time. I like this because it is very easy and works well during the trial. Token = 'XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' thePayLoad = {'to receive the alert device to the registry when the iPhone application # Returns the import socket, SSL, JSN, Structure # device token. Aps ': {' Warning ':' Oh no! Server 'under', 'Sound': 'k1DiveAlarm.caf', 'badge': 42,...

bash - For loop using find lacks doesn't properly handle directory names having white space character -

OK I'm really stuck on this. I have dirs.txt that is as follows: / var / tmp / old files.txt / var / tmp / old backups.bak The dirs.txt file is generated by the script When I want to use dirs.txt in a loop for: ` Dirs.txt` for dir; Command throws: ls: can not use / var / tmp / old: no such file or directory I want Full filenames can be used by LS-L'Aid But it does try LS-L / var / tmp / old / how can I fix it with a loop? cat dirs.txt | While reading DIR; When you use a bactic operator, the output is divided into tokens on the character of each white spot. I ls -al "$ dir" done The second On the side, read , reads one line instead of one word at a time. So the solution, which looks odd, is in the loop in the loop so that it can be read by line. You need the quote "$ Dir" in the ls command to the full filename, the white location and all If you do not do this, then ls two filenames, / var / tmp / old and files.t...

Using regex to extract URLs from plain text with Perl -

I use Pearl to remove all URLs (possibly with variable subdomain) from a specific domain in plain detail How can I use Reggaeps? Lesson? I have tried: my $ stuff = 'omg omg omg dfgdfg Http : // AAA '; While ($ accessories = ~ m / (http \: \ / \ /.*? \ /.*? .gif) / gmsi) {print $ 1. "\ N"; } It fails seriously and gives me: omg omg omg Omg omg http: / I thought it would not be as I . *? , which should be non-greedy and should give me the smallest match. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? (I do not want some uber-complex, canned regexp to validate the URL; I want to know what I'm doing wrong, so I can learn from this.) Specifically designed to solve this problem. It will find all the URIs and then you can filter them. Update: Recently updated to handle Unicode.

Can you get the exact date a user started following another using the twitter API? -

Assume that user A follows User B, and follows BA. I want to know that A's introduction is B and the Discussors. Is this information stored on Twitter? Can I retrieve it using the API? To get out: The issue of this question is finding a way to know who followed the first one. (I believe that A and B has removed the notification e-mail) Igniso, You can not You can just find out who follows, but the subsequent date is not followed. By looking at the API, there is no way, there are two calls to the followers: User's methods / statuses / followers and Social graph methods / followers / IDs Any of them gives a date or even a serial that you would like to see who is the following first. In fact, There is no indication that Twitter is storing this information internally , neither in the API and Twitter's web interface.

activex - Mozilla plugin for remote desktop protocol -

What is a remote desktop plug-in for Mozilla browsers that can display remote desktop functionality from the browser Terminal Services Web Similar to the ActiveX controls found in Such IE: "Firefox Plugin Remote Desktop "for

.net - Shall I deploy app.config with my installer? -

As far as I understand all the default settings of app.config settings, the application is coded hard in the first run. If this is true then there is no good reason to deploy these files in an installer or a zip package, am I right? Or am I forgetting something here? I want to be sure before running the next release. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> The default settings are hard coded, but not the required settings. If you have any necessary settings, an exception will be thrown in your application, if there is a necessary setting while trying to load the segment, and if the file does not exist, then the setting is not present. In addition, it applies only to custom sections ... If you use default code like ConnectionStrings , you can use your app.config It needs to be employed, because it long story short, yes, you need to configure the application. Configure with your application

AJAX calling a PHP code and getting a response every few minutes -

I am trying to create a very simple message board (author, text, and written) which is automatic : Will update in a few moments to see if a new message has arrived, and if it is, then automatically load the latest message (message). I'm proficient in PHP, but my knowledge in AJAX is low. By the way I see it, I have to create a PHP file called get_messages.php which will be connected to a database and a $ _ GET All posts beyond the variable return X , and then by any means I will call it in every few minutes with the call of $ _ GET = current time ? Is this sound right? How do I get information about asynchronously requesting and returning? You are very close, you will need PHP scripts that can query the database for your results. Are there. After this, you want to change those results into an array, and they: $ result = getMyResults (); Assume that it produces the following array: array ("id" =>, "128", "authorid" => ...