
Showing posts from January, 2011

What are some good Perl debugging methods? -

क्या पर्ल को डीबग करना Data :: Dumper से अलग है और perl -d कई उपकरण पर्ल में उपलब्ध हैं डीबगिंग और इसी प्रकार के कार्यों के लिए। बिल्ट-इन कमांड लाइन डीबगर। perl -d एंड्रयू ई। पेज द्वारा पर्ल / टीके आधारित ग्राफिकल डीबगर। लिनक्स और विंडोज पर लिखी यह एक मुफ्त टूल है में स्रोत कोड उपलब्ध नहीं है पर्ल रेगेक्स डीबगर और इसके बारे में एक लेख मार्क जेसन डोमिनस द्वारा लिखित है।

tkinter - Pure python gui library? -

Python has many GUI libraries: tanker, wxWidgets, pyGTK etc. But all this GUI is required to be installed and is quite heavy, so it is a bit complicated to deploy end-user GUI dragon apps, which relay the mentioned GUI libraries. Recently, I thought about Python in CTIP. Theoretically, it is possible to create a pure Python GUI library which will use ctypes (windll.user32.CreateWindowEx etc.) on windows, native POSGC on MacOS and pyGTK / pyQt on gny / kde. Is there such a library? If not, what do you think is wrong with one idea? The path of minimum effort and best results will be to know that the use of those existing GUI libraries What is the need to employ a tax app? - Unit Test - User Account -

class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> ASP.NET App in Visual Studio 2008 I have valid login for the test (in) web app I have a validation (user, pass) boolean method, empty case and invalid password tests are working properly. My question is how to check a valid login I have accounts that are valid for web apps, but I think hardcoding is not the best solution in the username and password. I'm thinking that I can: Allow the user to use the web app to create a test user, my test can be run, remove testuser Are you trying to test here? that: Passing will not be logged in user in wrong user name and / or password? Will the user log in with the correct username and / or passwords? Is this an account actually active directory? What will he prove? Has your IT administrator done his job? Remember that you should not emphasize the facts, you should emphasize behavior. So instead of trying to verify that a particular account is in the ad, verif...

session - What is a reliable method to record votes from anonymous users, without allowing duplicates -

First of all, I searched as the best and read all the questions that were appropriate, but nothing special It was not answered from This is not a duplicate, not a fixture. Obviously, if anonymity is allowed on a website, then there is no idiot to stop a person from voting more than once. However, I am thinking that with the experience someone can help me in tracking a completely unique visitor and coming in a reliable manner to vote against those credentials. Currently, I am ensuring that only one vote per item / session combo, it has been easily affected by restarting the browser, changing browsers / computer, or clearing your session data. goes. The recording against the IP seems to be the next reasonable solution but I am surprised that it will be very false positive (Many people whether there is a middle ground or some other method / combination What I see? I would rather take more data about the session without asking the question All (directly with browser, OS,...

decompression - How to decompress data using z lib in symbian -

I have compressed a data using junk debug in java. My friend is in Symbian, he is using Jade Lib. But he is unable to deconpt the data. But if he inserts the data, then I am able to deconest the data. Can any compression level be determined by me so that the Symbian boy can be uncompressed? or What is the method to solve this problem thanks cynally There is a possible approach to comparing encryption / decryption methods on both sides of Java and Symbian. What I will do is, some data, encrypt it on the Java side and save it in a file - check that you can decrypt it on the Java side - verify that the decryption works by comparing it with the original content Have done Do this at least on the Symbian side it will be valid that you can encrypt / decrypt data from the two sides in isolation. This is a success, next I would like to make a difference on encrypted binaries - if they are using the same encryption, the method should be similar - but it seems like they wil...

visual c++ - How to add additional include directory on solution level? -

I have a big solution with 30 projects (this is not my fault). There are several versions of my promotion that each solution uses its own version of Boost. Now every project (30 times) is promoted to how to promote the solution level? I would like to say this solution that this solution uses boost_1.39, this solution uses boost_1.33. I have globally at the VisualStudio level, the Tools / Options / Projects and Solutions / VC + Directories . That's kind of bad, because then all my solutios use a boost or I can promote at the project level but how to do it for the solution? Such a feature exists on any build system. Use Property Manager to make your normal settings reusable, the asset sheet file, which The conference is a .props file name extension. You can apply sheets (or sheets) to your existing and new projects so that you do not manually set common assets on each one. Project's. Any property defined by the included sheet will be applied until the overwritten by the...

regex - Create a valid CSV with regular expressions -

I have a highly formated, tab delimited, "CSV" that I'm trying to clean. I want to quote all the areas; There are currently only a few of them, I am trying to go through the tabs tab, tab and add quotation if necessary. This RegEx will give me all tabs. " ? Post-text "itemprop =" text "> Use negative look: (? & Lt;!") \ T

How to justify Facebook Connect/API application development -

I am currently working for a company that has no Facebook presence. I'm thinking of a rogue project that includes API integration with Facebook Connect and our current web application. My plan is to develop a working demo, then 80% is to show on perfection and somehow to justify its existence, but I have to be careful how I do it. Obviously it depends on the app, and how it relates to the company, etc., but what I know about Facebook now, and what information has been given about it for the future, its How should I go about justifying its value? The app should talk mostly, but I still need a plan for future growth and users need to drive them effectively to remove Facebook. I know this is very common, but if someone can share such experiences, then this will be a great help. Thank you, Acorn You need to show ROI which will come to your site Based on the eyes or traffic, there may be estimated purchases (depending on what your company does and how they are paid). Se...

c++ - Disabling Vista-Style controls in Application -

So I'm trying to recompile an application to add some minor features. Everything is fine, except one thing, except one thing. The old version has all Windows-Vista-style dialog buttons. The corners are round, the radio buttons look different. How do I change those things? I want to see it / feel like the original. EDIT: If someone knows how to make that picture inline, go for it ... I could not get it. It looks like your version has a classic window style (not Vista). To use the Vista style as "your version", check that there is somewhere in the header below: #ifdef_UNICODE # if_my_IX86 #pragma comment (linker, "/ manifestdependency: \ "Type = 'win32' name = 'Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version = '' ProcessorArchitecter = 'x86' publicKeyToken = '6595b64144cf1df' language = '*' \" ") #elif Defined _M_IA64 #pragma Comment (Linker, "/ manifestdependency: \" type = ...

Bash shell script to flip through directories and perform a few actions -

Hello, I have a question about a script that I have a problem with. I did something like that a few years ago and based on that (which was on a different server) I need to run a script from that directory which has many directories and makes it a directory for each directory and it changes the ownership script: #! DIR * in / bin / bash *; Do MkDir $ DIR / Photo 2; Chown Apache: Apache $ DIR / photos2; Chmod 777 $ DIR / Photo 2; I try to run an unexpected token 'Do' while attempting to run the syntax error, I am sure that this is something silly that I am missing, any help Would be appreciated. DOS was in the format when I saw funny things happened with the script / p> Are you writing any chance to write on any Windows platform and trying to run it from the Bash shell at some other location? dos2unix script name On the shell shell, usually dos2unix , if you think, try to turn on Code> and then run the script again. Another investigation, are ...

c# - .NET UserControl: Size property gives incorrect value on Resize event -

Sorry for the code dump, these are user control functions Private Zero PNGQuantPreviewControl_Resize ( Object sender, event ergres e) {createOffScreenBm (); Attract (); } Private Zero Making OffscreenBM () {offScreenBm = New Bitmap (This size, size, height, height); OffScreenGfx = Graphics.Fremight (OffscreenBM); } Private Zero Draw () {// Screenshots from the background. Filarentengel (transcrichers, 0, 0, offscreenbm. Wide, offscreenbm. High); // Skip Image PreviewScreen Gifs. Dowmage (PNG QuotePreview, getTopLeftPosition ()); // Apply to this photo box. Craigsfix (). Drymaz (OffscreenBM, 0, 0); } Therefore, when the control size changes, it rebuilds offscreen bitmaps to reflect the new shape and redraws the image. However, if I quickly change the size of the control bitmap does not fill it, there is a difference between right and / or bottom. I am quite new to C #, so maybe there is something obvious that I am doing wrong, or do I have any ideas to read the values ​​of...

Crunching json with python -

Now I need to find a way to crush down Jason in a row to echo: eg. {"Node 1": {"node 1": {"attr0": "foo", "attr1": "foo bar", "attr2": "Price with long position "}"} would like to move down one line: {"node0": {"node1": {"attr0": " "Foo", "attr1": "foo bar", "ATTR2": "prolonged price with spaces"}}} to remove the trivial white spaces and that Prices are within the protection. Is there a library to do this in Python? Edit Thanks to both Drdaeman and Eli CourtRight for super-quick response! & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import json & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Json.dumps (json.loads ("" ... {"node0": {... "node1": {... "attr0": "foo", ... "attr1": "foo bar", ... "attr2": "value with long position" ...} ...}...

reporting - Whats a good API for generating reports for a java web application? -

I have a J2EE application that contains several reports, the status is now low: Report The values ​​of the filters are sent primarily to the DWR to apply, the data is derived from Oracle DB throwing DB processes and returns to the client. However, some customization requirements are now painful to apply filters, columns, orders, ...), and these changes because we modify JSP, DB processes, applications themselves Required ... Which API do you recommend for such reports? is popular as I have heard. If you want to take commercial route

Java - Installation problem -

मुझे JDK 1.5.0_06, 1.5.0_0 9 आदि स्थापित करते समय निम्न संदेश आ रहा है। "माइक्रोसॉफ्ट विज़ुअल सी + रनटाइम लाइब्रेरी" निवेदन विफल! प्रोग्राम: सी; \ प्रोग्राम फ़ाइलें \ जावा \ जेआर 1 .5.0_06 \ बिन \ javaw.exe फ़ाइल: ../../../ src / साझा / मूल / सूर्य / फ़ॉन्ट / टी 2k / टी 2kstrm.c रेखा: 132 अभिव्यक्ति : Pos & lt; = t- & gt; maxPos कैसे आपके प्रोग्राम को विफलता विफलता का कारण बन सकता है, इसके बारे में जानकारी के लिए, दावा पर विजुअल C ++ दस्तावेज़ीकरण देखें। मैं abort / retry / ignore दबाएँ या नहीं, डायलॉग बॉक्स बार-बार आता है। मैं अतिरिक्त जानकारी प्रदान कर सकता हूं, मेरे पास पहले से दृश्य सी ++ 2005 स्थापित था, मैंने इसे अनइंस्टॉल किया है। मेरे पास .net ढाँचा 2.0 स्थापित है। ऐसा लगता है कि आपके फोंट में कुछ गड़बड़ है, या तो कुछ फ़ॉन्ट क्षतिग्रस्त है, या फ़ॉन्ट फ़ोल्डर में फ़ॉन्ट के लिए एक शॉर्टकट है इसलिए, इस समस्या के संभावित समाधान: जांचें कि क्या आपके फ़ॉन्ट्स फ़ोल्डर में कोई शॉर्टकट है। अगर ऐसा नहीं है मदद नहीं कर सकता, फोंट्स को एक करके ...

Lookup lists with NHibernate and ASP.Net MVC -

I can not assume a selection list to populate the value of the original object I am using a wrapper object So that I should be used to bind myself so that I need the value of the selection list along with the required value of the value that is required. I'm betting that I'm missing something basic, but I'm not getting it. I have these models: public class status {public virtual ID {receipt; Protected Set; } Public Virtual String {get} Set; } Public Virtual Boole isClosed {get; Set; } Public override string toasting () {return name; }} Public class issued {public virtual id id {get; Protected Set; } Public Virtual String Title {get; Set; } Public Virtual String Description {get; Set; } Public virtual status status {received; Set; } Created public virtual date time {at; Set; } Public Virtual Date Time Updated {Received; Set; }} and Statuses public class IssueFormViewModel {public issue issue {get; Set; } Receive public selection list status { Set; } Public Iss...

How do you make a MsgBox with a "Do Not Ask This Again" or "Don't Ask Me Again" Checkbox in VB6? -

I want to ask partly because I want to know the best way to do this, and partly because The top Google result I had found was a forum thread in which there was no question of 2002. I have inherited some VB6 codes, and some code is said in the MSBBox call, many of which are displayed in messages that end users will get very annoying after a while (like "printing complete , "" Record added, "etc.) I would like to add the standard user interface control of a message box in which" I do this again ", so when the check is done and the right click is done, Shows which programs Ting is saved, you know ... again never ask. Beautiful standard control, this idea is quite self explanatory. What do I want to know? What is the best way to do this in VB6? The best practice is to just create a new look for these types of msgboxen and replace the old MsgBox with someone The obvious way is. Showing on that form, but is the better way of VB6 gurus on stack overfl...

math - Looks like a simple graphing problem -

Currently I have a control on which I need to add the convenience of applying various intensities (or sensitivity). The problem is best explained in the form of an image: As you can see, I have an X and Y axis, both of which have arbitrary border 100 - this Must be enough for clarification. Currently, my control is the red line (linear behavior), but I have other 3 curves (or more) would add capacity, ie if any control over sensitive will ignore a setting linear setting and starting point is always a three rows 0, and the end point will always be 100. I know that an exponent is very high, but can not seem to understand it in a way forward. Any suggestions please? The time you have illustrated looks like a curve, the idea is that the minimum and maximum The border stays the same as the input, but the middle is in your graph as you can (which I can note the not circular arch that you get from the cosine implementation.) Graphically, it looks like this: Therefore, w...

.net - Advice with Dynamic Forms in ASP.NET MVC -

I am working to provide a dynamic look in an ASP .NET MVC view that will meet these requirements: / P> The fields may be valid The form is invalid when the state is protected I get a custom I am looking at building model binders. I usually plan to do this: Form fields are defined with these properties Prompt (label next to the field) Type IsRequired Regular expression (for text areas) Option (for text areas) Display Options The definition of the field is sent to view from the controller The fields are provided in HTML and the Bras The form is sent back to the server One of the custom model binders field definitions Bundles in the collection that are now submitted values ​​ Each field is valid If necessary -> should be of value If the RegEx -> Mail For each invalid field, an error message is added to model a model Controller Decides what to do If all fields are valid whatever the fields and their values ​​ if Resend the...

.net - hint for audit log approach -

I am currently developing an ASP.NET Human Resource System. I am using a layered architecture with web client software factory, which is based on MVP pattern ORM is NHibernate and I have to implement the audit log module. I have read a lot about different approaches, most of them describe how to track the date, timestamp and identity of that change, but no one can tell me about it: any property in my domain layer How to track changes? I do not need any rollback capacity, I only have to log in with: who, when and when the object of which was changed, the old value and the new value of that property I can not decide where to put handler of this change, the fauler points out an audit log in the setter system of properties, but I still want to keep my domain classes simple POCOs. What are some other approaches? I had to do this a few years ago for the HR system. I've completed it that all my 'fields' apply a template (generic): Here's an example of a template: ...

objective c - iPhone: Selecting a contact and loading into custom application -

I b) select an application or allow the user to enter a new person A) that I am trying to build or person from your contacts ... I have a question I've read a little more about the model view controller Loading item B, however, had expected a tutorial or article Use case specially about that kind Sector can point me in the direction of the talking. Yes, I'm also somewhat new to iPhone application development. ABPeoplePickerNavigationController * peoplePickerController = [[ABPeoplePickerNavigationController alloc] init: li> your view controller should apply ABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate protocol like you peoplepicker something to show]; PeoplePickerController.peoplePickerDelegate = self; [Self-current model visual controller: Animation: Lokpikm Controller: Yes]; [Logic Controller Release]; 3 and that you may want to implement alternative methods: - (void) peoplePickerNavigationControllerDidCancel: (ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *) peop...

viewengine - What are the benefits of using an alternate ASP.NET MVC view engine? -

I have seen the suspects as usual ... SPARC, NHAM, etc. They are syntax for all those people & lt; %%> Uncomfortable with syntax Are there any other concrete advantages? Syntactic Chinese does not consider me a reason enough to change the whole view engine. The reasons have been posted so far: More natural context switching Better separation of concerns Low lines of code Better resistance cross-site scripting Improved XHTML compliance Reasons people & lt; %% & gt; are not uncomfortable with syntax that contain a lot of syntactic salt, but it shows that code-centric , which can be as dumb as possible in view of the scene Against the MVC concept of Spark's goal, for example, "allows HTML to dominate the flow and to make the code perfectly fit". That's why tangible advantage is making it easy to follow the MVC's spirit. & lt; Viewdata products = "IEnumerable [[product]]" /> & Lt; Ul if = "pro...

ASP.Net User Control -

I am trying to create an ASP.NET user control which has several objectadata of an object that I am in user control Need to enter I'm not sure how to pass the object data source though. Does anyone know this? You can create an asset in user control and it can pass the repeater. Public class CustomUserControl {Personal repeater repeater; Receive Public ObjectDataSource Datasource { This.repeater.DataSource; } Set {this.repeater.DataSource = value; }}} mvc - JsonResult is returning view html rather than a serialized object when called from jQuery Get() -

I am trying to get a json serial object from within an MVC user control using jQuery. The problem is that the coming result is the complete HTML for the page in which I have control. Pages and controls use the same controller I have tried to break the method which I am calling in the controller and never gets hit. I have tried different avatars of jQuery Ajax Calls, and get the same results. jQuery code: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ ('# Project_GeneralContractor_Id') Change (function () {// warning ('& lt;% = Url.Action ("GetGeneralContractor", "Projects")%>; $ .get (' & lt;% = Url.Action ("GetGeneralContractor", "Projects")%>, {id: $ ('# Project_GeneralContractor_Id'). Val ()}, function (data) {warning (data);})}} & lt; / Script & gt; Controller code: Public JsonResult GetGeneralContractor {Ent ID} {back to Json (_GeneralContractorRepository.Get (id...

Unable to make a factorial function in Python -

मेरा कोड import sys number = int (sys) .argv [1]) यदि संख्या == 0 तथ्य = 1 अन्य तथ्य = संख्या के लिए (x = 1; x & lt; संख्या; x ++) तथ्य * = x; // त्रुटि शायद यहां प्रिंट तथ्य मुझे त्रुटि मिलती है फ़ाइल "", पंक्ति 5 अगर संख्या == 0 ^ सिंटेक्स त्रुटि: अमान्य वाक्यविन्यास आप पायथन में एक तथ्यात्मक कार्य कैसे बना सकते हैं? यह आपका कोड है, तय किया गया है और काम कर रहा है: import sys number = int (sys.argv [1]) = 1 एक्स के लिए रेंज (1, संख्या + 1): तथ्य * = x प्रिंट तथ्य (फ़ैक्टोरियल शून्य एक है, जिसके लिए कोई भी नहीं जानता - मुझे इसे देखना है।) 8 -) आपको अगर , else , के लिए , आदि के लिए कॉलन की आवश्यकता होती है, और के लिए के तरीके में काम करता है पायथन सी से अलग है।

networking - Traffic Shaping, Failover tools -

I have just become the sole IT manager of a small business. We have many internet providers (Comcast, Time Warner, XO and Qwest). I'm looking for some solutions that can add those connections, and use the traffic to provide the best route. What are my options? Free? reduced cost? I do not feel like using any Linux based system either. Just need some options. suggestions for a composite system. Cache and other things: and mode (on) Content filtering: ( Tracking things: More , Maybe even reading something else on the sun site. . And, you get this question Should take on

css - Cross-browser three column layout -

Let's say that I have a line with three columns - some buttons on the left and right side and some liquid medium width. If the content of the middle column reaches the center of the middle column then the overflow should be hidden. This solution works well on Firefox but production of Opera and IE6 is very different. & lt; Div style = "width: / liquid /" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "image" src = "img1.png" style = "margin: 4px 0 5px; float: left;" /> & Lt; Input type = "image" src = "img2.png" style = "margin: 4px 5px 0 0; float: correct;" /> & Lt; Input type = "image" src = "img3.png" style = "margin: 4px 5px 0 0; float: correct;" /> & Lt; Input type = "image" src = "img4.png" style = "margin: 4px 5px 0 0; float: correct;" /> & Lt; Div style = "margin: 0pt 68px 0pt 26px;" & Gt; & Lt; P style ...

null - (C#) Problems when overloading the == operator -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 9 जवाब मैं ओवरलोड किया == ऑपरेटर निम्नानुसार मेरे वर्ग पर: सार्वजनिक स्थिर बूल ऑपरेटर == (तालिका pt1, तालिका pt2) {वापसी की तुलना करें (pt1, pt2) == 0 & amp; amp; Pt1.TableName == pt2.TableName; } तुलना करें जैसे c ++ में स्ट्रकम्प करता है, एक पूर्णांक लौटाता है समस्या यह है कि अगर मैं (MY_CLASS == रिक्त) अगर कोई करता हूं, तो यह मेरे == ऑपरेटर को फोन करेगी, और इस प्रकार मेरी तुलना फ़ंक्शन। क्या वैकल्पिक है? पीटी 1 और पीटी 2 पर एक जांच करने के लिए कि क्या वे रिक्त हैं? या सिर्फ पीटी 2 में? आपको माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के '==' ऑपरेटर को कार्यान्वित करने और ओवरराइड करने के लिए चेकआउट करना चाहिए 'इक्वलल्स ()'। उनके उदाहरण का अनुकूलन करने के लिए आप ऐसा कुछ चाहते हैं: सार्वजनिक स्थिर बूल ऑपरेटर == (टेबल ए, टेबल बी) {// यदि दोनों अशक्त हैं, या दोनों एक ही उदाहरण हैं, सच वापस करें यदि (System.Object.ReferenceEquals (ए, बी)) {वापस सच; } // यदि कोई रिक्त है, लेकिन दोनों नहीं, तो झूठी वापसी करें। अगर (((ऑब्जेक्ट) ए == रिक्त... - UpdatePanel in upgraded project vs new 3.5 project -

I can get an updated panel control (partial postback) working with a fresh fresh 3.5 project. I have exceeded many losses here on this site. (By using the ScriptManager, Trigger on the page, or by putting the button inside the panel.) If I'm trying to use UpdatePanel on a project that basically 2.0. Now more recently upgraded to 3.5, I can not get a partial post back for some. The code at this point is exactly the same as the one. My relevant web Confidential parts are the same, and what I can tell. .Proj files are also similar. Anyone have any ideas here? Have you made sure that you are still not cashing the assemblies? I know that the AJAX control toolkit requires "copy local" to make sure you end it as a possibility.

Mysql Join with limit? -

I have a table with category, product and count all the integers I'm looking for the most efficient query which I Give the top 10 products (highest count) for the category. I have tried many sub-genres but it did not know how to do this thanks to your help in the same query. * From one to 10 & gt; (Select calculation (*) from TB, where BC range = C. range and bacant & lt; a.count) I think this is what you need.

php - Should different servers translate unix timestamps as different dates? -

While working on a UI update for a customer, I noticed that the dates associated with all articles were outside of one day. I thought I had spoiled some things during my changes, but to ensure that, throwing out a small PHP test file that gave me some strange results. The test file is just; & lt ;? Php $ date = 1246053600; Echo 'Unix:', $ date, ', changed:', date ('d / m / y', $ date); ? & Gt; If I run the above code on my local host, then I get: Unix: 1246053600, converted: 26/06/2009 But if I run it on a production server: Unix: 1246053600, converted: 27/06/2009 What is the difference between notice? What's going on here?! Definitely there is no server-specific dependency to convert a Unix timestamp to a date? Your servers set in two different time zones, and they were midnight January 1, 1970 Since GMT are interpreting the timestamp as the number of seconds. Dates can not be closed all day, but just one part of a day, ...

popup - how to open new window through javascript when pop up is blocked -

How can I open a new window via javascript when popups are blocked in IE and Firefox? The code below is: & lt;% @page language = "c #" AutoEventWireup = "false"%> & Lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.0 Transcription // N" & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; SessionRedirect & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Meta name = "generator" content = "Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 7.1" & gt; & Lt; Meta name = "CODE_LANGUAGE" content = "C #" & gt; & Lt; Meta name = vs_defaultClientScript content = "javascript" & gt; & Lt; Meta name = vs_targetSchema content = "" & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body MS_POSITIONING = "grid layout" & gt; & Lt; Form method = "post" name = "frmRedirect" & gt; & Lt; In...

security - What is the most secure python "password" encryption -

I am creating a small weblog that contains tasks and solutions, after the solution is complete, enter the code given to the user One task is solved by To protect some security (against fraud) I do not want to store generated code in plain text by the game but since I need to be able to give code to a player, when he completes the work I can not do it because since then I can not take it back So what's the safest way to encrypt / decrypt it using Python? If your script can decode the password, someone can enter your server only Actually useful when someone enters the password to unlock it - if it remains unlocked (or to unlock the password in the script), the encryption is useless This is the reason why hashing More useful, because this is a way process - even if E knows your password hash, they do not know the plain text, they must enter to generate it (without any force-power). I would not mind being concerned about keeping the game password in plain text, if you ar...

Javascript and DOM event interaction and possible race conditions -

परिदृश्य: छवियों को लोड करना एक एजेक्स क्वेरी करें दिखाना छवियों को लोड करने के लिए प्रतीक्षा करें लोडिंग स्क्रीन छिपाएं / Li> मैं निम्नलिखित करने की सोच रहा था: फ़ंक्शन एजेक्स कॉलबैक (परिणाम) {/ * डोम कोड * / $ ("। WaitForLoad" में) .each (फ़ंक्शन () {imageLoadingCount ++; $ (this) .load (imageLoaded);}); } Var imageLoadingCount = 0; समारोह imageLoaded () {imageLoadingCount--; अगर (imageLoadingCount == 0) HideLoadingScreen (); } मुझे ब्राउज़र डीओएम और जावास्क्रिप्ट के बीच बातचीत का पूरा यकीन नहीं है। क्या छवियों को लोड करने से पहले जावास्क्रिप्ट को समाप्त करने के लिए DOM का इंतजार है? मैं संभावित दौड़ की स्थिति के बारे में चिंतित हूं। जावास्क्रिप्ट लोडिंग के साथ समानांतर में चलाना चाहिए, फिर से AJAX अनुरोधों के साथ सभी कनेक्शन का उपयोग कर रहे हैं। ब्राउज़र अभी भी सामान्य रूप से कार्य करता है, जबकि जावास्क्रिप्ट चलाता है, जो कि उसके पीछे पहली जगह है।

html - Implementing background image for A HREF in CSS -

I have an href in HTML that I dynamically generate from a server I created a good rounded corner GIF image Which I would like to use as a background, i.e. put text (in white) on the GIF image and it is still worth linking. The current HTML looks like: & lt; H2 & gt; & Lt ;! - img src = "picture / greenback.gif" - & gt; & Lt; An id = "site-title0" class = "titletext" href = "#" & gt; Crocodile Creek, Bowling Green Bay National Park & ​​lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Div id = "descrip0" class = 'description' & gt; 20 km S. Townsville $ 4.85 / night Gates pass ... What is the best way to do this with CSS? It seems that I can use the relative position to move the text on the background image, but in the initial experiments, it affects the rest of the page. Or, perhaps the best way to use CSS background image? As Daniel says, in fact: a special-> I too - ...

sql server 2005 - T-SQL: Cannot pass concatenated string as argument to stored procedure -

परिदृश्य : एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि में n तर्क को पारित करने की आवश्यकता है तर्कों में से एक प्रकार varchar (x) है उस varchar तर्क को कुछ मुख्यार varchar variables से बनाया जाना चाहिए। यह समस्या SQL सर्वर 2005 का उपयोग करती है, लेकिन यह व्यवहार SQL सर्वर के सभी संस्करणों पर लागू होता है। सेटअप : DECLARE @MyString varchar (500 ), @ मायबर varchar (10), @ मायफ़ू varchar (10) SELECT @ MyBar = 'baz' SELECT @ MyFoo = 'bat' - इस संग्रहीत प्रक्रिया को कॉल करने का प्रयास करें! EXEC DoSomeWork @MsgID, 'हैलो' + @ माइबर + '' विश्व! '' + @ माइफ़ू + ''। ' यह एसक्यूएल सर्वर में अपवाद उत्पन्न करता है: '+' के पास गलत वाक्यविन्यास आमतौर पर आपको लगता है कि डेटाटाइप गलत होगा (अर्थात चर भिन्न हैं प्रकार, लेकिन यह एक अलग त्रुटि संदेश का उत्पादन करेगा।) यहां एक सही कार्यान्वयन है जो त्रुटि के बिना संकलित होता है: SELECT @ MyString = 'Hello' + @MyBar + " विश्व! "'+ @ माइफ़ू +' '।'; '; EXEC D...

RegEx in Java not working as I expected -

Trying to remove the double wrapped wires. For example [[This is a token]] that must be matched. To make things even more elegant, the escape sequence should be so that the items with double brackets like \ [[the escape escaped from it]] do not match. Pattern [^ \\\ \] ([\\ [] {2}. [^ \\\\] [\\]] {2}) token To remove is close to "group 1", but there are conditions that do not work. The problem is that the first "no" statement is being evaluated as "anything except a backslash", the problem is, If "nothing" does not include "nothing" then, is this pattern "nothing besides backslash or match any character"? There is a unit test to show the desired behavior: import java util.regex.Matcher; Import java.util.regex.Pattern; Import janit Framework. Test Sees; Public class RegexSpike TestCase {Private string regex; Private pattern pattern; Private Maitre Matter; @ Override protected zero setup () throws exception {super.s...

database - How to import load a .sql or .csv file into SQLite? -

मुझे एक .sql या .csv फ़ाइल को डंप करने की आवश्यकता है SQLite (मैं SQLite3 API का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ) मैंने केवल आयात / लोड करने के लिए दस्तावेज पाया है, संपूर्ण डेटाबेस नहीं। अभी, जब मैं टाइप करता हूँ: sqlite3prompt & gt; .import FILENAME तालिका मुझे सिंटैक्स त्रुटि मिलती है, क्योंकि यह तालिका की अपेक्षा कर रहा है और संपूर्ण डीबी नहीं। किसी SQL फ़ाइल से आयात करने के लिए निम्न का उपयोग करें: sqlite & gt; .read & lt; filename & gt; एक CSV फ़ाइल से आयात करने के लिए आपको फ़ाइल प्रकार और गंतव्य तालिका निर्दिष्ट करने की आवश्यकता होगी: sqlite & gt; .mode सीएसवी & lt; तालिका & gt; SQLite & gt; .import & lt; filename & gt; & LT; तालिका & gt;

Depth Buffer in OpenGL -

Trying to attract some rectangles while using OpenGL, but some of them should be visible below the rectangle. I am using > glClearDepth (1.0f) to enable depth function; GlDepthFunc (GL_LESS); GlEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); I am using gluLookAt at the beginning of each draw. Here is an image of the problem. Blue rectangles are placed with higher Y values ​​than green rectangles. As you can see in the top image some green rectangle appears above why any idea of ​​Blue is happening and I What can I do to fix it? Can there be something to do with that sequence that I am underlining the rectangles? color buffer Are you also cleaning the depth buffer? glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); Are you sure the image is not correct? Some of those green squares actually look more than blue / blue.

formatting - Is there an automatic source code formatter that nicely wraps lines of C/C++? -

I use Estiale to format my code most of the time, and I like it, but an annoyance You can not specify at least one "signal" for the length of the maximum line if you have a line of code: it-> mButtonCancel-> set latex process (boost :: bind) (& FileListDialog :: cancelLeftClick, this)); I would like a source code format, also be able to wrap it in a mild sense: this-> mButtonCancel-> setLeftClickProc (boost: Bind (& FileListDialog :: cancelLeftClick click, this)); ... Maybe it is possible how I format that line of code. For long logic lists, I would prefer to align on the open bracket, but clearly it will not work in this situation. Either way, the aestile does not help in doing anything with long lines, which do not have multiple details. Does anybody know what that tool does? GNU Indent is supported to break long lines.

iphone - Getting a view to respond to a sibling's touch event / message -

I'm sure that's the right way to do this, I'm new to touching Objective-C and Coco so I Do not know what is there. I have an application that has a (simplified) visual hierarchy window - button - button - vishwu - sub-subview What am I trying to do, is receiving a review to do something in response to a touch event on one of the buttons. I can come up with some ways of doing this, but I'm not sure which is the preferred method. Add an outlet for the menu view controller (handle window) and store the reference of the subview. When I need to send a message to the subview, then I can just pass the message that I want (because I already have a reference). It seems a little bit ... delicate? Add another action on the button (the first view is a method on the controller, the second one will be on the subview class) it looks problematic because it is important that the view controller is in the fire The action of the button earlier tries to handle the sub...

c# - Merging XML files using external entities in Visual Studio 2008 -

I have some XML data in three files (Database. XML, Participants.XML, and ConditionToken.exml). I am trying to put participants and condition tokens in the database file to use external entities, but when I run this code ... string xmlPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @ "\ Data \ Database.xml"; Acceleration database = expansion.load (XMLPath); ... my participants have no participants or condition tokens (HasElements property is incorrect for "database"). There should be two child elements, I do not get any errors / warnings in Visual Studio (2008), and live schema verification looks great, but when I run my code, something is not very right. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? I have pasted three XML files below. Thanks a lot! - Dan Database.xml ConditionToken XML & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; ConditionTokens & gt; & Lt; ConditionToken & gt; & Lt;...

sql - Performance of MS Access when JOINing from linked tables in different servers? -

If I have an MS Access database with tables attached to two different database servers (one table with SQL Server DB and One from an Oracle DB) and I write a question which is included in those two tables, how can access (or jet engine, I think?) Handle this query? Will this issue some challenges on each table first which I am joining to get to the areas which match the rows, release more options for those lines? The key to understanding is this: Are you asking a question that Can entry / jet be favorable before submitting the request of the two server database? If you are fully involved in both tables, then the jet has to request both tables, which will be ugly. If, on the other hand, you can provide criteria that limits one or both sides, join / jet can be more efficient and request a filtered result instead of the full table Could.

javascript - Detecting if a browser is in full screen mode -

Is a browser running in full screen mode, can it be traced back to reliable? I'm pretty sure that no browser API can query me, but did anyone work by checking and comparing some height / width measurements that were encountered by the DOM? Even if it works only for some browsers, then I want to hear about it. Chrome 15, Firefox 10, and Safari 5.1 Now to trigger the API program in full screen mode Offer. Fullscreen mode has provided an event for styling fullscreen elements in this way to detect fullscreen changes and CSS pseudo-squares. See for details.

regex - How to run a query with regexp in Android -

I use to run a query in SQLite with a regexp I want to android . How do i do this Unfortunately, it does not seem that Android currently provides a way for you to create a user function in esclaim. Inject, which requires you to work with REGEXP (in particular, you need a regexp () named user function) - you will more generally ( As the condition that you want to extend more than regexp ) And further "actual" results (which in fact you want regexp match) may be different with java in your app use .

python - orbited comment server issue -

I tried to install Class on Vista. But when I try to run the orbited server I get the following error. When I type at the rotated CMD prompt, I get the O / P adherence. C: \ & amp; Gt; Recent call last): File "C: \ Python 26 \ scripts \", line 8, & lt; Module & gt; Load_entry_point ('orbited == 0.7.9', 'console_scripts', 'orbited') () file "c: \ Python 26 \ lib \ site-packages \ orbited-0.7.9-py2.6.egg \ orbited \ start Py. ", Line 75, main logging. Setup ( file in "C: \ Python26 \ lib \ site-packages \ orbited-0.7.9-py2.6.egg \ orbited \", in line 33, set [default] [loopip] - 1]. Open () file "C: \ Python 26 \ lib \ site-packages \ orbited-0.7.9-py2.6.egg \ orbited \", line 195, open self. IOError in F = Open (auto file name, 'A'): [Error 13] Permission denied: 'debug.log' Do you have written permission on file debug.log (and tha...

sed - Substituting text in a file within a Perl script -

I am using webmin and I am trying to change some settings in a file. I'm having trouble if that person uses any strange letter which can use either sed or perl using the following code: and execute_command ("sed -i 's / ^ $ Pref. * \ $ / $ Pref \ "$ $ {$ Pref} \" / g '$ DIR / pserver.prefs.cache "); Where execute_command is basically a webmin function for running a particular system call $ pref is the priority name such as "server", "option 2" etc. And there is going to be a option in the $ {pref} option that I want to set for the PREF. For example, here is a specific pserver.prefs : server name "test name" OWNERPASSWORD "Hd8sdH and 3" Therefore, if we call SERVERNAME to Tes "t # & amp; ^" @ '"@@ & amp; amp; and OWNERPASSWORD * @ (& amp;" @ $ " ('') 29 , they will be passed as $ in {pref} . What is the easiest way to avoid variables in the $...

What is the best way to combine a path and a filename in C#/.NET? -

What is the best way to add a path to a file name? The same C: \ foo and bar.txt , I want to c: \ foo \ bar.txt . C: \ foo and .. \ bar.txt , I either have an error or c: \ foo \ bar.txt should be (so i path.cabine () directly). For the same type as c: \ foo and bar / baz.txt , send me an error or c: \ foo \ baz.txt (not c: \ foo \ bar \ baz.txt ). I know, I can check that the file name does not have '\' or '/', but is it enough? If not, then what is the correct check? If you want to create a "bad" filename with an error: if the path (filename)! = Filename) {throw a new exception ("'filename is invalid!')}} String joint = path.cobine (dir, filename); Or, if you want to silently silence the "bad" file names without throwing an exception: string composite = path.combin (directories, path.getFileName (file name) ));

silverlight - Where to make source code publically available -

I have just finished a mini-project (a graphical 2D) and I have provided the source code on my website As a zip file - but where should I place this code so that people can find it and if they want, can they develop it? Codeplex? But I think it will be counted as a passive project? I recommend github.

c# - webparts or portlet like functionality -

What is the best way to use your website using your own style? We have a customer, ASP.Net,. A small website has been created for Net Framework 3.0. Now the customer wants to make other websites appropriate to their website on their website while retaining consumer website style. I have not done anything like this before and even do not even know what Google is, therefore any help is adapted. I know that you can do it with SharePoint, but there is a lot of overkill for using such sharepoint for such a small site It seems that the portals that they want is a good name but googling portlets draw me in the world of Java and I do not know much about what other parties have to do to make this work. A simple iframe might be a long way to me, but how can you get the style inside IFRAMA Webberts also look interesting, but they can share the project and It seems more so that people can use it on their site. This is a small website and logic and backend communication is very ...

.net - How can I find out what is wrong with a SetupDiGetClassDev interface in C#? -

Has it been wrong with the device's information set? I am writing again my code again and I'm still stalking the same one. deviceInfoSet = SetupDiGetClassDevs (reference tGuid, 0, IntPtr.Zero, (uint) SetupDiFlags.DIGCF_PRESENT); If (deviceInfoSet.ToInt32 () == INVALID_DEVICE_HANDLE) {int errCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error (); Error Message = New Win32Exception (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ()). message; StatusLabel.Text + = "Invalid deviceinfoset returned:" + errCode + "= & gt;" + Error message + "."; ";} There is no error in the above code, but when I use the code below: result = true; while (Results ) {result = SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces (deviceInfoSet, IntPtr.Zero, referee tGuid, index, ref anInterface); if (! result) {int errCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error (); error message = new Win32Exception (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ()). message ; statusLabel.Text + = "\ nSetDiEnumDeviceInterface error:", "." + err...

php - prevent $_SESSION vars from being on multiple domains on same server? -

I am in the process of planning for many websites which will all point to the same server and share the same back end Will have code, but it has different domain names, different content, and looks completely different. This is my point, a user visits a website and adds something to the car, then visits another website (which is the same server which is actually a separate domain that indicates it) I do not want the session Travel in the Variable. I am thinking that there is a possible solution that they are requesting which domain they are requesting, and if that change destroys the session, but if they return, So they must have lost everything, is there any way of keeping them all alive but preventing them from filling the domain? I hope this makes sense. Thank you! Sessions do not go across domains.

multithreading - Detecting when an object is passed to a new thread in C++? -

I have an object for which I want to track the number of referenced threads. In general, when any method is called on the object, I can check the local boolean value, to determine if the count for the current thread has been updated. But if the user says that does not help me then to promote: Forcing my object to promote: Function and Promotion: Thread to promote the new thread will be in reference to my object, and It can hold it for an indefinite period before calling any of its ways, thus a stale count can be extended to increase its own cover to promote it I can give: Thread, but if the user does not help in promoting: the object of the bind in which is my object (I'm not a specialist based on that of a member type - at least I do not know any way to do this) and to promote: Uses the thread to start. Is there any way to do this? The only thing that I can think is that users need a lot of work - I provide a cover around the promotion: The thread in which the particular h...

email - Tool or method to parse an incoming e mail, strip the data and push into a database -

Has done anything with scripts to parse an incoming e-mail to a specific address Extract it and put it into a SQL database? The e-mail will be coming through the Exchange 2003 server and will be in a known fixed format, i.e. Name: First name surname ID number: NNNNNN etc. Ideally the solution needs to be operated on the server, not the customer. Any advice appreciated. Originally posted to serverfault, but Crick was posted here for scripting angle. Yes I have you are trying to fulfill it with this? If you want to know how to parse it, the easiest way to do so is to create a simple scraper / pattern matcher for your fixed format that does not make any changes. I usually repeat, although every line of email is in search of a specific element / identifier, after which I read many letters in a variable for a variable for the database line . SO: Download all emails Through each email Loop Loop through each line Delete email from server

c# - How to read a CSV file into a .NET Datatable -

मैं CSV फ़ाइल को एक system.Data.DataTable , डेटाकैट को CSV फ़ाइल पर आधारित बनाते हुए? क्या नियमित रूप से कार्यक्षमता इस अनुमति देता है? यहाँ एक उत्कृष्ट वर्ग है जो सीएसवी डेटा को डाटा बनाने के लिए डेटा की संरचना का उपयोग करके एक डेटासेट में कॉपी करेगा डेटाटाले: यह कॉन्फ़िगर करना आसान है और उपयोग में आसान है। मैं आपको एक नज़र लेने के लिए आग्रह करता हूं।

sql - Column not found when trying a cross database update in mysql -

I am attempting to copy the contents of a column in a mysql database to another in mysql database in the same table . I am using: UPDATE db1.table SET =, db1.table.address = db2.table. Address WHERE db1 =; I get error 1054: Unknown column '' in 'clause'. Both tables have ID columns, so I'm not sure why this will not work, I am logged in as an administrator, and both have full rights to the database. update db1 .table JOIN db2.table ON = db2. sET =, db1.table.address = db2.table.address

c# - IXmlSerializable, reading xml tree with many nested elements -

Can you give me an example to write and write XML in this way: & lt; Foolist & gt; & Lt; Foo name = "A" & gt; & Lt; Hair name = "hair 1" /> & Lt; Hair name = "hair 2" /> & Lt; / Foo & gt; & Lt; Foo name = "B" /> & Lt; Foo name = "C" & gt; & Lt; Hair name = "hair 1" & gt; & Lt; Husband's name = "small1" /> & Lt; / Child & gt; & Lt; / Foo & gt; & Lt; Foolist & gt; Does the element name actually change per level? If not, you can use a very simple class model and XmlSerializer . The implementation is IXmlSerializable ... difficult; And avoid the error prone, do not use it until you use it at all. If the names are different but are rigid, then I just run it through XSD: xsd example.xml xsd example IXmlSerializable for example (Same name at each level): using XmlSerializer system for .xsd / classes ;...

javascript - ridonkulous large-font display issue. fontSize shatters words all over -

I am writing a com-method sledgee object in javascript (something like this is not fun, not important), and I have a strange text layout I have to face the discrepancies, whose choices I can never see. And yet, they are broad in my slides. Background is straight-forward in the presentation slide, and the slides lines can be a line, a word or phrase, and in the images I am adding, there are three rows in the slide. Presentation "Screen" is the viewport of the browser window, the css line-height property of each row is calculated from the height of the viewport, which is divided by the number of lines. Each line is a diva that is comfortable with the font-size below line-height (90%, but set in PX). A good looking slide looks like the first on this page: (I can only add one link). Here it becomes weird: Because everything calculates on the basis of the viewport size, which makes the firebug console, or switching to full-screen mode, adjusts the size of everything ...

validation - How do you validate a form with multiple div's using jQuery Validate plugin? -

I am using items in my form in nested divis and I have a problem: & lt; Form id = "form1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "theform" & gt; Html & lt; Input type = "text" class = "required date" /> & Lt; Br / & gt; Aspx & lt; ASP: Textbox Runat = "Server" CssClass = "Required" id = "Textain" & gt; & Lt; / Asp: text box & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Div id = "subArea" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "required" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; ASP: Button Runat = "server" id = "btnsb" text = "save" onclic = "btn esb_click" /> & lt; / Form & gt; And my setup with jQuery is: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('# & lt;% = Form.ClientID%...

c# - ecommerce dynamic breadcrumb best practice - How Do you do yours? -

I am looking for a best practice to provide users of my ecommerce website with the breadcrumb trail. Current Site Setup: 3.5 SQL Express 2005 DB DB Table Setup: [Category] - ID, Parents, names, etc. [Products] - ID CATID NAME Should I use a sqlsitemap provider and every time I save a product, should I add it to the Sitemap table? Is there a more dynamic way of getting the desired result? Search for your ideas / ideas to get it. Thanks in advance. is such that can help you create a SQL Provider that you can use with ASP.NET default breadcrumb Can be used. There is also SQL caching for a spider response.

c++ - Array of pairs of 3 bit elements -

Due to memory restrictions, I have to store some combinations in an array with 6 bit / pair (3 bit / value) ). The problem comes when I want to add this array as normal, depending on the pair's index. The array looks like this | bybyte 0 | | --bite 1 | -byte 2 | 00000011 | 11112222 | 22333333 ... and so on, the pattern repeats. ------ | ------- | -------- | ------ | Pair 0 Pairs 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 = & gt; 4 pairs / 3 bytes You can see that sometimes 2 bytes are required to remove values ​​(for divisible by index 1 and 2). I created a function that returns the first value from an index, pair (3 bit) and the second gives one (3 bits too). get zero (char * array, int index, int & value1, int and value 2) {int groupIndex = index & gt; & Gt; 2; // To get the index of 3 bytes of group (with 4 pairs) / / We use 16 bit starting with the byte before the group for the divisive index from 0 to 1 and 16 bits from the second part Byte when divided by 2 and 3 small diff...

How do I get PHP errors to display? -

I have checked my PHP ini file and display errors have been set and error reporting There is also E_ALL . I restarted my Apache web server. I have put these lines on the top of my script, and it also does not catch simple parse errors. For example, I declare variables with "$" and I ";" But in my all scripts, an empty page appears on these errors, but I really want to see errors in my browser output error_reporting (E_ALL); Ini_set ('display_errors', 1); What's left to do? It works forever: ini_set ( 'Display_errors', 1); Ini_set ('display_startup_errors', 1); Error_reporting (E_ALL); However, it does not PHP to show parse errors - the only way to show those errors is to modify your php.ini with this line: display_reuters = on

How do I save a String to a text file using Java? -

In Java, I have text from the text field in the string variable "text". How can I save the contents of the "text" variable in a file? If you simply do the output text, instead of any binary data, the following will work: PrintWriter out = new print wall ("filename.txt"); After that, type your own string, such as for any output stream: out.println (text); You will need to deal with the exception, as ever. Be sure to call out.close () . If you are using Java 7 or later, you can " printstream when you are done with it (i.e. exit the block) such as: Try (PrintWriter out = new print weter ("filename.txt")} {out .println (text);} You already have .

visual studio - How to avoid the underscore prefix from the auto-generated property names for imported resource files in VS2008? -

For some reason the VS-2008 adds a '_' prefix for the property names of resources in the auto-generated resource class. When I add multiple image files to the project using the "Add existing file" dialog, I get this. How can I avoid it? Google failed me, or, I could fail Google, either way, please help me! :) Due to VS An underscore prefix was adding that I had the file name of the imported resources, it is illegal to begin with a number of purely numerical names without the extension (i.e. "1.bmp") and for a class or property name. , Thus it adds an underscore.