
Showing posts from April, 2014

Jquery Show/Hide Toggle -

I am trying to recreate the effect shown on the BBC homepage where links 'add more to this page' and 'Set Location' slides open their respective devices and show their relevant content. If you choose 'Add more on this page' then it opens the 'Add more' section. If you select 'Add more on this page' then the 'Add more' section closes, however, if the 'Add more' section is open, and you select 'Set Location' then this 'Set Location' Slides the 'Add more' section before sliding down. I have managed to regenerate this effect using the following code: HTML jQuery code $ (function () {$ ("# siteCustomization .siteSelection") Hide (); $ ("# Demo Li One "$ {$ Id = $ (this) .attr ('href'); var $ thisDiv = $ (id); if ($ thisDiv. Siblings (': visible') length) {$ thisDiv.siblings ( ': View'.) SlideUp (700, function () {$ thisDiv.slideDown ();});}. Else {$ th...

c# - Should one extend or encapsulate ORM objects? -

I have a problem understanding the use of ORM created objects. We are using LLBLGen for mapping our database model objects. It might be better to code this code. Our application as public class book {// Class used in the Private BookEntity book; // LLBLGen unit Private BookType bookType; // BookType is another class that wraps an entity's public book {ENT EID} {book = new BookEntity (ID); } Public BookType BookType {get {return.bookType; } Set {this.bookType = value; = New BookTypeEntity (value.ID); (); }} Public Integer Calculation Page () {} Business Method of Example} It is strange to highlight the areas of the institution such as properties, because I am mapping again list-types With this it is very bad, because I have to write an "add" and "remove" method and a property that displays the property. In the above example, I need access to the BookType Setter BookTypeEntity object, I can get this object by using a...

objective c - Defeating the "multiple methods named 'xxx:' found" error -

In my existing project in File ViewController.m, I am running the method: [[Connection Writer] Write Data: Data]; This warns: Warning: Several methods were found in the name of 'writeData:' I To call the method trying to: - (zero) write data: TCPRIR in (NSDT *) data .... M. Unfortunately, there are two other writing data methods - (zero) write data: (NSDT *) data; ... nsfile in handheld and ... - Writing data: (NSDT *) data ... in NSURLHandle.h. This is especially confusing to me because the [conn writer] should return the TCPWriter class and correct that class to the right writeData method Besides calling, I am not entirely sure that NSFillHandleH and NSURHRWHDLH have been included in any library included in the visual controller instead of any part of the project. How can I show the compiler that I want to call the writeData method and why is this error? Be sure that [connection author] is actually returning a TCPWriter * if i...

JavaScript error on FireFox ns_error_dom_security_err -

I'm getting the following error in Firefox: Error: [exception. "Security Error" code: "1000" nsresult: "0x805303e8 (NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR) " location: ""] I know that with the help of a CSS call What to do Thanks! Greg Wilson PS: If this is from another domain, but I can not find any reference for any domain! is a duplicate, I'm sorry. I thought I posted yesterday but it did not get it. I had this problem with Firefox when I included a line like this in jQuery: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "/ javascript / jquery-1.4.2.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; But then I had a script that used jQuery in this way: When I changed the "type" attribute of the second line to "text / javascript", then it is included, the error has ended. It appears to be some type of security feature, where script type must match before referencing each other.... - IHttpHandler for images producing a stackoverflow in IE -

I have a directory of images located outside the context of my web application which I need to serve the user I currently I'm using IHttpHandler to serve images and using some javascript to navigate through a set of images (navigation is now primitive). I use the examples IHttpHandler uses to illustrate the images closely, but when I look at the images in Firefox hanging in the browser and when I look in IE, I get the "Stack overflow line: 0" IHttpHandler code public class ShowImage: (ByVal context as HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler public sub ProcessRequest _ Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest picid be as dim string Contekstkrikvest. QueryString ( "ID") nothing isnot again picid = context.Request.QueryString ( "ID") or else throw new ArgumentException ( "no parameter specified") End If '' [] bitmap bytes context.Response.Cache.SetCacheability convert (HttpCacheability.NoCache) context.Response.Cache.SetNoStore () co...

iphone - Is it possible to create a CGBitmapContext with a CMYK colorspace and draw into it? -

I am trying to create a bitmap contact with the CMYK colorspace and draw a picture in it. I am using code from Apple's Q & A, and it has been modified to draw it in the shape of CMYK and draw it in it. In my logs, I get an error Unsupported pixel details - 4 components, 8 bit-per-component, 32-bit-per-pixel and I get an empty reference What am I missing? This is the code that I am trying to run: CGContextRef reference = null; CGColorSpaceRef colorpace; Zero * bitmap data; Int bitmapByteCount; Int bitmapBytesPerRow; // Image width, get height We will use the full picture size_t pixels wide = CIggatewidth (iijes); Size_t pixels high = CGMgadget heights (INME); // Announce the number of bytes per line In this example, each pixel in the bitmap is represented by 4 bytes; BitmapBytesPerRow = (pixel wide * 4); BitmapByteCount = (bitmapBytesPerRow * pixelsHigh); // Use Generic CMYK Color Space ColorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceCMYK (); If (color space == faucet) {fp...

javascript - Equivalent of String.format in jQuery -

I'm trying to move some javascript code from MicrosoftAjax to JQuery. I use Microsoft's JavaScript counterparts in popular NET methods, e.g. String.format (), String.startsWith (), etc. Do they have similarity in jQuery? For your reference, so that you can choose through it and include those parts Want to continue to use it in a different JS file. Or, you can port them on jQuery. Here is the format function ... string.format = function () {var s = arguments [0]; For (var i = 0; i & lt; arguments.length - 1; i ++) {var reg = New RegExp ("\\ {+ +" + "\\}", "GM"); S = s.replace (reg, argument [i + 1]); } Return S; } and end here and begins with prototype functions ... string.prototypeands = function (suffix) {return (this .substr (This.length - suffix.length) === suffix); } String.prototype.startsWith = function (prefix) {return (this substr (0, prefix.length) === prefix); }

SharePoint forms authentication (FBA) roles -

Can someone help me ... Is it targeting viewers in SharePoint instead Possible, instead of using the FBA roles to SharePoint Group? Or is there an alternative solution available? Can you do that create a SharePoint group per roll and add the role of the group. Maintenance like this is minimal and you are still using it correctly by using SharePoint Group ....

vba - Is it better to use ADO or DAO in Access 2007? -

एक्सेस 2007 में एक नया डेटाबेस बनाते समय ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) या DAO (डेटा एक्सेस ऑब्जेक्ट्स) का उपयोग किया जाना चाहिए? संपादित करें: इस डेटाबेस का भाग Excel 2007 स्प्रैडशीट्स से डेटा आयात करेगा। [रिकॉर्ड के लिए, एक बार 'जेट' का आधिकारिक नाम अब 'एक्सेस डाटाबेस इंजिन' है।] एसीई (एक्सेस 2007 इंजन .एसीएडीबी फॉर्मेट) के लिए यह एसीईडीएओ होना चाहिए। जेट 4.0 सुविधाओं के लिए इसे एडीओ क्लासिक होना चाहिए। जेट 3.51 सुविधाओं के लिए और पहले, एडीओ या डीएओ को चुनें। दोनों के लिए फायदे और नुकसान हैं। एक्सेस डेटाबेस इंजन कार्यक्षमता के विशाल बहुमत दोनों के लिए आम है; पारस्परिक रूप से अनन्य कार्यक्षमता तर्कसंगत फ्रिंज है एक जीवन शैली पसंद है, शायद, लेकिन कोई बड़ी बात नहीं है स्मार्ट सांकेतिक शब्दों में कहें दोनों का सबसे अच्छा उपयोग करता है:) मैंने दोनों काफी थोड़े उपयोग किया है और एडीओ मेरा व्यक्तिगत वरीयता है। यह डीएओ की तुलना में अधिक आधुनिक है, इसलिए वास्तुशिल्प रूप से यह एक सुधार है: ऑब्जेक्ट मॉडल चापलूसी, डीएओ की समस्याओं को तोड़ने में से कोई भी नहीं, आदि। ...

Why can't I roll a loop in Javascript? -

I am working on a web page that uses dojo and I have a number (my trial cases In 6, but in general variables) I'm calling dojo.addOnLoad (init) of the project widget, and my init () function has these lines: dojo.connect (Dijit.byId ("project" + 0). InputNode, "On Change", function () {makeMatch (0);}); Dojo.connect (dijit.byId ("Project" + 1). Input node, "On Change", function () {makeMatch (1);}); Dojo.connect (dijit.byId ("Project" + 2). Input node, "On Change", function () {makeMatch (2);}); Dojo.connect (dijit.byId ("Project" + 3). Input node, "On Change", function () {makeMatch (3);}); Dojo.connect (dijit.byId ("Project" + 4). Input Node, "On Change", Function () {makeMatch (4);}); Dojo.connect (dijit.byId ("project" + 5). Input node, "onchange", function () {makeMatch (5);}); And changing the events for my project widget correctly calls the MakeMa...

c# - Building .NET COMInterop project without first registering the COM service -

I am creating a C # UI for interacting with a COM service (.exe) The VS 2005 com project produces a valid typelist (TLB), which is referred to by the C # project. However, the VS 2005 C # project says that the service can be registered to create a C # project, even if Typelib is fully valid during testing of the open object viewer. We will not register the service instead of the build server, if possible, the debug build can not register a COM object as a service, because it normally does debugging, and Especially the startup code is more difficult (F5 - debugging can not be started). What should I look for to get this job done? Do I Just Need To Register TypeLib? If so, why would it be said for emphasizing the service or TLB registration to build COMInterop properly (and, is it a command line tool with VS 2005 on Win2003)? At one time I created a C # web service that refers to the Win2003 firewall COM object, but we do not recommend it Win2000 (which is not such a thing) onl...

c# - WCF - Cannot resolve [WebGet] symbol - what am I doing wrong? -

I am working on a rest WCF project and when I apply the following code, it complains that Can not solve this WebGet class? What am I missing? I tried to import the system. Servicemodel. Web name space but I can not refer to it, though I refer to it. "Web" in System.ServiceModel.Web, when I register in a statement being used at the top of my code, it is not registered. Actually, I need to apply such WCF reef concepts such as WebGet, WebInvok, Urememplate, etc.? Update: After thinking about some feedback and thinking about it, I think that what DLL (System.ServiceModel & System) .ServiceModel .Web) When I go to add a project reference do not come through the 'Add Reference' window. When I first started the project, FYI, because these assemblies did not come for the first time, I was searching for them, and copied them to a temporary folder so that I could refer them and thus, I think That's the issues to solve me. So, now that I am at this point, how...

optimization - Keeping your code in L1 cache -

I am reading and I have seen it: small size language interpreter And compact syntax makes it possible for applications to fit within the processor level 1 cache. I am afraid how is the whole program possible in L1 cache? Say, the CPU has 256kb L1 cache. Say that my program is less than that and needs a lot of memory (say, just call stack and so on) It does not require any libraries (although a program is for OS, it must include kernel32.dll or anything). Thanks "post-text" Itemprop = "text"> I think what they are saying is not that the whole program fits in the L1 cache, but that all the code that runs most of the time fits in the L1 cache . Yes, the OS allocates many other structures, but it does not matter. Of course, all this is speculation - I do not know anything about 'Kashmir' language.

about background attribute in css -

background: # 777777 scroll no repeat 0 0; There are 5 features included in the background color, background-image, background-repeat, background-attachment and background-position. But I do not understand what the background-attachment and background-position is? Can someone give an explanation? Edit : Background-repeat, background-attachment, and background-condition are useless if there is no background-image? If you've ever seen a web page where the text on the page scrolls with scrollbar, but the background Stable, he background-attachment: fix; The background-condition defines how you present the image inside the background of the element. For example, if you have a droplet shadow image that repeats only at the bottom edge of your element, then you can use it: background-repeat: repeat x; Background-position: bottom left; Or if you had an image, you just wanted to show it in the bottom-right corner of your element: Back-to-back: bottom Right; ...

apache - Redirect to permanently -

संभावित डुप्लिकेट मैंने सभी नियमों को व्यवस्थित किया है और एक सबडोमेन ठीक काम कर रहा है। हालांकि मेरी साइट के एक हिस्से के बजाय अभी भी संभव है मैं कैसे स्थायी रीडायरेक्ट? मुझे लगता है कि ऐसा कुछ है: पुनर्लेखन% {HTTP_HOST} ^ उदाहरण आप इस पंक्ति को अपने मुख्य .htaccess में एक साधारण फ़ोल्डर 301 "मूवर्ड / स्थायी" रीडायरेक्ट के लिए इस्तेमाल करेंगे 301 / subdomain redirect : //

networking - how to dispatch network requests to the (geographically) closest server -

I am a Java code and is not very familiar with how the network works (except for the original UDP / TCP connections) says that there are servers running on machines in the US, Asia, Latin America and Europe. When a user requests a service, I request them to visit the nearest server to them. Is it possible to have an address for me:, and receive any request sent to the appropriate server? Apparently when someone goes to, they receive photos, videos, etc. from a nearby server. Frankly, I do not think how it works. Anyway, my servers do not serve web pages, they serve other services like stock market data ... just in that situation. Since I am a programmer, I am interested in knowing how it will work in software. Since this is slightly more than a worthless curiosity, the signs of commercial products or services will not be very useful in understanding this problem :) A simple approach The first byte (class A) of the IP address should be seen after U...

c# - Server side event confusion with ASP.NET -

I am trying to create a web page that uses a user to access images from the server connected to the server using ASP Will allow captivity. met. The camera is an Olympus and the server side code has access to all synchronous calls which are in the camera's SDK. The problem occurs when I try to capture an image. The way this works works SDK is that for the first time you tell the camera to take the image, then to add an audience to an event that triggers the camera, once the image is After capturing the camera starts downloading the image. The event is never triggered, so I am currently unable to download the image from the camera. A camera tells the listener a camera to take the code and picture in the function, it is within the server side code of the button. Basically I'm wondering how to become an event listener for a person who changes on the server, such as the position of the camera. > I hope you have problems with it. For example, I'm sure the camera beli...

css - What is the purpose of line-height, and what does white-space:nowrap do? -

what to do line-height because there is already a feature called font - ? ? And when we specify something like this, what does that mean: White space: now iPod; Line-height assets let you independently set the height of a line of text Allows font size (works well to focus a line of text vertically, etc.) White-space: Abrop; For lines of text until that

php - Regular expressions / parsing dig output / extracting text from double quotes -

I need help finding some regular expressions. I am running the dig command and I have to use its output. I need to parse it and organize it systematically as an ARP php. The dig makes something like this: TXT ".tkw" "in 60" "1" "20090624-183342" "some text here 1" 60 in TXT ".kk" "1" "200 9 624-183341" "some text here 2" I have to do this: Array ([0] = & gt; Array ([0] = & gt; .kk [1] => 1 [2] => 20090624-183342 [3] = & gt; some text here 1) [ 1] = & gt; Arr .. ..) I only need the contents of double quotation marks. I can do parse the output line dug by line I do, but I think it will be faster if I run regex patterns on it all ... Thoughts? it stops with a line preg_match_all ( '/' ([^ "] +)" \ S * "([^"] +) "\ s *" ([^ "] +)" \ s * "([^"] + / ...

How can I select an element with multiple classes in jQuery? -

I want to select all the elements that have two classes a and b . & lt; Element class = "ab" & gt; So, only those elements are both classes. When I $ (". A, .b") it gives me a union, but I want intersection. If you want intersection, just select the selectors simultaneously without spaces Type $ ('a.b') An element for which there is an ID with a classes B and C , you will type: $ ('# abc')

sharepoint - WSS 2.0 web site all the list edit function doesn't work suddently -

I have found this program, editing SharePoint does not work in all the lists of websites, I can still access "Edit", and save it, but the change is not there, the new thing can be made, all other than editing looks fine. Any help will be very much appreciated. This is unusual ... and unfortunately WSS 2.0 does not give much logging. Are there any errors that are being reported in the application log of the application viewer on the server? This permission can also be done. What kind of list is this? If this is an issue list then something went wrong in the list view which is hiding the recent changes.

c# application encountering a problem and closing for no apparent reason. Possible problems with 3rd party dlls -

We are building a C # application that will sit in the PC trash truck. Things work fine on our development machines, but like always, when we work on our target hardware then problems start. One of the specially giving us headache. At random intervals, we will lift the message box of a window and say that there is a problem in our application and it needs to be closed. The app still works fine, while the dialog box is sitting there, and obviously it closes when you click on the Close button. The disappointing thing is that we do not get any exceptions, nothing in any log, nothing in the system activity log. I have a queue that there is a problem in a third party library that we use for GPS There is a pure cover for unmanaged DLL which we already have problems. What do we have to try and debug ?? I am relatively new to Windows programming and am wondering if there are programs, we can use to know that the part of which DLL portion is being called by our code. Cheers Nimai ...

How to join multiple tables with one to one relationships in rails -

Ruby on Rail is very new to me. I'm trying to recover a set of columns from 3 different tables. I thought I could use the SQL View to retrieve my results, but there was no way to use the ideas in Rail. These are my tables 1) User table -> username, password and email 2) Usageetal table -> Foreign key: user_id, name, address 1, city etc. 3) Userwork version Description-> Foreign key: user_id, work address 1, work type etc. These 3 tables have one relation, then Table 2 comes under Table 1 and Table 3 also comes from the table. Is related. Table 1 contains a user's description and a user function. I want to get the user's email, name, address 1, city, work address 1, work type Join join What is the best way to handle it? is the data) Everything else in the model is just an optimization For example, address1 is defined as User.user_detail.address1 , for example. If you have a user with class user_detail: _ user_work_detail end class UserDetail is...

c# - Invalid ContentPropertyAttribute on property 'Text' -

I'm having trouble setting up my content property in "text." The error I am given is: Invalid content property entry type 'MyType', property 'text' was not found. The code behind this looks like this: [ContentProperty ("text")] Public partial class MyType: UserControl {public MyType () {InitializeComponent (); } Public static read-only dependency form TextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register ("text", typef (string), typef (myType)); Public Stabilized String GetText (Dependency Object D) {Return (String) d.GetValue (TextProperty); } Public static zero SetText (dependent object D, string value) {d.SetValue (TextProperty, value); } Public string text {get {return (string) GetValue (TextProperty); } Set {set value (textproperty, value); }}} I have actually found it to work if I keep the name of the CLR property in addition to the dependency property - am I using dependency properties incorrectly ? I thought that type o...

Create unique Poll/vote/survey in php -

Unique survey / vote / survey I mean that users can vote only once. How do I do that? Track their IP? log in? Besides the login, what else? (Entrance is my last option, so next to the entry, can I do anything?) To limit the number of votes per person, you have to track the person. Now there are several ways to do this, and I list them with their professionals and opposition to decide which method you regard best. Login: This will give you ultimate control. But it is a bit cumbersome for the user. and your previous priority IP: How do you handle people behind the web proxy? How about people with dialup connections and / or dynamic IPs? Cookies: This is good for short term elections, so that you can set the end of the pole to the time the poll is finished. But, one potential flaw is how the user will remove cookies (opposite with A) cookies! openId : Although this method is not very different from 'login' method, it saves the user from registering (which is...

user interface - Is there a way to convert GUI in image to html? -

I have GUI screen shots from the design team, which I do not need to convert to a web page and what not. I'm thinking of finding some websites that look like GUI so that I can copy and paste html, so I do not have to start with scratch. The only drawback of this method is that I do not know what the website really looks like, which means that it means a lot of browsing time. Hehe So just wondering is there a tool that can help me find out? Or even better if there is an instrument that can convert the image into an HTML web page equivalent, then even better. I think I'm just another lazy random programmer trying to accelerate the part of Gui, hey. Thank you. You mean you have a PNG, GIF or JPG screen shot ... and you can call it a Want to feed in the program and want to leave a collection of HTML and CCS, which will look like that image when viewed in the browser? I apologize for the bursting of your bubble, but I would be very surprised, if this was the case. ...

c# - Best practices for getting around DB differences with an IDataReader -

I have a simple value object that I populate with data from idata reader (either for an oracle The query may be the result or MS SQL database). The factory method for this object looks like the following: Fixed some class CreateFromDataReader (IDataReader data) {string message = data.GetString (0); Short ID = data. GetInt 16 (1); Date Time = DateType = Data. Gateadet Time (2); Returned a new class (message, id, datestamp); } Then I went into a problem that is related to the difference in the data type, which uses the Oracle and MS SQL databases for that particular column: the data type in the oracle Number while lower id = convert. ToInt16 (now), when I can fix this problem: data.GetValue (1)); Is there a better or more excellent way to do this? I do not know how ORM does the focus of such a scenario. However, you should use a type that can accommodate both (all) cases for such an area. I saw; It seems that the decimal is the appropriate appropriate data type ... - programmatically control output caching - disable or enable cache according to parameter value -

For us to endorse lists of our products within the categories fairly standard e-commerce landscape is better or worse, almost 80% of visitors never navigate according to the first page, depending on the category, then there can be 5-10 more pages of results, which have been seen in less time so far. (Yes we do appears on the first page are optimized and good looking - but it is a different discussion) We can not check every page of results, because we are constrained by memory , But the benefit of caching will only be bigger in the first page of the results of each category. I know that I can do something by using object caching to store the dataset in question, but it is possible using the output caching, perhaps using the feedback. Catch object? Where can this be done in the page life cycle? Pre-render? is very simple, the URL is "/ Product List" class = more page = 1 ", and I want some logic (eg pseudocode): if parameters Use "page" equal 1 ou... mvc - Do you check HttpVerbs in your unit tests? -

Standard ASP. Looking at the unit tests that come with the MVC Web project template I have seen that they do not check whether or not a proper HTVPARS attribute is set to every action method. It is easy to test this with reflection, but the question is whether it is worth the effort. Do you check HTTPVirbs in your unit test, or do you leave it for unity testing? You can also use MvcContrib.TestHelper to test route along the route. [TestMethod] Public Zero ShouldConfirmRouteForNewObjectWithPost () {"~ / Object / New" .WithMethod (HttpVerbs.Post). ShouldMapTo & lt; ObjectController & gt; (X => x.New ()); }

How to use the C# Generics in delphi 2009/2010? -

मेरे पास सी # में निम्नलिखित विधि है: सार्वजनिक टी पढ़ें & lt; T & gt; () {टी [] टी = नया टी [1]; Int s = Marshal.SizeOf (टाइपफ (टी)); यदि (सूचकांक + एस & gt; आकार) नए अपवाद फेंक ("त्रुटि 101 सेलिब्रिटी"); जीसीएंडल हैंडल = जीसीएंडेल। एलोक (टी, जीसीएंडडेल टाइप। पिन); मार्शल.कॉपी (डेटा रीड, इंडेक्स, हैंडल। एड्रॉफ़ पिनिड ओब्जेक्ट (), एस); सूचक + = s; वापसी टी [0]; } डेटा रीड एक बाइट [] सरणी है। सूचकांक और आकार पूर्णांक प्रकार हैं। फ़ंक्शन डेटा रीड (बाइट []) से एक प्रकार पढ़ता है और सूचकांक (सूचक + = प्रकार) को बढ़ाता है। सभी नेट पर, जब मैं Google "डेल्फी जेनरिकस" - ये सभी प्रकट होते हैं ट्रेकॉर्ड्स और क्लासेस, जो मुझे नहीं चाहिए। मैं डेल्फी में उस कोड को कैसे बनाऊं? फ़ंक्शन TReader.Read & lt; T & gt; T; FINDex + SizeOf (T) & gt; लंबाई (FDataRead) तब अपवाद बढ़ा। बनाएँ ('त्रुटि 101 सेलिब्रिटी'); हटो (FDataRead [FIndex], परिणाम, आकारऑफ़ (टी)); इंक (FIndex, SizeOf (T)); समाप्त;

c# - ASP.NET LoadControl Use of keyword 'base' is not valid in this context -

I want to load .csx control to a web service, load some values ​​in it and then control the HTML content of this control return back . I have something like this: [WebMethod (EnableSession = true)] Public Zero GetHTML () {UserControl Loader = New UserControl (); MyCustomReport ReportControl = (MyCustomReport) loader.LoadControl ("~ / / / path / for / .ccx"); ReportControl.DataBind (); Return "TODO"; } MyCustomReport override DataBind () : public override zero DataBind () {base.DataBind (); // etc} line base.DataBind () throws a NullReferenceException and the debugger says: The use of the keyword 'base' in this context is not valid Any help would be appreciated, thanks! Try this: Public override zero return binding () { Base.OnDataBinding (); // Here is the virtual DataBind in other stuff ...} but there is a virtual OnDataBinding method in it That means this method means to override you.

Performing a binary OR in COBOL with Pic X data -

There are several flags defined by me (by a header file out of my control) that looks like this: * * OPTVAL field for IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES_FLAGS * 01 IPv6-ADDR-favorite-flag PIC X (4). * * IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES_FLAGS mapping * 77 IPv6-Preefr-SRC-Home PIC X (4) VALUE X'0000000l '77 IPv6-Preefr-SRC-CoA PIC X (4) VALUE X'00000002' 77 IPv6-Preefr-SRC -timpi PIC X (4) VALUE X'00000004 '77 IPv6-Preefr-SRC-public PIC X (4) VALUE X'00000008' 77 IPv6-Preefr-SRC-CGA PIC X (4) VALUE X'000000l0 ' 77 IPv6-PEEPER-SRC-NONKAZI PIC X (4) VALUE X'00000020 ' I would like to see some of these flags binary or Need to Rshn, and I have a simple way of'm wondering if that is I do not know. Is there a simple keyword or syntax that considers my program as a binary value and lets me do my math, or is this header file completely broken? I would have written this library poorly if you used a low-level library for the use of COBOL If you want to wr... mvc - Using Inline C# inside Javascript File in MVC Framework -

I am trying to get inline c # to work in my javascript files using the MVC framework. I've made this a little test code $ (document) .ready (function () {alert (& lt;% = ViewData ["message"]%> & gt;);}) ; When this code is used to look inside it works perfectly. When I exit my aspx scene and try it in a javascript file, then I get an invalid XML character. I think this is a design in the MVC framework, but I can not find any content on the Web on this. Has anyone received Inline C # to work in Javascript files using the MVC framework? As others have said, C # is not being processed by the server. There will be a separate view for a possible solution that uses the same model and outputs to Javascript, the reference can be found on your & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "yourJSview.aspx" & gt; Added as: Set the content type to text / javascript , and enter your Javascript source & Lt; Script ...

web services - Google App Engine -- How fast is it -

I'm visiting some sites hosted on GAE and I found them very slow. A lot of people take longer than usual to load. Time: (in seconds) [YSlow] 9.9 Gif Graham 3.1 1.9 1.5 Is this app engine cloud very slow, BigTable is too slow ... or what? You are using the YSlow plugin to measure it, and YSlow tells you that the site slows down Why is it (the name of smartness is clue). For example, in the case of, YSlow reports that: This page has 9 external javascript scripts, try combining them in one, this page has 3 external stylesheets Try combining them in one. Try this page to have 13 external background images to combine them with CSS sprites. Therefore it receives an 'E' grade for it to kill the site's alleged load performance. None of these have to do anything with appennin.

math - Why are the arguments to atan2 Y,X rather than X,Y? -

सी में atan2 फ़ंक्शन में निम्न हस्ताक्षर हैं: डबल एटैन 2 (डबल वाई, डबल एक्स); अन्य भाषाएं भी ऐसा करते हैं यह एकमात्र ऐसा कार्य है जो मुझे पता है कि वाई, एक्स ऑर्डर के बजाय वाई, एक्स ऑर्डर में अपनी बहस लेती है, और मुझे नियमित रूप से पेंच करते हैं क्योंकि जब मुझे लगता है कि निर्देशांक, मुझे लगता है (एक्स, वाई)। > क्या किसी को पता है कि क्यों एना 2 का तर्क आदेश सम्मेलन इस तरह से है? क्योंकि मुझे विश्वास है कि यह आर्कटॅन से संबंधित है (Y / x), इसलिए y शीर्ष पर दिखाई देता है। यहाँ एक अच्छा लिंक है जो कि इसके बारे में थोड़ा सा है:

Is it a good idea(tm) to use REST ideas to design 'some service' from the ground up? -

If you want to start a 'website' which may be accessible from many 'endpoint', from the beginning, a REST Is it a good idea to design perspective? I am thinking that the answer is yes ... but is there any other opinion? Is the 'starting point' for your system's design, which is relatively extensible and not defined in the way? Lesson "> I suggest that the best starting point is the data model, which is the most important factor to think about which data you will be storing and how it relates to other data Once a solid foundation has been set for the model, it exposes it to many additional consumers through REST, SOAP, RSS, ATOM, etc.

Accessing SQL Server from windows service -

I am trying to add SQL Server from a Windows service. Now my Windows service is installed in different systems. Now how can I connect if I want to connect to my SQL server? I am able to connect if I add the related system user ID to the SQL Server login user, I do not think this is the correct way .. Because I need to install the window service in different systems, Need to add in I think you are using InstallUtil to install the service. You must configure the service to run under the domain account. Let's call it in your Dain \ WindowsSecondadman account In the connection string, use the tag INTEGRATED SECURITY = SSPI On SQL Server, create a login YourDomain \ WindowsServiceDomanAccount and assign it to the appropriate Provide permissions. You must be configured for a remote connection to allow a non-local connection.

iPhone Dev: Playing back a flash animation -

I am creating a simple application that contains a few buttons when clicked while playing a video. Right now I have those videos as a flash file. For my first try, I tried to convert them. Used the MOV and Media Player framework. Video is very bad / and when you double click on video control pop up. I'm not sure what is the best way to do this. Is the media player wrong? Is there a better way? Here is an example of another app that is doing what I am doing exactly what I need. Crazy eye: thanks, matte media Player Framework should not affect the quality of your video, there is something that you should be addressing with the type of encoding options specified when converting the video. Since there is no flash on the iPhone, you have only one option that they want to convert them to an iPhone-friendly format, that is: "Supported formats: this class can be any Movie or audio files that are already in plays correctly on iPod or iPhone. This means that exten...

actionscript 3 - Best way to reuse an element from an Array? -

I have an array of character objects (Sprite is extracted). Public Static Verlists: Array; When a character dies, I put a flag to give this sign. char.die = true; When I create a new player, to check the slot again, I check against this flag. This is where the problem arises. What is the best way to do that? Actually I have this approach: char = new four (); (* Var =: number = 0; i & lt; char.charlist.length; i ++) {if (char.charlist [i] .death) {char.charlist [i] = Four; Return; }} But the problem is that I have come from C ++ and I think calculation of index is completely useless. I'll do this, but it does not work in AS3, because I can not access this item from context: char = new letter (); / * ... * / for (var i: number = 0; i & lt; char.charlist.length; i ++) {var char_it: char = char.charlist [i]; If (char_it.death) {char_it = char; Return; Just a note: Charite is a stable member of class four. Do you have any ideas or a better attitude?...

python - Retrieving a tuple from a collection of tuples based on a contained value -

I have a data structure that is a collection of tuples in this way: things = The first and the third elements are unique (123, 1, "Floll"), (154, 33, "Blurge"), (156, 55, "Blogger")) Code> to archive. What I have to do, it is to reference a third value and get a specific Tupal like this: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; To check each value, there should be a better method than writing a loop If things is a list, and you know that the third element is uni, what about the understanding of the list? & gt; & Gt; My_thing = [X in X for X] X [2] == "Blurgle"] [0] However under the hood, I agree that through all the values Goes and checks them individually. If you do not like it, then about changing the my_things structure is it a dict and using the first or third value as the key?

Can't access my files in ASP.NET web site -

I'm having a very difficult time I'm running windows 2008 server, I have a CAS with ASP.NET Is a competent commerce site. I am writing an automated task that will file some XML files in the local directory on our web server and then parses the XML file to the program and saves information about our database. Problem, once I save files to our local directory, files in my program do not have access to the network service user permissions are not inherited by XML files, so my program can not do anything with them. I can manually change the permissions, but it will not be automated and will not work. How can I get this to work? Please help, it is very disappointing. Can you use the XML file to open?

graphics - d3dxcompileshaderfromfile versus d3dxcreatetexturefromfile -

I can use D3DXCreateTextureFromFile OK, but it was thinking that what D3DXCompileTestxtureFromFile is and its purpouses, it basically The only thing? Although I should "use it uncertainly properly ... You say that the D3DXCompile "Texture" FromFile In Your Post Body, I'll assume that you mean D3DXCompileShaderFromFile. The shader code is compiled in that function, which is a variation of C, which is specifically designed to run per top or per pixel on GPU D3DXCreateTextureFromFile makes a texture, which is used for any purpose shad Er is usually used for texturing, which is quite well described.

Windows Mobile emulator and OpenGL ES -

I have a Windows Mobile 5 application that uses OpenGL ES 1.1. This works on windows mobile phones (5, 6 and 6.1), but I can not seem to get it working in the emulator. I tried to download (SW OpenGL EE Library) and its DLL with my application but it did not work. Any suggestions? Edit: The problem only occurs when I try to use GL, there is no problem running the "regular" code on the emulator. I have Pocket PC WM 5.0 MSFP emulator and Pidion 5000 device, With Windows Mobile 6.0 Pidion executes the ARMV4I code but the emulator can not run compiled code for the ARMV4i processor, but it will run the ARMV4 code.

search - learning from open source code -

I am a student and I have a lot of time on this holiday so I decided to know more for some time. How to write code (I know that there are some C and C ++ at this time) My question is, how do I get some application source codes? Suppose I'm looking at some source code that is using a specific library. How can I find open source projects that are using the library, I'm interested. I tried on Google code and Sourceforge but without success I think I do not know how to search Do you have any advice / link how to do it? There is no one stop shop to find open source code. If you want to read well written code , then GNU Savannah is a browser repository of GNU stuff Binutils, GCC Tools and others Tons) GNU Software, IHHO is some of the best written C anywhere. You can also checkout MINIX , which is an open source microconnected operating system (which is also a complaint of posix) Genome Project has many projects covering a wide range of C to Python and even C...

c++ - Callback unmanaged code from managed C# -

Bit of a history lesson here I am working on a legacy C ++ / MFC application and am trying to start an incremental modernization by pushing components written in C # (WinForms and later WPF). I have Net / 1.1 and VS / 2003 for many reasons which are impossible to solve in the near future. Currently, as a proof of concept, it works like something: #pragma push_macro ("new") #undef New WinFormA :: Form1 * Myform; Myform = __gc new WinFormA :: Form1 (); Myform-> ShowDialog (); #pragma pop_macro ("new") The problem I am having is - I need unmanaged C ++ / MFC code to pass the callback pointer in the Managed C # Winform code So that I can capture user interaction and process them through the application. I have seen some articles, but it does not work in VS / 2003 (the compiler does not like representative syntax). Is there any other option? I do not think I can use DLLImport because I do not need to interact with specific application examples, not f...

c# - Binding to interface and displaying properties in base interface -

(with its answer) states that you can not easily tie a DataGridView for an interface type and get inherited Can get columns for properties from the base interface. The suggested solution is to implement a custom type converter. My endeavor is below, although creating a datasource and datagrid view bound for ICAM, still results in a column (Humps) I do not think ICAME My converter is being used by NAT to decide which properties can be viewed for. What am i doing wrong [Type Kanwar (Typhon (Miconver)) Public Interface IAnimal {string name {get; Set; } {Get; Set; }} [Correspondent (typef (miconwar))] public interface iCamell: iGoogle {int heps {receive; Set; }} Public class MyConverter: TypeConverter {public override property dictionary GetProperties (ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, attribute [] attributes) {if (value type & amp; type) value == type (ICamel)} {list & lt ; PropertyDescriptor & gt; PropertyDiscriptor = new list & lt; Property descripto...

c# - How to handle line breaks in data for importing with SQL Loader -

itemprop = "text"> I am a front-end developer who will be loaded with a data cylinder loader (sqlldr) in a C ++ separate Oracle database And I am trying to understand the capabilities of that device so that I can output that file in a format that is easy to process with SQL loader. I am unsure how to handle line breaks in column data, there are some column details, and there may be line breaks in it. I can not find any option in the SQL loader to handle the possibility of a constant number of line breaks in the data. It appears that I can use a text file, then use CONTINUEIF to terminate a sensing value or to record the records, after which I have to handle the conditional value within the data Presents with. I hesitate to break the break, because it is not important for this particular application, I do not want to lose fidelity Thank you! I want to see EXPDP and IMPDD next to a text file. In 10 grams, you can read / write external tables using the data ta...

bluetooth - GameKit in iPhone SDK 3.0 -

Do I need to use to search for partners in the new iPhone SDK 3.0 I really do not want to use it, but I want to use a peer-to-peer Bluetooth connection. Is there a sample code that shows the Bluetooth connection without using a peer picker? The game provided by Apple uses a peer picker, so I can not use it. Two ways to do this The first method uses the GameKit API Begin with two separate sections, which implement the G2CessionDelegate protocol and serve as a gamekit / Bluetooth "handler" and the second presentation acts as a UI ( Most likely any kind of visual controller with a table view). The way in which you will wire it, manages the handler gamekit notifications, etc. and then attempts to implement methods on the UI to update the table view after connecting with a colleague. In this way, to arrive and go to devices, your picker list - (BOOL) startPeer {BOOL result = no; If (! _session) {_session = [[GKSession alloc] initWithSessionID: BLUETOOTHSESS... (C#): get value of a non-displayed field from a gridview selection -

I have a GridView control for an ObjectDataSource that gives a list of objects that looks like this: public class X {public string DisplayName {get; } Public String Guide {get; }} I do not want to show the Guid property in GridView, but when an object is selected I need to recover it. I can not get a "DataValueField" property, like for the ListBox control. For the solution, I try to get the cell text from visible = false set and bound to the column Guid property, line in the object SelectedIndexChanged Method: Protected Zero GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {GridViewRow line = GridView1.SelectedRow; String id = row.Cells [2]. Text; // blank} but this does not work - apparently if the column is not visible, its text property is left empty. Only the DisplayName when I guid the selected object? How does this work with ObjectDataSource, but with SQLDataSource we have GridView's Not sure about key set on rows GridVi...

How backwards compatible is php 5 with php 4? -

I work on the code base written in php 4. I want to go through the process of upgrading the code to PHP 5 (My host offers the latest version) I am thinking that anyone else has gone through the same upgrade experience and what is found / Can share flaws, what has changed in my code, is not compatible with the previous versions? Take a look at this: Your current PHP 4 code should still work, though there are some.

user interface - Loading jQuery Dialog changes Browser viewport Focus -

I'm loading a jQuery UI window down some scrolls from the top of the page. When this browser opens, it resets its position at the top of the page. If this dialog helps before loading it then I want to put some HTML in the page (html for dialog). Does anyone know how to stop it? Edit The answer to this question was guessed what was my problem and resolved it. If you would like to link it to & lt; A href = '#' & gt; tag, make sure to stop the event. Otherwise it will return to you at the top of the page. $ ("a.myWindow"). Click (function (event) {event.preventDefault (); / * Show dialog * /});

language agnostic - Concurrency vs Parallelism - What is the difference? -

समानता बनाम समानता - क्या अंतर है? किसी भी उदाहरण संगामिति तब होता है जब दो या अधिक कार्य शुरू हो सकते हैं, चला सकते हैं, और अतिव्यापी समय अवधि में पूरा करें। इसका जरूरी मतलब यह नहीं है कि वे दोनों एक ही पल में चलेंगे। उदाहरण के लिए। एकल-कोर मशीन पर मल्टीटास्किंग। समानतावाद तब होता है जब कार्य वस्तुतः एक ही समय में चलते हैं, उदा। एक मल्टीकोर प्रोसेसर पर। उद्धरण: संगामिति: कम से कम दो धागे प्रगति कर रहे हैं जब एक शर्त मौजूद है समांतरता का एक अधिक सामान्यीकृत रूप जिसमें वर्चुअल समानांतरता के रूप में समय-टुकड़ा करना शामिल हो सकता है। समानांतरता: एक शर्त जो कम से कम दो धागे एक साथ क्रियान्वित कर रही है।

jquery - Fastest way to iterate through JSON string in Javascript -

$ Html of jQuery structure to iterate through the JSON string obtained through the AJAX call; I am thinking that there is a fast way to iterate through whole data. Thank you for your time. How about using regular JavaScript functions? For example, if you have a JasonOn object in those objects, you can simply clear the JSON string to convert it into a javascript object, and for this 'i in object' Can use

email - Gnus reply with signature on top -

सारांश मोड में, जब मैं gnus-summary-reply-with-original या f के लिए gnus-summary-follow-up दबाएं मूल संदेश के साथ, मेरे हस्ताक्षर को मूल संदेश पाठ के नीचे डाला जाता है। टेक्स्ट "itemprop =" text "> ऐसा लगता है कि यह Gnus (v5.10.8 के अनुसार) में बनाया गया विकल्प नहीं है, इसलिए आपको ऐसे किसी अंतर्निहित कार्य को फिर से परिभाषित करना होगा जैसे: (eval-after-load "gnus-msg" (defun gnus-inews-yank-articles (लेख) (चलो आलेख यिंग-स्ट्रिंग) (गोटो-चार (बिंदु-अधिकतम)); लेख डालें हस्ताक्षर के बाद (सम्मिलित करें "\ n"); और एक अतिरिक्त न्यूलाइन; यह (संदेश-गोटो-बॉडी) था (जबकि (सेटक आलेख (पॉप ऑप्शंस)) (जब (लिस्टपी आलेख) (सेटक यांक-स्ट्रिंग (1 वें लेख) अनुच्छेद (nth 0 आलेख))) (सेव-विंडो-भ्रमण (सेट-बफर गन-सार-बफर) (ग्नस-सार-चयन-लेख नील नील नील लेख) (ग्नस-सारांश-हटा-प्रक्रिया-चिह्न आलेख)) (Gnus-copy-article-buffer शून्य yank-string) (चलो ((संदेश-उत्तर-बफर गहन-लेख-प्रतिलिपि) (संदेश-उत्तर-हेडर ;; हेडर डीकोड होते हैं (संदेश-यांक-मूल) (सेट-युक-माँग (या भि...

java - How to send PUT, DELETE HTTP request in HttpURLConnection? -

I want to know if it is possible to send PUT, request via ( Practically) Delete for HTTP-based URLs. I have read several articles describing how to send, post, trace, option requests but I still have not found any sample code which successfully executes and delete requests to an HTTP PUT:. URL Url = New URL (""); HttpURL connection httpCon = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection (); HttpCon.setDoOutput (true); HttpCon.setRequestMethod ("put"); OutputStreamWriter = New OutputStreamWriter (httpCon.getOutputStream ()); Out.written ("resource content"); Out.close (); HttpCon.getInputStream (); To delete an HTTP: URL url = new URL (""); HttpURL connection httpCon = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection (); HttpCon.setDoOutput (true); HttpCon.setRequestProperty ("content-type", "app / x-www-form-urxed"); HttpCon.setReques...

java - How to programmatically enable GPS in Android Cupcake -

I am currently writing an app in Android which works with GPS. At the moment I will know whether GPS is enabled or not. My problem is that I want to enable GPS on app startup if it is disabled. How can I do this program? You can not start with Android 1.5. Pop up to allow the user to turn it on / off to open as much activity as you can to open this article android Use action taken in .provider.Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS .

C# "cannot assign field because it is a foreach iteration variable" -

I want to trim the column header of a CSV file, the field below is an array containing the header names, where I Place trim ()? I put it with foreach loop, but VS Tells me that "this area can not be allocated as it is an agar walking variable". What am i doing while ((fields = csv.GetCSVLine ()) = zero) {if (header) {foreach (fields in field) {// field = field.trim (); // VS: "Can not set the field because it is a predetermined variable" headers.Add (field); }} You can do it on the same line as Add ( ) Add directly to trim () call. If you do not need to overwrite the field , the foreach (Field Fields) {Header. Add (field.Trim ()); }

javascript - JScript/VBScript error -

I'm trying to automatically convert a XML file into various HTML files which are separate XSLT uses style sheets. However, whatever I try, I get errors. I have tried it in both VBSScript and JScript, and both of them give errors to me. The XML file is 537 KB, and the XSL file is 5 KB. Here's 1 walk in Jstrepe. This script works for one of my style sheets (a style sheet that creates a small HTML file), but on a stylesheet that creates a large HTML file, it gives me an "invalid process call or argument" on the outstretch (As such, the Outstanding Error is OK: var xsl = New ActiveXObject ("MSXML2.DomDocument.6.0"); Xsl.async = false; Var boolval = xsl.load ("../ Order / Command.xl "); If (! Boolval) {WScript.Echo (" XSL Load Error "); WScript.Quit ();} Var xml = New ActiveXObject (" MSXML2.DomDocument.6.0 "); Xml.async = False; Boolval = Xml.load ("../ command / command.exml") if (! Boolevel) {WScript.Echo (...

osx - how to monitor process in Mac -

itemprop = "text"> I have a software that runs on the Mac (using terminal program) program is old software which is the blue tooth. Coupling sometimes breaks and I have to restart it to work again. What process can be monitored and it can be run automatically again ?? Thank you, if the" monitor " You mean "Monitor the process to die," then you should see, who can restart a process on self-death or do you have some other monitor in mind?

Parser builders for C#/.NET -

I want to write a simple DSL in C #. Nothing complicated. I'm looking for the Lexus and NAT equivalent of Embedded. Yacc. The easiest I found yet is to use a golden parser builder's second choice to lex & amp; Y is available with #f #, but I am not interested in the program in F # yet. If you have any suggestions for the .NET version of Lex or Yacc, then I would love to hear them! If you really want to be in C #, then I would recommend This allows you to specify the grammar in the C # code.

Switch Statement for Enum Value Representations in Java -

I am very familiar with using anem in other languages, but I have some difficulty in Java with a special use is. Sun documentation for anoes is boldly said: "Java programming language enmoys are far more powerful in other languages ​​compared to their counterparts, which are slightly more than glorified integers Are. " Well, it's dandy, but for comparative reasons in a switch statement, I need to continuously represent datatype for each anome. The situation is as follows: I am creating nodes which will show a given location, or 'slot' in a maze graph, and these nodes can be made from a 2D integer array representing the maze. What I have found for the majnode class is that which is currently the problem (switch statement bark): Note: I know that this code does not work because of dynamic item case In the statement of this is to clarify what I am after. Public square mesanode {public enum slot value {empty (0), start (1), wall (2), visited (3), end (9...

c# - ItemsControl with horizontal orientation -

Do you inherit objects with objects of horizontal orientation? Just change the panel used to host items: & lt; ItemsControl ... & gt; & Lt; ItemsControl.ItemsPanel & gt; & Lt; ItemsPanelTemplate & gt; & Lt; StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal" /> & Lt; / ItemsPanelTemplate & gt; & Lt; /ItemsControl.ItemsPanel> & Lt; / ItemsControl>

nstimer - What is the best way to make a bouncing ball animation with infinite loop on iPhone? -

I am developing an iPhone game in which the birds bounce like this game: I set Images of animating winged wings like this have been done: [IMGbird [i] set animation images: bird Arrow Constant]; [IMGbird [I] Set Animation Duration: 1.0]; [Imgbird [i] start-up]; Now how do I use an NSTimer to set fire to every 0.03 second to move the bird, which connects IGBird [I] to X or Y coordinate with 1 / Decreases. I have learned about doing it this way from here. Http: // icodeblog com / 2008/10/28 / iphone-programming-tutorial-animating-a-ball-using-an-nstimer / But the point is that as soon as any other timer Ship the bird in the same way) returns to the fire and the original speed because I stop the ship from moving forward. Is there a better way to move the bird except NSTIMER? The movement of birds is an infinite loop. You have to import core graphics and quartzakor framework in the project. Add these lines to the top of your file. #import & lt; Quartzcore ...

Can Lua be used for application development? -

With the intermediate knowledge of VB6, people have recently suggested to "upgrade" a new language. I'm thinking of Lua - it's easy, simple and fast but it does not seem that, ,,, and. There is no information about how to create similar applications. Yes, it can. And it's easy to try on a small project. IMHO, it is ideally suited to create small applications with GUI when it comes to joining the ideal toolkit. Since you mentioned Visual Basic, I think that you are now focusing on Windows. In that case, check the package. Laa Lua language cores for Windows integrates with a large number of useful extension modules, and packages it with the appropriate Windows installer. Contains a version in which there is a syntax color for Leah and an integrated debugger. It also includes binding for both GUI toolkits I have used Lou with the IU to create several utilities, it is possible to create very detailed applications without the support of the collected code. ...