
Showing posts from January, 2012

c# - Date Filtered Collections without Functions -

मेरे पास एक जैसी इकाई है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग इकाई {सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; DateItem & gt; पेस्टडेट्स {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; DateItem & gt; फ्यूचरडेट्स {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग दिनांकआइटम {सार्वजनिक दिनांक का समय दिनांक {get; सेट; } / * * अन्य प्रॉपर्टी * * /} जहां pastDates और FutureDates दोनों एक ही प्रकार / तालिका में मैप किए जाते हैं मैं Nhibernate द्वारा स्वचालित रूप से मैप किए गए अतीत और भविष्य के गुणों का एक तरीका खोजने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं निकटतम मैं आया था, जहां मैपिंग पर खण्ड निम्नानुसार है HasMany (x = & gt; x.PastDates) .AsBag ()। कैस्केड .AllDeleteOrphan () .KeyColumnNames.Add ("EventId" )। जहां ("दिनांक & lt; currentdate ()")। उलटा (); जहां वर्तमान डेट एक यूडीएफ है मुझे ये डेटाबेस विशिष्ट कार्य नहीं करना है यदि मैं इसे से बच सकता हूँ, ज्यादातर क्योंकि मैं SQLite के साथ अपने डीएएल का परीक्षण नहीं कर सकता क्योंकि यह फ़ंक्शंस या संग्रहित प्रक्रियाओं का समर्थन नहीं करता है। इस समय मैं किस...

How to make Excel VBA Automation Execute for All End Users -

I have written the following code so that when an Excel spreadsheet is closed it will update its name with current date and time : Close the personal sub workbook first (cancel as a boolean) if this workbook. Name = "name_lama has been opened" & amp; Format (date, "MM-DD-YYYY") & amp; _ "_" & Amp; Format (Time, "H.M.M.M.") & amp; ".xls" else otherwise this workbook. SaveAs file name: = "\\ C: \ ... name opened_" & amp; _ Format (Date, "MM-DD-YYYY") & amp; "_" & Amp; Format (Time, "H.M.M.M.") & amp; ".xls" FName = Sheets ("name"). Range ("D1"). Delete the text FName end if the end sub-private sub workbook is open () range ("A1"). Additionally, the code is located within VBAProject (file name), MS Excel Object - under this workbook. This code works perfectly for me or for workstation; However, it does not execute for al...

java - read bits and not int from a socket -

Manufacturers are: public TcpConnection (string address, integer port) {this.adress = adress; This.port = port; Try {socket = new socket (address, port); System.out.println ("Open Connection"); Out = new print-वाइटर (socket.getOutputStream (), true); InputStream r = New DataInputStream (socket.getInputStream ()); In = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (socket.getInputStream ())); } Hold (unknownhostexception e) {// TODO: exception to exception}} (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); }} Then I read my socket in a while with () . This allows me to read the socket int int, but I need a finer granularity. (Some information in the answer is encoded in 2 bytes, in some bits, in some 64 bytes ....) then I need to read 2 bytes, then a little bit. So another bit, then 1 byte and every bit of this byte are inspected. Earlier I was thinking: "OK, I want to meet in a string binary presentation", (To via integer) ToBinaryString (w...

php - Why are escape characters being added to the value of the hidden input -

& lt; body & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & Lt;? = $ _POST ['msg']? & Gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; form id = "frm" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; input type = "hidden" name = 'msg' मान = '{"field0": "इम एक स्ट्रिंग", "फ़ील्ड 1": 84, "फ़ील्ड 3": "तो मैं हूं"}' / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" value = "test" / & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; जब फॉर्म पोस्ट होता है, तो निम्न स्ट्रिंग को डिव टैग के बीच प्रदर्शित किया जाता है। {\ "field0 \": \ " ", \" फ़ील्ड 1 \ ": 84, \" फ़ील्ड 3 \ ": \" तो मैं हूं \ "} बच अक्षर क्यों जोड़ा जा रहा है? क्या उन्हें PHP सर्वर या वेब क्लाइंट द्वारा जोड़ा जा रहा है? क्या मैं इसे रोकने के लिए कुछ भी कर सकता हूँ? किसी ने पहले से ही PHP फ़ंक्शन स्ट्रिप्सस्लाब्स का उल्लेख किया है मैं इसे अभी प्रयो...

c# - Which .Net 2.0 Exception should I throw in this circumstance? -

I am writing another ActiveRecord implementation for a company that is less scared than my code because those designations "Release candidates are there" on the implementation of the Castle Project anyway, I am using attributes on each property in the base class so that they can map to the returned dataset column: [ResultColumnAttribute ("CUST_FIRST_NAME")] Public String First Name {get {r} Eturn _columnName; } Set {_columnName = value; }} So that when I instantiate the class with a dataset, I specify the value of the column in that property value. When a column is mapped to an attribute, do I want an exception, but I do not see it in the dataset? I do not want to go a custom (lazy) and write, and I think that the app The exception is a little bit mandatory. This exception is localized in your domain and as if I think you have your own invalid It would be better to type mapping exceptions . How do I write here: Public invalid mapping exception: excep... - Is it possible to remove some post data with an HttpModule? -

I am converting to an old classic ASP website This app is basically an extension of a set of tools for a given set of users but it is hosted on an external vendor. In order to make this application seamless, it posts some XML data that is closing "potentially dangerous request. Farm value". I know that I can close the valid recognition flag, but I can not do this. I have written an httpmodule that takes this data and uses it to authenticate the user, whether it is possible to use the same module, or a separate module for that matter, " Is "valid" before deleting these "bad" values ​​in the "data"? Otherwise if none of these ideas works, then I am open to other suggestions. Yes the following class implements the IHttpModule interface and registers and events that will fire before the HttpRequestValidationException probe. It checks that the request is a post and "testinput" is not zero and then encodes HTML. ...

python - Remove all files in a directory -

Trying to remove all files in a fixed directory gives me a follwing error: ISError: [Aron 2] is not a file or directory: '/ home / me / test / *' The code I'm running is: import os test = "/ home / me / test / *" os.remove (test) os.remove () does not work on a directory, and os.rmdir () will only work on an empty directory. You can use shutil.rmtree () to do this, though.

Workload Distribution / Parallel Execution in JAVA -

I have a situation here where I need to work in many Java processes running in various JVVs, possibly due to various machines . Let's say I have a table with a record of 1 to 1000. I'm looking to collect and deliver work 10 sets Then 11 to 200 record to record the worker three, etc. The worker does not have any unnecessary work to say unless the worker can do two things. This example was purely based on the database, but can be expanded in any system, I believe this file processing, email processing and even further. I have a small feeling that the immediate reaction will be for the master / worker approach. However here we are talking about various JVMs. Even if a JVM came down, the other JVM should do its job. Now there are millions of dollars questions: Is there a good framework (production is ready) which will allow me to do this. Even if there are solid implementations of particular needs such as database records, file processing, email processing and their cho...

subsonic3 - Does Subsonic 3 ActiveRecord Handle Many To Many Relationships? -

What makes ActiveRecord template files classic that many handle many relationships? When the class is generated you will get an IQueryable foreign key reference object.

database - SQL: Help with LEFT OUTER JOIN -

It appears that my SQL value is not limited to the results based on . In my previous post, people should be used to indicate that I join a left exterior. select homes.home_id, address, city, state, zip, price, Photo_id, homes homes.home_id = on photo_url_dir Left external home_photos.home_id and primary_photo_group_id = home_photo_group_id and home_photo_type_id = 2 and display_status = include true and 500000 and 1000000 among homes.price home_photos which However, it is still displaying homes whose value & LT; 500000 I do not understand. Thank you for your help. What do I want to do, why does SQL show up to less than 50000 homes? I without Homafova with both home and PRICE based on the X and Y parameters ... or SQFT > both with Z I want to show homes But these criteria can two houses with houses and without the need for a to be applied home_photo This is correct? Select homes home_id, address, city, state, zip, price, photo_id, photo_ url Exit ...

layout - How to put a div in center of browser using CSS? -

How to put both the browser vertically and horizontally by using CRS in the browser ? HTML: & Lt; Div id = "something" & gt; ... content ... & lt; / Div & gt; CSS: # some {status: absolute; Height: 200 pixels; Width: 400px; Margin: -100px 0-200px; Top: 50%; Left: 50%; }

xml - How can I use JQuery to get all nodes with an attributes equal to a value? -

I get some XML return from AJAX calls (no wonder) and I want to do something but only on some nodes And for some more example on the other & lt; Xml & gt; & Lt; Node name = "x" & gt; & Lt; / Node & gt; & Lt; Node name = "x" & gt; & Lt; / Node & gt; & Lt; Node name = "y" & gt; & Lt; / Node & gt; & Lt; Node name = "z" & gt; & Lt; / Node & gt; & Lt; / XML & gt; I want to name all the nodes to go to a table and I want all the others to go to another table. $ ("node [name = 'x']"); = "Post-text" itemprop = "text"> Use the attribute filter; To select all other nodes, use it: $ ("node [name! = 'X']"); You can apply jQuery to move these nodes elsewhere. Note that XPath-style selectors have been deprecated in version 1.2, and have been completely removed in jQuery 1.3. If you send the serv...

interop - Calling C++ function from C# -

मेरे पास एक निम्न C ++ फ़ंक्शन है शून्य भरें और रिटर्न स्ट्रिंग (चार ** कुछ स्ट्रिंग) { चार स्रोत स्ट्रिंग [] = "परीक्षण"; * SomeString = नया चार [5]; Memcpy (* कुछ स्ट्रिंग, स्रोत स्ट्रिंग, 5); } इसे घोषित किया गया है extern "c" {__declspec (dllexport) शून्य __cdecl FillAndReturnString (char ** someString); } मैं इस फ़ंक्शन को सी # से कैसे कॉल करूं? धन्यवाद के साथ।

Adding Notes Using Google Reader's API -

How can anyone add a note using Google Reader's API? Looking at some of their code, I have found that something like "/ reader / api / 0 / item / edit" can be something, but I can not find it anywhere. post one You must add your SID cookie, and also a token To get the API to work for it. The Ultimate: T = Token String share = Note Public, "True" or "Wrong" Value Snippet = The body of the note There is also a "link" parameter, although I have not been able to know what exactly is that.

ruby - Develop iPhone app without a Mac? -

संभावित डुप्लिकेट: मैं अपनी पत्नी के फोन के लिए एक आईफोन ऐप बनाने की तलाश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन मैक एक काम के एक टुकड़े के लिए एक विकास मंच के रूप में खरीदने में दिलचस्पी नहीं है। ऐप: को iPhone पर स्टैंडअलोन चलाने चाहिए (यानी नेटवर्क कनेक्टिविटी के बिना) एक जीयूआई के साथ पूरी तरह से स्वीकार्य होगा जो कि आईफोन जावास्क्रिप्ट पुस्तकालयों में से एक का उपयोग करते हैं जो आस-पास हैं डेटा को पढ़ने और अपडेट करने के लिए कुछ डेटाबेस IO करेंगे कोई वाणिज्यिक मूल्य नहीं है और किसी और के द्वारा कभी भी उपयोग नहीं किया जाएगा यहाँ मेरी सोच है आईफोन पर जेल तोड़ो आईफोन पर रूबी + सिनात्रा इंस्टॉल करें ऐप को सिनात्रा का उपयोग करते हुए लिखकर, एक डेटाबेस (एसक्यूएलईटी?) आईफोन आईफोन पर ऐप एक्सेस करने के लिए: पृष्ठभूमि में सिनात्रा ऐप को प्रारंभ करें (क्या यह संभव है?) सफ़ारी ब्राउज़र सत्र प्रारंभ करें सिनात्रा ऐप पर नेविगेट करें उदा आदि। यह एक अजीब दृष्टिकोण की तरह लगता है, लेकिन मैक खरीदने के बिना एक स्टैंडअलोन iPhone ऐप लिखने का एक सरल तरीका मैं नहीं सोच सकता क्या ऐस...

select - Speeding up non-blocking Unix Sockets (C++) -

I have implemented a simple socket wrapper class. It includes a non-intercept function: zero socket :: set_on_blocking (consolebull b) {mNonBlocking = b; // square member for reference int opts = fcntl (m_sock, F_GETFL); If (opts & lt; 0) return; If (b) opts | = O_NONBLOCK; And opts & amp; = ~ O_NONBLOCK; FCNTL (M_Sock, F_SEFFL, Opts); } There is also a simple get function in the class: int socket :: recv (std :: string and) const {char buffer [MAXRECV] ] + 1]; S = ""; Memset (buffer, 0, MAXRECV + 1); Int Status = :: RQV (M_sock, buffer, MaxRCV, 0); If (position == -1) {if (! MNonBlocking) std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Socket, Error getting Data \ n"; Return 0; } And if (condition == 0) {return 0; } Else {s = buffer; Return status; }} In practice, it seems that ~ 15 mills is delayed when the socket: recv () is called. Is this procrastination handy? I have seen some non-blocking examples that use selection (), but can not understand how it ...

internet explorer 8 - IE8 Will Not Install SSL Certificate -

I have my SSL for development purposes. Usually when IE warns you you can simply install the certificate, You can start IE again and return to the server without warning. I can not escape the warning in IE8. I have installed the certificate successfully without using both the MMC and Authenticator Manager in IE8. Do you want to add trusted sites to the site? After that you will have the option to install the certificate after clicking the certificate error box and its See later certificate.

cocoa touch - iPhone: Can I get an image picker to have the documents folder as its source -

It seems that I can create an album for my drawing application in the photo library ... so what do I do What was going to do is save images in the Documents folder for my app, which I think should be easy enough. Although the issue is that the image picker only allows you to take a saved picture or photo library as a source, and I want users to be able to see all the images created by my app. Is there a way to make the picker work or will I have to do my roll? Image picker that provides apples only gives you access to saved pictures in the camera roll . If you are on an iPhone then it also gives you the ability to take a new photo if you save pictures in your app's local storage directory, you will have to make your own system to see these pictures. The Hewitt you can see - there are great controls in it that you can find useful.

c# - LINQ to Entities to replace a join to a generated table -

I have some SQL that I want to repeat LINQ to the unit. It has a datetime column and a table with GPS location at that time for another unit in the system. This ladder combines this table for the output of a table that generates a "time table" during a particular period. The code for this TVF looks something like this: WHILE @ dt_start & lt; = @ Dt_end BEGIN enter @res (dt) VALUES (@dt_start) SET @dt_start = dateadd (ms, @interval_ms, @tt_state) end - when then the result is cross Added, for each unit generated for a list of GMS locations, dt_start to Dt_end for the unit. My ethical effort looks like a simple test to repeat this functionality: var times = new list & lt; DateTime & gt; {DateTime.Parse ("2009-04-04"), DateTime Pars ("2009-04-05"}}. Enqueble (); Var query = GPS in GB. Datapoincetset from time to time where gps.Driver.Id = = 1 & amp; amp; Gps.UtcTime & lt; = GPS by gps.Driver.Id choose T-group GPS ggps.Orde...

html - Does using ./ in relative links work with Windows servers? -

Sorry if this is a stupid question ... I have developed an application that The link creates the URL by adding the URL to the site root (which is hosted on the site). For example: & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "& lt;? = SITE_ROOT & gt; /assets/css/global.css" & gt; Notice that a slash is coming after the site root. I need to be a relative link now, so I tried to use dot as the value of SITE_ROOT. This makes it: & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "./ asset / css / global.css" & gt; As far as I can tell, it works fine. Is this a valid relative link? Or is there no reason why I should not do it like this? Note: I am not trying to go to a directory, otherwise I will use .. / I am just trying to be in the same directory Since there is a slash after the SITROOT, I can not leave it blank or it will become a root relative link. Update: Will it work with IIS? This link works on the client...

python - Get the index of an element in a queryset -

I have a QuerySet, let's call it qs , which is sorted by some attribute Which is irrelevant for this problem then I have an object, let's call it obj . Now I want to know which index is obj in qs , as efficiently is possible as possible. I know that I can use each object from obj with .index () from Python or possibly loop through qs But what is the best way to go about doing this? I am looking for high performance and this is my criteria. Use Python 2.6.2 with Windows Django 1.0.2. There is no shortcut to get an indicator of such elements , And I think that a simple walk is the best way to do this. For the starter, I would like to implement your requirement in the simplest way (eg, etching); Problems are there, then I have a few different approaches to sub I will do this, like creating a query with small areas, or whatever. In any situation, it is a thought that leave such tricks as much as possible, when you certainly know that You need them. Updat...

C# How to split (A:B=C)* using regex? -

It is believed that there is a very simple question, but I can not find the right solution. The format is a string: a: b = c, d: e = f; G: E = H; ... While A, B and C are alphanumeric (as well as upper cases may be reduced) A and B are length 1+, C can be empty. I thought I would use something on the pattern of ((?? Lt; A & gt). +): (? & Lt; b & Gt;.) = (? & Gt;;) *) But I do not see how to match it. How do I get results of related matches so that I appreciate a bit code sample. I would be happy if you can give me a hint. You match the letters of letters instead of \ w Can use to , after all that matches, you can try to capture a match at a time: (? & Lt; A & gt; \ w +): (? & Lt; B & gt; \ w =) = (? & Lt; C & gt; \ w *); Here's a small example: Reggae Regex = New Reggae ("(? & Lt; A & gt; \\ w +): (? & Lt; B & gt; \\ w +) = (& lt;? C & gt; \\ w *); "); String testing = ...

What is a first class .NET language? -

I was listening to where Joel Spolsky mentions that this is a first class .NET language. what does it mean? Describe one language as first class. The NET language is a subjective description. It refers to a .NET language that supports all .NET CLR attributes (in the real world I think that it supports the Most of the features). It is also used to describe the traditional language which helps to shape the .NET CLR, which means that I suspect Wasabi is a true first language language. Update "This means that F # runs on CLR, embraces object-oriented programming, And there are features to ensure a smooth integration with it. NET Framework. "

universal content manager -

I got a border in Oracle UCM. Well this limit can not be done, but I still can not understand it: I could not find a mapping between the metadata and the content type. What if I want to add different sets of metadata with different content types which is probably the case? Thank you. Use content profiles for this to be described in these documents. These are created through the Configuration Manager applet. You need to create a trigger field (for example, for theory) and then your profile. Then you create rules that you associate with each profile, which will specify which metadata applies to the question in the profile.

Word vba - if cursor is in cell / bookmark - run code -

I have a template document that contains several sections and some tables are the thing, I have a drop inside cells in the table I'm trying to put a drop-down list. For a drop-down list to work, the document needs to be protected. But if I am protecting the entire volume, then the table is completely secure So, I was wondering if there is a way to execute a macro code if the user clicks on the drop-down list is? The code will then protect the document, which actually controls, then select an option and when the user clicks outside the field, the document should be unsafe. Is this possible? In Word VBA you can actually use a windowSelectionChange event. This is described in the Word VBA Help file under "Using Event with Event Objects". driver to assign a variable in the class module using public up Aevent app Aedents Aedvents Kvesd with Aedvends app Word your app (I My Event Class Module is named). Application Then in your normal document Open event, yo...

java - How tomcat is able to locate a class that is not part of any of the jars in app libs -

In our application (applet) I want to enable the necessary functionality if one of the required jars has been found. I do not want to add this jar applet reference to avoid the download size. I am using one with class for class, to check whether the available special is available. Class in local machine. Forla calls again on the call, although the jar is not in any square path. Can someone explain the Tomcat class discovery mechanism. applets run on the client side (in user's browser) not on the tomcat web server, so it is related to tomc is not. How would you like to check the work of applet classloaders? Normally they will attempt to download the class from the web server under the same URL because the applet was brought from. So if applet is on and square is required, then it will attempt to download it if it is not locally found.

gtk - If I have two instances of Glib::IOChannel, they block until both written. What is the correct way to do this? -

I have modified the example found to use two io channels I have written both channels before any callback Is not called. After this he is personally asked to write to FIFO. Am i missing something Start the testing program in a shell window. Encoding "ABC" in the second shell window, type testfifo1 -> nothing happens. encode "DEF" in the third shell window testfifo2 type -> Now I get the "ABC" and "Diaf" is Write a fee it is served immediately. EDIT: The solution, as indicated below, was the lack of non-blocking Gormley. read_fd1 = open ("testfifo1", O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); ... read_fd2 = Open ("testfifo2", O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); This change immediately responds to the code given below. Code: #include> Gtkmm / main h & gt; # Include & lt; Fcntl.h & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; Int read_fd1, read_fd2; GLib :: RefPtr & LT; GLib :: IOChannel & gt; Iochannel1, i...

research - What percentage of your time is typically development vs. maintenance? -

And as a related question, which factors determine how much of your programming is divided between development and maintenance? I know this is a very subjective question, but I am thinking that software application development tools can make the most profit to make development faster or easier to maintain? Thank you for your time, and please answer before closing at least some people, I will choose the winner! If you are coming to the point of where to put effort in the device, then I can say Without any doubt, any acupuncturally fragmented piece of software is going to be spent on spending more time rather than writing. I've always been in touch with the old code which is opaque, complex, or just terribly awesome. OTOH: If you are not able to understand your new written code, then you really should get another line of work. Frankly, I think "fastening growth" is a bad goal. Due to cutting corners, efforts can be made to burn everywhere everywhere. Better to ...

booting ubuntu from usb using virtualbox -

I am trying to install Ubuntu on a USB, the problem is that I do not want to repeat the boot once, I want to keep my windows, but I want to boot Ubuntu using the virtualbox and USB to the Ubuntu Want to use my hard drive, but how? The virtualbox will not recognize USB as a hard drive when installing an ISO In virtualbox, you have to create a virtual hard disk. Make a USB drive and tell the virtual box to install a virtual hard drive that you just created. EDIT: To answer some more questions: In the new Virtual Disk dialog, click the button next to the location field, click on the button Virtual Disk on Flash Drive To access, click the arrow next to Save in the Select File in the window next to Save In, and you can access your flash drive from there. I recommend setting the image to be allocated dynamically, because the size of your flash drive is not available disk space. I name the image, then select that image to install Ubuntu in the Verbill box. The virtualbox will never...

c# - How to use Regex.Replace to Replace Two Strings at Once? -

I have the following method which is replacing the "pound" sign with the file name, but I was also able to change it Want to be "Single Apostrophy" at the same time? How can I do this? The value of this file name is = Provider license_A'R_Ab # acus Settlements_1-11-09.xls Remove static string BadCharPound (string filename) {// "_" Illegal characters with char Change to // I want something like that, but this is not working // Return Reggae Replay (filename, "# '", "_"); Return Regex.Replace (filename, "#", "_"); } Try return Regex.Replace ( file name, "[#']", "_"); Remember me, I'm not sure that a regex is likely to be much faster than simple: file name back. Place ('#', '_'). To change ('\', '_'); - VS 2003 reference problem -

We inherited a 2003 web project, it seems that another web site has been referenced . I'm not sure how it was done. I can not remove the reference (there is no quality and will not respond to pressing the deleted key). The context looks like a folder with a picture of the world on it. How can I get rid of any idea in this matter? Do not believe that you are referring to another web site, instead you are using a website that has a nested Web site located below it. This is the representation of the internal structure of IIS and I do not believe you can convert it through Visual Studio. The website will have to be removed in IIS.

sql - connection string for remote database server -

I have 2 server setup at the moment and there is one server running on 8 servers and on another server SQL Server 08 There is a database server running. Currently my site is setup so that it can read / write the database using the database I have a connection string created with database name, server IP, DB user and DB PWD. I have created a 'public' role in the DB user database (not a DB owner) and can exec only execut stored procedures. My connection string currently looks like this: & lt; Add name = "sitedbcn" connection string = "server = ipofservar; database = dbnm; user id = userhair; password = passhair;" /> Although this is working perfectly for me, I would like to set up a database connection string that does not contain a username and password. On some of my other servers where SQL Server resides on the same server as Web files, I am able to use a reliable connection and am using the built in user 'network service' user on... - How do I get the GridView to render it's Selected Row with and ID instead of a Class -

I'm using jQuery to cache references in the selected row, such as a very large table (500+) record : $ selected item = $ ('grid selected items', $ table); This table is being generated with the RowStyle set selected by a GridView, which returns the correct CSS class to my row. I would rather use an ID in the mark up, so that I can search for the selected rows: $ selectedItem = $ ('# grid selectedItem'); Anyone who is fast enough to indicate that how can I massage GridView for it to produce it? I do not think it is possible (maybe it will be possible with new ones). For now, maybe you can use a repeater instead of the grid view and table row (with id) can present itself.

php - how to write this sql statement -

I have a simple question how do I write this statement in php? $ q = "select t1.gebruikersnaam FROM as tbel_leden t1, instillingen as T2 WHERE t2.ledenid = t1.edenid and t2.livetracking = 1"; I know that this is considered to be just a string but the error indicates that the unexpected t_variable and php administrator is not helping either. Thanks a php variable: denotes a dollar sign to denote $ q = "Select t1.gebruikersnaam from tbel_leden as T1, T2 WHERE t2.ledenid = t1.ledenid and t2.livetracking = 1 As the instellingen;

php - securely send data from one site to another? -

I am going to post some data from one website to another. I have a way to get the website, to ensure that the data was sent from the sending website and some other malicious user was not sent. I am using PHP4. How can I do this? Thank you! To resolve only one PHP: If you can keep a secret (at both ends), then the self-implemented version (yes, one version) The concept is that if you have only one secret on both ends, So you can get the hash (message + secret) on the end of sending, and (message + secret) end. If there is a hash match, then you have a valid message. It is a secret key because without a secret, it is impossible that an attacker can change the message and generate a new hash that will verify on the receiving end. Here are some examples of PHP code: // at the end of sending: define ('SECRET', '12734981273912379128739128739127938794729327492'); $ Message = 'your message'; $ Packet = $ message sha1 (message $ SECRET); // Rec...

c++ - How to set TCP_NODELAY on BSD socket on Solaris? -

I am trying to close the snake's algorithm for a BSD socket: setockopt (Newcast, IPPROTOCCP, TCP_NOAD, (four *) and flag, size flag); but the compiler claims TCP_NODELAY has not been seen before: Error: 'TCP_NOAD' undeclared (previously its Use Function) This is the complete list of files included in this file: #include & lt; Arpa / inet.h & gt; # Include & lt; Fcntl.h & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Netdb.h & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / socket.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / types.h & gt; using namespace std; I also have the -lnsl and -locksocket linker options, but it will not just compile. Am I missing something? All this is on Solaris 8 machine. It looks like you #include & lt; Netinet / tcp.h & gt; - Where he defines TCP _...

python - HTTPS log in with urllib2 -

I currently have a small script that downloads a webpage and removes some data, which I am interested in . Nothing fancy I am currently downloading this page: import command command = 'wget --output-document = - --quiet --http-user = USER --http -password = PASSWORD 'status, text = commands .getstatusoutput (command) though it works perfectly That is, I thought it means removing dependence on Wget. I thought it should be trivial to change the urllib2 above, but thus far I have zero success. Internet is a full urllib2 example, but I have not found anything that matches the requirement of simple authentication with a simple username and password with an HTTPS server. The module provides a modern API for HTTP / HTTPS capabilities. import request url = 'https: //' res = requests.get (url, auth) = ('USER', 'password')) = res.status_code text = res.text

java - Should validators in spring access the database? -

I'm not sure that it is a good design decision to validate assumptions based on the status of the database. For example, if I need to verify user Bean whether the email or username is empty, then I need to reject the prices if they are already used. Should this type of argument go in Vedicities or service items? Your validators are just spring beans, well, so they serve the data object Can be injected with the object. Without compromising the design, you can get data from your wallet database.

geospatial - What are some recommended frameworks for manipulating spatial data in C++? -

What are some recommended frameworks for tampering spatial data in C ++? I am looking for some works like a polygon object, point object, and union, intersection, distance, and area. I have to enter the coordinates in WGS84 (loan, latitude) and get area in sq km area. I like an open / open source framework, but I'm open to suggestions. EDIT: Unfortunately I need a non-GPL solution. LGPL is OK. is an open source (LGPL) C ++ geometry / topology engine. Can you suits? The useful places to look at this material are on the website of Oreli, and to cooperate to support open source geospatial materials.

.NET Application Developer uber Framework -

I'm looking for recommendations on Visual Studio for an application developer framework. A smooth check has been made by Strastram, My Mortals, CSLA , Dichlorarit, Exprepayb, Habenero, Spring Nut etc. have been identified. What do you recommend based on your developer experience? Some important requirements are the need to provide object / relational db mapping to this setting, but also the 'build' UI which reaches the data. UI Builder should allow us to customize the screen / page on design time (based on configurable parameters) so that the programmer can be presented with the 'branded' flavor of the form. Obviously, the structure NET should integrate with Visual Studio and any generated code should be customizable or will provide hooks to customize. Not only should it support a n-tier architecture (I think this is probably given one), but it would be good if the framework also deploys generally deployment of dev / test / prod to a web / I'm not looking ...

search - Flex and Bison Associativity difficulty -

Using Flex and Bison, I have a grammatical description for the Boolean query language, which supports logical "and", "or", " , and" Using "nested subpictures (") "along with the operation. All were good till I saw that queries like" A and B or C and D " Want to parse "(a and b). (C & D) "is actually interpreted as" A & B (C & D) ", I'm almost certain that this is a collaborative issue but no suitable explanation or example can be found anywhere This or I am missing something important. Relevant information from boolpars.y: token token% token OPEN_PARENCLOSE_PAREN% not right% left and % Left OR %% Query: Expression {...}; Expression: Expression and Expression {...} | Expression The expression {...} | expression not {...} | OPEN_PAREN expressionCLOSE_PAREN {...} | token {...}; Can anybody find fault ? I can not see why the bison is not giving "or" the appropriate priority. ...

wpf - Serial number Column in ListView -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: वर्तमान में मैं एक क्रमबद्ध सूचीदृश्य का उपयोग कर रहा हूं जो कि डेटाटाले से जुड़ा हुआ है, मेरे पास एक सीरियल नंबर कॉलम है जो स्वत: बढ़ाया और प्रदर्शित होता है, हमारी आवश्यकता तब होती है जब हम अन्य कॉलमों को सॉर्ट करते हैं, तो यह कॉलम निरंतर रहेगा और श्रृंखला में पंक्ति के रूप में Excel में दिखाएगा। मैं सूची दृश्य के बगल में एक स्टैक पैनल बनाने की योजना बना रहा हूं और गतिशील रूप से स्टैकपैनल पर टेक्स्टबॉक्स जोड़ने और सूची दृश्य से सीरियल नंबर कॉलम को निकालने की योजना बना रहा हूं। कृपया मुझे सूचित करें कि कोई बेहतर तरीका है। अग्रिम धन्यवाद। अतिरिक्त जानकारी: सॉर्टिंग प्रदान करने के लिए listview को बढ़ाने के लिए निम्न कोड का उपयोग किया जाता है वर्तमान मद के सूचकांक प्राप्त करने के लिए अपने कॉलम में एक बहु बंधन का उपयोग करें। मुझे इस प्रश्न को बहुत पसंद आया, मैंने प्रदर्शन करने के लिए एक छोटी परियोजना की। से (जहां मैं अपने टेस्ट प्रोजेक्ट्स पोस्ट करता हूं) डाउनलोड करें आनंद लें! / div>

java - JPQL test if value is in an array -

I was trying to do something that apparently does not work in JPQL: JPQL: c Select from right to fetch c.owner where c.model code Public listing & lt; Cars & gt; FindCarsFilterByTypes (car type [] type) {return (list & lt; car & gt;) this.entityManager.createNamedQuery ("dealership.findCarsFilterByTypes") .setParameter (1, type) .getResultList (); } I was hoping an easy way to use the array would work ... but this is not apparently ... I'm getting a worthless exception. Does anyone know that I need to know about all types of car cars? Okay I came to know that if I use the list instead of Cartip [], then the above code works fine. :)

c# - Pass Data into a VSTO Excel Workbook? -

I have found the VSTO Excel Workbook project, which I am using to collect information from a user. This workbook is being started from inside a host application, but I need to pass some parameters in the workbook before opening it, so it shows how to display it and how to display it. What is the best way to do this? A workbook is a way of passing data that I personally do not really like, But it may be that you are consistent with it. In fact, you set the values ​​for specific cells in the workbook, and then process those values ​​on the event handler of Excel: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application = excel = New Microsoft.Office.Interop Excel.Application (); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wb = excel.Workbooks.Open (file path); Var letter = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet) wb.Worksheets [1]; Var range = sheet.Range ["A1"]; category. Value = "some value";

MySQL: Select All Dates In a Range Even If No Records Present -

I have database of users I want to create a graph based on user base development. My query is now: SELECT DATE (datecreated), count (*) AS numbers from users where date (datecreated) & gt; this about Em> What do I need if one of us If 0 users come in the day, then that day is not returned as 0 value, it is only left and the next day at least one user has returned. How can I get some (PEDO-feedback): date 1 5 date 2 date 8 date 3 date date 0 date 9 9 etc ... Where do the dates appear in the sequential order with the remaining dates with zero? Thank you! I hope you find out the rest. Select from (select date_add ('2003-01-01 00: 00: 00.000', INTERVAL n5.num * 10000 + n4 dated * 1000 + n3.num * 100 + n2 Num * 10 + n1.num DAY) (select 0 as num union All selected 1 union all selected 2 associations all selected 3 associations all selected 4 associations all selected 5 associations all selected 6 associations all selected 7 associations All sel...

http - What's the difference between Cache-Control: max-age=0 and no-cache? -

header cache-control: max-age = 0 means content is stale (And must be recovered again), which is the same thing as the cache-control: no-cache . I had this question, and got some information in my searches (your question came as a result ). Here I have decided ... Cache-Control is on the other side of the header where on one side it can be sent through the web server (aka "Basic Server"). On the other hand it can be sent through the browser (aka "user agent"). when sent by the original server I believe max -iz = 0 simply tells the cache (and user agent) That receptions are on the go and therefore, they should revise the Need response (like if-not before using the copy of the cache, modified header) while no-cache tells them to re-modify Required before using a cached copy: No-cache ... A server must use the response to complete a cache without any successful request. This prevents an originating server from caching from the cach...

java - Tomcat 6 file upload strategy -

I'm using biscuits for a while and still can not find a good way to upload files. Just wonder how people handle file uploads. You know how you can create a SIMLink for any other FS in the application. But then by Default Tome, your Simulal and everything is removed inside the symlink, so take this extra step to deploy yourself. I know that there are patch that you can change the behavior but it will add additional steps for the tomatoes upgrade, And patches can not always be available. I use FDD (with this sublet connector), Spring, Sprots 1/2 and file upload for some time. What is the best way to do this? Another requirement is that the uploaded file should be viewed in a vantage location so that backup scripts can be easily backed up, ideally inside the app (or just in the simulink within the app) P> No comments welcome! =) Personally, I think these files are relative to $ CATALINA_BASE Location: file DIR = new file (system.jetproperty ("catalina.b...

How can I debug a SharePoint EventReceiver with Remote Debugger? -

I wrote a SharePoint EventReceiver (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0) and want to debug it with Visual Studio 2008 SP1, which is turned on. A different computer I have tried the following steps: Installing event receivers ( I know that this works because a log file proves that the code is executed). Class library (built in debug mode) in GAC of my event receiver SharePoint server. Launch Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on SharePoint Server. Attach to the process on W3wp.exe on SharePoint Server Local Machine. Unfortunately, Visual Studio tells me that I will not be able to hit the set breakpackage I think GAC installs the debugging of the assembly (or whatever is necessary for debugging) symbols. are doing. What can I do to debug my incident receiver? As far as I know that the only way to increase SharePoint by custom assembly is to deploy them on GAC - am I missing something here? Best relationship Oliver Hannapi The debug (.pdb) file can be copied to c: \...

How can I get the root directory's local path of my sharepoint site? -

Is there a way to determine the local path of the root directory of the current SharePoint programmatically? Best Regards The physical local path can be determined by determining the IisSettings fusion on your site. By the way: using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Text; Use of Microsoft Sharepoint; Using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration; Namespace WSStest {class program {static void Main (string [] args) {usage (SPS ite site = new SPS ite ("http: // ; YOURSITE & gt; ")) {string localpath = site.WebApplication IisSettings [SPUrlZone.Default] .Path.ToString (); Click on the console.print line ("Local Path:" + Local Path);}}}}

svn - Is there a command which will print the path of the file in the repo-browser in the command line? -

Will the file's path print in the repository in the command line? The SVN difference only prints the name of the file. Thank you. svn info path / to / filename You will show several pieces of information for which the URL you are looking for and the repository route are: $ svn info mydialog.h [...] URL: http: //svn.server. Net / my-repo / trunk / ui / mydialog.h repository root: [...] Full state of the URL file , And the repository is the original URL of the root repository. The URL will always start with the address of the repository root, so if you trim the repository route from the beginning of the URL, then you leave the repository inside the relative position of the file inside the repository. In this case, it /trunk/ui/mydialog.h

How to change the datasource type on a crystal reports file -

Is it possible to change the data source type on the crystal report file without rebuilding the entire report? I know that I can go to the database / set datasource location and change some data source definitions like the seronym, login, password, but change the OLDBC from the ODBC (RDO) data source type What do I have to do? I have already tried to add a new datasource to the report and tried to add the necessary tables from that data source, but when doing so, I have to change their name because the crystal report is with the same names The tables are not capable of handling, but different data sources ... Talking through the program? Designer: Go to the "Set up Datasource location" dialog, create Oleb connections in the upper panel, select the existing table in the top pane, select the matching oleb table, press the "Update" button on each table. Repeat for Programmatic: Not sure, but this is probably a pain :)

Unable to make Less to indicate location in percentage -

Now when you run I have to show the percent sign, for example, Informs me that we need to create a separate shell function man "$ 1". | Col -b & gt; / Tmp / manual low / TMP / manual where $ 1 refers to the first parameter. The new problem is on this Thanks for Yuliy for crooks tricks! solution At least manual versions work quite well By way of: Export MANPAGER = 'less -sM + Gg' to one of the shell configuration files (for synthesis of Bash and ZSH). For example, for example, man man shows the percentage you want! Warning You not lower in + gg variable! For example, when reading large files export less = '- m + gg' can cause problems, for example yes | Less = '- m + gg' less does not work very well ... explanation as explained in the other answer The problem is that less can not say that you are in the percentage file until it does not know how long the file is, an...

delphi - Are "class var"s initialized to zero? -

After I know that, in Delphi, the variable of the variable and the global variable to zero (this has been done) Starting However, what about the stable variable ( class var )? I will have to start the works of class , such as the global variable But I've seen many new Delphi compiler features which are still half-baked to assume that it works, in fact without a guarantee document. There is no index entry for "class var" in support. The "field" topic refers to the areas of the square, but it does not specify whether they are initializing on the program startup. And obviously, it does not compile ( class var X: integer = 0; ) to begin explicitly ("';' 'but' '' found ''). / P> class variables have been started to zero? Is there a document that clearly tells this? I do not know of any documentation which clearly states, but Class Wars is just a special type of global variable, and glow Balls get zero.

algorithm - Where Can I Find Online Examples of Cormen's Assembly-Line Scheduling? -

This is a question related to a school, although not exactly homework. I'm taking an algorithm course, currently working on chapter 15 of the book. I've been able to find many examples of most of the book's algorithms online, and I can usually find some types of Java applets or other programs that provide a better view of how the algorithms work. An exception to assembly-line scheduling in Chapter 15 (dynamic programming). Is there any online resource that provides examples or visualization next to the assembly-line scheduling algorithm? I think that if you search for examples / The fate will be the specific problem instead of the technique ... i.e. search for dynamic programming. There may be some good tutorials on TopCoder.

javascript - When is it safe to use .toString()? -

Do not return the string () to be able to call the value.toString () value? When do you know that you can call value.toString ()? & lt; Script & gt; Var newList = function (val, lst) {return} {value: val, tail: lst, toString: function () {var results = this.value.toString (); If (this.tail! = Null) results + = ";" + This.tail.toString (); Return result; }, Append: function (val) {if (this.tail == empty) this.tail = newList (val, null); and this. Tail.append (val); }}; } Var list = newList ("abc", tap); // a string list.append (3.14); // a floating-point number list.append ([1, 2, 3]); // An array document. Written (list.toString ()); & Lt; / Script & gt;

ssl - How can I reuse server configurations in nginx? -

On configuring nginx with a site with SSL, for example I find online that originally duplicate location setting Most examples are only the basic root location, so this is not a big deal, but when you have some space and repeat the rules repeating this configuration, then it becomes messy to maintain. I request SSL to get around this for the local shelter, but it's kind of ugly Any suggestions? EDIT: We are using nginx version 0.6.32. There is a similar question on this. Here is the answer to: Server {80; 443 Listen to the default SSL; # Other Directives} contains it as 0.7.14, which means that we can not use it, but if you are on the new version of nginx it is a good solution is. / P>

c# - ASP .NET - RequiredFieldValidator creates space after textbox -

I have a description view that requires setup with many files required. The code for both is: The problem is that verification control is now a place between the text box (i.e. ) And is one below it. How do I get rid of space? Is this a CSS thing? Set this property: display = "witch Mick " .

javascript - Possible to do client-side HTTP push? -

The very opposite of server side push, which is also known, I am thinking that the use of long-standing HTTP connections It is possible to push the information to the server. Unlike a simple XHR, the connection will be kept alive and data stream will be streamed on the server, such as the user has completed the action etc. Using standard techniques I do not believe that this is possible, but possibly for suggestions for exploitation, I am ready to open it or the simplest way to accomplish this is to reduce the latency data The server must be completed for faster and efficient one-directional streaming. Due to the hassle of serving cross domain policies or signing of Java, I am not interested in implementing the socket with Flash / Java bridges. Crude hacks that work without additional dependencies welcome. Preferably the solution will be with javascript. I once this is a JS library that is between server and client Using the standard technology to keep open connections...

bash - How do I speed this up? -

Creates a list of the following code names and 'numbers' and gives random intervals between each and every person between 15 and 90. #! / Bin / sh file = $ 1 n = $ 2 # If the number exits zero then exit [0f] then echo "$ n people's generating list." For 'seq 1 $ n` in; "NUM = ($ RANDOM% 75) +15" resonance "name $ i $ NUM (###) ### - ####" gt; & Gt; $ File expired "list generated." With this, I am trying to create a list of 1M names. It is slow, I expected that; It was so slow that I lost patience and tried 10 names. It was also slow, but it was done in a few seconds. Because of this I am generating the name, it is sort of sorting. I am surprised that when I solved the list of 10K names, it was immediately. How can this be? Is there anything that is slowing down by being undeclared? Both are sorting and generating files, so how fast the sorting can be done? Is my random number math in the list generator slowing ...

algorithm - Map incrementing integer range to six-digit base 26 max, but unpredictably -

I want to design a URL shortener for a particular use case and want to target the end-user of that type I have decided that I want to submit the URL internally according to an auto-infractioning integer key. However, it is also imperative that a key is represented in the URL as a base 6 (AZ) of six digits and it is not possible to estimate that the base 26 URL key is on the increasing integer key is based. In other words, the first URL key should not be virtual, the next time a person creates a URL, it should not be AAIAB, etc., and no loop does not want to see any randomness and fishing in the database. Whether it is repeated or not. / P> The second part of the requirements (for external URLs to be estimated in an external 26) is a more interesting part. Ideally, I would have to do the same number of all numbers in the 26 ^ 6 range in the same number of algorithms 1-1 mapping in the same number, I can just print in base 26, and that I can undo algorithms Can not do it and when...

what is the purpose of Offline mode in a web browser? -

What is the purpose of the offline mode actually in any way it manages the caching system of the browser? Or does it just leave the host resolution part, nor do they know what the designer might have in mind when they developed the offline mode feature. This is something that we will not use most often, but it was useful in the past when we dial -Up modem (and especially for those who had a limited time plan) you can connect to the internet, go to a website, quickly browse through everything you can be useful, disconnect Go to offline mode, and then browse through the site As you are connected (everything was cached) I did not know that the browser was still there (I could not remember the last time I was in the file menu in Firefox)

python - How to create a message box with tkinter? -

I'm trying to create a fairly simple message box in the "Yes" and "No" "If I push the button internally then he should go and write YES in a file. Similarly, when "no" is pushed, then a file should be written in. how can I do this? You can use the module for this version for Python 2.7 or Python 3. It's called tkinter.messagebox . It looks like inquiry () is the function that you want it to be the string "yes" or "no" / Code> will also return.

python - Is registered atexit handler inherited by spawned child processes? -

I am writing a daemon program through Python 2.5. In the main process, an exit handler is registered with the atexit module; it looks that the handler is called when every child's process is finished , Which I did not expect. I see that this behavior has not been told in dragon atexit doctor, anybody knows this issue? If this should behave like this, how can I unregister the handling handle in children's processes? Version 3.0 has an atexit.unregister, but I'm using 2.5. There is no API to do it in Python 2.5, but you can do it: import ataxit atexit._exithandlers = [] In the process of your child - if you know that you have only one exit handler installed, And that no other handler is installed. However, keep in mind that parts of stdlib (such as logging ) register atexit handler. To avoid harvesting them, you can try: my_handler_entries = [atexit._exithandlers for e if e [0] == my_handler_func] in my_handler_entries for e: atexit ._exithandler...

python - psycopg2 on OSX: do I have to install PostgreSQL too? -

I want to use a postgreSQL database which is running on a remote machine, from Python in OS / X Want to install postgres on Mac? Or psycopg2 will work on your own. Any signals for a good installation guide for psycopg2 for OS / X? MacPaul tells me that the psycopg2 package has dependency on postgre clients and libraries (but not DB) Server). If you have successfully installed psycopg, you should be good to go If you have not yet installed, consider using MacPort or Fink, with a dependency solution for you. In most cases, this will make things easier (sometimes problems arise).

syntax - What does `@` mean in Python? -

जैसे @login_required ? यह डेकोरेटर वाक्यविन्यास है। एक फ़ंक्शन परिभाषा एक या एक से अधिक डेकोरेटर अभिव्यक्तियों द्वारा लिपटे जा सकती है। डेकोरेटर अभिव्यक्ति का मूल्यांकन तब किया जाता है जब फ़ंक्शन परिभाषित किया जाता है, जिसमें कार्य परिभाषा शामिल है। नतीजा होना एक कॉलनीय होना चाहिए, जिसे फ़ंक्शन ऑब्जेक्ट के साथ केवल तर्क के रूप में लागू किया जाता है। फ़ंक्शन ऑब्जेक्ट के बजाय फ़ंक्शन नाम के लिए वापस लौटा दिया गया मान है। ऐसा कुछ करने से: @login_required def my_function (): पास def my_function (): pass my_function = login_required (my_function) अधिक के लिए, जांचें बाहर।

Fortran Compiler Terminology: Dummy Variables and Attributes -

Can anyone explain to me that there is a dummy variable or feature in the parser / compiler? Pure (former)> Pure Synthesis F (X, Y) Actual, IntOUT :: X, Y, CC Real: A, BC Real, SAVE :: C = 3.14E0 parameter (C) = 3.14) E0, X = 32, Y = X) X = Y + 2 * SIN (Y) END cetin @ unique: ~ / lab / secret / Tapenade $ gafforan-xf 77-c 1.f 1.f: 6.37: parameter (c = 3.14E, x = 32, y = x) 1 error: in the parameter 'x' (1) 1.f Conflict with dummy characteristic: 3.38: Real, INTENT (INOUT) :: X, Y, C1 Error: Symbol (1) is not a dummy variable cetin @ unique: ~ / lab / secret / tapenade $ ifort -c 1.f 1.f (3): error # 6451: a dummy logic n ame is required in this context [c] real, intent (INOUT ) :: X, Y, C ---------------------------------- --- ^ 1.F ( 6): Error # 6406: Multiple declarations of anti attributes or names. [X] parameter (c = 3.14E, x = 32, y = x) ------------------------------- ^ 1.F (6): Error # 6406: Multiple declarations of anti attributes or names. [Y] paramet...

windows ce - Put an Icon in a eVB Application -

Someone knows how to put an icon into an EVV 3 application, because I used the default for * .vb files I hate the icon, using some like Registry Editor or using resource files. Thanks How to associate an icon with an ebb application It says: The EBB applications are not compiled for executable files, but Pvbload.exe interprets binary files as executable. Thus, the EVB applications use icons from PvbLod.XA in the same way that Microsoft Excel worksheets use the icon from Excel.exe. To allow for customized app icons, you will need to create an embedded Visual C ++ (EVC) application, which is only shelled in the operating system to run the application. Operating systems believe that there is a file association with PVBLoad.exe.

database - Can I download an SQLite db on /sdcard and access it from my Android app? -

I already know that bundling files in .apk and not the best option on / sdcard So far, big files are being downloaded on the first run. I came to a tutorial about how to bundle a SQLTree DB with APK and then copy it so that it can be accessed with SQLiteDatabase (thus repeating the required location, and do not use / sdcard). Say that all databases should have / data / data / package_name / database. Is it really that? What is a way to filter the structure to open a database placed on the / Sdcard partition? Is there any way to access other SQLite Java wrapper / frameworks to access such databases? If the answer to the above answer is 'no', then what are the other options I have? My data is very well represented in a relational model, but it is huge, plus, I want to be able to update it without the need to restore / upgrade the whole app. Be sure that you can do the docs are slightly conflicting because they also say that No limitations have been implemented. I t...

regex - Why doesn't the first replacement have any effect? -

Most likely I am not clear here, but to search / replace it twice to search me Why is the need to effect the following code? If I call it only once, the replacement does not occur: - ( Use strict; use precautions; LWP :: Simple; My $ youtubeCN = get (changes) @Argv); die ("script tag not found! \ N") Unless $ youtubecn = ~ / - Questions on passing and formatting JSON to HttpResponse -

I just wanted to clarify some questions to me that I am creating a JSON string and using context.response I am returning it. I'm just calling a URL to a .shx handler and trying to return to JSON. Here's how I've contacted it yet: List product = GetCarolProducts (); List images = new list (); foreach (product in product p) {string imageTag = string.format (@ "& lt; img src =" "{0}" "alt =" "" "& gt; Lt; / li & gt; ", Util. ImageRural (P. Image, Falls)); Images.Add (imageTag); I ++; } String jsonString = images.ToJSON (); Context.Response.Write (jsonString); I'm using the Example Assistant method here for JSON: So my questions are: 1) I did not want to To really return the whole product object, I really did not want to give it back at all. I wanted to return a group of image tags created in my foreach loop, so what I did was just make that string in each instance of the product and add it to a...