
Showing posts from July, 2015

About hosting -

How do I set up when setting up my ASP.NET site and SQL Server database when I host it server Uploading for? Thank you best regards. I think it actually comes with your hosting setup, then it will define that ASP What configuration should be within the net application?

streaming - How do I record streams in chunks on Flash Media Server -

I want to record a stream that is published on FMS 3.5 with Flash Live Encoder, but in files with a predefined length Splits the recording. For example, if a stream 'Webcam' is published then I want to record it in a 10 minute block: 'Webcam 1.FL', 'Webcam 2.FL ... I can say that working with timer There is no facility to do I could imagine that the only solution stream. Record () was used with the deadline parameter, but it looks like a hack because it makes netstream. Records. Dissociation moves on the stream when it should stop recording and start recording another block. Has anyone done something like this? Why not only re-publish and record the stream with the timeline on the server side Name. Then run a timer that runs every ten minutes (or whatever) that stops recording the stream, and creates a new server side stream that runs the client stream. With rows of this type: set interval ("SetInstream", 600000); Function setNavestream () {v...

user interface - BlackBerry - TreeField with CheckBoxField? -

Is it possible to add one to Blackberry? If so, how do I do it? itemprop = "text"> move as follows: Square Extended CBTreeField applies a TreeField callback to the vertical field manager, draestyle {Boolean [] Emboly Value = new Boolean [] {}; String [] mStringValues ​​= new string [] {}; Public boolean receiving nodbolin value (int node) {returns ambulance valve [node]; } Public Zero setonobolian value (int node, bullion value) {ambulian valz [node] = value; } Treefield mRootField = Faucet; Public CBTreeField (String Root String, Boolean Root Boolean) {mRootField = New TreeField (This, TreeField.FOCUSABLE); Add (mRootField); MStringValues ​​= insertAt (mStringValues, 0, root string); MBooleanValues ​​= insertAt (mBooleanValues, 0, rootBoolean); } Public integers addSiblingNode (int previousSibling, string stringValue, Boolean booleanValue, object cookie) {int index = mRootField.addSiblingNode (previousSibling, cookie); MBooleanValues ​​= insertAt (mBooleanV...

c++ - How can I decrypt a file encrypted in Perl using Crypt::CBC (Blowfish) in C? -

I have a small encryption tool in Perl, which uses encryption and blufffish for files. I want to write decryption algorithm in C or C ++ ... please help me do something like this. Blowfish source code is available Note that since bluefish is an identical encryption system, encryption and decryption are the same Are operating.

Get random number that does/doesn't match criteria (PHP) -

Using PHP (in other languages, using the common built-in), how can I get random (or pseudo random) IE: I need $ x = rand (0, 99) , but only when ($ x% 9)! = 0 For example, while using a () loop and possibly when we have something that meets our criteria, then When using random numbers after loop? while (($ rand_key = array_rand ($ array_of_items)) & amp; amp; ($ rand_key% 9 == 0)) {// nothing? } or something like this: while ($ rand_key = array_rand ($ array_of_items)) {if ($ rand_key% 9 == 0) {break ; }} Or is there a more concise or reasonable way to accomplish this? One of the rare cases, where a do-all loop actually helps $ testData = array (7, 8, 9); {$ Rand = array_rand ($ testData); } While ($ testdata [$ rand]% 9 == 0); Echo $ testdata [$ rand];

jQuery: Cascading popups -

मेरे पास एक पॉप-अप डिवेल प्रदर्शित करने के लिए निम्न कोड है: & lt; a Href = "#" id = "pop1" rel = "div # tt1" & gt; पॉपअप दिखाने के लिए क्लिक करें & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "पॉपअपब्लॉक" id = "tt1" & gt; मेरी पॉपअप सामग्री ... & lt; / div & gt; डिवी शुरू में छिपा हुआ है और थोड़ी सी jQuery कोड के साथ, जब मैं पॉप 1 एंकर को क्लिक किया जाता है तो मैं इसे बदल देता हूँ। यह इसके लिए बनाई गई चीज है: (फ़ंक्शन ($) {$ .fn.pop = फ़ंक्शन (विकल्प) {var defaults = {शो: "क्लिक करें", टूलटिप: Var लक्ष्य = $। विस्तार (डिफ़ॉल्ट, विकल्प); var लक्ष्य = $ (यह); var पॉपअप = $ (target.attr ("rel")); पॉपअप सीएसएस ("दृश्यता", "छुपा") सीएसएस ("प्रदर्शन", "कोई नहीं"); लक्ष्य। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {पॉपअप। Css ("दृश्यता", "दृश्यमान")। सीएसएस ("प्रदर्शन", "ब्लॉक"); वापस लौटा;}); $ ('Body') क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन...

php - Scribd API - is this possible? -

Scripts API: You have used it for those who are aware of scribbled or Look at the API above. Can anyone tell me whether it is possible to write documents directly from my site? I ask because the API (PHP implementation) seems like it would have to ask me to upload files to my users on my server and from there I will be able to upload to SCRED to hjave this As an example: $ file = '../testfile.txt'; // A reference to the file in the context of the current working directory $ data = $ script-> Upload ($ file, $ doc_type, $ access, $ rev_id); thanks if I understand correctly You want the user to upload a file, and then upload it directly to the script without ever storing it on your server. If this is the case, it is possible to handle it directly as a php file upload $ file = $ _FILES [input_name] ["tmp_name"] [/ tmp_name] ["Tmp_name"] ]; $ Data = $ script-> Upload ($ file, $ doc_type, $ access, $ rev_id); This is the path...

Compile ASP.NET to 64 BIT -

मेरा विकास मशीन Win XP Pro 32 बिट है और IIS 7 के साथ उत्पादन मशीन विंडोज सर्वर 2008 (64 बिट) है I विकास मशीन मैं (aspnet compiler) का उपयोग करके 64 बिट बाइट कोड को संकलित करना चाहता हूं। क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि ऐसा कैसे करें? 64 बिट पर्यावरण पर 32 बिट अनुप्रयोग चलाने के लिए कृपया कोई भी तरीका सुझाएं मुझे 32 बिट मशीन पर 64 बिट अनुप्रयोग संकलित किया जाना है, ताकि जब वह इसे चलाए, 64 बिट ओ / एस का कोई भी इम्यूलेशन के बिना पूर्ण लाभ उठाएगा। स्पष्टीकरण: AnyCpu पर लक्षित प्लेटफॉर्म को छोड़ें और 64 बिट ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम पर निष्पादित होने पर .NET स्वचालित रूप से 64 बिट पर स्वचालित रूप से चलाएगा (यह एक टिप्पणी के रूप में शुरू हुआ, लेकिन मैंने सोचा कि यह प्रश्न के लिए भी दिलचस्प हो सकता है) असल में आप कभी भी एक विशेष आर्किटेक्चर का संकलन नहीं करते हैं। आप हमेशा आईएल का संकलन करते हैं यह जावा बाइटकोड जैसा कुछ है। और वह बाइटकोड 32 बिट और 64 बिट के लिए एक जैसा है। मशीन पर वर्चुअल मशीन (.NET ढाँचा) चलाया जाता है, तो आईएल को वास्तविक मशीन कोड को चलने के दौरान संकलित क...

regex - Can someone please explain this JavaScript regular expression for me? -

Can anyone explain this JavaScript regular expression to me? New RegExp ("(^ | \\ s +)" + className + "(\\ s + | $)"), '') (either beginning of the string or | \\ s + one or more white space characters) after the classname The name of the class in question (either \\ s + after one or more white space characters. | Or string ending $ $) then it will match "pog": pog "pog" "pog" "pog bim" bim pog "" pog bim "" bim pog "" bim pog pam " etc. New RegExp () can give options, eg "I" meaning "case insensitive" your In case you are not passing any option (which is correct if you are dealing with HTML class names - class names should be treated as case-sensitive).

FixtureSetup on MbUnit / Gallio doesn't run -

I do not understand this problem Firstly I had referred MBUnit v2 and everything worked perfectly then I installed MBunit v3 And referenced ... which appears to be the MbUnit.dll and Gallio.dll in the Gallio install bin-folder. And when I compiled, I got some warnings on TestFixtureSetup, so I changed them to fixturesetup. But now they are no longer executed. Any clue what I am doing wrong? Which DLL can I refer to BitD? Because when I used the MbUnit V2, I used to always use MbUnit.Framework.dll but it does not seem like that is the case now. I'am confused ... Edit: This example best illustrates my thinking: I TestDriven.NET has tried to use: [TestFixture] Public Category Category Test {[fixturesatup] Public Zero _TestFixtureSetup () {Debug.WriteLine ("fixturesetup"); } [Test] Public Zero Test () {Debug.WriteLine ("in trial"); Assert.IsTrue (right); }} Right click on test method and select test to run I get this output: ------ test Starte...

c++ - When is it appropriate to use "delete this"? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मेरे आवेदन में, मैं कई ऑब्जेक्ट्स बना रहा हूं जो "खुद की स्वयं" - अर्थ में कि जब वे बनाते हैं और "जाने" के लिए कहा जाता है, तो केवल ऑब्जेक्ट ही निर्धारित कर सकता है कि इसे कब हटा दिया जाना चाहिए। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि मैं गेम लिख रहा था, तो मेरे पास कई शत्रु ऑब्जेक्ट हो सकते हैं शत्रु वस्तु को तब जान पड़ता है जब इसे मरना चाहिए। परिणामस्वरूप, मैं का उपयोग करना समाप्त कर देता हूं इस अंदर शत्रु ऑब्जेक्ट क्या यह बुरा स्वरूप है? क्या यह ऐसा कुछ है जो मुझे बचना चाहिए, और यदि हां, तो इस प्रकार की स्थिति को संभालने का सही तरीका क्या है? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> सावधान रहने की बात यह है कि यदि कई सदस्यों के कार्यों में एक साइड इफेक्ट के रूप में स्वयं-विलोपन होता है, तो यह गलती से ऑब्जेक्ट के संदर्भ को हटाए जाने के बाद उपयोग करने में आसान होता है। इस से बचने के लिए एक दृष्टिकोण हटाना को स्थगित करना है - अर्थात, ऑब्जेक्ट को सूची में डालें, और अपने गेम की मुख्य लूप से, उस सूची में सब कुछ उस टिकट के प्रारंभ / अ...

oracle - How can I format a number as xxx-xx-xxxx? -

I ask for social security number data from a stored procedure and I format it as a social security number in my security Want process How can I format xxx-xx-xxxx such as xxxxxxxxx in Oracle? SSN formatting with TO_CHAR SELECT TO_CHAR (012345678, '000g00g0000', 'nls_numeric_characters = .-') from SSN double; SSN ----------- 012-34-5678 Update: Thank you for Gary that the '0' format character To preserve leading zero, '9' should be used instead.

c# - What does it mean to filter a collection 'vertically' and 'horizontally'? -

In the required C # 3.0 book, there is a part where it says: " Projection is very powerful by using the selection method. We have already seen how to filter vertical (decreasing the number of items in the archive) using the standard query operator (.) Select standard query operator, we can also minimize the archive horizontally (making less columns). In combination, Where () and select () means to remove only the pieces of the original collection which is desirable for the current algorithm. " What does this case mean horizontally and vertically? Are these methods calculated differently on any collection? No, they tell the collection equally. If you think of a collection as a group of objects (rows), then with each of the properties (columns) such as the database table. You can filter results by removing some rows ( vertical ) by specifying a condition using where , or by select ing by column A set can remove a subset of properties ( horizontally )...

lisp - How do I write Push and Pop in Scheme? -

I have now (define x a-list) (set! List (list one list) (set a list x)) (defined (pop one list) (let (result (first one list))) (set one list (rest one list))) The result is: Welcome to DosKemeeme, version 4.2 [3M]. Language: module; Memory limit: 256 megabytes & Gt; (Define my list (list 1 2 3)) & gt; (Press my list 4) & gt; My List (1 2 3) & gt; (Pop-marie-list) 1 & gt; My list (1 2 3) What am I doing wrong? Is Push a better way of writing so that the elements are finally added and popped so that the element is already removed? This is a point about using mutation in your code: for it to jump into macros There is no requirement. I'll consider the stack operation for now: to get a simple price that you can mutate around, you only have one cover around the list and the rest of the code remains the same (well, small changes Along with it works properly). In PLT scheme this is exactly what is for the box: (define x one list) (set-box! A-lis...

c++ - Is using *this a good idea? -

I'm not sure return * this Is there a way we can return an example of a member who calls the party's function? I said that the reason is that our instructor told us to avoid using pointers if necessary and I am thinking that this is a case where this indicator is returning the only way to do it. I am working with a fractional class which keeps personal data member portions and divisor. For example, I'm talking about member function, for example, to add two degrees: fraction C = apples (b); Plus member function is defined as: fraction & amp; Plus (const fracture fract) The instructor wants us to C = A + = B, so I think this is the reason. Get a new trainer It seems that the plus () announcement is completely false Should return a price instead of context reference If it has to return a reference, then it should return a reference reference Should take a const reference as a parameter This member can be more likely to have a smarter s...

search - looking for a Webservice which can provide local store contact information and websites -

लड़का, मुझे एक ऐसी कार्यक्षमता की आवश्यकता है जो ज़िपोड को एक इनपुट के रूप में ले सकती है और सभी को ढूंढ सकता है उस क्षेत्र में विभागीय भंडार और वेब से अपनी संपर्क जानकारी पकड़ लेता है। यह एक वेबक्रॉवेलर की तरह है लेकिन मैं इसे जटिल बनाना नहीं चाहता किसी भी विचार के बारे में मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? क्या कोई ऐसी वेब सेवा है जो मुझे पीले पन्नों या कुछ अन्य चीज़ों की तरह प्रदान कर सकती है Google API और Mappoint एपीआई अभ्यस्त होगा। धन्यवाद और कोशिश करो। mvc - How are you able to Unit Test your controllers without an IoC container? -

I started entering unit testing, dependency injection and all jazz while creating my latest ASP.NET MVC project I am I am at that point where I would like to test the unit of my controllers and I am having difficulty finding out how to do it properly without the IoC container. Example A simple controller: public class question controller: controlbase {private IQuestionsRepository _repository = new SqlQuestionsRepository (); // ... continue with different controller functions} This class is not a very unit test, because SQL queries are down from the dependency injection route due to its quick launch of the repository Do this by visiting: public class question controller: controlbase {Private IQuestionsRepository _repository; Public Query Controller (IQuestionsRepository repository) {_repository = repository; }} It looks better now I can easily write unit tests with a fake IQuestionsRepository, however, is going to instantize the controller now? The SqlQuestionReposit...

javascript - convert code from jquery to prototype or dojo -

यदि आपको यह करना था ... फ़ंक्शन addRemoveItemNS () {var $ NewLi = $ ('& lt; li वर्ग = "विशेष" & gt; विशेष और नया & gt; बटन वर्ग = "योजक" & gt; मैं नया & lt; / button & gt; & gt; बटन वर्ग = "हटायेगा" & gt; मुझे निकालें & lt; / button & gt ; & lt; / li & gt; '); $ ('# List9 li.special') .फंड ('बटन.एडोन')। अनबंड ('click.addit') .बंड ('click.addit', फ़ंक्शन () {$ (this)। Parent () ($ NewLi) के बाद; addRemoveItemNS ();}) .end () .find ('button.removeme')। Unbind ('click.removeit') .bind ('click.removeit', फ़ंक्शन () {$ (यह )। Parent ()। निकालें ();}); } $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (फ़ंक्शन () {addRemoveItemNS ();}); ... jquery के बजाय प्रोटोटाइप या डोजो के साथ, आप इसे कैसे करेंगे? यहां बताया गया है कि डोजो ट्रंक कोड का उपयोग करके आप इसे कैसे कर सकते हैं (या इसे रिलीज होने पर डोजो 1.4)। आपके मूल कोड को बेहतर मिलान करने के लिए ट्रंक कोड अंत () क...

c++ - Issues Serial Port Watch using threads with an event loop and QSocketNotifiers -

I used to ask this question yesterday since I did not receive any data, but weird when I used to wait in the discoverer I started receveing ​​notifications from QSocketNotifier . The rest of the questions are the same, can someone give a suggestion? I have created a sample application from where the separate thread has been started to read and process data from the serial port. QSocketNotifier is used to find out whether the data has come on the serial port or not. I start the event loop by using the exec () statement in the running of the thread. But the socket notifier has worked, the signal is never generated for serial ports activation only once the application is running. And once it was generated it was generated very fast and the instrument was not equal to the frame rate Here is a short code sample for the serial Communicator thread. SerialPortWatchOne .cpp // Constructor Clays :: Clays () // // Setting Configuration Multiple Dynamics QSocketNotifier * Notifier ...

taking the value contained in the brackets using php -

For example string my name is xyz (25) I want to get 25 in a variable through php .. Use preg_match to do this: $ string = "Xyz (25)"; Preg_match ("/.* \ ((\ d *) \) /", $ string, $ matches); Print_r (matches $); will come back array ([0] => xyz (25) [1] => 25)

c# - How can I edit mif/mid gis data format? -

I am working on an application (.2.0) which uses the MIF / MID data format to display GIS data Does. I have to find a way to edit these files with some type of editor (outside of the app) I did a lot, but nothing was found suitable (Map Maker worked but did not display the label from the middle file). I get the following solutions (in order of preference): Find some editors that edit mif / mid format which one is correct? Find some editors that will allow edit any other format and convert it to this format and back to MF / which one? Find some editors that will allow edit any other format and convert utilities into a format once to convert this In case I have to write my own parser I do not like this idea :) Free editors are preferred. Thank you! UPD 1 I forgot to tell that I need to load unicode mid files or at least specify the codepap, for example, the OpenJump plugin is not working Does (I think) UPD 2 This is a real problem. Most of the equipment ei...

mysql - SQL ranking solution -

I am implementing the ranking solution for one of my table so that get rid of expensive questions that are COUNT (* ), Range and offset clause my problem is that I do not know why the calculation of the position is incorrect. Please see your examples to redo the problem. create table `acl` (` id` MEDIUMINT (8) unsigned NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR (32) No NULL,` limiter` INTEGER (11) signature tap, primary key (`Id`)) engine = INNODB; Create table 'quote` (`id` MEDIUMINT (8) unsigned NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,` created_at` integer (11) unsigned NULL, `integer (11) reputation` not NULL, primary key signed (` id`)) Engine = InnoDB; Enter value in 'ACL' (`name`,` limiter`) ('user', 0), ('staff', blank); Value in `bid '(` created_at', 'reputation') values ​​(UNIX_TIMESTAMP (), 0), (UNIX_TIMESTAMP () + 1, 0); SET @acl_id: = 0, @ position: = 0; Select as acl_id, quote_id as, the largest (@position: = IF (@acl_id =, @p...

c++ - Why does this code crash at the places mentioned? -

Can you please explain why this code crashes on that place? I'm a little stumped on this. I think it has got to do something with sizeof (int) , but I'm not completely sure what can anyone explain? class base {public: virtual zeros some functions (printf ("test base \ n"); } Int m_j; }; Category created: Public base {Public: Some functions (zero) {printf ("test derive \ n"); } Private: int m_i; }; Zero MyWonderfulCode (base baseArray []) {baseArray [0] .Somefunction (); // Works fine bassarre [1]. Some functions (); // Invalid due to vfptr baseArray [2] Crash. Some functions (); // Crash due to invalid vfptr baseArray [3]. Some functions (); // Works fine bassarre [4]. Some functions (); // Invalid due to vfptr baseArray [5] Crash. Some functions (); // Invalid vfptr baseArrest crashes [6] Some functions (); // Works fine bassarre [7]. Some functions (); // Crash due to invalid vfptr baseArray [8]. Some functions (); // Crash due to invalid vfptr bas...

Date format problem using SSIS for Excel into SQL Server -

I am trying to import a column of date from a spreadsheet in SQL Server 2005 using SSIS in Excel 2003 I am I am in the UK so I want to format the dates as dd / MM / yyyy. Unfortunately, the spread of Excel 'date' formatting with a mix of dates stored in the form of wires in DD / MM / YAY (Excel with 'normal' formatting) in the spreadsheet DD / MM / Yyyy (with location 'English (United Kingdom)') This is just this way and I can not expect that this user will be able to sort himself. When looking at the spreadsheet, all the dates are visually visible correctly, ie DD / MM / yay I am trying to import the value into a Holding table in the database in the valcard column. Then I run a stored procedure that copies these values ​​to the appropriate table, which contains a datetime column. The problem is that the dates are stored in the spreadsheet and the date formatting used in MM / DD / Yyyy in the form of SQL Server and the date stored in the form of DD...

.net - Non-code-generated forwarding shim for testing private methods -

In general, I design classrooms in a manner that does not require privatization for testing purposes. One can also help. However, I am currently working with a codebase in which there are some areas which are dependent on [VSTS] in the private accessory system (i.e., VSCodeGenAccessors Code> * _Accessor To apply classes that use forwarding, private to apply the members (and optionally internal ). Then I have the code: class intends to target = new classware (); var ACCESSOR = ClassroomTest_AssessorAttachShaido (Target); ACCESSOR.PrivateMath (); (Yeah, there is cheat with the opponent - but please do not shoot the messenger). (Pure, I have many The problems are: I would like to be able to clarify what personal requirement I have I do not like to start the dialogue (yes, I am a I am not khoholic) I did not want code generation in the picture Insert That's why I want to be able to the above code to convert a few: var target = new classUnderTest (for)...

html - Clearing <input type='file' /> using jQuery -

क्या & lt; input type = 'file' / & gt; नियंत्रण मान को साफ़ करना संभव है JQuery के साथ? मैंने निम्नलिखित की कोशिश की है: $ ('# control')। Attr ({value: ''}); लेकिन यह काम नहीं कर रहा है। आसान: आप एक लपेटो तत्व के चारों ओर & lt; form & gt; , फ़ॉर्म पर कॉल रीसेट करें, फिर ओपन का उपयोग करके फ़ॉर्म को निकालें () इस सूत्र में क्लोन () समाधान के विपरीत अन्यथा, आप अंत में एक ही तत्व के साथ समाप्त होते हैं (कस्टम गुण जो उस पर सेट होते हैं)। ओपेरा, फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स, सफारी, क्रोम में परीक्षण और काम करना और आईई 6 + type = "hidden" के अपवाद के साथ ही अन्य प्रकार के प्रपत्र तत्वों पर भी काम करता है। फ़ंक्शन रीसेटफॉर्म एलेमेंट (e) {e .wrap ( '& lt; प्रपत्र & gt;')।। निकटतम ( 'फॉर्म') मिलता है (0) .reset (); e.unwrap (); // फ़ॉर्म सबमिशन से रोकें e.stopPropagation (); e.preventDefault (); } नीचे दिए गए टिमो नोट्स के रूप में, अगर आपके पास & lt; form & gt; के अंदर फ़ील्ड के रीसेट को ट्रिगर करने के...

Session and viewstate at facebook platform -

I have an application in the Facebook Platform (a test app) and I am using session and viewstate in the application's code. And when it increases the session value, sometimes it does not feel with the change in it, I mean that I store the session in session and after posting I raise this session value numner together and when new If the value is received, then it is in the previous session and The value is no conflict with no changes, so sessions and Facebook Platform to use viewstate? My application is on the following link and the questions asked in the game are repeated that I increase the salary of the session, so I can fix this problem. Please note: My application # Has been developed with C #. It seems that you are writing the IFRAME Facebook application Does IE happen? See the 'Fix an ISE capture solution' section while developing the Facebook app at IFRAM:

parsing - Difference between an LL and Recursive Descent parser? -

I've been trying to teach myself recently how to work for parsers (for languages ​​/ context-free grammar) , And most of this is understandable, except one thing, I am specifically focusing on ll (k) grammar , for which two main algorithms (piles / pars Using the table) and (using just recursion) appears. As far as I can see, recursive descent algorithms all work in LL.K. and possibly more, while an LL Parser works on all L.L. (K) grammar. A recurring descent parser is very easy to implement clearly, although it is much simpler than an LL parser (as an LL is compared to an LR one). So my question is, what are the advantages / problems that encounter when using algorithms? Why can it ever take an LLL on an iterative line, provided it works on a single set of grammar and it is intriguing to be implemented? LLL is usually more efficient parsing technique than recurring descent, in fact, a deceptive recursive-lineage parser In the worst case scenario, O (k ^ n) (where ...

iphone - How to "flick" a UIImageView? -

I have found some UIViews that I want the user to "shock" on the screen. They are not scrolling the scenes, they are just a raster image (PNG) Can I point to a sample code, etc. to help me start? A bit more heavier than the "movie", which helps in the detection of "flick" (a "nudge" or drag and drop) and then closes the view in the direction of "flick"? OpenGL might probably overkill if possible, I would like to be within the core graphics / animation scope. To detect touch in a visual controller, you can use touch Touch and touch the touching ways, touch can touch the touch, and if the touch moved from left to right or left to some amount, it was a shock, not tap left or right.

Blank process name for OSX Cocoa application? -

I'm developing an OSX application () that runs with the LSUIElement set (system menu only - no tray icon , Does not appear in the CMD-tab.) It works perfectly well, but someone only told that it has an empty process name in the Activity Monitor list. Just say nothing is everything in it, even other apps running on LSUIEILMENT. I have tried searching around the web, but I am talking about this. What should I look for on the earth? Exits I had the CFBundleDisplayName key, but empty it fixes it.

How do I call managed .NET code from my un-managed C++ code in Windows and vice versa? -

I have a pure C + + application developed using VC 6.0. I would like to use this application as a library developed in C #. How do I call methods in my local executable C # library? I do not want to convert my unmanaged C ++ native application into managed code. Similarly, how do I reverse? PInvoke is the only option? I would appreciate any references or pointers for that. Unmanaged C ++ to call in managed code, use, or look for COM forms Export your type in your managed assembly, and use COM to call unmanaged code by calling, use COM or P / Invoke.

sql - Cross platform datastore for storing application data? -

Currently in our application, configure and amp; Files on the disk are stored in an .i file, where application data is distributed to multiple files in the application specific data configuration data. Now the application has increased and data manipulation using files is becoming a nightmare. We now want to make a switch in the database. We have the following requirements / questions. Is there an unknown unknown footprint similar to database solution files, but can you issue SQL queries? We do not want to go with enterprise class database solutions such as MySQL or MSSQL or Oracle because there is not enough data to store in the application. We want to bundle this database with our application, but We are looking for an intangible library for this database to access the database easily. Is there a solution that uses the above requirements for C ++ targeting windows and * NIX platforms? What do you want (you do not specify your programming language, but many common l...

character encoding - Pound sign in html email messes up charset? -

I have an HTML email that draws non-English letters from the database. By setting charsets in the form of UTIF-8 characters are displayed correctly in the email. However, an anchor link ( & lt; a href = '# here' & gt;; here & lt; / a & gt; ) Which uses the Pound sign when I include this line of code, later the non-English characters in the email are distorted. When I exclude that line - the letters are okay. Is there any way to avoid this? Have you tried using the HTML # number? & amp; # 35; Does that work?

reflection - Invoke Generic Extension method on an Object? -

I have created a common extension method for the DataRow object. The method does not take any arguments, I use the methodInfo, through the medium of reflection I want to invite generic method. I can do this for normal public ways, but in some way I can not find a reference to the general extension method. Whatever I have read is related to my query but no luck is in this way. Keep in mind that the extension methods are compiler moves if you see the static method of the static class where the extension method If it is defined then you can bring it properly. Now, if you have an object and you can find the extension method by searching for all your stable classes in the app domain, in which special Code> System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute and the absolute sequence in the specific method name and question If two extension classes define an extension method with the same name and signature, this approach fails Will go It will also fail if the assembly is...

iphone - Resetting the origin of a transformed UIView descends into craziness -

मैं [UIView transform:] का उपयोग करते हुए एक UIVIew को घुमाए / स्केल और यह अच्छी तरह से काम करता है। हालांकि, जैसे ही मैं दृश्य के फ्रेम मूल को बदलता हूं, दृश्य की सामग्री को 'अजीब तरह से' स्केल करना शुरू होता है, भले ही मैं कोई और CGAffineTransforms नहीं कर रहा हूं। ऐसा क्यों होता है? मैं इसे कैसे रोका जा सकता हूं? अपडेट 1: डॉक्स सुझाव देते हैं कि फ्रेम ट्रांसफॉर्म होने के बाद अमान्य है। क्या मैं इसके बजाय 'सेंटर' प्रॉपर्टी के माध्यम से दृश्य को स्थानांतरित कर सकता हूं? अपडेट 2: विचार केंद्र की स्थापना के बाद मुझे सफलतापूर्वक दृश्य का अनुवाद करने की अनुमति मिली एक परिवर्तन को लागू किया गया था। क्या मैं इसके बजाय 'केंद्र' संपत्ति के दृश्य को स्थानांतरित कर सकता / सकती हूं? ? केंद्र संपत्ति को इस प्रकार परिभाषित करता है: फ्रेम का केंद्र। और कहते हैं: केंद्र अपने पर्यवेक्षण के समन्वय प्रणाली के भीतर निर्दिष्ट है। मैं इसे कोशिश करूँगा।

.net - Sort DataTable rows by length in c# -

P> 1.Ooava 2. 2.AOB 3.Oro 4.Uroba N. LineBox To sort rows by length, not by name. I want to sort the table based on length of areas. You can set your datatable , len () Due to the call to the function, a column containing an expression is automatically counted, due to which the values ​​in the column are automatically counted: add table.Columns ("lengthname", typef (int), "lane (Name)"); Then you can sort your new column to DataTable before using any type of UI control before binding it in the grid: table. Default view. Security = "lengthname";

javascript - jQuery selector AND operator -

This may sound like a simple question, but I think there can be no answer on Google, probably because Revert to the search term quite irrelevance I have to select all the weird table rows to a jQuery selector, which is & lt; Thead & gt; And apply a CSS class to everyone. table.cp-ss-grid tr: odd All the weird rows in the selection above will be returned to the table properly, but the thread lines (ie ) How and how would I be in the selector, like something: table.cp-ss Any ideas? Post-text "itemprop =" text "> Why not: $ ('table.cp-ss-grid & gt; & gt; tr: strange'); Clearly select body rows? If you do not have one, all browsers will add one person for you.

javascript - jQuery Traversing -

मेरे पृष्ठ में यह डिज़ाइन है। & lt; tr id = "master" & gt; & Lt; td id = "row1" & gt; & LT; textbot & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; td id = "row2" & gt; & LT; linkbutton & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; मैं लिंकबटन की उसी टीआर पर क्लिक की क्लोनिंग कर रहा हूं और वर्तमान लिंक बटन छिपे होंगे। इसलिए एक नई पंक्ति बनाई जाएगी। विचार करें कि मुझे तीन बार क्लोन है & lt; tr id = "master" & gt; & Lt; td id = "row1" & gt; & LT; textbot & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; td id = "row2" & gt; & LT; linkbutton & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; tr id = "master" & gt; & Lt; td id = "row1" & gt; & LT; textbot & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; td id = "row2" & gt; & LT; linkbutton & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & ...

Javascript submitting all the forms on a page -

I am using jsf 1.2. When there are more than one type with the specified ID in a particular jasp, for example, using the same form as the following, the JSF form appears to have a random id. & lt; Ui: repeat & gt; & Lt; H: form id = "duplication" & gt; ... I want to submit all the forms using Javascript. Is there a way to do this without knowing the AIDS form? Hmm, it will not be that kind of real simple thing if you use something like documents. Form1.submit (); It posts a specific form and all the values ​​in it. Therefore it does not use looping through all forms and submitting any one it will be similar to clicking on the submit button of each form, resulting in each post being posted separately. Used to be. The solution is to collect the values ​​of each field in each form as a collector, and post the collector's form. You can read about it here (with code examples):

.net - How to convert wiki markup to RTF? -

I want to create some formatted text in a .NET RichTextBox control. It seems like quite a problem to use the existing mechanism for formatting, eg. Selection etc. Any kind of markup will be very easy. To wit. Eg markup works on this site eg some ** bold ** text. Gives you "some bold text. Anyone: Know that Anything that exists, is the address of any C # code that can be modified to do this, Or is there any other suggestion? If you read this article then it should be easy to create your wiki 2 RTF converter square, or wiki Find 2 HTML and add both of them :-)!

Rails Routing Question: Mapping Slugs/Permalinks Directly under Root? -

Everybody in the morning! .. The usual routing Quesiton is here ... I am currently working to get the users in my application have a route like this. Username This is then a map to show the user controller #, so I have the following in the root file. map.connect '/: permalink' ,: Controller => "user" ,: action => "show" To show up on Perlin is the show's action. So its works but .... The problem I am running is that all other unsaved users are sent to the controller # that is, 404 & amp; nbsp; Other non-designated routes, therefore, I do not think that I am going with the right conference for this. My solution is just to add another named path above it, which solves the problem, but I feel brittle, am I thinking about this wrong idea? Is there a better solution? I'm going to Google for a reply, but I thought I'd throw it away for discussion? You're correcting it. Rail routes are known to be less prio...

iphone - how to get UIImageView coordinates? -

I have to calculate an angle between two UIImageViews and I do not know how to get the UIImageViews coordinates (four corner coordinates ). Is there any property for this? Thanks You should be able to find any angle with trigonometric functions . For example, it will find an angle between two UIImageViews centers, which shares a supervision: angle = tan (( .y-, (; It is important that they are in the same supervision, otherwise the coordinates will be different. To find angles you need to understand the basics.

php - Get remote text file, process, and update database - approach and scripting language to use? -

I have to do some basic feed processing, so get a file through FTP, process it (i.e. those fields About what I care about), and then update the local database. And similarly the other direction: Get data from DB, create a file, and upload via FTP the script will be called by the cron. I think that this idea will be for each type of feed, define the FTP connection / file information, then there should be a translation of that the data field in the file belongs to the data fields, Which can work with the application (and course process of this process). Additionally, write different scripts that do common entry functions for different objects that can be used in different feeds. As an e-commerce example, to say that I work with different suppliers who provide feed for me feeds variant (object) type: product, category, or order There may be information. For each type of feed I clearly work with different areas and call different updates or scripts. What is the best language to i...

java - Maintain file permissions when extracting from a zip file using JDK 5 api -

I am using and java.util.ZipEntry so that the contents of a ZIP file successfully on the disk Could be separated. I would like to maintain file permissions set to extract * on file file system. Can someone talk to me in this "right" way? It is too old, but since I ended up here ... This question provides a lot of information: Basically, you can not store file permissions in zip / jar files, so that you can not keep them safe while extracting your jar (when they are jar Was created to begin with). If you need protected file permissions in the archive and when ExtrasKiting is on, then you need to consider the alternative .tar or .tar.gz / .tar.bz2 format, which is used for most Java creation tools (ant, Gradle, Maven ...)

VB.NET: If I pass a String ByVal into a function but do not change the string, do I have one or two strings in memory? -

I know that the string is irreversible, so you change the value of a string reference. Creates a new string on the net pile. But what if you does not change the value of the string context; Rather, you pass it only in the ByVal function - does this copy the string value on the operation pile? My tilt is "no" but I want to confirm it. For example: Public Function IsStringHello (Bug Val Test String) In the form of bullion returns (string calling program: Boolean = IstringHello (myWord) I know that value from myWord reference to the string = "Blah" in the form of a slow myWord , but since I have not tried to change the string, is it the second copy of the string on the heap By the way, the string internation is completely unrelated to that of the standards for the tasks; The rules are simple and you have told it correctly: Copy value from reference , target no. Is not.

How can I remove duplicates in an object array in PHP? -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक वस्तु है: वर्ग FanStruct {public $ date; सार्वजनिक $ userid; फ़ंक्शन __ रूपांतरण ($ तारीख, $ id) {$ this- & gt; date = $ date; $ This- & gt; यूजरआईड = $ आईडी; }} मेरे पास अधिकतम 30 में से एक सरणी है, और उन्हें $ userid द्वारा सॉर्ट किया गया है। सबसे अच्छा क्या है सरणी के तरीकों को जाने के लिए और $ userid पर आधारित डुप्लिकेट ऑब्जेक्ट्स को निकालने का तरीका ( $ date को नजरअंदाज करना)? यह एक साधारण परीक्षण है जो कम से कम आपको प्रारंभ करना चाहिए। FanStruct & lt;? Php वर्ग FanStruct {सार्वजनिक $ date;} के अपने उदाहरणों के लिए विशिष्टता उत्पन्न करने के लिए आपकी __toString विधि को और अधिक विस्तृत करने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। सार्वजनिक $ userid; फ़ंक्शन __ रूपांतरण ($ तारीख, $ id) {$ this- & gt; date = $ date; $ This- & gt; यूजरआईड = $ आईडी; } सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन __toString () {वापसी $ this- & gt; तिथि $ इस- & gt; userid; }} $ Test = एरे (नया फैनस्ट्राट्रिक ('आज', 1), नए फ़ानस्ट्राट्रिक ('आज', 1), नई फैनस्ट्र...

environment variables - TeamCity + MSBuild: Tagging a deployment with a VCS build number -

I am using TeamCity 4.5.1 to create and deploy ASP.Net applications for development. It is still working perfectly, however, my manager has said that I tag the folder with specific SVN revisions from which the source was compiled. I am using an MSBuild script to create and deploy, however, I am unable to recover the build number successfully. Here is the MSBuild command I am using (sanitized): & lt; Exec Command = "& amp; Gt; \\ server08 \ D $ \ Websites \ MYPROJECT \ version.txt echo% env.bUILD_VCS_NUMBER%,% env.bUILD_VCS_NUMBER.1%,%,% system .build.vcs.number.% 1,%,%,%,% env.TEAMCITY_VCS_NUMBER_MYPROJECT_Web_Root% " /> Version.txt changes in such a way: ,,,,,,,, Aka, down. What am I doing wrong? Any better way to do this? % env.XYZ% is the team's method of referring to the environment variable, Want to use a...

On Samsung Omnia, a Java MIDLet cannot connect after the GPRS connection is shut down by the phone -

I have a Java J2ME application that (on user request) make HttpConnections on a server. This application works well on most phones including Samsung Omnia. The problem (Omnia) is that at some point, the phone is disconnected from GPRS network. This app is still in use, but is not trying to make a connection to the server (browsing user data). After this happens, when the user requests some updates from the server, then call again thanks in advance! Well, it has been found that this was a resource management problem. Remember to turn off input and output streams, connections, etc.).

java - How can I access methods based on strings in an array? -

Hello! I'm also not sure that this is possible, but hopefully it's in Java I know that I use the variable variable and dynamically using a variable But I have read that Java is not possible in a different question. I have an array of strings that contain the status of the checkbox in my JSF GUI. If all checkboxes are set then the values ​​of different checkboxes will be filled with strings. The labels and values ​​of the checkbox are created by looping through an array that looks like this: {"title", "requestTitle"}, {"" date "," Request "), {" date added "," dub "}, {" title "," requestTitle "}, {" process "," process id "}, ..., ..., ...}; Then I repeat through the array and I create JSF SelectItems: for (int i = 0; i & lt; oVERVIEW_FIELDS Length; i ++) {SelectItem item = new selection item (overview_FIELDS [i] [0], overview_FIELDS [i] [1]); GetField...

web services - Best approach(es) or technolog(y/ies) for this specific problem? -

I have a web-based interface to assign invoices, customer records and other transaction records, which are currently available for all the databases Interacting with the aforementioned stored on the same machine as you can imagine, this is a very easy set-up that includes Web App and Database (MySQL). However, the ideal scenario is to keep records on current (easy) machines and to move the web server to another server within the same network (once again easy) ... but additionally, provide facilities on a public Creating a website for customers to manage accounts and so forth. The problem is - the public-facing web server is completely positioned at a different location because it is a dedicated server provided by a famous ISP. What is the best way to enable the record, to make sure that all communications are secure, while this is accessible to other servers. Speed ​​is not a big factor, however any outage on any side should be handled in a systematic manner. Initially my thought...

datetime - How do I nicely display relative time using VB.NET? -

I want to display a "Date / Time Submit" value as stack overflows E.g. * 2 hours ago * 3 days ago * a month ago I get a broad answer on how to do this on PHP, but can someone help me in the VB version? Calculate the exact time since the first submission: Dim t as timspin = datetime.Now - the submitted time Then you decide what interval you want to use to display the results. For example: If T shortscands & lt; 60 Then display = "less than a minute ago" LSF minority & lt; 60 then display = t. Minute. Toastring () + "minutes ago" otherwise ... ... and at the end if

ruby - Comment notification to users in rails? -

There are registered users in my webpage and there are articles, blog posts, gossip, etc. I have a polymorphic comment for all of these resources The model is listed below. id content commentable_id commentable_type user_id created_at updated_at 1 freest comment 2 paragraph 1 .... 2 second comment 3 post 2 .... For commentable resources, I have a comment form below the remarkable resource that users have to comment on. I need a checkbox when checked when submitting comments, users should receive a notification, be in the inbox or email, because we already have user signup, when other new comments are added later . I want notifications like some models, where I can store commentable_type, commentable_ID and user_id (if the mailing is commentable and should be sent to the user when a new comment is made? ) How can I apply the relationship between comment and notification? If anybody subscribes to a particular commentable resource for the part of the investigation, create a ...

marshalling - C# DLL extern prototype help -

I have a CDLL with the export that looks like the following: __ declspec Dllexport) int function (four * password, unsigned char * ssid, int ssidlength, unsigned char * output) {/ code> On the C # side, I am using this type like this : Something like this: C => C # Four * Myarvers => [Marshall AS (unmanaged type) .PSTP)] string myVAR All types list of? I ask, because I never know when "referee" or out or when ITPT is used, or how Marshall should do something as something Finally, In the above code, I am marshning an indicator as a long indicator for a string for an unsigned four array. It does not seem right, but it works for it to finish in a byte [] array, it makes more sense, but I can not get it to work if only there is an online reference which I There are so many guides on MSDN This Being said, and there are great resources to work with native code. Interop assistant, in particular, often makes it very easy.

ruby - Missing record in Rails Testing -

I am trying to test Rail Javascript with cucumber / mobility and factory complexes. The stack works only, but the database is going crazy. I am running mongrel on 3001 harbor (both tried in cucumber and test environments) and it is used by cucumber through shrimp. Item smth with item > This simple Works if I use Simple Webtrit Interface. But with celebrity, there is something wrong with the database: Item #in cucumbers 1 item exists #in cucumber 0 items present # Element 1 item exists # in the cucumber # / li> works in cucumber Any ideas why mobility Do not see the example that the cucumber was saved in DB? PS Yes, both work with the same DB .... I came to know that it was because every move wrapped in cucumber transaction closed them and everything works fine!

.net - Membership and profiles in WCF -

I am working on a WCF service that requires membership and profile access. I am working using the classified class and by calling CreateUser () and ValidateUser () but I can not get the profile to work. I do not even know what the key Calling the square, I have seen that all the samples are for as I have posted below, Secure Zero Page_load (Object Sender, EventErgus E) {If (! Page.IsPostBack) {txtFirstName.Text = Profile. first name; TxtLastName.Text = Profile.LastName; Int foo = Profile.Age; }} When I try that the profile object is not available in my WCF endpoint and I can not find any other way to access it I try to use the web profiler builder mentioned in one of the answers - it looks like something that can help you with an alternative profile A vigorous type wrapper around it has to be manually handconverted in a manner similar to autogenerated.

CSS - Amazon Associate link formatting with CSS -

The links below were without black color, then with a line below black I wanted this Then I turned it into an Amazon Associate link, and now it's blue and amp; Underlined I'm still using the same CSS first (links2), so I do not understand why this format has changed. How can I get links with no underlined below, then with black color when link: ' category = "books" category = "link 2" & gt; '. $ Line ['site']. ' & Lt; / A & gt; ' CSS: a.links2: link {color: # 000000; Text-decoration: None; Text-align: left; Margin top: 6px; Margin-bottom: 2px; Margin-left: 2px; Padding: 0px; Font-family: aerial, helvetica, sense-serif; Font-size: 12px; Height: 12px; Vertical-align: medium; } A.links2: visited {color: # 000000; Text-decoration: None; Text-align: left; Margin top: 6px; Margin-bottom: 2px; Margin-left: 2px; Padding: 0px; Font-family: aerial, helvetica, sense-serif; Font-size: 12px; Height: 12px; Vertical-al...

java - Dictionary class -

क्या जावा वर्च के क्लास में एक कुंजी के लिए कई मान हैं? सबसे पहले, डिक्शनरी क्लास के बारे में: उस वर्ग को चूक माना जाता है, दस्तावेज़ इसके बजाय मानचित्र का उपयोग करने की अनुशंसा करता है। यह आप जिस संग्रह की मांग कर रहे हैं उसे एक बहुमप कहा जाता है। आप एक सूची के साथ स्वयं को लागू कर सकते हैं, लेकिन यह थकाऊ है। आप अपाचे कलेक्शंस या Google कलेक्शंस से मल्टीमैट का उपयोग करना चाह सकते हैं। जब मैं व्यक्तिगत रूप से अपाचे संग्रहों का प्रशंसक हूं, तो वे वास्तव में जेनरिकों का समर्थन नहीं करते हैं, इसलिए Google multimap सुरक्षित हो सकता है।

AJAX requests Synchronous Vs Asynchronous -

Is there any difference between performance (moving) between synchronous requests and asynchronous requests? What are the reasons for using asynchronous request ?? You should always use an asynchronous Ajax request. In fact, I only have one place I know where a synchronous Ajax request should be used that if you are in Ajax Request then the client is embedding a new javascript file and then referencing references and / or objects from that JavaScript file in context. Awareness is the basic Ajax request the use of a synchronous Ajax request to bring new JS file ... either should always use asynchronous Ajax requests. The most important reason is that a synchronous Ajax request makes the UI unresponsive ...

functional programming - What is Scala's yield? -

I understand the yield of ruby ​​and python what does scalla yield? Use it (such as list-understanding and generator of Python), where you yield can also be used). It is applied in combination with and writes a new element in the resulting sequence. > Simple Examples (from) / ** Command Line Organisms Uppercase * / Object Main {ARF: Array [String]) {val res = for (a F # will have related expression [ For a args - & gt; A.toUpperCase] ​​ or Choose from an ARG a.toUpperCase in Linq. Ruby has a different effect of yield .

Prolog predicate problems -

I'm just starting with Prologue, and I do not understand why the following does not work as I hope to do this I am trying to make a reality which returns the returns if the list is listed in L2, this is what I have written: emphasize (in (L1, L1 Emphasis is included (in (L1, [x | L2]): - Member (X, L1), contains (L1, L2) in emphasis (in (L1, []) I thought it would be equal to "L3 = x | L2 'in L1, and L2 is also in L1", which includes ( L1, L2) until all the time All have been crossed and we leave with the last option, or we search for that member who is not in L1, and this will fail the failure. Unfortunately, It seems that does not work like this. It seems that only the value of the member (X, L1) is to be returned, so in this ([1,2,3], [1,4,5]) passes What am I doing wrong? Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I The question was not fully understood but I writes / writes / defined like this: % Any list contains an...

php - German Umlaute in Mysql/Phpmyadmin -

I have a Flex application with UT 8-encoding. I am sending it back to the server (PHP), and the data MySQL (UT8 charset, utf8_general_ci) is written in I have no problem writing / reading all / UMMOT from database I have only realized the data with the APMMadmin that the ummat has been modified in some way: ö => ö ü => ü etc. As I said, I had no problem at all. The odd thing is that when I write the example with the PHPmyAdmin directly in the database, they are displayed correctly Now I am printing a PDF, and to display me correctly For all values, call ut8_decode (). However, they manually enter DB (which are correctly displayed in phpmyadmin), they are not decoded. I think they have not been written in DB in DT because they are due to the decoding defects? ) But why are this strange way for the first time in UT 8-encoded values ​​in DB? 2.) How can I enter data in MySQL with PHPmyAdmin in UTF-encoding? (I have set the connection to ut8.) Thx, Martin I ...

ajax - Beginner RegEx Question - PHP RegEx to allow only relative paths (not URL's) -

Do anyone know PHP Regx to allow only relative path, not at all? For example, I have an AJAX function that submits this value to my PHP script "Some directory / other-directory / some-file.php". In my PHP script, that file is included ... ($ some -pp-document); I do not want a hacker to submit something like this to use my AJAX function: "" In my PHP document, do something like this: & lt; Php & gt; $ Some-php-document = $ _POST ["some_value_submitted_via_ajax"]; // If $ some-php-document is a URL (not a relative path to the file), // then $ some_php_document = null // How can I use php regex to above? & Lt; / Php> How can I do this? Or, I know that there are more secure solutions. Let me use the function instead of a regexp, like something: & lt; Php $ some_php_document = $ _POST ["some_value_submitted_via_ajax"]; $ Parse_doc = parse_url ($ some_php_document); // If $ some-php-document is a URL (doe...

Calling a web service from php? -

All, The Atlest installed our peer SOAP module on our Apache server. Now when I try the following code - it is giving me "HTTP Bad Request" Can anyone help? & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt ;? Include SOAP_Client class of Php / * PEAR :: SOAP: * / require_once ('SOAP / Client.php'); $ Zip = $ _REQUEST ['zip']; ? & Gt; & Lt; Form action = "wszip.php" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Table cells = "10" bg color = "cadetle" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; B & gt; Enter zip code: & lt; / B & gt; & Lt; Input type = "article" name = "zip" /> & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "find it!" /> Gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; BR & gt; & Lt; BR...

iPhone NSString convert to readable text -

I have a piece of NSString that read "Test and Test" or & quot; Is there a way to do that without searching and that display is "& amp; or" "" ?? Can you try it? NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [[[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init] autorelease]; [Request URL: [NSURL URLWithString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ ""]]] [Request [setHTTPMethod]: @ "GET"]; NSHTPRRUPRRRSpons * Oathresance; NSERR * Athlete; NSDTA * AUTHADADATA = [NSUrConction SCICNCRACX: SCIRAT & End: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSLog (@ "Good results:% @", authResponseBody); Adrian

unit testing - How to test materialized view in java -

Is there any way to write automated tests for physical ideas using the Hibernate Framework? I do not know how it works. My first method was to use the DBMSIMFHFRSH stored procedure. But, I do not need it - after refreshing the scene all credit data is credited. Is there any different way to test this scene? Google has found - first hit I do not know that it's worth the time.

windows - Is there any COM library for Java that works well? -

I am writing a script that uses COM to automate a Windows application, and I want to do it in Java I would like to re-write The thing is, the COM library seems a little old, and I do not want to waste time with that code which does not work. Have you tried and worked anything? Have you seen? Last updated June 8, 2009. JACOB is a JavaCom bridge that allows you to call COM Automation components from Java. It uses JNI to make native calls to COM libraries JACOB runs on x86 and x64 environments in support of 32bit and 64 bit JVM

http - Redirect with a 303 after POST to avoid "Webpage has expired": Will it work if there are more bytes than a GET request can handle? -

I want to solve the problem of the "webpage has expired" First of all, I have just changed one post to a GET, but there was an error that caused my HTTP request to exceed the maximum size for GET. So, now I'm thinking that the following link (post, 303, redirect), but do I have a problem with the same size limit? I seem to be in a pick-up-poison situation. Edit and more detail: Do I have the "posting" search criteria server responds with the results of the search There are so many controls on the form, and if the user adds custom fields Has been done, and "ViewState" of adds more bytes. Return

keyboard - How can you read keystrokes when the python program isn't in the foreground? -

I am trying to analyze my main stroke in the next month and want to throw a simple program to do this. I am I absolutely do not want to log in commands, but just generates normal figures on my key press I'm the most comfortable coding in Python, but open to other suggestions is it possible, and If I look at Python module? Has it been done already? I am interested in OSX but will also be interested in doing an Ubuntu box and on Windows XP. It looks like you need it Analyze the block and tell you how far you had to travel to type your fingers, then suggest your optimal layout. To answer your basic question, you can read with / dev / event * for local keyboard, mouse and joystick event. I believe that you just have to type cat / dev / event0 & gt; Keylogger . The incidents are examples of structure input_event . See also. The Python module is a convenient way to parse binary data. For OSX, see the source code on the logcacks.