
Showing posts from February, 2010

Is multiple inheritance in Perl and Java the same? -

क्या जावा और पर्ल में एक से अधिक विरासत समान है? जावा में कोई बहुमूल्य विरासत नहीं है, लेकिन एकल उत्तराधिकारी + एकाधिक इंटरफ़ेस कार्यान्वयन, जबकि पर्ल में एकाधिक भाग हैं।

Does PHP support asynchronous calls? -

I am planning to create a web application and going to host it. Since the cost for Php is low and it is similar to .net, I am planning to go for php. I am basically a real boy. But there is no problem learning php if it is similar to .net Please give your opinion in doing this Please also tell me if PHP supports asynchronous calls like AJAX in ASP.NET Give me your comments stands for AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML . PHP is not mentioned anywhere, and there is no need to be asynchronous to facilitate it. The process is that a javascript function is a synchronous PHP page that gives the result and the user updates the browser. The Asycnhronous bit is that the Javascript does not block the function when it calls, and returns a PHP page when a callback function is removed. I have implemented a special programming above Ajax with PHP in general with PHP HTML rendering and javascript calls.

coldfusion - Custom Tags and cfimport -

मैपिंग के साथ कस्टम टैग्स काम करते हैं? मैंने कोशिश की है: & lt; cfset this.mappings ["/ सीटी" ] = विस्तारपैथ ("/ myProjects / Project1 / CustomTags") & gt; के अंदर Application.cfc और & lt; cfimport prefix = "tag" टैगलिब = "/ सीटी" & gt; मेरे पृष्ठ के अंदर, लेकिन यह नहीं है। यह कहते हैं: / CT द्वारा निर्दिष्ट टैग लाइब्रेरी को आयात नहीं किया जा सकता निम्नलिखित त्रुटि आई थी: C: \ Inetpub \ wwwroot \ CT सुनिश्चित करें कि आपने एक वैध टैग लाइब्रेरी निर्दिष्ट कर दी है। डॉक्स का कहना है कि इसमें निर्दिष्ट निर्देशिका के साथ काम करता है व्यवस्थापक ColdFusion मैपिंग पृष्ठ। क्या आपने कोल्डफ्यूज़न व्यवस्थापक में मैपिंग सेट करने की कोशिश की है कि यह पहले काम करता है? यदि यह काम करता है, लेकिन यह .app.cfc में प्रति ऐप्लिकेशन सेट अपनहीं काम करता है, तो संभवतः यह एक बग है?!? संपादित करें: मैंने एडम के परीक्षण की विस्तृत पैड () फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करने के लिए सुझाव, लेकिन यह भी काम नहीं करता क्योंकि टैगलिब विशेषता में ए...

CakePHP Absolute Image URLs -

मैं $ html- & gt; छवि (...) सहायक फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं CakePHP को आउटपुट छवियों पर, लेकिन मुझे एक img टैग सापेक्ष यूआरएल (परिणामस्वरूप एचटीएमएल डाउनलोड किया जाएगा और एक कंपनी न्यूज़लेटर में गोल किया जाएगा) के बजाय एक निरपेक्ष का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है। क्या यह संभव है? यह दस्तावेज नहीं है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि स्रोत कोड को देखने से नोटिस होता है कि छवि फ़ंक्शन अपने पहले तर्क के रूप में एक सरणी ले सकता है। यह मेरे लिए पूरी तरह स्पष्ट नहीं है कि यह कैसे काम करना है - ऐसा करने का एक भोला प्रयास, webroot / img फ़ोल्डर के बजाय वर्तमान पृष्ठ के सापेक्ष छवि यूआरएल का उत्पादन करता है। $ this- & gt; एचटीएमएल- & gt; छवि ($ इस- & gt; html- & gt; यूआरएल ( '/ path_to_image / image.png', true)); केपीपीएचपी 2.x में विधि है: $ this- & gt; HTML- & gt; छवि ('/ path_to_image / image.png', सरणी ('पूर्णबेस' = & gt; सच है));

c# - Render a .NET Web Control from a string? -

Dynamically load a WebControl from a string with some tags in ASP.NET possible? For example, I have a string like the following: string controlTag = "& lt; asp: Label id = \" lblLabel \ "runat = \ "Server \" / & gt; "; Then I want to do something like this to load control from that string: WebControl webControl = LoadControlFromTagString (controlTag); I can simply parse the string and dynamically load the control in LoadControlFromTagString , but I was thinking that anything in it at NAT The advantage of i is manufactured Any suggestions? There are several options depending on your control example (and how to do it) The easiest possible: perhaps you have access to your current page example.

c# - Sending email through a Google Apps account is working locally, but not on my web server -

संबंधित: मेरा प्रश्न है उसी प्रकार मैंने निम्नानुसार कार्यान्वित किया। यह हास्यास्पद है कि यह मेरे देव लैपटॉप पर खूबसूरती से काम करता है, लेकिन जब यह वेब सर्वर पर पोर्ट किया जाता है, तो कोई स्पष्टीकरण नहीं होता है। मेरी एसएमटीपी कॉन्फ़िग मेरे web.config फ़ाइल में है मैंने Koistya के जवाब पर आधारित mods बनाया: & lt; mailSettings & gt; ** बदला ** & lt; smtp = "" & gt; & Lt; नेटवर्क होस्ट = "" password = "[password]" port = "587" userName = "" / & gt; & Lt; / smtp & gt; ** मूल ** & lt;! - & lt; smtp from = "" & gt; & Lt; नेटवर्क होस्ट = "मेल.डोमेन.कॉम" पासवर्ड = "[पासवर्ड]" पोर्ट = "25" यूजरनेम = "" / & gt; & Lt; / smtp & gt; - & gt; & Lt; / mailSettings & gt; मेरा .NET C # कोड (पहले और हटाए जाने के बाद): smtpClient mSmtpClient = नया Sm...

c# - Writing a topic pub/sub system -

I am writing client / server applications that will publish and subscribe to topics. I have some questions about architecture and the implementation of this project. To install the base, I will first use C # (.NET 3.5) and I want to explicitly use raw socket / AIO / threads (not the first WCF, because I have a server And my customers want to tune up properly. Customers subscribe to most topics but can sometimes send commands to the server and publish data. Some clients may only be publishers. Do you think my server should have basic building blocks (per client, thread, iocp, ....) Does the client use the same network stream to listen to subscribing topics and to publish on command / server? How to wait for data and to write data at the same time, should it be done in a single thread? (The sample code will be appreciated :)) The customer should use two streams - one for the list and the other to make things easier on both the client and the server side, again sever...

regex for search and replace -

I am searching one and changing it and all the characters need to change which no a comma "" . How do I search for all the letters in any order? For example: string, like this, will be ...: to replace, replace, replace, any non-comma Matching the characters of: [^,] + In such a perl: s / [^,] + / replace / g

c# - Can I programmatically add a linkbutton to gridview? -

I am looking for some similar questions without any luck. What I want to do is a gridview that shows a link button for some items and shows a hyperlink for other items. I currently have this code: public zero gv_RowDataBound (the object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) {if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {var Data = (FileDirectoryInfo) e .Row.DataItem; Var IMG = New System Web. UI. Html control HTML image (); If (data length == faucet) {img.Src = "/images/folder.jpg"; Var lnk = new link button (); Lnk.ID = "lnkFolder"; Lnk.Text = data.Name; Lnk.Command + = New CommandEventHandler (changeFolder_OnCommand); Lnk.CommandArgument = data.Name; E.Row.Cells [0] .Controls.Add (lnk); } And {var lnk = new hyperlink (); Lnk.Text = data.Name; Lnk.Target = "_blank"; Lnk.NavigateUrl = getLink (data.Name); E.Row.Cells [0] .Controls.Add (lnk); Img.Src = "/images/file.jpg"; } E. Ro Seals [0]. Control. AddAt (0, IMG); }} Where the first cell ...

c++ - Why is the beginning of my string disappearing? -

In the following C ++ code, I realized that gcount () Was wanting back, because getline () consumes the character of the new line but does not send it to the input stream. Whatever I did not understand is the output of the program, though. "Test \ n" For input, why do I get "Est \ n"? How does my mistake affect the first character of the string instead of adding unwanted nonsense on the end? And how does the output of the program appear in the debugger ("Test \ n", as I expected), how does it come to the barriers? #include & lt; Fstream & gt; #include & lt; Vector & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Int main () {int buffer size = 1024; Ifstream input ("test.txt", iOS :: in | iOS :: binary); Of vector & lt; Four & gt; Wakebuffer (buffer size); Input.gateline (& vecBuffer [0], buffer size); String Strass (vecBuffer.begin (), vecBuffer.begin ...

cocoa touch - iPhone App Delete Photos -

Is it possible to delete a photo in the iPhone app? My app takes pictures and puts them in the saved folder on the iPhone. I want to allow the user to delete these pictures even through the application. However, if your application takes a picture or edits the pictures, then delete the photos from the Apple API Camera Roll.

apache - Perl REST flow layout -

I am using Apache and Pearl (moderal) as well as handle handler requests. I'm new to this, and I'm not sure how to put things in a sensible way. I have the following: Package MyClass :: Handler; Use warnings; Strict use; # Our% action = ('a' = & gt; \ & amp; a; # more); Sub handler {my $ a = shift; My $ r = Apache 2 :: Request-> New ($ A); # Things return Apache2 :: Const :: OK (); } Should each of my "space" be a separate file? Using Stack Overflow as a Template, Do I Need All User Management for User Management? A story for stories. Pm? You may be interested in the excellent structure from CPAN. Despite its name, it works both under normal CGI and mod_perl. It is designed to simplify the task of establishing a web-app transmission table. Throw in it and you get good url like. mvc - Problem with two tables with the same name in different MVC models? -

I have got an ASP.NET MVC (VB) project with two models which represent two different databases. Are there. Each model needs to include a table from its database with the same name. For example, model1.dbml should be db1.MyTable in it, and model2.dbml should be db2.MyTable in it. I can not do this because both models are "partial" public class miteball, and both have "public all new", so you get "many definitions with the same signature" error. / P> The number of tables between models is the same name (these are different examples of the same product used for different lines of business.) How do you get it? Change names in each Is there a better way? In the properties of the data reference, Change to separate for each. Here's a screenshot

sql - Can I combine my two SQLite SELECT statements into one? -

I have a SQLite table called posts An example is given below. I would like to calculate monthly income and expenditure. accId Date Text Balance ---------- ---------- ------- ----------- ------ ---------- ---------- 2008-03-25 Ex1-64.9 3747.56 1 2008- 03-25 Shop2-91.85 3655.71 1 2008-03 -26 Benny's -100.0 3555.71 I have this question for income: SELECT SUBSTR (date, 0, 7) "month", total (quantity) "income" posts From where the amount> 0 month order date by group; This works fine: Monthly Income ---------- ---------- 2007-05 4877.0 2007-06 8750.5 2007- 07 8471.0 2007-08 5503.0 Now I need the expenses and I can repeat the first statement with the condition of its cause Amount & lt; 0 , but I'm thinking that a query is a great way to get both income and expenditure? try something like this select substrold ( Date, 0,7) "Month", total (in case when a> 0 then another zero) "Income" Case "(when a ... - How to determine Session Timeout using when reusing CookieContainer -

I have the following code that uses a cookieContainer that enters the previous request again, but for now the cookie Uses container After the request After a period of time if the waste will end a session on the site, I will need to login again Question:. I can determine (a container with cookies object) if the time has expired or whether the best way to determine this is to http Vebbeshns which contains text such as 'Session Timeout' is the best way to do what is? Private Static Cookie Container _cookieContainer; Private static CookieContainer CurrentCookieContainer {(get {if (_cookieContainer == null || _cookieContainer.Count == 0) {lock (_lock) {if (_cookieContainer == null || _cookieContainer.Count == 0) {// _ cookieContainer. GetCookies _cookieContainer = DoLogin ();}}} _cookieContainer return;} set {_cookieContainer = value;}} and then call out the method container: Public Static String SomeMethod (some P) {HttpWebRequest request_thirdPartyEnquiryDetails...

C# ASP.NET - a variable that's accessible from any function, and is different to any user? -

I need a variable that is available from any function in my code, but it is different for all users. So I wrote: public class classedelcappero {personal string frasehiragana = String.Empty; Outer public strings {back to frasiragana; } Set {frasehiragana = value; }}} And then I put it in my function: protected zero page_load (object sender, event date e) {classedelcappero chepalle = new classedelcappero (); String frasiragna = chapli .hurgana; } and it works ... but if I access it from some other function, such as protected zero button reperovascular (object sender , EventAgds E) The value is empty ... Is this OK? What to do? Use session variables? You can see the series of this blog post:

navigation - How to click a Javascript button that doesn't exist -

I am trying to use webborder control to click on a button that has no anchor text or nothing I saw the source and saw it and saw it. var _tm7 = new tab menu ('temoteab menu control', 'temotabmanuentrolroo', ['add edit'], 0); (new tabmemeitum ('visible menu', '/ edit / nuiiitttodo 45', 'main') is true); (new tab menu ('property list', '/ edit / code / perplist.esp', 'display'), false); _tm7.Add (new tabemenitum ('new listing', '/ edit / cooten / newlist.asp', 'display'), incorrect); I want to go to "/Edit/Scripts/NewList.asp" of the dropdown menu, but I want to do this with javascript because NewList.asp only has a main page In addition to being configured to work as a parent, The Javascript file that they use is here: Is there any kind of evil JavaScript method or activation Is there some way to control the web browser? Please help Javascript G...

winforms - Catch Mouse events on unfocusable controls -

I have a text box that has a focus on and I want to know when the user has any irrepressible control I can not use the text box I click on. Vestication because this event is not taking into account that the focus will remain on the text box, when clicking on the mouse, a focusing control text " Itemprop = "text"> architecture And you can not understand what you are saying with the focus controls? Labels? In any case, you can click on "Focusable Control" or subscribe to the MouseClick Event.

rendering - Render buffer to texture2D object in XNA -

After drawing on a texture object before rendering in the screen, there is no way to present the content of a Sparteb in XNA is?

java - Why can't JAXB find my jaxb.index when running inside Apache Felix? -

That's right, in the package, it should be indexing. However, when I call JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance (""); I have been told a JAXBException that "" does not include ObjectFactory.class or jaxb.index Although it includes both. What works, but what I want is not it JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance (my; This question appears on quite a few mailing lists and forums from various other people, but it seems that the answer is no. I am running it on OpenJDK6, so I have got the source package and my debugger has been transferred to the library. It starts with the discovery of, then looks for system properties and is unable to find either, it tries to make a default reference using com.sun.internal.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory . In it, the exception is thrown within ( ContextFactor.createContext (string classloader, map) ), but I can not see what is h...

flex - action script 3 and custom image itemrenderers -

I have a custom item renderer that displays a separate GIF in the row based on data value from the data object. When I set the image source url using the full path and does not embed it then works fine, but when I embed images, I feel that when I scroll the grid up and down Images are disturbed and sometimes sit on each other. Does anyone have any ideas, why embedding images in my Hbox item renderer is causing so much trouble; code public tools: image; Public Works Incorporated_Aakers: Bitmap = New AssetManager.COMPUTER_ICON; .. some logic tool. AddChild (compr_icons); In your item renderer, override the data setter Try (which is said to be contained by SDK for each item in your Datacaprovair, as you navigate to the data-bound control you use), and from here the image's source Set the property, such as: & lt; Mx: list data provider = "{yourDataSource}" & gt; & Lt; Mx: itemRenderer & gt; & Lt; Mx: component & gt; & Lt; Mx...

javascript - Toggle element visibility with jQuery! -

मेरे पास निम्न मार्कअप है: & lt; div class = "header" & gt; पाठ & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "छिपाएरिया" & gt; sdsada & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "हैडर" & gt; टेक्स्ट 2 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "छिपाएरिया" & gt; sdsada & lt; / div & gt; और निम्न jQuery: $ ('। Header')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {var t = $ (this) .next ( '.hiddenArea')। स्लाइड टॉगल ();}); जब छिपे हुए एरिया से पता चला है कि मैं अन्य छिपे हुए एरिया को छुपाना चाहता हूं अगर यह दिखाई दे रहा है? अपडेट: धन्यवाद दोस्तों, यह समाप्त हो गया: $ ('# messages .header') क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {if (! $ (This) .next ()। है (': visible')) {$ ('। HiddenArea')। स्लाइडटॉगल ( );}}); यह मानते हुए कि आपके पास छुपा हुआ एरेया दिखाई दे रहा है जब फ़ॉर्म प्रदान किया जाता है यह काम करेगा। यह भी ध्यान रखें कि आपको अगले विधि के अंदर फिल्टर की आवश्यकता न हो, क्यो...

cllocation - iPhone 3.0 Compass: how to get a heading? -

I'm relatively new to Objective-C and in reality there is not much information about it yet, so for this I Sorry I'm probably a really amateur question. I am trying to get magnetic heading from CLHeading and CLLocationDirection. Although I'm getting compilation errors for this line of code: locationLabel.text = [[[Space of course] magnetic heading] stringValue]; Errors are: Warning: Invalid receiver type 'CLLocationDirection' error: An indicator type I I do not understand what I'm doing wrong here. help please! Here are the steps needed to use the compass. 1) Check availability: If the title is available the location manager's property, then you can use the compass. 2) Use the Location Manager method - Heading to start (zero) 3) Really use this information Retrieve (Do not forget to set yourself as a representative) - (zero) Location Manager: Manager (CLLocationManager *) Updating: (CLHeading *) newHeading Hope it helps...

security - Redirect problems on PHP Web site -

I have created a simple PHP site for friends last year. I went to see the site yesterday and when the main page loads, my AV software (Adware antivirus) JS / Redirector Malware warns about infection. The message indicates that one of the CSS files is infected. I'm going through all the code on the site clearly - especially the CSS file - to figure out what's going on. But I am thinking that there is some obvious thing to stop these types of attacks. I ask because our injection was attacked on the same site last year (apparently, I have not got enough information), which I had decided. In addition to the main things I want if there is any suggestion for the software (ideally free or inexpensive), then one site will scan for these types of attacks and suggest fixes, I I appreciate the hearing. I have seen many products (Parsproci is one), but it does not know who is better than others Thanks ... Check these two pages for a starter $ _ POST each Check for unsa...

iphone - What is a good project / way for an out of practice C++ developer to get back into it? -

Like many people here, I started my programming experience with a good ol 'green screen, which you can call an Apple II Without a disc, I taught C ++ in my teens, and even put a square on it in college, but as soon as I came to know that NET and C #, I left a bad habit like C ++ . Now, (many) years later, I'm interested in bringing back to C ++ development - thanks to the iPhone for this - and I have to accept, I feel a little scared. To deal with Points, ATLs, Macros etc., it takes many times when you are in long-managed .NET Land. What can I do to get some good resource or weekend type projects back into C ++? I am not interested in debating the relative qualities between platforms, heaps, but I would be interested in hearing about the objective comparison between different development platforms, though keep in mind that I am a Windows man. If anyone wants to change tags, then it's free - I was not sure how to tag it. TIA!

php - Wordpress retrieving Post children -

I have a page template, where I do not want the list of entries for each child's page (but their child's pages) , And things based on certain page names and custom fields How do i do this Using WordPress 2.8 Here's how I did it on my page At the end of the template. $ pages = & amp; Get_children ('post_type = Page & amp; commandb = title & amp; command = asc & amp; post_parent ='. Get_the_ID ()); If (empty ($ page)) {// no attachments} and {foreach ($ $ as attachment_id = & gt; $ attachment) {& lt;? & Lt; H3 and gt; & Lt;? Echo get_the_title ($ attachment_id); ? & Gt; & Lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; A href = "& lt; echo get_permalink ($ attachment_id)? & Gt;" & Gt; See more & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; By & lt;? }}

mapping - Distinguishing between storage model and conceptual model field names (Entity Framework) -

Each sample that I have comes with a storage model in which there are institutions and properties, similar to the same model. Therefore, in the mapping section, I can not tell whether an entity or property is from a storage model or conceptual model. This is a snippet of an entity framework diagram. Which "ID" fields are from the database and from the institutions? & amp; Union; Association Metaping Name = "FK_Operers_Groups" TypeName = "ContosoModel.FK_Orders_Customers" StoreEntitySet = "Order" & gt; & Lt; Endpraf name = "customer" & gt; & Lt; ScalarProperty name = "id" columnname = "customer id" /> & Lt; / EndProperty & gt; & Lt; Endpraf name = "order" & gt; & Lt; ScalarProperty name = "id" columnname = "id" /> & Lt; / EndProperty & gt; & Lt; / AssociationSetMapping & gt; Well there are only database columns, ...

c# - Is there a better way to wait for queued threads? -

Is there a better way to wait for a thread than before executing another process? Currently I am doing: this.workerLocker = new object (); // global variable this.RunningWorkers = arrayStrings.Length; // Global Variable // Start Process Process (string strings in string string) {ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (this.DoSomething, someString); Thread.Sleep (100); } // All queued threads lock (this. Clockworker) // Execution waiting for Global Variable {while (this.RunningWorkers & gt; 0) {Monitor.Wait (this.workerLocker); }} // Give some more console. Farewell line ("END"); // method DoSomething () Definition Public Zero DoSomething (Object Data) {// Make a slow process .... . . Lock (this. Worker locker) {this.RunningWorkers--; Monitor.Pulse (this.workerLocker); }} You probably want to take a look at AutoResetEvent and ManualResetEvent. They are in fact for this situation (waiting for Threadpool thread, before doing something "before"). You w...

php - How to get timezone hour offset and account for DST with PEAR::Date? -

According to the date of the summer, I am trying to get offset hours from UTC, my system time is set to US / Los_Agelas is. I have the following: need_once ("Date.php"); $ Date TZ = new dateTimon ('America / Los_Anjals'); Echo $ dateTZ-> GetOffset (new date ('2009-07-01 12:00:00')) / 1000/60/60; Print this '-8'; It should not show '-7'? $ dateTZ-> GetOffset (new date ()) / 1000/60/60; Also print '-8' What am I doing wrong? Do you help? Claim to include Daylight Savings Offset.

grails - Can anyone recommend a java web-framework for large application? -

We are going to start a large and scalable application that contains 50,000 to 200,000 users. My partner told me that both Groovy and OpenAxAv are the framework for small development. I want to know whether it is true or what structure you recommend to me. Personally, I do not like super framework - they're specially about to change, and almost Under the impossible, become extremely complex. They also have problems with experienced developer communities, and there is a risk of major vibration. With the expertise of very good developers, it is better to start with good grounds like spring, straps, seam or tapestry. Do not do things as much as possible

osx - from a CSV of filenames, find and open multiple files in a folder (or sub-folders) -

There are thousands of photos in each camera folder, I need to open 20-or very specific files that are located in any one Or more folders, all in a 'root' folder: photos | - CameraA | - Camera | - I want to paste the CSV of the file names (such as 6504, 6505, 8902, 4501) in an Apache script?), Run it, and open files in Photoshop. Finding a file at Spotlight is very hard at one time! I have put scripts on the script to open a file in Photoshop, looking for a file, but I'm disappointed with arrays and loops, assuming Applescript can do this. Do you really need an Apple script specifically? If you ask me, then with shell scripting this is easy: 6504 6505 8902 4501 for F; Find -Name "$ f" -exec Open-A "Photoshop" {} \ ;; Numbers are replaced with your desired filenames and "Photoshop" has been replaced by the actual name of your Photoshop app on Disk ("Photoshop CS" or whatever). .

c# - How can you append a \line, not a \par to a System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox -

I am using System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox control in .NET 2.0 and using C # . I have a string in which I want to add a rich textbox, but I do not want to create a new paragraph in RTF. I want lines to be divided by \ line commands, not \ par command in RTF (I want to enter a typing change instead of just entering it.) I have successfully received the RichTextBox I'm not able. AppendText to generate a line command rather than a \ param command. That's why I am inserting my text and then manually applying the \ line command in the RTF itself. This fails when one of the characters in the string is RTF (a single stop expression \ rquote for example) because I can not put the original string in RTF. With this solution, I have to extract the characters in my line before searching for it in RTF. There is no control to generate the RichTextBox control \ line command and there is no \ param command or I have to live with this solution and will have to search for the stri...

database - New to SQL, need help with query -

I have a database table with me that I am trying to produce a query that seems quite simple, But I think I'm messing somewhere because the results are not what they are. I basically have a table like this: Table: Data column: line ID Profile Import ID Field ID Product 1 5 Faucet 5 60 Can 2 Faucet 5 65 Het 3 Faucet 5 70 Box 4 6 Faucet 6 60 Fish I Originally In The Line 2 I want to take a "hat" and put it in line 1's "Profile" column, where there is zero value in place I am doing this for many rows. In the case of multiple rows, I want to take the "Profile" column and want it to be equal to the "Product" column. I only want what is in the rows, where "id" value matches "import id", and where "field id" 65 is specially "import id" in the example above of "id" 5 5, so I want to take the "product" value "dot" where "field id" is 65 and keep that valu...

ifstream - C++ How to read in objects with a given offset? -

Now I have a file with many data in it and I know that the data I need is the status (long ) Starts with x and has a size shape (y) how do I get this data? Use the search method: ifstream strm; (...); Strm.seekg (x); (buffer, wi);

Send email from Ruby program with TLS -

I'm trying to send an email from the Ruby program. The SMTP server is an Exchange 2007 server where I need to login to send email. #! / Usr / bin / ruby ​​requires 'rubygems' required 'net / smtp' msgstr = "test email." Smtp = Net :: SMTP.start ('', 587, '', 'username', 'password',: login) do | Smtp | Smtp.send_message msgstr, '', '' and When I run it, I receive the following error. Ruby / 1.8 / should be released before /etc/rn/smtp.rb:921: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/ 'Important' from smtp.rb: 739: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rb:725: to 'auth_login' in /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rb:725:IN From 'do_start' with 'Authentication' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rbitter66:in/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rbitter25: 'Start' to Ruby from '/ usr / lib /' / 1.8 / net / smtp.rb: 463: In 'starting' I c...

java - Is there any relation between the class that implements interface and that interface? -

इस क्लास पदानुक्रम पर विचार करें: पुस्तक में सामान बढ़ाता है पुस्तक को लागू करता है जैसा कि हम जानते हैं, एक उपवर्ग और इसके सुपर क्लास (ए-ए) के बीच संबंध है। प्रश्न: क्या पुस्तक और कर योग्य अच्छे उत्तर के बीच "ए-ए" जैसी कोई रिश्ते हैं, लेकिन आपने कहा है कि " एक-एक "भी पुस्तक और कर योग्य , लेकिन के बीच एक संबंध है" है- एक "एक वर्गों के बीच संबंध है , और एक इंटरफ़ेस क्लास नहीं है! हाँ संपादित करें एक इंटरफ़ेस एक कलात्मक व्यवहार है जो मैच के लिए होता है जावा की (और शायद सी # मुझे नहीं पता) इंटरफ़ेस कीवर्ड। ओ ओ इंटरफ़ेस में आपरेशनों का सेट है, जो एक क्लास 'प्रतिबद्ध' प्रदर्शन करता है और कुछ और नहीं। ऑब्जेक्ट क्लास और उसके ग्राहकों के बीच एक अनुबंध की तरह है ओओ प्रोग्रामिंग भाषाएं जिनके पास इंटरफ़ेस कीवर्ड नहीं है, अभी भी क्लास इंटरफ़ेस ओओ अवधारणा है - OpenID Integration -

What is the address of the ASP.NET Guide to implement OpenID and what information can be returned by the OpenID provider? is? I understand that you can get an email address, but if someone logs in with their Google OpenID, then can you access your address? Yes, the open-end provider, who enters the people who are requested by the dependent party on OpenID People can often offer 'claims' or 'attributes', and the user agrees to share these data. If you use your ASP.NET OpenID library, there is built-in support for this in many ways to achieve these features, but in spite of how the provider provides them Keeping it easy to get them, if you download the library, then it comes with a sample of doing this. As far as the address is known, and some other specifications are specific to specific domains (not the domain of data - internet domains) very few providers offer them the best you can "get complete address" And ask the user if they want to use it. ... - How can I hide the SiteMapPath root node on home page? -

Is the user on the root node page when I can hide the root node in a sitemap control? For example, on my hair page, I have a breadcrumb mark: Home> Products> Hammers> Ball Peer That's fine but when the user's home page If it happens, then display sitemap control Home I want to suppress the display of home (root node) when the user On the home page, I have SiteMapPath control in a master page. Additionally, I am in the nodes. I am managing sitemap resolve to set query string. A possible solution would be to hide the SiteMapPath control on the home page: mySiteMapPath.Visible = (SiteMap.CurrentNode! = SiteMap.RootNode);

c# - Mimicking assembly resolution of the msbuild process -

I am writing a verification tool that checks the version of files referenced in a project. I want to use the same resolution process which uses MSBuild. For example, assembly.Load (..) requires a fully-qualified assembly name. However, in the project file, we can have just something like "System.Xml". MSBuild will probably use the version of the project's target framework and some other heuristics to decide the version to load the system. How would you go about copying msbuild assembly resolution process (or using direct)? In other words, run-time, I want to string "System.Xml" with other information received in .cproj file and he looks for the file that will msbuild. Today I had this problem, and I have received this old blog post how to: I tried it out, works great! I modified the code to find the 4.5.1 version when it is possible assemblies, now I have: #if Intraktiiv # R "Maikrosoftkbildkinjin" # R " Microsoft. Build .Frame...

xml - Reference to parent node in XSD? -

In the present w3c version of XSD, parents have a way to refer to nodes or hair nodes, especially when Determine the rules node? To make it more clear, can I add a rule to the baby node that compares the parent node value and vice versa? Thanks & amp; Regards, Wind In the document level element is the beginning of XSD, and define that each element Children or specialties are allowed. / P> So your answer is yes - you can define child elements, but no - you can not define parents.

How to read Serial number from mobile device using C#? -

How can I read serial numbers from Windows Mobile and Vinyaz Mobile devices using C #? You really should not use the old kernel oscillation method Should use. There is a blog entry on which to use it and how to use it from C #.

Ruby date conversion -

I have to do Fri 26 Jun 23:05:00 -0400 200 9 Change to Eastern (US) Time How can this be done with Ruby Thanks Tzinfo 'input_time = time Paras ('Venus 26 26:05:00 -0400 200') input_time.utc "input_time = # {input_time}" est_tz = TZInfo :: timezone.teet ('EST') puts time_in_est = est_tz .tc_to_local (input_time ) "Time_in_est = # {time_in_est}" What we're doing here: Parsing the given date string Change it to UTC Use the Tizino gem to view timezone information for 'EST' (which I believe is 'eastern time') When TC input to convert time in local time for the EST timezone

validation - Handling error messages using -

I have an page that contains a server side button and 2 text boxes which are only numeric values accept. validation control. If there are user types in non-numeric data in both text boxes, then how do I show only 1 error message on the page: "Only numeric values ​​are allowed." And I want to get it without firing server side events. Thank you. OK, you will need to do this with javascript. I know whether the input is numerical or not, I do not know the exact javascript methods, I think you can use a regex. But you have a hidden device like & lt; Div id = "numericErrorMessage" class = "error" style = "display: none;" & Gt; Numeric value is only & lt; / Div & gt; Then you can do this: if (! Idar (text1) || ISNumber (text2) {document.getElementById (numericErrorMesage) . Style .display = 'block'; } Of course this is "pseudocodish", but I think this will work for you once you...

message digest - c# fast hash calculation -

I am looking for AC # wrapper in native MD5 or SHA1 library to improve the performance of the hash count performance. First I switched SharpZipLib to zlib and increased the display to more than 2x. (Well, you have to keep in mind that you have the correct or zlib.dll based on OS and hardware, but it remains closed). Will it be value for MD5 or SHA1 or both .NET and Mono already dependent on a basic implementation? (edited) Apart from this: If I have to paste on MD5CryptoServiceProvider, is there any way in which I can calculate a hash of the file I am reading this? I mean, send bytes in chunks, but still calculate the whole hash? The MD5 and SHA1 rely on the original implementation, even then it is possible that C ++ solution + It can be a bit faster, because you can reduce the number of method and optimize the original implementation. Keep in mind that resident (SHA1CryptoServiceProvider) can be 3x faster than managed one (SHA1Managed). using the system; U...

wpf - Does MS provide some way for user to manage input bindings? -

I mean, as a user, I want to change some gestures from the people determined by the developer. So what should I do to provide this functionality as a developer? Does MS provide any extension points for this? If anyone reads about this, please share. What are you talking about? Then you need to use that you are ready to use one (some) if you are using WPF

java - scrollbars in JTextArea -

मैं JTextArea में स्क्रॉलबार कैसे जोड़ूं? जैसा कि फ्रेडरिक में उल्लेख किया गया है, इसे प्राप्त करने का आसान तरीका यह है कि वह यह JTextArea के दृश्य क्षेत्र के स्क्रॉलिंग की अनुमति देगा। बस पूर्णता के लिए, निम्नलिखित है कि यह कैसे प्राप्त किया जा सकता है: JTextArea ta = नया JTextArea (); JScrollPane sp = नया JScrollPane (ta); // JTextArea एक JScrollPane में रखा गया है एक बार जब JTextArea को JScrollPane में शामिल किया गया हो, तो JScrollPane को उस स्थान पर जोड़ा जाना चाहिए जहां टेक्स्ट क्षेत्र होना चाहिए। निम्न उदाहरण में, स्क्रॉल सलाखों के साथ पाठ क्षेत्र को JFrame में जोड़ा जाता है: JFrame f = new JFrame (); । F.getContentPane () (सपा) को जोड़ने; आपको टिप्पणियों में उल्लेख करने के लिए kd304 धन्यवाद कि JScrollPane को JTextArea के बजाय कंटेनर में जोड़ना चाहिए - - मुझे लगता है कि पाठ्य क्षेत्र को पाठ क्षेत्र के साथ स्क्रॉल फलक के बजाय गंतव्य क्षेत्र में जोड़ने के लिए एक सामान्य त्रुटि है। निम्नलिखित आलेखों में अधिक विवरण हैं:

memory management - How can I unset an (unsigned) integer in ActionScript/Flex 3? -

I have a class that is called multiple times when the application goes to the next step, all of them have to be unloaded . Because of this, I made an unload () method in class. The problem is that I can not put it to empty my UIT variable "FourID" to "unset" it. The "delete" command is not possible, because it is only applicable for some of the dynamic variables or in that manner. Now I wonder, how should I unset this variable, so this storage will be allocated again? Unload method of the class: public function unload (): zero {trace ("unload character with a description" "+ + name +" ''. ); EnterButton.removeEventListener (Enter MouseEvent.CLICK, Enter Clutter); removeChild (enterButton); EnterButton = null; CharName = Null; CharId = null; // This is possible but not recommended - Is there a better way? Lobby interface = null ;} So yes, this is practically possible because this variable type changes - although i...

c++ - Checking if number is even by looking at the last bit - are there any other "tricks" like this one? -

I recently found out that if I need to see if the variable is also (or weird), then I You could see that the last bit of the variable is equal to 0. This search is being implemented, replacing some modulo 2 calculations and so on, the whole function runs faster. Is there any other "trick" like this, where working with bits can replace other calculations, which can lead to better performance execution time? I suspect that the use of modulo-2 calculation of the speed of execution time by equal bitwise action be produced. The value of any C ++ compiler will be equal to its salt, n% 2 and n & amp; 1 for similar machine instructions. Beware of using bit-tilling hacks as optimization. First of all, it is not always clear that the work you are customizing is an obstacle, secondly, as a result, the code is usually more likely to be wrong and there are more subtle worms. What does it mean in the famous quote Nunth, "We should forget about the lesser capaci...

ruby - In Rails how can I implement a HTML select menu using an Array of Strings? -

मेरे पास FinancialDocument # document_type मॉडल विशेषता है I मैं उपयोगकर्ता को एक HTML चयन मेनू से दस्तावेज़ प्रकार का चयन करना चाहूँगा जो स्ट्रिंग्स के एक सरणी द्वारा पॉपुलेटेड ... doctypes = ['चालान', 'पैकिंग स्लिप', 'अन्य '] प्रत्येक विकल्प के लिए, प्रदर्शित लेबल और लौटा दिया गया मूल्य समान होगा। मैंने चुनें और को देखा Collection_select सहायक, लेकिन वे केवल एक स्ट्रिंग वैल्यू नहीं बल्कि एक बाल मॉडल का चयन करने के लिए तैयार हैं। मैं उन्हें अपने उद्देश्य को कैसे झुका नहीं पा रहा था। यहां बताया गया है कि मैं इसे कैसे करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं (मैं हेल का प्रयोग कर रहा हूँ, एर्ब नहीं) ... फॉर्म_ फॉर (@ फ़िनियल_ डॉक्यूमेंट) करो | एफ | - doctypes = ['चालान', 'पी एस', 'पैकिंग स्लिप', 'अन्य'] = एफ.कॉल्लेक्शन_सिक्ट करें @ वित्तीय दस्तावेज,: document_type, \ doctypes,: to_s,: to_s,: include_blank = & gt; सच है मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है ... अपरिभाषित विधि: के लिए 'मर्ज': to_s: प्रतीक क्या कोई अलग स...

javascript - Overwriting the Array constructor does not affect [], right? -

I just read it: I was under this assumption The effect of that overwriting object or array was then when you array / object , but according to that article, its literal creation ( {} and [] ) ... My argument: array = function () {alerts ('hi') ; }; [1,2,3,4,5]; ([1,2,3,4,5]); Var a = [1,2,3,4,5]; // ... // ... nothing is not cautious So, am I being mad or do I have some implementation-specific quirks? But to really answer your question, yes, object and Array Constructors are also applied to literal compositions OK browsers kept them only (and others) stable so that they can not be overridden by custom scripts.

c# - How can I pass MemoryStream data to unmanaged C++ DLL using P/Invoke -

I need your help with the following scenario: I have some data from hardware in MemoryStream I am reading (C #) and in memory I have to use DLL (pointers ??) data implemented in unmanaged C ++ data (in the stream) very large (megabytes) I understand that I can invoke this Dell P / but I am not sure how to pass the indicators / references to the stream data for C ++ API? I have to admit that I am new to C # because I want to use unsafe / unsafe because the data is large or is the inimitable because the memorystream object is managed by GC? Some example code / detailed descriptions will be very useful. Itemprop = "Text"> If it is just expecting bytes, then you can read memorystream in a byte array and then pass a pointer by method. You must declare an external method: [DllImport ("mylibrary.dll", chartset =] Public static extern bool doSomething (IntPtr rawData, int DataLength); Then, read the bytes from MemoryStream in ...

jquery - Javascript Double-Click Element -

O People .. Quick Question: I wrote a simple JS, to see that image To open a light box, click on an image link. Actually, using jQuery (yes, I was lazy), I find out the clicks of an anchor tag, use a regex to make sure that The HREF feature is in an image file, and if it is, it opens the image in the lightbox. All this works well except for one task: the anchor needs to be clicked twice before. Why is it like this? Here's the script I wrote: $ (document) .ready (function () {var href; var imageExtensions = / (.) + (.jpg) | (.png) | (.gif) | (.bmp) /; // Click any link $ ("a") live ("click", function (event) {href = $ (this). Attr ("href"); // If the target URL is an image, use the lightbox to open it if (imageExtensions.test (href) {event.preventDefault (); $ (this) .attr ("class "," LightboxIMG "); // Open the lightbox, and open $ Lightbox (" LightboxIMG "). LightBox (); $ (this) .attr (" class ",...

objective c - iPhone HTTP REST Requests/Responses -

I am very new to the iPhone SDK and I've read many threads on the Realty Service integration with the iPhone. Although I'm not intelligent, can you help? I have some PHP and a MySQL database string on the server. I post information from iPhone on 3 pieces of PHP, which thinks and chats the database. It then returns the values ​​1, 2 or 3 based on the information posted and the database. Wherever I am having problems, I am capturing and storing the feedback on which the analysis can then be done on the iPhone. I tried to return the data in the form of a string (resonance / return), an array, and finally XML none of them are working. Does anyone have any ideas on this, or can I direct me in the right direction? The ideal situation ends with an array or 3 variables I can test with a basic if statement. Thanks in advance. Another option is that the Kothaiest code is available on Gitob:. It was recently released, but appears to be under active development and look...

linq to sql - Grouping and count with LinqToSQL -

मेरे पास एक कलाकार तालिका और एक स्टाइल टेबल है। कलाकार तालिका: आईडी नाम स्टाइलिड शैली तालिका आईडी का नाम एक कलाकार की एक शैली आईडी है मैं एक स्टाइल सारांश वापस करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं जिसमें शैली आईडी, शैली का नाम और कलाकारों की संख्या शामिल है उस शैली। मुझे निम्नलिखित कथन मिल गया है जो मुझे आईडी और कलाकारों की संख्या को प्राप्त करता है लेकिन मैं नहीं देख सकता कि शैली का नाम कैसे प्राप्त किया जाए। डीबीसीटीएक्स में एसटीईएल कलाकार शामिल हैं। एसआईडी पर कलाकार कलाकार के बराबर हैं। कलाकार द्वारा स्टाइलआईड समूह कलाकार। स्टाइलआईड को किसी नए डीटीओ में टाइप करें। स्टाइलसमुरी {आईडी = ए। के, संख्याओएफ़आर्टिस्ट्स = ए.काउंट ()}; क्या एक गोल यात्रा के साथ यह संभव है? आप कई मानों के आधार पर एक गुमनाम प्रकार के समूह का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: डीबीसीटीपस्ट में एस से वापसी। एसटीआईएसटी में कलाकारों से जुड़ें। एसआईडी पर कलाकार कलाकार के बराबर होते हैं। स्टाइलआईड समूह कलाकार नए एसआईडी द्वारा , S.Name} एक चुनिंदा नए डीटीओ.StyleSummary {ID = a.Key.ID, नाम = a.Key.Name, numberOfArtists...

C# - TreeView construction -

I'm trying to create a treeview from a menu. My code is like this: Public class menuexclusion availability {public triviaview (menmanu menu menu) {tree view tree view = new tree view; Trionode Menonod = New Triode (); Foreign currency (MenuItem mi in the main menu menu) {System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (mi.Text); MainNode.Text = mi.Text; TriNode TN = Menuitemtrasvers (miles); MainNode.Nodes.Add (Tamilnadu); } TreeView.Nodes.Add (mainNode); See Return Tree; } Private TreeNode MenuTemplates (menu item menu) {tree node tree node = new triode (); Foreach (menuItem.MenuItems in menuItem mile) {System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (mi.Text); Paid node. Text = mile Text; TreeNode T = Menu Itamatravers (mi); If (tr! = Null & tr.Text! = "") {TreeNode.Nodes.Add (tr); }} Return tree node; }} But that does not work. What could be the problem? I think there are two problems in the way I should come menu item travers method Start as input you get a menu you d...

Unable to make a MySQL database of SO questions by Python -

informs me that has created a database of such queries so that they can analyze the questions faster. I'm interested in creating a database like MySQL, like I can practice MySQL with questions similar to Brent. The database should be included in the following areas (I'm guessing here, because the API's API API seems to be sectate). My goal is simply a list of relevant variables that will allow me to do similar analysis of Brent. Question Question_id (private key) Question_time Comments Comment_id (private key) Comment_time User_id (private key) User_name We apparently need to scrape the data through the beautiful soap of Python because Brent's database is hidden. How can you do a MySQL database by the pretty soap of Python? ** I am sure that it is possible to refer directly to the XML data dump @ Richichindal, but I was very happy with the AOI version - especially after adding the index to that esclaim version as a README file...

objective c - UITableViewCell's imageView fit to 40x40 -

I use the same large images in a table view and detailView. The need to view the image is loaded in 40x40 when an image is shown in the table view, but spreads on a half-screen. I played with many properties but have no positive results: [cell.imageViewSetBound: CGRactMake (0, 0, 50, 50)]; [Cell.imageView Set Clistsgotound: No]; [Cell.imageViewSet Frame: CGRectMake (0, 0, 50, 50)]; [Cell.imageView Set Content Mode: UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill]; I am using SDK 3.0 with the creation of cell objects in predefined styles.

SQL Server login for SharePoint site login errors SSO -

I am getting a very deceptive error between SharePoint and SQL Server 2k5 My SOL server is my Moss acts as a backend for the form, it has many logins that match the web front end server in my farm, with pattern: {my-domain} {my-machine} $ Now, those accounts are not available anywhere in AD, despite the login name syntax, and are generated in any way (by Moss, But can not confirm). One of the servers (and only one) is throwing admissions failures every two minutes; That server was the first in the farm and maintained most of the services, not just search and indexing. I have done many marks in SQL Profiler, and what I can tell is that failure is a type 16 error on 'master'; The entry is present but the owner does not have the right. It found that, I came back and gave him maximum authority over the master, including db_owner, and finally made it a Sesadmin. Still no happiness, the same error Diggin further w / tracing, I found that the actual failure was not prese...

javascript - Watir does not trigger Jquery event handler -

I'm testing a JQuery Web App. I have a JQuery popup that I just click on the button I can not submit I have verified this button and have tried to click the button, you can name it and are out of ways to call. Has anyone solved this? What do you want? A control cursor and click "submit" or b. B Simula Click "Submit" A: Need to use and click on the automatic and control cursor, but only for Windows OS: execute javascript when clicking "submit" If B is the case, then I always use it in two ways. Execute that code in the URL-bar. Ex.) @ (: URL, 'javascript: & lt; -CODE ->;') Click or, like that module, and use it in the case of testing. Ex.) @ Ie.excute_script (& lt; -CODE->) Module Water Class IE def execute_script (scriptCode) WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE :: CP_UTF8 Window.exc script (scriptcript) End DEEF window WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE :: CP_UTF8 The document may be parentWindow end end ... may...

inheritance - Objective-C subclass initWithSuperClass -

The rectangle and the normal superclass size of the circle. If I start some shapes, then is it better to change the shape in a circle and set it when setting the same property? Should I apply an initWithShape to such subclasses that looks something like this? - (id) initWithShape: (size *) aShape {self = (id) aape; // set circle or rectangle specific value self back; } Does anyone have an example that I can see? You can not make it after an object, leaving it and creating a new one (which you Except in an init method, and is actually done often for singletons or class clusters), but this is not really what you are doing. With some properties, give an existing shape object, your only real option is to create a new object based on the shape properties. Something like this: In size: m: - (id) initWithShape: (size *) aShape {self = [init init]; If (self! = Zero) {// copy general properties _x = aShape.x; _y = aShape.y; _color = [copy aShape.color]; } Healthy return;...

Connection Reuse with Curl, Apache and mod_wsgi -

I am deploying a mod_wsgi application at the top of Apache, and a client program that uses curls. On the curl API on the user side, I try to reuse the connection again, but looking at connections with Wirelesshark, I feel that for each HTTP request / response, a new connection is made. At the end of every HTTP request, "Connection: Close" in the HTTP response header: Does it live in the same way? What do I do on Apache / Mod_Wesby side to enable connection reuse? You will not usually need to do anything for Apache because the general connection is normally Support defaults to keep running Check the KeepAlive instructions in Apache configuration to see how it has been fixed. On that, the WSGI application should have to determine the length of the content in order to keep the live connection to work, or return a list for the response where the list contains only one string after this In case of mod_wsgi automatically add the length of the content to the respons...

jquery - ASP.Net MVC - Posting dynamically created fields to an action -

I have a page on which the field is dynamically loaded through JQuery. This allows the user to add additional fields and data while flying. Currently this data is collected through JQuery and sent through an Ajax request. But is it a normal action to do in post? Currently it seems that dynamically inserted fields are not included in the post. I tried to use FormCollection as a parameter for my work, but it did not seem to work. Do you remember these areas properly, you have to include a name feature and You must ensure that the post you are posting on. Maybe you can do more if you can paste your JPTP script.

email - passing java mail message object from between applications -

I am using Java Mail API 1.4.1 to receive new emails. Two sections are being used to receive emails and then parsing it "GetMail" communicates with the class mail server (gmail, yahoo etc.) and receives the message object. Then the message object is passed to another class "mailformer" class, which then parses the message object, receives the email header (to, to, topic etc.) and then to get the main body and attachment multipart Parses content. Both "mail milling" and "mail formatting" processes are very resource, these sections are being implemented as separate web applications. This app is going to monitor new emails for many email IDs. If these ("GetMail" and "MailFormatter") are implemented as separate web applications, how can I pass the message object "MailFormatter" app from the "GetMail" app? Is there a way through which I can continue the message object in a fixed location (a place which is co...

Known constructs that crash the Delphi IDE -

I use Turbo Explorer 2006 (Update 2), and sometimes IDE crash in a specific unit When I try to use class perfection, the unit (and the whole project) is in production and goes fine for many years, with daily modifications, it only fails the IDE equipment. Usually, if this happens, Delphi avoids crash, but in some parts IDE is inactive (eg in tooltips for expression in DPB value whose unit is not in .dpr) I suspect that the parser dies on some specific construction, possibly some ifdef'ed, because this unit is a huge system switchboard. Does the SD know the specific constructions that kill the IDE? I would like to fix it so that I can again use class perfection. A workaround (& Googling "Class Completion" crash for Delphi Turbo) is a workaround in bug report located in the

svn - TortoiseSVN icons not showing up under Windows 7 -

I do not seem to display an icon under Windows 7 and I really miss it from Windows XP. How can it be decided? Windows can only show limited number of overlay symbols (). Programs, like,, etc., a bunch of 11 potential overlay marks will be robbed (boys would be good if Microsoft wanted to increase the number of these in the number of applications that they use and grow and feel) ... You can see what the overlay set up is, and here in the registry, they can change (at their own risk): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers If you (and overlay Icons are nothing else to use), you will get some symbols, and all your turtle CVS icons are because the overlay marks are used in alphabetical order, then at your own risk (the registry By editing, your computer can fly, nowadays, yada - and if you are reading using stack overflow and windows and have not edited the registry, then come Are actually a rare animal...

c# - How can I bind this View to this ViewModel? -

SmartFormView उपयोगकर्ता नियंत्रण के लिए निम्न कोड-पीछे बाइंडिंग कार्य: देखें: & lt; UserControl x: कक्षा = "CodeGenerator.Views.PageItemManageSettingsView" xmlns = "" xmlns: एक्स = "" xmlns: v = "clr-नाम स्थान: CodeGenerator.Views" xmlns: वी एम = "clr-नाम स्थान: CodeGenerator.ViewModels" पृष्ठभूमि = "# ddd "& gt; & Lt; ग्रिड मार्जिन = "10" & gt; & Lt; ScrollViewer DockPanel.Dock = "Top" & gt; & Lt; स्टैकपैनेल मार्जिन = "10" & gt; & LT; वी: SmartFormView / & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / ScrollViewer & gt; & Lt; / ग्रिड & gt; & Lt; / UserControl & gt; कोड-पीछे: System.Windows.Controls का उपयोग कर; CodeGenerator.ViewModels का उपयोग कर; नाम स्थान CodeGenerator.दृश्य [सार्वजनिक आंशिक श्रेणी SmartFormView:...