
Showing posts from March, 2011

Duplicate entry error in MySQL/Hibernate -

I am facing the following problem and can not find the appropriate solution I have property ID, x (foreign key) There is a relation with y (sequence number) and z (content). Apart from this, there is a specific disturbance on x-yy. I usually have tuples (455, 159, 1, ...), (456, 159, 2, ...), (457, 15 9, 3, ...) etc. I am using hibernate and it is a mapping table for a certain class. Now I have a case of use, where I want to insert a new object, or remove an already existing one and update the sequence number of other objects. For example, if I insert a new object after 1, then it should get the sequence number 2 and later the object that is 2 be 3, 3 should be 4, etc. Something like this should be done while removing the object - it should be the old 3 and 2, etc. However, once an update has started I get a restriction violation. Critical: The session could not synchronize the database state with org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: java.sql.BatchUpdateExcept... - How do I dynamically change color in C# to a hex value? -

मुझे पता है कि एक # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # LightSteelBlue; (System.Drawing;) का प्रयोग करें लेकिन मैं एक हेक्स मूल्य को एक सिस्टम.रॉल में कैसे रूपांतरित कर सकता हूँ, यानी Label1.BackColor = "# B5C7DE मैं रंग अनुवादक का उपयोग इस प्रकार करेगा: var color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml ("# FF1133"); आशा है कि यह मदद करता है।

php c++ communication -

Hi I am new to php, I have created the whole code in c ++ and want to use this code in php . Dll to use it in your code But I'm not able to use this dll in php, I can send any complete code to use php, c ++ extensions. There is a whole section about some PHP Internal and how to write / write a PHP extension in the online manual , And I especially want to point to it because it helps you set up a new "blank" extension project. And there are many tools that help you wrap existing libraries in extensions for many languages, including PHP.

html - Pre-Loading Images -

क्या html / css का उपयोग करने से पूर्व लोड छवियों का कोई तरीका है? जी हाँ आप कर सकते हैं इस विषय पर कई ट्यूटोरियल उपलब्ध हैं -।

ruby on rails - What should I ask the previous development team during my only (1-3hr) meeting? -

Ruby on rail (1.8, 2.3.2) project. The first version of the project was created by some organizations. I will apply the next versions of this project without any help of this organization. During the meeting (1-3 hours) the previous development team will be able to talk with the developers. Project Statistics: ~ 10k LOC, 1.0 / 0.6 Code Test Ratio, RSPC What questions about the project can you recommend? Review the entire project first and understand it If you For an architecture Why did he make the decision of any other architecture another? A complete list of dependencies ( If you are not able to understand it myself) What are the biggest problems? Which parts of the projects are always / ever fixed? The project What is the Achilles heel? What will be the biggest headache What are the security problems there and what is bound to decide What will you do If you were me What you should know that you did not ask (most important question) Also, do not...

scripting - Forfiles Batch Script (Escaping @ character) -

I am working on a batch script which will allow me to delete the files files. For now, I aim to print files that will be destroyed. The call to the phophilus I am using the work without opening the CMD.xa, but as soon as I embed it into a batch script, I suspect that it is due to the @ character Not running properly, but I'm not sure. I am running: forfiles / s / P "r: \" / m * .bak / d-10 / c "cmd / c apo @ path " And this results in the following error: error: invalid argument / option - '@ pat' type" FORFILES /? " I have made the goal in place and have tried a few different plans to avoid the @ PATH component. From @@ PATH \ "@ PATH \" Because of no results Any help would be appreciated! Edit: I should also note that I am building a lot of firefalls from myself I had the same problem as long as I did not remove quotation marks around the directory path, like: forfiles / s >

oracle - IndexOf Feature in Pl/SQL -

मैं एक varchar variable में विशिष्ट वर्ण का स्थान देखना चाहता हूं। आप का उपयोग कर सकते हैं

How to insert values into C# Dictionary on instantiation? -

Does anybody know if there is a way when I can add value to it in the C # dictionary? I can do something but do not want to do this, because dict.Add (int, "string") for each item is something more efficient: Dictionary; Int, string & gt; () {(0, "string"), (1, "string 2"), (2, "string 3")}; Here's the whole page about doing so: Example: In the following code example, a dictionary is started with examples of StudentName : var student = new dictionary & lt; Int, studentname & gt; () {{111, new student name {first name = "Sachin", last name = "Karnik", id = 211}}, {112, new student name {first name = "Dina", last name = "Salimzianwa", id = 317 }}, {113, new student name {first name = "andy"}, last name = "ruth", id = 1}}}};

Disable Python return statement from printing object it returns -

I want to disable "return" from printing anything that comes back to the python shell. For example, a sample Python script looks like this: def func1 (): list = [1,2,3,4,5] Print list return list Now, if I do the following: dragon-i & gt; & Gt; Func1 () It will always give me two print on the dragon shell I just want to print and get the returned item. The reason for the print is not the return statement, but the shell shell itself prints an object which is called the command line But there is the result of an operation. The reason for this is: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A = 'Hello' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A 'Halo' has a value as a result in the final statement (because it has not been assigned to anything else). So it is printed by the shell. The problem is not a "return", but the shell itself is itself. But this is not a problem, because the working code is not normally implemented in the in...

osx - Is there a way to utilize the Mac Laptops' touchpad pinch gestures on Flex? -

I wrote a Google Maps-based application in Flex. Currently you can zoom in and out the mouse wheel in the map. Is it possible to use pinch gestures to zoom on a Mac laptop? There is nothing without hacking, which is an input manager that lets you gesture keyboard shortcuts , Which can be the starting point. In any case, you are in for some pain, because there is no way (at present) it is also in cocoa.

interpolation - I would like to know what the following FORTRAN 77 code does -

एक .f फ़ाइल में ऐसा कोड होता है जो: असली बॉब, एवर ... एबार = बॉब (8.3) ... बॉब एक ​​फ़ंक्शन बनता है, लेकिन यह फ़ाइल की शुरुआत में एक वास्तविक के रूप में घोषित किया गया है। फिर एक। डी फाइल है जिसमें बॉब के संदर्भ हैं। इसके अलावा, मुझे पता है कि एवर में एक वैल्यू है जो प्रकट होता है, जो अंतराष्टित होता है, समस्या यह है कि प्रक्षेपण हमेशा सही नहीं होता है। बॉब जॉन 35 -17 -16। -15। -14। -13। -12। -1 1। -10। -9। -8। -7। -6। -5। -4। -3। -2। -1। 0. 1. 2.5 3. 4. 5. 6.5 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 0.001 0.001 0.041 0.098 0.155 0.213 0.27 0.327 0.384 0.441 0.499 0.556 0.613 0.670 0.728 0.785 0.844 0.904 0.965 1.058 1.089 1.152 1.216 1.314 1.347 1.413 1.479 1.543 1.609 1.670 1.733 1.799 1.860 1.925 1.937 यह सभी विरासत कोड है। मैंने इसे नहीं लिखा था मैं इसे ठीक करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं मेरे प्रश्न में निम्न शामिल हैं: यह क्या कर रहा है और कैसे? एक। डी फाइल क्या है? मुझे लगता है कि यह एक दूसरे को घुसना करने की कोशिश कर रहा है, लेकिन मुझे नहीं लगता था कि आप ऐसा क...

filesystems - File type indicator, sys/stat.h st_mode regular file code value -

I am trying to identify file types for directory entries (Windows Unix etc ..). CIS / State H. Stomoded words are coded values ​​in the High Order NABBB: #define S_IFDIR 0x4000 / * directory * / #define S_IFIFO 0x1000 / * FIFA special * / #define S_IFCHR 0x2000 / * character special * / # Definitive S_IFBLK 0x3000 / * block special * / #define S_IFREG 0x8000 / * or just 0x0000, Regular * / The comment can be useful to either 0 or 8 'regular file 'To represent. Then asks the question: in what circumstances is it not 0 and 8? If I have defined these codes, then I could reserve 0 to suspend some unknown / undefined / invalid / non-one-file or something like that. Actually the S_ISREG macro is: #define S_ISREG (m) ((M) and S_IFEG) This indicates me It seems to be that the regular file will always have code 8 (and 0 will be disturbing?). Will this be a valid assumption to interpret as an unknown or invalid file and ignore the comment of 'or just 0x0000...

In C++ source, what is the effect of extern "C"? -

क्या वास्तव में extern "c" को C ++ कोड में डालता है? उदाहरण के लिए: extern "c" {void foo (); } extern "सी" एक फ़ंक्शन-नाम को सी ++ में बनाता है 'सी' लिंक (संकलक नाम को उलझाना नहीं है) ताकि क्लाइंट सी कोड आपके फ़ंक्शन का केवल घोषणा वाले 'C' संगत हेडर फाइल का उपयोग करके आपके फ़ंक्शन के साथ (यानी उपयोग) को लिंक कर सके। आपकी फ़ंक्शन परिभाषा एक बाइनरी प्रारूप में समाहित है (जो आपके सी ++ कंपाइलर द्वारा संकलित की गई थी) कि ग्राहक 'सी' लिंकर तब 'सी' नाम का उपयोग करने के लिए लिंक करेगा। चूंकि सी ++ फ़ंक्शन के नामों से अधिक भार है और सी नहीं है, सी ++ कंपाइलर फ़ंक्शन नाम को एक विशिष्ट आईडी के रूप में लिंक करने के लिए उपयोग नहीं कर सकता है, इसलिए यह तर्कों के बारे में जानकारी जोड़कर नाम को उलझा कर सकता है। एसी कंपाइलर को नाम उलझाने की ज़रूरत नहीं है क्योंकि आप सी में फ़ंक्शन के नाम को ओवरलोड नहीं कर सकते हैं। जब आप कहते हैं कि फ़ंक्शन C ++ में "C" लिंकेज है, तो C ++ कंपाइलर तर्क / पैरामीटर प्रकार की जानकार...

ruby on rails - Apache on WIndows - growing VM Size of httpd.exe -

I have a Rail App running on Apache with Windows 2003 Server. I am using Apache Lounge Edition of Apache I am The memory usage of the Httpd.exe process and the VM size are continuously and very fast, while not very heavy loads. The most dangerous VM size is because it is growing very fast, reaching several GB in a few days, while Mem use can reach hundreds of MB during the same time. This is ultimately the result of the app crash. I am trying to find a way to increase the VM size growth rate and prevent it from growing. tried to add 'SSLSessionCache none' to httpd.conf and it solved the problem for me ! Now the memory usage of httpd.exe / VM size does not increase at all.

internet explorer - PHP get_browser: how to identify ie7 versus ie6? -

Is IE7 vs IE6 a way to use PHP's get_browser () function? You can do this: $ browser = get_browser ( ); If ($ Browser-> Browser == 'IE' & amp; amp; amp; amp; Browser- & gt; majorver == 6) {Echo "IE6"; } Otherwise ($ Browser-> Browser == 'IE' & amp; amp; Browser- & gt; majorver == 7) {Echo "IE7"; } Your question will be answered if you look at the official documentation quickly. Always read the first document.

delphi - Create TImageList by specifying paths only -

In Delphi 2007, the images are loaded in a TImageList at design time. This presents the following problem: I have a folder in which I am using in my application Graphics whenever I want to change, say, ' There is also a method (component, compile script, ...) to automatically perform steps 2 and 3, which only specifies the path of graphics design time, and Stvik causing a dependence on graphic files? You can create a descendant of TImageList and you can add that kind of logic there. The components do so by referring to the pictures inside a TImageList, by indexing, the type of property of an imagepath type of your descendant TStrings, which is formatted in such a way, will be easy to: # = file name and maybe add a property Then after loading that component, it will automatically convert those images Can reload in memory from You can also make it a design-time expert who loads images in the designer. - Jeron

Delphi Dynamic Dll - global variable -

I am busy doing a DLL coding which provides several functions in the host application. This app dynamically loads, loads and offers dll after each function call. I have no control over the host app. I can only work within DLL. Is there any way that I can put some variables in memory so that I can reuse them within each function? Clearly a global variable gets approved, when DLL loads by the host application. thanks thanks thanks thanks I think you have 2 main options here. Provide 2 versions of your function, now, plus one and where they pass through a buffer (records, whatever), you can read the previous state , And of course can update the state. Call the high perf version of this function. They would like to use it. Either save the file as a cookie (basically what it is). Option 1 will require modification in the host app, but will be forced to take advantage of host app developers, option 2 will not need any change in host app , But will not be i...

How do I produce XML with Perl's XML::Simple? -

I'm just trying to create an XML XML :: Simple; My% element = ("a" =>, "10", "b" =>, "20",); My $ xs = New XML :: Simple (); My $ ref = $ xs- & gt; XMLin (% element); My $ xml = $ xs- & gt; XMLout ($ ref); Print $ xml; What's wrong with this code? (It has been solved) XML :: Simple; My% element = ("a" =>, "10", "b" =>, "20",); My $ xs = New XML :: Simple (); My $ xml = $ xs- & gt; XMLout (\% element); Print $ xml; This generates the following output: & lt; Opt a = "10" b = "20" /> But I really want to get it: & lt; A & gt; 10 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; P & gt; 20 & lt; / B & gt; How can I get it? XML XML and convert it into a Pearl data structure. The XMLout takes a Perl data structure and it changes to XML. You are trying to feed the XMLin to a Perl data structure and to feed the resul...

linux - What's the easiest way to create multipart archives on Unix? -

tar | Gzip is amazing, leaving files can be very big, and gets transferred to the network, entangled. DOS era archives were regularly used to create multipart archives, a floppy copy, but gzip is not such an option (due to Unix streaming philosophy). So what is the easiest and most robust way to do this under linux (and clearly archive size ~ 2 GB, not 1.44 MB)? I do not have to open the archives of other people, who have not yet changed Please bother using gzip for any more collection: -) 7zip has crazy-level compression (although I have not placed it head-to-head in all scenarios) and make this volume , Which is in response to your specific question.

javascript - When does Dojo need the args variable? -

You have to pass the Argus variable on the anonymous function, but the anonymous function does not require the ARGS variable, so when you Elggs are required, but Dojo does not say the help page! So, why doozjes need ElGs variable? var init = function () {var contentNode = dojo.byId ("content"); Dojo.xhrGet ({url: "js / sample.txt", handleAs: "text", load: function (data, args) {//. We can fade nodes, we are modifying dojo.fadeOut ( {Node: contentNode, onend: Function () {// set data, feed it back into content.Node.innerHTML = data; dojo.fadeIn ({node: contentNode}} play ();}}). ();}, // If there is an error, it goes here: error: function (error, args) {console.warn ("error!", Error);}}); }; Dojo.addOnLoad (init); To clarify: You are referring to the argument "args" in your code The sample that is a part of the function definitions for "load}" and "error" callback is: You only need the ElGs variable if ...

xslt - XSL test for populated field -

Is there a text that I can use to check that a field is populated and the field's display based on the result Toggles? You can test this kind of existence for the existence of an element: & lt; Xsl: if test = "/ root / parent / node" & gt; Prints and if only the expression is present then & lt; / Xsl: if & gt; If you know that the element exists and you still have one value after that, use it: & lt; Xsl: if test = "string-length (/ root / parent / node)> 0" & gt; Print that expression has a non-empty value & lt; / Xsl: if & gt;

java - How do I make Vista's Narrator read my Swing components back to me? -

I'm trying to implement a very, too many simple access test for swing So that I can achieve this much bigger work to provide access to our already established swing applications. I have the simplest swing program, and I'm trying to use the announcer in Windows Vista to read your GUI screen. Public class readable frame extends JFrame {Personal Refrigerator () {super}; Setitle ("window of badges"); Setisz (640, 580); SetDefaultCloseOperation (WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Jebton Button = New Pocket ("Hello World"); GetContentPane () SetLayout (new flow layout ()); GetContentPane () Add (button); Set Visible (true); } / ** * Ultimate Arguments * / Public Static Zero Main (string [] Args) {New Reedable Frame (); }} Narrator can read the title but nothing else gives me " there is no other known control in Banjollity window ". If I change the swing pocket with the AD button then: button button = new button ("Hello World"); ...

How can I get away from casting in C++? -

In C ++ you can cast a few ways, c-style casting or C ++. A host of Bjarne Stroustrup and other C ++ experts say that there should be no casting in a good design. Can you help redesign the code given below so that artists can get rid of it? zero CProgressBar :: SetPosition (int nPos); // Unable to change zero: CSaveDialog :: UpdatePosition (double dcrogress) {double percentage off progress = display * 100; M_p progress bar- & gt; Settlement (static_cast & lt; int & gt; (percentage off progress); } I can modify UpdatePosition, but not SetPosition I think casting can be fine in arithmetic. The type of casting that should really be avoided is your own class hierarchy above and below (or across). In addition to casting this into arithmetic, you probably want to be more careful before casting it to int before ceil or Floor should be applied. I'm not sure that it is entirely determined how the artist will be round (i.e. + on the side of the INF, in t...

java - Are static functions isolated in JSP/Grails applications under tomcat? -

I am using some legacy Java code, which has many static classes from a Grails app under Tomcat. When I have a user using a web app, everything works fine when two users use the app, things get going wrong. I believe this is stable because the static class maintains resources like socket. Am I right to assume that by default all session sessions will use the same copy of the stable square? If every user has a way to change this behavior to load a new copy of the session? Not to mention static methods in http sessions in Tomcat or any other application server Said that static methods are only a problem if they are holding the state steadily. If this is the case then you will have to rewrite those sections which you can put in the example in the session.

How to pass 2 string lists to c++ from c# through COM? -

I need to pass string lists for unmanaged C ++ How do I do this? I send the form as a return method and by com, but it does not work how to get it? I have written in C # , as follows - IDictionary & lt; String, string & gt; PostName () {IDictionary & lt; String, string & gt; Post = dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; (); Post.Add ("Secrets"); Post.Add ("Mahesh"); Post. Add ("John Steak"); Post of return; } Then I have created a dll for that code. How can I now use these values ​​in unmanaged C ++ ... I'm worried about two things 1) To move these values ​​in C ++ about the type of return 2) Is it possible to use it like this .. Any help related to this? Write a C ++ / CLI cover, a quick, dirty method.

What is the easiest way to generate quasi random numbers in C#? -

I want all the random numbers in a practical C # Generator I can say eg int dummyj = Mathhalper. Getendamember (20,70); And it looks like semi random , e.g. To generate dummy data Most of us come to philosophical discussions on true randomness on the web, which is not what I am interested in at the moment, e.g. I've used one of PHP for a long time, which uses milliseconds / sleep which is okay for dummy data, I just try to do this I'm C # prompt . Does anyone have a quick semi civilized C # random number generator on the basis of bead etc. for some time or, how do I change the following code so that it always corresponds to one line Do not generate 5 numbers? using the system; Namespace TestRandom23874 {Class Program {Static Wide Men (String [] ARGs) {console. Weedline ("random numbers: {0}", Mathlets: Gatoramandmember (1, 10)); Console.light line ("random number is: {0}", Mathhaller. Getrandom number (1, 10)); Console.light ...

wpf - In C#, how can I set DataContext on a View from the ViewModel? -

I'm trying to wrap my head around "MVVM. I understand it a lot, but I understand one Difficulty getting into the aspect: Setting DataContext . I want to show a scene with a particular object. The user does not have to decide what to look like So, I'll have to create a scene in it code. Then, I can see the object's data syntax I'm trying to set the code to bind it. I am trying to not put the code in the view for this, but see the layout root. Datacontext is not public. What do I miss ? Trying to avoid it: See public class {public view (object datacentext) {InitializeComponent (); LayoutRoot.DataContext = dataContext;}} Something like this: public class ViewModel {... public UIElement GetView () {UI Element * element = new View (); Element.LayoutRoot.DataContext = element; Return element;}} Do not forget that the view is aware of ViewModel Should not, and not So to make a scene in your case, it's not the best way by putting the code in...

syntax - Unable to understand a line of Python code exactly -

has the following line when translated into English print "% 2d .% 8.2f% 8.2f% 8.2f "% (i, payment, interest, month payment) I am unsure about the line "% 2d.% 8.2f% 8.2f% 8.2f"% # Why do we need the last%? It seems that the following apply% 2d Apply% 8.2f to make a payment Apply interest% 8.2f for interest Pay month by% 8.2f % -words looks like the following % 2d.: A decimal presentation of two decades 2-4% 8.2f: a floating point presentation of two decimal I'm not sure why we use 8 %% of 8.2f. How do you understand the challenging line? 8.2 has 8 widths>> "Minimum characters should be printed if printed The value to be less than this number, then the result gets tickled from the spaces. The result is not transformed even when it is large " The number 2 is the number of decimal places last% Link in the list of arguments (brackets) with the format string (in quotes). It is a bit confusing that they ...

directory - Java: Proper Way of Making Directories -

निर्देशिकाएँ some_folder, some_folder_1, some_folder_2, और some_folder_3 प्रारंभ में मौजूद नहीं हैं। फ़ाइल Folder1 = नया फ़ाइल ("some_folder / some_folder_1"); फ़ाइल फ़ोल्डर 2 = नया फ़ाइल ("some_folder / some_folder_2"); फ़ाइल फ़ोल्डर 3 = नया फ़ाइल ("some_folder / some_folder_3"); अगर (! Folder1.exists ()) {folder1.mkdirs (); } यदि (! Folder2.exists ()) {folder2.mkdirs (); } If (! Folder3.exists ()) {folder3.mkdirs (); } क्या ऐसा करने का एक अच्छा तरीका हो सकता है? पथ विभाजक का उपयोग न करें, इसके बजाय सही कन्स्ट्रक्टर का उपयोग करें: फ़ाइल फ़ोल्डर 1 = नई फ़ाइल ("some_folder", "some_folder_1"); अगर (! Folder1.exists ()) {folder1.mkdirs (); // एक बूलियन देता है}

Assign Excel Range to a Javascript Array -

I am working on some code to export DataTable in Excel, and I'm trying to make it as fast as possible I am Right now, I am looping through each row and for each column of each row (nested for loops). When I have got a large datatile, then this process may take some time, can I specify a range of cells for an array in JavaScript rather than looping through the column? Here is a sample of what I am doing. = 0; Line index & lt; Json.worksheets.raw.rows.count; RowIndex ++) {row = rowIndex + 2; (Var column index = 0; column index & lt; json.worksheets.raw.rows.values ​​[rowIndex]; height; column index ++) {column = column index + 1 xl worksheet. Seals (row, column) = json.worksheets.raw.rows values ​​[rowIndex] [columnIndex]; }} I get JSON data using the AJAX call for web service in my ASP.Net project. You can do XLWorksheet.Range ("A1: C100"). Value = arr , if arr is an array VARIANT .

api - Resize large images in App Engine -

I found an app on Google App Engine which will accept image upload from user. I think the problem is that the users will upload these images directly from their camera, and the file size is more than 1 MB, which is the limit of the image API (which will be used to resize images). What is the best way to accept a 1.5 MB image file to upload and resize it under 1MB? Although this app is unclear in the engine documentation, but using a combination of Bluetooth and image Manipulian service it's possible. You: Upload an image to the blobostore Recover the image from the blobstore Image mapping with an image As a result, less than 1 MB in size I have written a post about it ->.

c# - How to manage a multiple-level class hierarchy in nhibernate with table per class hierarchy strategy? -

I'm trying to implement my object hierarchy in a table with "Table NHibernate class hierarchy to" strategy . I am getting an error with my NHibernate mapping which can easily be reproduced with a simple example. Error: System.NotSupportedException: is trying to parse a zero value in a SQL string (: activity0_.Type column). Line 551 I line NHibernate.Persister.Entity.SingleTableEntityPersister.DiscriminatorFilterFragment (String alias) at 109: NHibernate.SqlCommand.InFragment.ToFragmentString (in SingleTableEntityPersister.cs) in InFragment.cs It can reproduce with at least the following domain classes: Public Interface IActivity {Guid Id {get; Set; }} Public class class activity: IActivity {public date timeline {get; Set; } Get Public Guide ID { Set; }} Running public class: activity {public string where {get; Set; }} Talking public class: activity {public string towhom {get; Set; }} and the following XML mapping: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0...

JavaScript: How to get users IP ADDRESS? -

Is it possible to use only javascript to get the user's IP address? If so, then how? I do not think so. You will need to use server-side language or you can use it with AJAX to find the service, but I'm not sure whether someone exists.

data binding - WPF: refreshing a control with a bound property using Model View View-Model -

I am using a model view view-model pattern for a WPF app. I have a view modal with two properties (set as pages), one of which is a unit with a property-changed event. In the event handler, I have set the value of other assets (bullion) for some value. Now the buttons and text box properties are imposing penalty on first load and firing and talking about the incident-altered event, however, the update of the button's insensable property to display changes in its bound property Does not. ViewModel looks like this: Public Seal Class CustomerPageViewModel {PUBLIC CUSTOMER CUSTOMER {Receive; Set; } Public Bull Editing {get; Private set; } Private Zero customer_procedChanged (Object Sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) {edit = true; }} and the xaml sorta looks like this: & lt; Text box text = "{customer bond .names}" /> & Lt; Button Content = "Save Changes" isEnabled = "{Binding Editing}" /> When I chan...

mysql - how to get the max data using natural sort? -

10.12.1 10.12.10 10.12.11 10.12.12 10.12.13 10.12.14 10.12.15 10.12। 16 10.12.17 10.12.18 10.12.19 10.12.2 10.12.3 10.12.4 10.12.5 10.12.6 10.12.7 10.12.8 10.12.9 यह एक वर्चार स्तंभ है । लेकिन '10 .12.1 9 'अधिकतम डेटा मुझे चाहिए मैं इसे कैसे प्राप्त करूं? एसक्यूएल कोड आदेश द्वारा कास्ट (SUBSTRING_INDEX (कर्नल, '।', - 1) जैसा कि हस्ताक्षरित) डीईएससी;

Deploying wcf with silverlight application? -

I am trying to apply a Silverlight application to a remote server. I have copied the files inside the app. . The web contains the .svc file. I have created a virtual directory within IIS 6.0 and is able to successfully host the Silverlight part. But ... I am getting an error now: The type 'service gateway' service value provided as a service value provided is not found Could I have tried to restart the IIS, it is verified that ISAPI mapping for ISAP extension is showing in IIS. / P> I think the service is not starting Thoughts? Looks like a type of voice like it was not compiled properly or the server The reference does not exist. Is the version of .NET installed on the server? It should be at least 3.0.

c# - How to configure ASP.NET MembershipProvider with custom cryptography? -

मैं System.Web.Security.Membership.HashAlgorithmType (या web.config के माध्यम से) कस्टम क्रिप्टोग्राफी कक्षा I को सेट करना चाहता हूं I बनाया, इस फ़ंक्शन में मेरे पास एन्क्रिप्ट और डिक्रिप्ट फ़ंक्शन हैं, मैं इस वर्ग का उपयोग करने के लिए संपत्ति मान को मैप करना चाहता हूं। मैं यह कैसे करूँ? मुझे क्रिप्टो क्लास संरचना को बदलने में कोई दिक्कत नहीं है, मेरा मुद्दा कस्टम क्रिप्टो क्लास का उपयोग कर रहा है। अग्रिम धन्यवाद। मैंने निम्नलिखित सदस्यताप्रदाता के कार्यान्वयन में रखा: स्ट्रिंग पासवर्डएन्क्रिप्शनकुंज =" कुंजी "; // को कहीं और आंतरिक स्थिर बाइट सेट करना चाहिए [EncryptPassword] (स्ट्रिंग पासवर्ड) {MD5CryptoServiceProvider हैश = नया MD5CryptoServiceProvider (); बाइट [] key = hash.ComputeHash (UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (PasswordEncryptionKey)); hash.Clear (); RijndaelManaged आरएम = नए RijndaelManaged (); आरएम.के = कुंजी; Rm.Mode = सिफरमोड.ईसीबी; Rm.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; ICryptoTransform transform = rm.CreateEncryptor (); बाइट [] बाइट्स = UTF8Encoding.UTF...

datagrid - Adding line separator to Gridview -

I'm relatively new to ASP.NET and SQL, so I am asking a simple question of what could be Am, but not for me. I have a grid view that I am trying to figure out with softball. In this I have raised statistics figures on the top of the career total below a lot below it. I have completed this data with the semi-simplified union statement (year and career total). After all, what I am looking for should be a split line between the yearly total and career totals. Of those of you who are familiar with baseball cards ... it seems that I am going for it. Something like this: Season AB RH 2B 3B HR RBI BB KE SAC SLG average 2009 63 16 29 3 4 2 19 0 0 0 4 .730 .460 career totals 63 16 29 3 4 2 19 0 0 0 4 0.730 0.460 it seems that effort when I add a line border to the bottom line (where career doing yoga) Rokountl = Gridvivlkroskkount - 1 GridViewlkkolaumnskaitm (Rokountl) Kitnstilekborderstyle = Borderstyleksolid Gridvivlkroskaitm (Rokountl) Kborderstyle = Borderstyleksolid Un...

java - Servlets and AJAX communication -

I have a communication problem between my Java sublet and an AJAX request. More about it: The complete path of index.html (including Javascript / AJAX requests): Servlet: MyChat.class in the same folder and the request is working as follows: / P> var url = ""; var name = document.getElementById ("user name"). GetAttribute ("value"); Var msg = document.getElementById ("Message"). GetAttribute ("value"); var tosend = name + "," + message; ('GET', URL, true); Request.send (tosend); Request.onreadystatechange = interpretRequest; I get a form where a username and message are just type and "username" and "messages" are tagged in my html file. I am working AJAX request, it is definite, but this servlet Does not communicate with me, I have no idea where the system is from Output.printlean () output goes out. No log file is loaded ... and the servletlet looks like this: P...

browser - can a web parser differentiate between static and dynamic text? -

Can a web parser differentiate between static and dynamic text on a webpage? For example, the webpage Hello "Great Four" This "Hello" has a steady data and "Great Four" is a dynamic data Database values ​​are said to be made) Is it possible for the web porter to find out what is a static and dynamic content? I think this is not possible. The client can not know anything about execution code in the server, so there is no way that the text is generated by PHP, ASP or any other language ... or even stable.

nhibernate - Alias of joined table in SQLProjection -

मेरे पास यह क्वेरी है: मापदंड = सत्र। क्रिएटिटरिया (टाइपफ (बिल्डिंग)) । ("संपत्ति", "संपत्ति") .SetProjection (प्रोजेक्शंस। प्रोजेक्शन लिस्ट)। (संपत्ति। फोरनाम ("नाम"), "बिल्डिंगनाम") जोड़ें। (संपत्ति। फोरनाम ("property.Name"), " "बीबीआरएनम्बर"), नया [] ("बीबीआरएनम्बर"), "बीबीआरएनम्बर" के रूप में "+" (प्रोजेक्ट्स एसक्यूएल प्रोजेक्शन ("(1 संपत्ति। 1 बी। बीबीआरएमिपिलिटी संख्या + '- + एस्टेट 1_.बीबीटीटीएनम्बर +' - '+ + नया [] {NHibernateUtil.String}), "BBRNumber")) क्या एक तरीका है कि मैं एसक्यूएल उपनाम को "संपत्ति" के लिए एसक्यूएल स्ट्रिंग ? {संपत्ति} काम नहीं करता है अब मैंने एसक्यूएल स्ट्रिंग में उपनाम को हार्डकोडिंग समाप्त कर दिया है, लेकिन यह बहुत ठोस नहीं लगता। अगर मैं डॉक्स को समझता हूं तो यह संभव होना चाहिए। मैं NH2.0.1 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। / asger कोई प्रत्यक्ष उत्तर नहीं आपके प्रश्न के लिए, लेकिन: आप तीनों को अलग से क्यों नहीं पूछ...

file io - Why do I get a java.nio.BufferUnderflowException in this Scala -

I was able to do something in some log file, try: Scala & gt; Import io.Source Import io.Source Scala & gt; Import import scala & gt; Val f = New file (".") F: =. Scala & gt; (L.L.L.; - f.listFiles) {| Val src = Source.fromFile (l) .getLines | Println ((0 /: src) {(i, line) => gt; i + 1}). } 3658 java.nio.BufferUnderflowException on java.nio.Buffer.nextGetIndex (Unknown Source) at java.nio.HeapCharBuffer.get (Unknown Source) at $$ anon $ (BufferedSource.scala: 86 ) $$ anon at $ to $$ anon $ (307 Source.scala): $$ anon $ (74 BufferedSource .scala) (Source.scala: 301)? Scala.Iterator $ CLA ... Why do I get this java.nio.bufferUnderflowException Note - I 10 log files in size, each processing is about 1 MB me It should also know why this is happening, but I think it is the fact that source is a...

windows - Debugging without a debugger -

I have some crashes in some code, which is created without debugging symbols, and I have only one backstreet call Stack This is the window (64 bit) I'm a Linux guy, so I'm losing a bit to see debugging - on Linux, I'll run the code under Valgrind, but AAAIK, for this type of device window 64 bits Does not exist. What are my options? I can modify the C code at will, but I can not make it with debug symbols because I can not create with debugging symbols, it is not that my binary is not created with MS tools (it's mingw-w64 ). You must create a map file. A map file in your executable / binary tells the addresses of various public symbols (functions, globels, etc.), generally it can be generated by linking it to a particular switch.

android - Camera.setPreviewDisplay() throws Exception -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैं कस्टम स्पेस दृश्य में एक कैमरा पूर्वावलोकन सेट करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन हर बार जब मैं इनिशियलाइज़ेशन विधि निष्पादित करता हूं तब एक अपवाद मिलता है। नीचे कैमरा पूर्वावलोकन प्रारंभ करने के लिए कोड है: निजी शून्य init (संदर्भ संदर्भ) {setFocusable (सच); MRecording = false; FileRW = नया FileReaderWriter (); फ्रेमकाउंट = 0; अगर (mCamera == नल) {mCamera = (); } पैरामीटर पैरामीटर = mCamera.getParameters (); parameters.setPictureFormat (PixelFormat.JPEG); mCamera.setParameters (पैरामीटर); कोशिश {mCamera.setPreviewDisplay (surfaceHolder); } पकड़ (IOException ई) {// TODO ऑटो-जेनरेट कैच ब्लॉक e.printStackTrace (); } MCamera.startPreview (); } लाइन mCamera.setPreviewDisplay (surfaceHolder); एक अपवाद फेंकता है ( setPreviewDisplay विफल ) हर बार जब मैं विधि निष्पादित करने का प्रयास करता हूं । क्या किसी को पता है कि क्या गलत हो सकता है? मैं आपकी किसी भी मदद की सराहना करता हूं। धन्यवाद! ` मैं पूरी तरह से जॉन ब्राइट से सहमत मुझे पता ...

actionscript 3 - Flex: How does a component know whether one of its styles got changed? -

I inherited a custom component from TextField. The component must know how any of its styles have changed through the style set in runtime. How would I do that? This is probably obvious but I could not find an appropriate method for an event or override. style change () method Public Function Style Changed (StyleProp: string): Zero detects changes in style properties. When a style property is set, Flex changes the style (), giving it the style name to set it. This is an advanced method you can overced when you make a subclass of UICPonnet. When you create a custom component, you can override the style change () method to check that style named style, and handle the change accordingly. This lets you override the default behavior of an existing style, or adds your own custom style properties. If you handle style property, then your override () method of style should call invalid diskplast () method parameter styleprop: string-style property name, Or tap If all the ...

.net - problems after copying XAML controls from WPF Application to class library -

In the process of refactoring some code, I encountered several types of errors: The Library Project file can not specify the ApplicationDefinition element. The project file contains a property value that is not valid. How can these errors be solved? When you copy and paste any project or any other project, in Visual Studio There is a dirty habit without not keeping it; strong build builds property it often appears to change the construction of random value, e.g. Check ApplicationDefinition , which may cause a build error (with the file selected in the Solution Explorer in the Visual Studio property window) that you have BuildAction is the property of Pages > and your code files have a build property of compile .

Looking for a regex - 8 char min w/ 1 num and 1 char -

I'm looking for some help in which a regex is required, for which 8 characters (at least) w / 1 number and 1 example: a1234567 is valid but 12345678 is not Any help for a regex newb? EDIT: Thanks for the quick reply - The implementation that works in VB is shown below. Dim Valipesword Boolean = Regex. Ismail (password, "^ (? =. *. [[0-9]] (=? =. * [A-ja-jade]) \ w {8,} $") something like ^ (? =. * [0-9]) ( > ^ beginning of the string (? =. * [0-9]) look forward and ensure that at least 1 digit (? =? * [A -ZA-Z]) look forward and make sure there is at least 1 letter \ w { 8,} actually match 8+ characters $ n no Agree: If you want extra characters (which do not count for 1 letter required) ^ (? =. * [0-9]) (? =? . * [A-zA-Z]). {8,} $ This will allow for any character If you want permission of only a few characters , Then replace \ w with the code in the first code [A-Za-z0- 9 # #%%] ^ & Amp; with your symbo...

.net - Where in the call stack should role checks be done? -

In my typical app, the user clicks on a button in the ASPX page, invites a C # business object, Then runs a stored procedure. What role should be investigated at the top of the stack, under the heap or at every level? It seems that if a malicious user can use a method, then anyone can apply it, so for effective security, you will need to check each method (and it has too much code to write ). There is a specific call stack to clarify my question: Page_Load () {if (p.IsInRole ("Manager")) // or equivalent Attribute {addAccount.Visible = true; }} AddAccount_OnClick () {if (p.IsInRole ("Manager")) // or equivalent attribute {// Add account account.Add (...); // And maybe check another role ...}} - TSQL does not understand NAT authorization, this call is in a 'trusted' subsystem that can be purchased Add_Account @user, @account_name @username (role_table) In my opinion, You should keep it close to as much data as possible. The closer you are to th...

.net - Why does my datagridviewcolumn not accept changes at this point? -

I am bringing down a firmly typed dataset table in a datagridview. Then by adding a column of the combo box, let's choose the foreign key by name rather than the ID. Perhaps there is an easy way to do this Can I change the TypeIid column to the ComboBoxexCollum, while still able to back up the datasource in my typed dataset table type? Do I need to get it back from the data source, or is the data conversion back to the dataset automatically? What's wrong with this code? formDg fDg; Internal DST TechObjectDetateable ShowAdG (IWWin 32Wondo Owner, DB DB) {FDG = New FormG (); FDg._dg.DataSource = db.getDs (). TechObjects; Var type edit = new datagridviewcombbox column (); Var type = db.getdsObjectTypes (); TypeSelecter.DataSource = Type; TypeSelecter.DisplayMember = "Type"; TypeSelecter.Name = "Type"; TypeSelecter.ValueMember = "ID"; FDg._dg.Columns ["typeID"] DisplayIndex = fDg._dg.Columns.Count-1 FDg._dg.Columns.Add (TypeSelecter... - How does one receive and post text messages on a website, a la Twitter? -

I got so many SMSes I have seen the surroundings on the posts and I have given the best answer away. The only problem is that they are in "Beta" and are not accepting users easily is no longer in operation, there is no alternative solution for this, maybe receive an email via text (Like how it happens) and somehow parsing it? Actually what I want to do is that people were written on the site so that their message was posted ... I do not need to send a message (actually I do not want to). Twitter (very similar functionality as a single functionality, but I'm not building a Twitter-ASK service because I'm not crazy). PS This will be a VB.NET asp.NET 3.5 solution. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you You must use an SMS gateway service, which is basically a There is a telecommunication type service that takes text messages and converts them to http (or whatever) requests if you do a search on "sms providers", there are many services other than zm...

git svn - How do I re-fetch svn:log changes in git-svn? -

Through the SVN hook, the ability to update an old committed message permits me to send my git-svn copy of the committed message. How can I go about updating the version of? One of the only references I could have received was a bug report about this feature about a year ago request . Is it possible in the current version of Git v1.6.3. *? If not, what is the most intelligent way to go about updating the local copy? The abominable way for me was cruelty; Repeating the git svn clone operation. I have a similar problem a few weeks ago. I wanted to regain a commitment, which is behind 6 commands. To remove the latest 6 commands from GIT, I brought them back from SVN. git reset - hard head ~ 6 Probably this is not the best way to solve this problem, but at that moment it was a simple solution .

Why is a 0 being appended to the results of my ajax .load() call from jQuery? -

I used the .load () function in jquery to insert results of a php file for an element Am My code looks: $ ('# edit .postcontent'). Load ('admin-ajax.php', {'action': 'qe-getpost'}); Everything works great - return value. However, a 0 has been added at the end. every time. Even if I do not return anything, then alone appears inside 0. Can anyone tell me what is happening? Thank you! Is Content-Type Administrator- ajax.php Returning? When you use Fiddler or some other debugging proxy to check the actual content of the HTTP response, are you viewing 0 (or any other fake characters) there?

c++ - A Unique and Constant Identifier for a pthreads thread? -

I have estimated that a pthread_t remains constant for a given thread - its entirety For life, but my experiment is false to prove this assumption if the ID is not completely stable in a given yarn, how can I store a pthread_t so that the thread Can you use pthread_join to block until it ends? For other reasons, it would be helpful to know how to get a unique identifier for a thread that I can change back and backward in pthread_t . Is there a way to do this? There are a lot of big information, but I had a difficult time finding useful questions for answering these questions. I appreciate any help / consultation that I can get! Edit: Also, I'm not sure why, but sleeping (1) and sleeping for 1 second on the front of each new thread (within the thread's function) . This is probably moving in the form of straw, but can the pthread_t value be fleeting during the beginning of a new thread or something ?? You can not trust a pthread_t , but you are unique T...

c - GNU readline History feature -

I am using this code for history features in my shell: but when I compile it using GCC I get this error, then $ gcc filename.c /tmp/ccay2CgM.o: in function `main ': rl.c:. Text + 0x 9): Undefined context for 'rl_abort' rl.c :( .txt + 0x13): `rl_bind_key 'rl.c :(. Undefined reference to + 0x1d text): Undefined reference for` readline' 'Rl.c:. (Text + 0x61): Undefined context collection of' add_history '2: ld back 1 exits status $ Example is the compilation line g ++ -o simple_rl {,. Cpp} -lreadline Have you forgotten to add line-line?

c++ - Activate window -

मेरे पास QMainWindow है इसके पास इस पैरामीटर हैं: this-> सेट विन्डो फ्लेग्ज (क्यूटी :: टूल); इस- & gt; setFocusPolicy (क्यूटी :: StrongFocus); इस- & gt; setAttribute (क्यूटी :: WA_QuitOnClose, सच); शोएवेंट कॉल के बाद मेरी विंडो दिखायी जाती है लेकिन अप्रतिष्ठित है। मैंने अधिभार शो फ़ंक्शन की कोशिश की: ... QMainWindow :: showEvent (event); इस- & gt; activateWindow (); संपादित करें: जब मैंने लाइन पर टिप्पणी की इस- & gt; setWindowFlags (क्यूटी :: उपकरण); सब कुछ ठीक है, लेकिन मुझे टूल-फ्लैग में आवश्यकता है। प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा: सी ++ कोई भी विचार? क्यूटी संस्करण: 4.5.1 विंडोज मैनेजर निर्णय करता है इससे पहले कि मैंने शुरू किया: जैसा कि मैंने बताया और खिड़कियों के लेआउट (जैसे टाइटल बार) पर फ़ोकस पॉलिसी और अन्य पहलुओं को संबंधित खिड़कियों के मैनेजर के लिए पर्याप्त विस्तार किया गया है, और क्यूटी में सीमित नियंत्रण हो सकते हैं। इसे देखने के लिए, बस एक उपयोगकर्ता इंटरफ़ेस को देखें जो कि "" नीति है इन मामलों में, विंडोज़ प्रबं...

iphone - Displaying an image in UIWebView -

मैं UIWebView में एक छवि का उपयोग करके & lt; img src = "imageInBundle.png" / & gt; उपरोक्त छवि मेरे बंडल में है मैं इसे एक स्ट्रिंग में अन्य एचटीएमएल के साथ लोड करता हूं, जैसे: [myWebView लोड HTML स्ट्रिंग: htmlString baseURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @ ""]] ; हालांकि, मुझे सिर्फ एक सफेद प्रश्न चिह्न के साथ एक नीला बॉक्स मिलता है। क्या मुझे कुछ और करना है? बदलने की कोशिश करें [एनएसURL URLWithString: @ ""] से [एनएसयूआर फ़ाइल URLWithPath: पथ] जहां पथ कुछ ऐसा है NSString * path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] बंडलपाथ]; ... छवि के स्थान पर निर्भर करता है।

Which kind of Tomcat 6 to install -

Available in the form of each zip file and a tarball from Tomcat 6 destros (binary core, binary drip and source) There is also a Windows Service Installer option in the binary core. What is the difference between that file and zip file? I have so far discovered that the service provides a tray icon and does not provide startup / shutdown scripts in the bin folder. Quick Ref Links: That's the zip file just for one directory There is an underlying application, it is up to you to learn how to use it. The MSI installer tells you that the window adds trimming.

rubygems - Ruby 1.9.1 Load Path Craziness -

OK, I have spent just 4 hours trying to find this one without success. I try all the usual suspects And Ruby 1.9.1, every combination of load path, gem, mac OS X, freeBSD, shrimp and other accessories is rotated. The bottom line is this: When I compile ruby1.9.1-p129 from sources on Mac OS X 10.5, then I get the default load path ($ :): Ruby - E "$ puts:" / usr / local / lib / ruby ​​/ jewels /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1 /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/i386 -darwin9.7.0 / Usr / local / lib / ruby ​​/ site_ruby /usr/local/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1 /usr/local/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1/i386-darwin9.7.0 / Usr / local / lib / rabbi / vendor / rub / urls / LOC / lb / rub / 19 / 9 / LCL / LIB / RBI / 1.9.1 / i386-Darwin 9.7.0. When I establish prawn gem, for example, I get: Mani which prawn (prawn gem prawn for shrimp - / prawn .rb And when I try to get it, I get: Ruby-E "required 'prawn' '-e: 1:' requirement 'in: No suc...

Unable to work effectively with Git locally -

Please, see. I do not fully understand Daniel's statement: Why are you manually copying files to almost everyone? ? Surely you should add them to the repo, then check out and commit as per the requirement. I do not need to move the surrounding files - which seems to defeat the entire purpose of a local checkout. / Li> With Daniel's statement, I find that a better way could be to workflow locally. I'm not sure what that means. Surely you should add them to the repo, then check out and commit as required. It seems that he is not talking about git-add. How can you add files to your repo, not with git-add? I believe what Daniel is referring to, without files in a specific directory Is using guit to manage them to duplicate them around. For example, without any Git repository, you might: cd ~ / bin git init git add Now, your The directory has a ~ / bin / .git repository in the / bin directory and you git add and git dif...

google cse - How do browsers' Search boxes work? -

I should know exactly how the search box works on browsers. I want to change things like Wikipedia and Google with customized search engines here on mathematics. You can see them in iGoogle, therefore: How can I add Google CSE to the browser's search box? You can say "search provider" for your sites Search page that accepts search URLs as a query string in your URL, such as life This should work with Google Custom Search. You have to create a special XML file (call it SearchProvider.xml , for example) and place it on your web server: & Lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; OpenSearchDescription xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; ShortName & gt; Example search provider & lt; / ShortName & gt; & Lt; Details & gt; Find answers to the most important questions of the universe & lt; / Description ...

xbox360 - Does anyone know if there a .NET API for Project Natal? -

I have just discovered Project Natal from Microsoft, it looks great and was thinking that for developers What is the starting point in it? At this point, I do not think so. Remember, the project delivery is still in alpha or pre-alpha and will not be released for at least 6 months.

objective c - Getting magnetic north from a xyz magnetometer (iPhone 3.0) -

I'm actually posting a question from the iphone development boards. I did not ask this, but when I find the answer I tried it so I got it No one was responding there so far, so I thought I would try to post it here. Thanks for any help! Is any magnetic CLHeading growing with the raw xyz values? I am sure there should be a general approach for this, which also works for different magnitometers. If you do not want to use the trueHeading value and agree The compass is completely horizontal, the title can be calculated in such a way: (y> 0) title = 90 - ANA2 (x, y) * 180 / p (y (y = 0 (y = 0 , X> 0) Title = 0.0 (from these) ... should be correct for plus title and if If the compass is not horizontal, you (x, y, etc) B) can not ignore the launch and must use only the horizontal component (you z axis) z) vector that is parallel to the earth's surface and then calculate the projected X Title Y. Hope this will be helpful.

java - Retaining the submitted JSP form data -

I have a web form (JSP) that submits data to different applications hosted on different servers. After submitting the data, that application returns to the same JSP page. Now, I want to enter the data. What are the different approaches to keeping the submitted data in the web form? I do not like to store data in DB or any file. PS: When the request is redirected to the same JSP page, I would like to maintain the submitted form. Therefore, the user does not need to re-enter the data. For example, data can be stored in session sessions or requests etc. Best what you can do is your own servlet which is that in the background, requesting another request for external webpage. Finally post back to the result page within only one request, so that you can only access the request parameters. An implicit EL variable is $ {param} , which gives you access to request parameters such as map in which the parameter name is then the following and More bro...

c++ - Differences between Conditional variables, Mutexes and Locks -

For example I find it hard to find out which of these things To be cv, mute x and lock). Can someone please explain or point to a resource? Thanks in regards Current page that you see, "Mute X" Real low-level synchronization is primitive. You can take a mute x and then leave it, and only one thread can take it any time (hence it is a primitive synchronizing). A recursive mute is the one that can be taken multiple times by the same thread, and then it should be released multiple times as before, before others can take it. A "lock" here is just a C + + wrapper class that takes a mute in its creator and releases it to the destructor. It is useful for synchronizing for C ++ scops. An ASB Variable is a more advanced / high-level form of synchronizing primitive, which combines the lock with the "signaling" mechanism. It is used when the formula needs to be waiting to be available. A thread can "wait" on the CV and then the resource c...

php - how to define variable from mysql output -

I have the following variable that returns my URL as necessary. But before I echo in my HTML code I need to run str_replace () to change the character. $ url = str_replace ("% 3A", ":", "nl2br ($ line ['url'])."); As it is "nl2br ($ line ['url'])." URL contains% 3A instead of colon, and due to some reason it is my link like I'm not really sure what your question is, but it seems you want : $ url = urldecode ($ row ['url']); % 3A is a colon (:).

python - Cherrypy server does not accept incoming http request on MS Windows if output (stdout) is not redirected -

This is a weird 'bug' I have written a cherry based server. If I run it like this: dragon & gt; Out.txt This works as expected Finally without redirection, however, the server will not accept any connection at all. Anyone have any ideas? I'm using Python 2.4 on a Win XP Professional Machine. Are you running a script in an XP "command window"? Otherwise (if there is no duplication and no command window is available), the standard output can be turned off simply, which can prevent the script (or its underlying framework).

data modeling - How to model this[Networks, details in post] in database for efficiency and ease of use? -

On LinkedIn, when you go to a profile, you can see how you are connected to them. I believe Lincoln shows up to the third level connection if not more, then words -> Foo users, bar users, just users -> Joel's connection -> Joel How do I represent it in the database. If I model, User ID PK name four connection user 1FK user2fk Then to find the network, three levels are deep, I need to get all my connections, their connections and their connections, and then see if the current user is there or not. It is obviously very inefficient with any size DB, and possibly likely to work together. Because, on the link, I can see this network, I go to any profile, I do not think it is either accurate. The second thing that comes to my mind is probably not the best in relational DB, but then what would be the best way to store and retrieve it? The use of my recommended graph database is currently only one implementation available, and this is Written in Java, but th...

c++ - How to start modification with big projects -

I have to enhance an existing C ++ project which is code above 100k lines. My question is, how and how to start with such projects? If the problem is not well documented then the problem increases. Is there an automated tool to study code flow with large projects? Thanax, is a book for you: It is not about the device, but about the different methods, processes and techniques that can be used to better understand the code and make changes. It has been written mostly from C ++ perspective.

ruby on rails - What is the best payment gateway to use with ActiveMerchant? -

I have to set up a payment solution within one of our Rail applications using the ActiveMerchant library, although this question is highly subjective, What's the experience with the big gateway in front of people (Braintree, EliJetnet etc)? It is necessary: ​​ Handling recurring payments Ability to deposit an individual account. The ability to make a payment. User payment details (such as Authotize.nets CIM). Cheers Active merchants are very good, but the last few While working with it for years, there are some issues that I have come to know about. Firstly, while some gateways can be 'backed up' - all functionality can not be included - Check the feature matrix to ensure that the Gateway you choose is fully supported - I have to add additional functionality in Gateway for some time. Second, keep in mind that additional gateways can be 'supported' by applying a simple patches. Many people, I have added, have submitted support for addit...

java - Share an applet across many jsp pages -

In my web application, a series of jsp pages is navigated. These JSP pages appear on the right hand side (frame) of the screen. On the left frame, I have an applet. This applet is normal for all JSPSs, from all JSPS, I want to call a method on applet. The javascript code is inside each jsp. Is there any way to do this? Any way, suggestions, code snippets are most welcome. The applet displays an image originally. Jsp pages need to change / rotate the image, and so on depending on user interaction. But the applet is common to all and should not be loaded on each JSP load. This is the reason why I am looking for a path for all the JSPS (definitely via javascript). We say that applet frame is in F1, your Javascript frame is in F2, then you Applet can call the method with F2: parent.f1.document.myapplet.mymethod ("A"); Your frameset: & lt; HTML & gt; & Lt; HEAD & gt; & Lt; / HEAD> & Lt; FRAMESET COLS = "50%, *" & gt;...

php - How do I use mini login in header of magento? -

How do I use mini login in the header of Magenta? I would like to disable the login form even after login. In your customer.xml file / app / design / frontend / PACKAGE_NAME / TEMPLATE_NAME / layout This code adds the mini login form to the left column: & lt; Customer_logged_out & gt; & Lt; Reference name = "left" & gt; & Lt; Block type = "customer / form_login" name = "mini_login" template = "customer / form / mini.login.file" /> & Lt; / References & gt; & Lt; / Customer_logged_out & gt;

css - why the class margin not work? -

कोड नीचे दिया गया है: & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; title & gt; परीक्षण & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & lt; span & gt; शंघाई & lt; / span & gt; & lt; span class = "margin" & gt; & Lt; / span & gt; & lt; अवधि & gt; पुरुष के & lt; / span & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; । मार्जिन {चौड़ाई: 40px; ऊंचाई: ऑटो; } आप इसे चौड़ाई नहीं दे सकते क्योंकि यह एक इनलाइन तत्व है। यह संपत्ति ब्लॉक-स्तर और प्रतिस्थापित तत्वों द्वारा उत्पन्न बॉक्स की सामग्री की चौड़ाई निर्दिष्ट करती है। यह संपत्ति गैर-प्रतिस्थापित इनलाइन-स्तर के तत्वों पर लागू नहीं होती है - आप इसे इसके बजाय एक ब्लॉक या इनलाइन-ब्लॉक तत्व बनाकर इसे ठीक कर सकते हैं: डिस्प्ले: इनलाइन-ब्लॉक हालांकि, यह कुछ ब्राउज़रों द्वारा समर्थित नहीं हो सकता है आप शायद इसके साथ एक ही परिणाम प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, हालां... - Theme 'XXX' cannot be found in the application or global theme directories -

Text after "itemprop =" text "> The users of my site allows to pick the topic they want from a list generated from the app_themes folder. From time to time, the theme's name is changed or deleted, any user has selected the name of the deleted topic (this is stored in a cookie), the exception will be obtained: Theme 'XXX' application or global theme directory can not be found in stack trace: [HttpException (0x80004005): Theme 'test' can not be found in the application or global theme directory.] System.Web.Compilation.ThemeDirectoryCompiler.GetThemeBuildResultType (String theme name) + 9 20 system. Web. Collections. My directory compensator. GetThemeBuildResultType (HttpContext Reference, String THEMENAME) +73 System.Web.UI.Page.InitializeThemes () 8,699,455 System.Web.UI.Page.PerformPreInit () +38 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain (Boolean includedStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includedStagesAfterAsyncPoint 282 Where is the b...

How to get a free entry in a C# dictionary -

I am running a server, and I want a user dictionary, and give each user a specific number. dictionary & lt; Int, serverside user & gt; Users = New Dictionary & lt; Int, ServerSideUser & gt; (); The key represents the user on the server, so when people send messages to that user, they send them to this number. I may have used the user's IP number, but this is not a good idea. I need to assign such a number to each user, and I'm not sure how to do this. Someone has given some suggestions like the enumerable.ange (int.MinValue, int.MaxValue). (Select users. (X = & gt; x.Key)). first (); But I do not think this is the optimal way. Besides, I have a problem with a list (or linkedlist) somewhere else. Any thoughts? If the size of "number" does not matter, take a guild, it is always unique and non Will be antithetic