
Showing posts from May, 2011

c# - How do I use ArrayList in C++? -

I have created a way that is the type of return, instead of an array, an ArrayList. And I have created a COM component. How can I access C ++ in my main application that is in this series? ex: ArrayList fun1 () {ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); Al.Add ("a"); Al.Add ("two"); Return al; } How do I handle this return type in C ++? check or

.net - SharePoint API: 2003 vs 2007 -

I've coded a solution that uses the 2007 API to cross the SharePoint object model. Now I have to support SP3, what is the best way to do this? Is it possible to use the 2007 API to access a 2003 SharePoint form? If I use the 2007 API, do I use dislike classes (for example) a configuration database reference, or should I use the 2007 classes, such as SPFMM? Or am I using the 2007 API for SP 2007 and 2003 API for SP 2003 ...? The problem with this is that both use the same namespace and name of the class. So it can be dirty. (What if I am using aliases to refer to different names?) I still know that the 2007 API and 2003 APIs are incompatible. So yes You will need to implement both of them. I can suggest interface iSharPoint API and two implementations SharePoint2007API and SharePoint2003API. This implementation can also be packed in different assemblies, so you will not have reference hell :). This will also save you from the 2010 API changes, as you would need, imp...

c# - Best way to synchronise client database with server database -

I have a datalogging application (c # / .net) which logs data into a SQLite database. This database is running continuously: I am writing a web application to report on data. I have my web setup C #. Net clients with a SQL Server will be able to see their own data collected online by their example of their application. To testing purposes, I test to upload data to the data in a rough and dirty written application that reads basically SQLite DB and SQL Server using SQL Injects - Once I run the application to populate SQL Server DB Online. My application is written in C # and is modular so I can add a process periodically checks SQLite DB, then transfers new data to batch in my SQL server. My question is, if I want to continuously synchronize the client side SQLLite database (s) with my server, what would be the best way to go about what the app is delenging? Is there a technique / strategy that I should see in employment here? Any recommended tech? You can take a look a...

objective c - How to tell the host from the client in iPhone bluetooth with GameKit -

I have created a multiplayer game using the GKK framework, where 2 iPhone / iPod connects to each other via Bluetooth You can. / P> I'm thinking of a way to choose which devices will be able to play first. Therefore, the logical solution is to choose the host of connection. Is there a server and client in GKSession? Are they all companions? Which route can I get, what do I need? Basically, this is for you to configure like session From Apple's documentation: The session detects other peers on the network based on a session mode that is set to start the session. Your application session can configure the server, which advertises a service type on the network; A customer who searches for the ad server; Or a coworker who advertises as a server and searches together like a customer. To act as a server, a copy of your application initiates the session by INS VESSATION ID: displayName: sessionMode: After either session mode of GKSessionModeServer or GKSessionModeP...

c# - Marshall to a thread manually -

In WinForms, you have Control.BeginInvoke () , which means that you call You can match the main thread thread for a background thread that has made the operation of control. It's OK, but how (in C #) do you do this between two "standard" threads? I wrote a service bus, which has a processor thread to consume messages. I want to put a timer in the fire, which gives the reason for doing something rather than the code running in the timer thread, to the processor thread. Of course I use thread coordinates ( monitor / () {...} ), but it's amazing how this is done normally goes. Unfortunately, it is difficult to answer here because it is highly dependent on the nature of the thread. There is no built-in mechanism which makes it possible to do marshling magic among threads, for example in WinForms, Control.Invoke style work through the passage of message messages. A message has been posted on the UI thread, the message pump will eventually pump this mes...

c# - utility class vs subclassing .net controls -

I want to reuse some code that I wrote to add some functionality to a datagrid view. I want to highlight the default datagridview properties and events, so I did not want to create a new custom component, so I tried to write a subclass, which works fine. But it also happened to me that I can write a standalone utility class which takes the grid viewer in the manufacturer and sets it in the same way. E.g. Public category MyGrid {Private DataGridView m_dg; Public MyGrid (Datagram View DG) {m_dg = dg; M_dg.RowHeadersVisible = false; M_dg.SortCompare + = New DataGridVisionSortComparEventHandler (m_dg_SortCompare); } Zero m_dg_SortCompare (Object Sender, DataGridViewSortCompareEventArgsE) {// Custom sorting here}} Then somewhere I will call in my app's startup MyGrid G1 = new migrating (Datagreat Wi1); Migrate G2 = new migrating (DataGrid View 2); even further. Any damage to this approach? It seems that more and more codes are going to be the same, the difference is betw...

indexing - C#/.NET Server Path to default/index page -

For a project ahead of future proof, I try to find the best way to recover the full path and filename The index / default page to be used without the information of the C # and Web server's file names in the web directory. 'Server.MapPath ("/ test /")' gives me 'C: \ www \ test \' ... also does this: 'server.mappath (Page. Risollul ("/ test /")) ' ... but I need' c: \ www \ test \ index.html ' Is anyone aware of an existing method to retrieve the file name when a browser is browsing in that directory, the webserver will serve - default.aspx, or index.html, ASP.NET has no knowledge of this IIS query for the default document list Will need to be The reason is that by IIS IIS default document will appear in your Web Folders to the first matching file in the list to expand the file type in the mail script mappings matching Aisapiai (extension). To get the default document list, you can do the following (using the...

asp classic - AJAX implementation for ASP and ASP.NET hybrid -

A little bit of setup: In our shop a mix of different platforms is done in almost all of our web development classic ASP. We have a WinForms application in development that is being written using the .NET 3.5 framework. PROBLEM: I am writing this webserver for updating the information in this enterprise application. Most sections and business logic are also related to the WinForm application. Above this, there should be a way to maintain some data on the website. Because we use classic ASP, I have decided to use a general HTTPHandler to create posts I use to query an ASMX webservice because I get XMLSerialization for free though, I know that this is a Handler is not a normal use and it can not help but seems to be very good, there is a lack of converting a bunch of goods Just so much to Numti a little more work. Can anyone provide some insight on this subject? More commonly, how has ASP.NET converted from classic ASP? We are not very big shops, so I think we want to take it in augmen...

c# - run application on a dual screen environment -

Possible duplicates: Any idea to see if the current application runs on the primary screen, in a dual-screen environment? I am using VSTS 2008 + C # + .NET 3.5. Thanks in advance, George You can use the screen class which You can tell if the control is on a particular screen or not. You can also get the primary monument, and each screen object also has a primary property that indicates whether it is the primary monetary or not. Here. You should be able to use it like this: var monitor = screen. From Control (this); If (Monitor. Primary) // Monitor is the primary monitor back - Session_End Alternatives -

I have seen in some other questions that session_ end () is not used in Global.asax.cs. The reason for this is that if you are not using the default session handler, then session_id will not be found, right? Is there any other case where he will not be called? The big question is: If you can not depend on session_and (), then what do you do to determine whether the session is closed? Can not you check what is present before using it? if (session ["variable"]! = Null) {// code here}

configuration - Browser Settings/Capabilities Test Page -

We have a client who says our dhtml menus are not showing up at all. Is there any page from there that advises the user to fix test and issues for browser configuration problems such as Javascript disabled, disable cookies etc? will allow you to test with different browsers. This allows you to see javascript enabled / disabled (as well as many JavaScript versions). I do not believe this will give you some help in the cookie department.

delphi - How to test labels in QTP -

I am using the QTP 9.5 test of my application written in Delphi. I have been installed the Delphi add-in and QTP can recognize Delphi controls. Most but not all, especially TLabel QTP can not recognize this control and it is being ignored by object detective. Cheers! Any suggestions, tip, did you try with TstaticText instead of TLabel? They are labeled with a window handle (descending from TWINControl instead of TGraphicControl), which means that they can get Windows messages from the outside. I am feeling that this is your problem (I do not know as an estimate QTP)

c# - Changing parent page's title from user control -

I am a newbie for I have an page that uses user controls. In this control's page_load event, I want to change the title of the original aspx page. I need help on this. You can try to create an asset in user control and the next call using this property You can. Your example of usercontrol protected Zero Page_load (object sender, eventAggas E) {this.MyProperty = "This is a test" in UserRuntlals; } Public string MyProperty {get; Set; } `in the page protected zero page_load (object sender, event erggs e) {webusecure control 11.parenter + new event handler (web user Control 11_PreRender); } Zero WebUserControl11_PreRender (object sender, EventArgs e) {string str = WebUserControl11.MyProperty; This.Header.Title = str; }

Help with gmail message reading with php -

I need to read email from Gmail, but I can not connect to the Gmail POP3 server, anyone can help me here Could? Code here: $ pop3 = new POP3; $ Pop3- & gt; Server = ''; $ Pop3- & gt; User = 'username'; $ Pop3- & gt; Passwd = 'password'; $ Pop3- & gt; Debug = true; $ Pop3- & gt; Pop3_connect () Result: WARNING: fsockopen () [function.fsockopen]: Unable to connect to Wikipedia also: / P> E-mail client of Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Using POP3 traffic to encl Using a STLS command, a TLS / SSL connection is negotiated. Some Gmail and Servers, such as Gmail Gmail, use alternate port method, in turn, which can be used for TCP port 995 (POP3S ).

Ajax performance: ASP.Net MVC vs Webforms -

I'm just switching my website to MVCCV from webforms and I'm very heavy to use AJAX. MVC looks slow, but I have not set anything to record the benchmark. Do anyone know why AJAX is fast and fast for handling? You should not see any difference from one framework to the next. They are essentially few in the execution pipeline of MVC framework, with the exception of fewer things, less stored (no state tracking) etc. How are you doing AJAX in your site? Are you using partial? Full idea? Presenting Jason or fully formatted HTML section?

iphone - Retrieving a pixel alpha value for a UIImage -

I am currently trying to get the alpha value of pixels in a UIImageView. I have received CGI image from [UIImageView image] and created an RGBA byte array from this. Alpha is preplanned. CGIJJRF image = uiImage. CGImage; Width of NSUINTER = CGMJetWidth (image); NSUInteger height = CIggate height (image); CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB (); RawData = malloc (height * width * 4); BytePrintPixel = 4; Bytespiro = bytepixel * width; NSUInteger BitsStechnicPoint = 8; CGContextRef Reference = CGBitmapContextCreate (raw data, width, height, bitsprinting, byteper, colorspace, KCGImAlphapremTiltlivedList; KCGITMAPOder32Big); CGColorSpaceRelease (colorspace); CGContextDrawImage (Reference, CGRectMake (0, 0, width, height), image); CGContextRelease (reference); I then calculate the array index for the given alpha channel using coordinates from UIImageView. int byteIndex = (Bitespiro * uiViewPoint.y) + UiViewPoint.x * BytePixel; Unsigned four characters = raw d...

character encoding - Accessing a Function over Database Link with Different Charsets in Oracle -

I have a function in the DatabaseA, which I want to use in DatabaseB, so I created a DB link in databaseb, and As a function, SELECT function_name @ dblink ('A0484') with double; This did the following error error in line 1: ORA-12703: This character set conversion Ora-06512: is not supported on line 1 I found the database information on excavation databases: version-8i charset-US 7 ASCII databasebase version 10G charset-ALURUTF 8 Direct access to any table of database B from DatabaseB finishes through DBLink, this is the only function that Gives this error. Function is similar to a signature below Create or reinstate work TestFunc (p_Number IN VARCHAR2) Returns VARCHAR2 has returned to 'some data'; End; What can be done to avoid the conversion error and what is wrong, which can cause any idea as the direct access to the tables starts working properly. This is a known Oracle bug - see note 237593.1 if you have access to MetLink. The recomme...

android - Why do I get access denied to data folder when using adb? -

I am using the ADB and the following command from Live device: C : \ & Gt; ADB-S HT829GZ52000 Shell $ Els Els Sclait_stmti_jrnls cash SDcard etc. System Ssbiaiseepi Logokarelaiaitiktroftkarsi Aiaitikarsi Init. Goldfish.rc INIT Difoltkprop data Route Dev CD data CD data from $ LS am LS Opendir failed, allowing I was surprised to see that I have not been denied access to how I do not browse the directories using the command line in this way. Can i do How do I get root access on my phone?

Dynamic Flash banner with XML config file -

I'm a programmer, not a designer, so I want to let the computer work creative: -) We want to implement a dynamic flash banner on our website that flies from an XML config file. I would like to be able to set several variables as possible Font Text and background color Animation and fading What are the best non-commercial / open-source dynamic flash banners? Hundreds of tutorials about how to do such things as adding Flash and XML ... a great video and tutorial (with the source) that includes it is on the Goto and Lern ​​site of Lee Brimlo .. .. Obviously you want to integrate your own solutions to all the unobtrusive Iibutes, but to modify it some existing scripts It should not be difficult.

c++ - const char* variable as parameter to function -

I have this constructor in C ++ Library (by someone else, not by me): variable (const char * s) which I want to use in my own function, useful (). This work is useful (), calculates an int, which I want to pass in the form of constellation variables (const char * s) as parameters. That's why I am converting int to string and then transmitting a cons four * data type and I am transmitting the variable constructor as a parameter, but I get an error message. Based on the integer in the variable LoopOi, I am creating a string "xi", where I have loops [0] = 2 for the integer example, with vector loopoi, then we make string "x2" , Which is then converted into a const char * , and then transmitted to Construct Variables (Const char * s). My work is useful () in the following way: zero-free () {vector & lt; Int & gt; LoopsOE; LoopsOE.push_back (i) for (unsigned int i = 0; i & lt; 6; i ++); (Unsigned int i = 0; i & lt; loopsOE.size ();...

svn - A good video to explain version control? -

Do anyone know where I can find a good video for someone to interpret version control (main Demolition of the form)? One that tells in simple words (like never before has seen version control for anyone). (Not for me, say one of its companion passwords) Various videos on version control: SVN: GIT:

Open/close a winform application from ASP.NET -

एएसपी.नेट के माध्यम से एक विन्टर अनुप्रयोग खोलने / बंद करने (यानी स्टार्ट-अप / शट-डाउन) का कोई तरीका है? मुझे यकीन है कि यह एक सुरक्षा उल्लंघन के reeks, लेकिन इस तकनीक का आवेदन (यदि यह भी संभव है) एक नियंत्रित वातावरण में होगा। मुझे लगता है कि अतिरिक्त अनुमतियां वेब सर्वर या वेब एप्लिकेशन को दी जानी चाहिए, लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि अनुमति क्या है। आप एक बार क्लिक कर सकते हैं, यह यूआरएल के माध्यम से शुरू हो सकता है।

linux - Using 'expect' to automatically send in password -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब मैं एक कॉपी करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ अपने स्थानीय सर्वर से मेरे स्थानीय सर्वर से फ़ाइल स्वचालित रूप से पासवर्ड भेजने के लिए 'उम्मीद' का उपयोग कर इसे चलाने के लिए मेरी स्क्रिप्ट है scp user @ host: / folder / myFile ./ उम्मीद है "पासवर्ड:" "mypassword" भेजें जब मैं इसे चलाता हूँ, यह अभी भी "पासवर्ड" के लिए संकेत करता है, क्या गलत है? आप इसे करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं, ऐसा लगता है जैसे आप सार्वजनिक और निजी कुंजी के साथ ssh का उपयोग कर बेहतर हो सकते हैं आप आरंभ करने के लिए ssh-keygen ट्यूटोरियल के लिए Google कर सकते हैं।

objective c - Determining which NSView instance initiated a mouseDown: -

I have a gamagram with 25 tiles, which is a subclass of NSV. In the mouseDown: I want to determine which tile I clicked on and set a set for a representative value. For example, if I click on tile 12, then the clicked tile represents "12" or some value exclusively that specific example. I am opening anything with integer values, however any kind of introspection / reflection is better for underlying facilities and elegance hacks, runtime wrappers, and modification. Even so, I know I have no choice to rely on those solutions, so please reply with those people too. I want to know all my options thank you! You can sub-class NSVU and override the document in writing.

Should I always design around foreign keys? -

For example, I have the tag lookup table that contains 3 different types of table tags (ObjectTaps) tags. Each has the tag, but they are not shared. So I could do it Tagged | Object type ObjectId | And when I join the table together, I used to filter it by object type even before joining it. Now I know that this will break the ability to do a foreign key. The ObjectId column can be one of the three tables. The question is .. Is this a terrible thing? If so, why? The second option is to create a lookup table for each object, unless there is a better method. Do not think about the foreign key, think about whether you have the integrity referenced at the database level. Want to apply. Without the relevant integrity enforced by RDBMS, you have to implement yourself in your application, or to do something else, you have to go out of your way to write the constraints of complex database, RDBMS already gives you as a foreign key is. In practice, however, you are not going to...

c# - excel formula array -

Hello, I have AC # program that gives Excel 20077 series, as its formula is as follows Excel.Worksheet ws_res = (Excel.Worksheet) wb.Worksheets.Add (wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong); Excel.Range range_res = (Excel.Range) ws_res.get_Range ("A1", "HM232"); Range_res.FormulaArray = "= (If ((Sheet 4! A1: Hm 232 = 1.0," + "If (Sheet 4! A1: Hm 232 = 0,1, Sheet 4! A1: Hm 232))) = 1,0, "+" if (((Sheet 4! A1: Hm 232 = 1.0, "+" If (Sheet 4! A1: Hm 232 = 0,1, Sheet 4 ! A1: HM232))) = 0,1, ("+" if (sheet 4! A1: Hm 232 = 1.0, "+" if (sheet 4! A1: HM23 = 0,1 , Sheet 4! A1: HM 232))))); It tells me the exception that the formula is wrong ... but if open Excel 2007 and in a new sheet ( Let's say sheet 5) Select Category A1: HM232 and paste the above formulas directly into the formula bar , And then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter it's all right, ... plz can you tell me how to do this with C #? I know if I have the for...

delphi - IncHour procedure in DateUtils -

I have the following bit of Delphi 7 code to increase the TDateTime value for one hour, for some reason it does not work STATHMO.Lines.ed ('first' + datetimeostrat (difference)); IncHour (dtval, 1); // Add an hour for the DST status quo. Lines Add ('After' + DateTimestrasse (difference)); The content of StatusMemo after code is run: ago 6/24/2009 5:35:40 AM 6/24/2009 5:35 : 40 AM It works for Inc as if it is not working. I tried to use IncMinute (dtval, 60), and got the same result, what am I missing? incHour gives incremental value, it does not update passed in the variable So you need to: feast: = inkhor (decimal, 1); - .NET Session not working -

This is a weird, but hopefully someone can give me an idea here. I am entering some value in the session in my app in Global.asax session_start session_start on my page OnInit Is called immediately and one of them tries to use the session variable. Strange sometimes it works, and after that no change will start giving me this error: "Session status can be used only when enabled session date is set to correct , either in the configuration file or in the page instructions. Please also ensure that the System.Web.SessionStateModule or the custom session status module contains & lt; Configuration & gt; \ & lt; system.web & gt; \ & lt; httpModules & gt; in the section configuration. " I have seen and different ways of enabling the session in all searched web.config now looks like this: & lt; System.web & gt; ... & lt; SessionState mode = "infrac" statementconc string = "TCPIP = 42424...

Facebook -- best way to do FQL "join" with event and event_member? -

In a Facebook app, I need to get user date for each event and its RSVP status . I can fix user incidents, but at the moment I am looking at RSVP status for every incident at one time, and the time is time for programs with a large number of people. I am getting user events like this: $ fql = "select eid, name, start_time, end_time From event WHERE EID in (event_member WHERE UID = $ user from SELECT eid) and start_time & gt; '$ timestamp' by start_time "ORDER"; This part is working fine. And here's how I am getting RSVP status for each event, one at a time: $ Fql = "selection rsvp_status from event_member where UID = $ user and id = '$ event_id'"; This works fine even on the basis of event-by-event, but the time of the app page is when the user has many events, because every event Is seen. With the usual SQL, I could easily do so with this included, but FQL is not allowed to join. A possible solution is to loop t...

python - Install pyCurl in ActivePython-2.6? -

I have worked with pyCurl in the past and it is working with the default Python installation of my system. However, I have a project for which the dragon needs to be more portable and I am using ActivePython-2.6. I have not had any problem installing any other modules yet, but I am getting errors installing pyCurl. Error: Search for reading perkol Read http: //pycurl.sourceforge . Net / Download / Best Match: Pikrol 7.19.0 Download Processing Piccroll- 7.1 9.0.tar.gz Playing Picture- 7.1 9.0 / setup .py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-tfVLW6/pycurl-7.19.0/egg-dist-tmp-p1WjAy sh: curl-config: Not Found Traceback (Most Recent Call End): File " /opt/ActivePython-2.6/bin/easy_install ", line 8, & lt; Module & gt; Load_entry_point ('setuptools == 0.6c9', 'console_scripts', 'easy_install') () file ...

c# - Having Multiple Outputs for a single action -

Just a question that requires quick answers, I have a verb, say , BlogPostController.List (); Lists all the posts in a fictional blog engine. I want both an HTML output of this data and an XML output of this data. Preferably I want to be able to fully understand the URLs by them, for example: http: // And then when I call View () in my action method it depends on the .aspx view or .xml view or No. Is there something like this (I can not get information about this, but I can not really search for good keywords about it) or it is "searching for another way or You can find your own way of "job"? Cheers You must specify an input parameter which may be the default view Is empty but for other different forms You need to specify which you may want to support. In case of RSS reader you can support RSS, Atom, XML etc. Choose Default and then add your URL t...

I cannot compile using template in C++ -

मैंने निम्नलिखित तार को जी ++ के साथ संकलित किया है #include & lt; iostream & gt; #include & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; टेम्पलेट & lt; कक्षा T & gt; वर्ग नोड & लेफ्टिनेंट; const char * & gt; {निजी: स्ट्रिंग x_; नोड * अगला_; सार्वजनिक: नोड (कॉन्स्ट चार * कश्मीर, नोड * अगला): अगले_ (अगली), x_ (k) {} स्ट्रिंग डेटा () {वापसी x_;} नोड * get_next () {next_;}}; $ G ++ -c त्रुटि: 'नोड' एक टेम्पलेट नहीं है क्या गड़बड़ है? मैं सी + + के लिए जा रहा हूँ आप घोषणाएं और तत्काल मिक्स कर रहे हैं जब आप एक टेम्प्लेट घोषित करते हैं, तो आप इसके नाम के तुरंत बाद एक प्रकार निर्दिष्ट नहीं करते हैं। इसके बजाय, इसे इस तरह घोषित करें: टेम्पलेट & lt; class T & gt; क्लास नोड {निजी: कॉन्स्ट टी एक्स_; नोड * अगला_; सार्वजनिक: नोड (कॉन्स्ट टी एंड amp; कश्मीर, नोड * अगला): x_ (k), अगला_ (अगली) {} कॉन्स्ट टी एंड amp; डेटा () {वापसी x_;} नोड * get_next () {वापसी next_;}}; आपका मूल घोषणा भी स्ट्रिंग , const c...

How to make Vim continue bullet points? -

जब मैं मिडियाविकि-सिंटेक्स प्रथम-स्तर के बुलेट अंक का उपयोग करता हूं, एंटर कुंजी दबाकर अगले पंक्ति के लिए एक बुलेट बिंदु भी दिखाता है: * & lt; CR & gt; * लेकिन जब मेरे पास दूसरा स्तरीय बुलेट अंक होता है, यह सिर्फ एक नई रिक्त पंक्ति प्रारंभ करता है ** & lt; CR & gt; (रिक्त पंक्ति) मुझे दूसरी पंक्ति में ** डाल करने के लिए क्या विकल्प / अभिव्यक्ति को बदलना / प्रोग्राम करना है? मेरे vimrc में मेरे पास सेट ऑटिंडेंट है, निश्चित नहीं है कि अगर वह ऐसा है जो * को दोहराता है तो प्रवेश के साथ कुंजी। प्रयास करें setlocal formatoptions = ctnqro setlocal टिप्पणियां + = n : *, N: # यह उस तरह से काम करता है।

MS Access library for python -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 12 जवाब क्या उपयोग करने के लिए कोई लाइब्रेरी है अजगर में एमएस एक्सेस डाटाबेस? Win32 मॉड्यूल MySQL पुस्तकालय के रूप में आसान नहीं है। क्या पायथन के साथ एमएस एक्सेस का उपयोग करने के लिए कोई आसान तरीका है? आप क्या करना चाहते हैं इसके आधार पर, हो कि तुम क्या चाहते हो। import pyodbc db_file = r '' 'c: \ x.mdb' '' user = 'admin' password = '' odbc_conn_str = 'ड्रायवर = {माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेस ड्रायवर (* .mdb) }; डीबीक्यू =% s; यूआईडी =% s; पीडब्लूडी =% s '% \ (डीबी_फ़ाइल, यूज़र, पासवर्ड) # या, एक्सेस ड्राइवरों के नए संस्करणों के लिए: odbc_conn_str =' DRIVER = {माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेस ड्रायवर (* .एमडीबी , * .accdb)}; डीबीक्यू =% s; यूआईडी =% s; पीडब्लूडी =% s '% (डीबी_फ़ाइल, यूज़र, पासवर्ड) conn = pyodbc.connect (odbc_conn_str)

global keyboard hook in windows mobile 5 or above (smartphone platform), how? -

So, I think I should do it in C ++, anybody knows about this problem? I'm already searching everywhere and I get some articles about keyboard hooks on Windows CE, Windows Mobile is Windows CE, right? Another question: Can the free compiler using Windows Mobile use IID? Set-windowHackX is not supported in any WindowsCE (Read: Mobile) version in general Hooks are not supported , Actually. However, if you are ready to use a no-document / unsupported API, you can exit coredll.dll, and call it as appropriate on Windows. You want WH_KEYBOARD_LL, which says a little googleing is 20. You actually will need to be indicated in the following ways: ,,, and more. Your code will be identical (this is intended): // myHook.dll LRESULT myLowLevelKeyboardProc (int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {// Need to pull CallNextHookEx back out of coredll (nCode & lt; 0) back to CallNextHookEx (nCode, wParam, lParam); KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT data = * ((PKBDLHoccaster) lParam); // Do some...

sql - optimising a query -

I have a table in a database containing 7k plus records. I have a query that searches for a specific ID in that table Does. (ID is automatically increased) The query is such -> select ID, date_time from Date_time order by DESC; This query will search on the 7k + data all the way ....... is not there anyway with which I can customize this query so that the search is only on 500 or 1000 records .... because these records will increase day by day and my query will be heavy and heavy. Any suggestions I do not know if something is missing here but what is wrong with it: Select id, date_time from table where id =? Id order date_time by DESC; More? ID is the ID you are looking for ... And of course ID should be the primary index.

sharepoint - Setting author field in SPListItem won't persist -

I am trying to copy a SPILITIT (with file) from one site collection to another. I do this by creating a file like this: var archiveFile = newsArchive.Lists [listName] .RootFolder.Files.Add (The original, the original item.file.OpenBarie ( )); Var archiveItem = archiveFile.Item; Through a utility method I wrote so I set all the field values ​​of new items to match the original item such as utilities .pipul list itemmetadata (. ...) The thing is, it remains in the author's area. I tried to establish the area of ​​the author clearly in every way, for example: string user name = original item. Getuusser ("Made by"). LoginName; SPUser user = newsArchive.SiteUsers [userName]; Archive item ["author"] = + "## + user. Login name; ArchiveItem.Update (); and do this string username = basic item. Getuusser ("Made by"). LoginName; SPUser user = newsArchive.SiteUsers [userName]; Archive item ["author"] = us...

winapi - Is it possible to use a 32-bit ODBC driver with a 64-bit application on windows? -

I have a 64-bit application and an ODBC driver that comes in 32-bit-taste only. Is there a way to connect to the data source through the driver? I realize that there is no short answer, 32-bit DLL related to 64-bit applications is not capable of loading, but I am looking for a little more positive answer. Rewriting the driver is not an option at this point. Host the ODBC-driver in 32-bit process and between your 64-bit application and process Communicate. Pick up yourself to do this (I probably want to go with chairs for no special reason). This is a method that discusses this approach and some effects.

Jquery and Checking Attributes Value -

If there is an element that can be disabled on a page, and before I do something, I would like to see the value . How is this done? Thanks in advance. If your HTML looks like this: & lt; Input id = "my_input_field" value = "my value" type = "text" disabled = "disabled" /> Then you can use the following jQuery to get the value: $ ("# my_input_field"). Val (); To learn how you can access elements in the HTML document, see.

c# - Syncfusion GridList Control Column Header Click -

I click the user column header on the synchronization grid-list control, then I would like to order the contents in a column. Does anybody have any idea how I can use C # I do not have them installed yet but this should be something like this: GridControl.TableDescriptor.AllowSort = true; This column should be sorted, so when you click on the column header, you will order it.

c# - Retry the request if the first one failed -

I am using an XML web service on my web app and sometimes the remote server failed to respond to the timeline. If the first attempt fails, I have the idea of ​​requesting again. To stop the loop, I want to limit the concurrent request at 2. I want to get an opinion, if I have done it then it is fine and will work as I think. public class ScEngine {Private int _attemptcount = 0; Public int attempts ({get return _attemptcount}} set {_attemptcount = value;}} Getstat public string (string q, string job) {try {// snip .... trycount + trycount; return ds;} {If (trycount> = 2) {return tap;} and {return GetStat (Q, job);}}}}}

c++ - validate xml schema using msxml parser -

I want to validate the XML file against an XML schema file. This is a simple XML file, does not include namespace etc. I want to do this in C ++ using MSXML 6.0. You can validate when you load. This is the sample code from Windows / MSXML SDK: IXMLDOMSchemaCollectionPtr pXS; IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pXD = NULL; IXMLDOMParseErrorPtr pErr = NULL; _bstr_t strResult = ""; HRESULT hr = pxs.CreateInstance (__Uuidof (XMLSchemaCache50)); Hr = px-> Add ("urn: name space", "myschema.xsd"); // Create a DOMDocument and set its properties HR = PXD. Create Instance (__UdOf (Dome Document 50)); Assign // schema cache to the // schema archive of the DOMDocument. PXD- & gt; Schemas = pxs gate interfacePTR (); // Load books.xml as DOM document. PXD- & gt; Async = VARIANT_FALSE; PXD-> Validation = VARIANT_TRUE; PXD- & gt; Halle Extanche = VARIANT_TRUE; Hr = px- & gt; Load ("TheXmlDocument.xml"); // check hour and px- & gt; Error cod...

Convert something to Jquery object -

$ ('# tags option') प्रत्येक। (फ़ंक्शन (अनुक्रमणिका, आइटम) {// var i = यह; // यदि (jQuery.inArray (i.value, idArray)) {// i.attr ('अक्षम', 'सच'); //} item.attr ('अक्षम', 'सच');} ); मैं आइटम पैरामीटर को Jquery ऑब्जेक्ट में कनवर्ट कैसे कर सकता हूं ताकि मैं सभी निस्सियों की तरह .attr का उपयोग कर सकूं? धन्यवाद $ (आइटम) .attr ('disabled', 'true'); काम करना चाहिए देखें:

google app engine - Task Queue API: ETA and Countdown -

itemprop = "text"> I like the new functionality API. I have a question about ETA / Countdown, if I set a new task to execute 10 minutes in the future and this is the only thing in the queue - is it about 10 minutes? Will execution or will he execute immediately? This will execute no soon more than 10 minutes from now (after this Can be executed if the queue is completed, naturally).

create nested objects in javascript like groupby in C# -

IList & lt; ग्राहक & gt; ग्राहक = फ्लैट। समूह (ग्राहक = & gt; नया {cust.ReferenceNumber, cust.Name, cust.Address})। चयन करें (सी = & gt; नया ग्राहक () {संदर्भ संख्या = सी। के.रिफेरनंबर, नाम = सी। केय .नाम, पता = सी.के.ए.एडरेशन, ऑर्डर्स = सी। सेलेक्ट (ओ = न्यू ऑर्डर) (ऑर्डर आयड = ओ। ऑर्डर आयडी, प्रोडक्टनाम = ओ। प्रोडक्ट्नम, विवरण = ओ.डिस्क्रिप्शन, राशि = ओ। ) .ओलिस्ट ()})। ToList () क्या एक सपाट सूची ले रही है और इसे जावास्क्रिप्ट में नेस्टेड ऑब्जेक्ट में परिवर्तित कर रहा है? एक सामान्य समाधान है ?? हां आप जावास्क्रिप्ट के आसपास फ़ंक्शन को पार कर सकते हैं, जो सी # कोड में लैम्ब्डा एक्सप्रेशन के समान प्रयोजन के समान होगा। एक उदाहरण के रूप में JQuery के "प्रत्येक" प्रयोग का प्रयोग करें: $ ('div.several')। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {// वर्तमान div से कुछ करो।}); आप भी आसानी से नेस्टेड ऑब्जेक्ट बना सकते हैं: var बाहरी = {inner1: {val1: 'a', val2: 'b'}, आंतरिक 2: {val1: 'c', val2: 'd'}}; बेशक, आप एक बार म...

sql server - Command line Script for cleaning VS project + backing up SQL + zipping? -

Does anyone have some kind of command line script that can do something like this: Clean VS Project (Delete \ Bin Folder Content, etc.) Backup SQL Server Database All Files Zip You have to plug in many features for your environment so that you can work from the best start. You can consider NANT (or ant on which it is based). Here are reference docs for tasks that you will need to configure: * * To back up SQL, you will need to run the Osql.exe command. Here are some other answers related to the issue: Here is a build file outline: & Lt; / Target & gt; & Lt; Target name = "backup sql" & gt; & Lt; Exec program = "c: \ program files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ 80 \ device \ binn \ osql.exe" & gt; & Lt; Arg value = "-i" /> & Lt; / Executive & gt; & Lt; / Target & gt; & Lt; Target name = "zip files" & gt; & Lt; Zip zip file = "" & gt; & Lt; Filese...

How can I count to 10 while summing the numbers in Excel VBA? -

How can I count to 10 while summing numbers in VBA? Edit : For future reference, please see Microsoft's MSDN section at

c++ - Make a window Static as well as allow adding text using CreateWIndowEx() -

I am using the CreateWindowEx () function to create an "edit" window, that is where the user can type . g_hwndMain = CreateWindowEx (0, WC_TEXT, Faucet, WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, 0, 0, 400, 200, phwnd, NULL, g_hInstance, NULL ); But I would prefer to have the window stabilized. Is there a way to do this during the construction of the window? Or any other function can be used after the window is created? I tried to use the SetWindowPos function after creating the window using SWP_NOSENDCHANGING and SWP_NOREPOSITION, but did not move it. Any ideas? No, I mean the fixed window. Actually, I should accept the text made in the window and at the same time remain fixed. You need to handle the message for that window and then SWP_NOMOVE Set the flag to the WINDOWPOS structure before forwarding it with it. This is an example (though it is stopping resizing, the technique is similar).

How to set syntax highlighting on for Emacs files -

My .Emacs are like a road map for me where I create a source for many files. Their extension is .emacs: For example, fileName.emacs The problem is that only syntax highlighting in ~ / .emacs is. I have to highlight the syntax for all the shell files, which ends with .emacs. How can you highlight syntax highlighting on all squid .emacs -files? Yes I understand that these are script files, so while viewing these files You need an apac so that you can be automatically in Lisp mode. There are two solutions: The simplest thing is that the extension of .l is to change. By default, they are opened in Lisp-mode. If, for some reason, you really want to use the .emacs extension, you can use it in your ~ / .emacs Want to add elsewhere in the file: (setq auto-mode-bye ('append' ((". * * .amacs \\ '". Lisp-mode)) : Mode-alist) automatic mode-alist is the list to determine the major mode to use Uses for Each item is a list, the first...

How does GDB find the symbol of a function when backtracing in MIPS Linux? -

I am trying to implement a function to backstrass the crashed user space process. Since I'm working in the kernel, I do not have any library's luxury and the rendered backattack function does not support MIPS architecture. I'm just wondering what the GDB does the version of the kernel is 2.6.21. I think you can refer to the implementation. /P> The use of Opprofile uses frame-pointer to get back-trace information, so it requires user space application and its related libraries which are frame-pointer enabled. ("- fno-omit-frame-pointer" option). Another way is if you have debug information in user applications, you may need to check the user application's information, how to call a function with enough information on the DWARF call frame notification debugger It gives information, so that each argument of this function is detected, locate the current call frame, and locate the call frame for calling information. If you simply crawl supported ba...

function - Javascript setting variables and object and proper syntax (debug console) -

So I am trying to invoke the methods on one page and I know that I know the ways which I want to put things in. But I do not seem to work syntax. I think it is okay .. Amplified OK, here is the JavaScript method on the page function return value (sValue, steext) {window.focus (); Var oForm = document.EditForm; Switch (szType) // Form element name {case 'agt': oForm.agt.value = sText; OForm.agentman.value = sValue; OForm.agtid.value = sValue; OForm.getagt.focus (); break; Case 'County': oForm.County.value = sValue; SCurrentCounty = new string (sValue); Document.all ("County Dizp"). InnerHTML = sText; Document.all ("City"). Value = ""; Document.all ("City Disp"). InnerHTML = ""; Document.all ("Area"). Value = ""; Document.all ("AreaDisp"). InnerHTML = ""; break; Default: Break; } // and switch returns; } Very straight forward function and you assume that the parameters we...

c++ - Template instantiation error -

मेरे पास टेम्पलेट फ़ंक्शन "तुलना" नीचे वर्णित है। # include & lt; iostream & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; टेम्पलेट & lt; typename T & gt; शून्य की तुलना (const T & amp; a, const T & amp; b) {cout & lt; & lt; "इनसाइड तुलना" & lt; & lt; endl; } मुख्य () {तुलना ("एए", "बीबी"); तुलना ( "आ", "bbbb"); } जब मैं एक ही लंबाई की स्ट्रिंग लीटरल के साथ तुलना करना शुरू करता हूं, तो कंपाइलर शिकायत नहीं करता है। जब मैं इसे अलग-अलग लंबाई के शाब्दिक शब्दों के साथ करता हूं, तो यह कहते हैं, "त्रुटि: तुलना करने के लिए कॉल करने के लिए कोई मेल नहीं खाता (const char [3], const char [5])" वर्ण सरणी के बजाय वर्ण सूचक के साथ तत्काल हो। स्ट्रिंग लीटरल हमेशा पॉइंटर को क्षय नहीं करनी चाहिए? जैसा कि ग्रेग के जवाब और टिप्पणियों में कहा गया है, दो भिन्न सरणी प्रकार (चूंकि स्ट्रिंग लीटरल हैं) की समस्या है आप फ़ंक्शन को सामान्य प्रकार के लिए छोड़ना चाह सकते हैं, लेकिन इसे चरित्र पॉइंटर और...

.net - Effective Policy Viewer for Ent Lib 4 -

I can not find the effective policy viewer tool for enterprise library 4. I have to compile against entlib 3 DLL. Do anyone know where I can find the updated device? Or does old works and can provide any binaries? Effective policy viewer for EntLib 3.0 will work with EntLib 4.x as explained here : The standalone solution can be downloaded from here:

Convert python filenames to unicode -

I'm on python 2.6 for Windows. I use Oaswas to read a file tree. Files can have non-7-bit characters (for example, German "AE") in their filenames, they are encoded in Python's internal string representation. I am processing these filenames with Python library functions and they fail due to incorrect encoding. Do I have these files (Unicode?) Python Strings? I have a file "d: \ utest \ ü.txt". Passing paths in the form of Unicode does not work: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; List (o.wock ('d: \ uustest')) [('D: \\ qualification', [], ['xfc.txt'])]> gt; & Gt; & Gt; List (ow: u \\\\\\\\\) [(u'd: \\ utest ', [], [u' \ xfc.txt '])] If you pass a unicode string for os.walk () , you can use Unicode The result will be: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; List (OSKAAC (RC: \ example ')) Passing # ASCII string [(' C: \\ Example ', [], [' file.txt '])]> gt; & Gt; & Gt; ...

c# 3.0 - update panel causing full post in remote server -

I have a page that is working locally locally in IIS 5.1, but when I remotely Updating on the server What is the problem with fullpostback? Itemprop = "text"> Somewhat in syntax C fault or set up update can behave in an unusual way. I recommend copying the page and croping those parts which you consider to be irrelevant to the functionality unless you are left with, essential essential is not required to act as expected (not displayed. ) If you have problems even then you should post your code.

visual studio - How do I Emulate/Debug Windows CE 5.0 applications in C#? -

This is my problem I currently develop a .Net Compact Framework 2.0 application (in C #) on a Windows CE 5.0 device I am trying to First of all: How can I debug / simulate applications in Visual Studio 2008? I do not mean that an application already deployed on the device has been debugging, but debugging the version on my desktop. I have limited or no access to the prototype device. Second: How do I integrate it with the OS image created by the platform builder for Windows CE 5.0? Do I need to ? Thanks for your time You have a few options to install an emulator BSP To do this, roll your own emulator image, create a custom SDK and install it, then the emulator targeting that targeting is quite simple to do it. That said, I still do that does not. A better option is just like buying a cheap WinCE device like that one It's easy, fast and more reliable to target real iron. To integrate the app, it's like any other, make sure that you have a CF component in your ...

oracle - Geolocation assisted ATM monitoring -

We want to write web based applications for the monitoring of ATM machines in the bank for the following functionality: Display the location of each terminal Display a simple terminal or ordinary logo in color coding - mark (ATM up / down / focus, low cash, etc.) With more information, there is a facility to drill down on the position of the machine (Viv O counter, up-time, online, etc.) To zoom in the map and the ability to pan the map, and the Search location by geographic location. The state of the machine is available in an Oracle database, and is to add geolocation to the terminal definition Whether any ready open source APIs available to implement the above requirements is available? If it is something for Oracle then it would be great PS: We are looking for APIs to support the following countries (United Arab Emirates and GCC, Kazakhstan, Egypt and North Africa) Thank you I would recommend using it, it is familiar with many people Uses UI and can be c...

encryption - Invalid Keystore format -

Do anyone know how to solve this? I tried many things, but none of them worked. And when I click on more details as I get it: (Unknown Source). $ JKS.engineLoad (unknown source KeyStore.load) com.sun.deploy on Javaksecurity (unknown source) at $ (unknown source) on .AccessController.doPrivileged (Native method) (unknown source (unknown source) at .security.RootCertStore .load (unknown Source) at r.isAllPermissionGranted on ComksunkdeployksecuritykImmutableCertStorekload (Unknown Source) (Unknown Source) at (Unknown Source) (unknown source on (unk...

javascript - Dojo and Firebug -

I have just started a new project with the Dojo toolkit, and I compare the firebug to my dojo.js script tag I started to tell me it did not drop soon 'dojo._firebug.firebug' could not be loaded; I know that Doodoo has a reputation for poor debugging messages, but this is ridiculous .... If anyone has any ideas about this That's what I appreciate it. You have to keep it on a web server, per - possibly a local web server for the development machine Only does your own machine.

c# - Help me optimize this average calculation snippet -

Is this snippet possible? The first sample and previous sample is part of the array that I am interested in this walk. This happens when this gap reaches up to 3000, I get noticeable recession. The _Average array can contain 6-60 million in value. I use it after the minimum and maxY are completed. int miny = Int32.MaxValue; Int maxY = Int32.MinValue; Int Y = 0; Int sample = first sample + 1; While (sample & lt; = lastSample) {Y = _Average [sample]; Minwai = Math Pisces (Y, Minne); Max Y = Math Max (Y, Max); Sample ++; } _Average [sample] expression is a major constraint, because it is a vested limit Examine each iteration on an indicator in the "_Average" array (and the unsecured keyword). Then avoid calling any work, so get rid of the monastery. Call Min / Max and check it for yourself. Without any compiler on my hands, I think that should look like this: unsafe {fixed (int * paverage = _average) {int * p = paverage + FirstSample + 1; (Integer s...

How do I run MySQL commands? -

to I'm in the process of updating its Symphony founded and I run to meet "the MySQL command" It has been said process. Funny thing ... I do not know how to do it. Orders are I'm meant to run: table change `sym_sections` Joden` navigation_group` VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL default 'content'; Optional table `sym_sections` add index (` navigation_group`); Change table `tbl_entries_data_XX` Bdlen`` mimetype` mimetype` VARCHAR (50) character set UTF8 juxtaposition utf8_unicode_ci zero default null I'm using coda on Mac (if that helps) And I have access to PHPMyAdmin on my host server, my host is Dreamhost. Feel free to talk down to me, I do stuff like this, I do not know the way I am a UI designer, not about a back-end developer. phpMyAdmin your database Select SQL- : Tab Paste the code into the text box in PHPmySQL

html - Why would you need a "Valid XHTML & CSS" notice at the end of a page -

I have seen it in the footer of various websites, most of these non-technical websites go further on some websites and Explaining this fact, a W3C badge is included. I do not think how it can be helpful for a targeted audience. I can think of some possible reason: It can be a marketing tool "Look, we code for suitable standards!" It can be applied to the person who designed the site (and can include it in its portfolio), even if the company is completely non-technical This means spreading awareness about an XHTML, et al. " You should also code for the appropriate standards!" This completely perception of quality for the site (and perhaps by company's products, by association) I really do not think it is likely to be special , But some marketing departments may be. As mentioned by other people, it is a matter of pride for the web designer. / P>

How do I break a for-loop in PHP when conditions are met? -

I'm plugging some code away from flat that checks the divisibility (yes, it generates a prime ) And I want to know how to prevent one ... loop if the condition is met once by code like this: $ delete = Array (); $ $ ($ B = 2; $ b> $ v; $ b ++) as a foreign currency ($$$) {if ($ v% $ b == 0) {$ delete $] = $ V; }} then the $ testarray integer is 1-100, and the $ delete array will be filtered against $ Testarray . Currently, though, numbers like 12 are being added multiple times in $ delete because it is divisible by 2, 3, 4 and 6. When the criteria match once, how can I save my computer time by moving forward? break; # Loop continues to exit; # Current Current Walking Marks

sql server - Using SQL Express 2008 with VS2008? -

मेरे पास निम्न स्थापित है: वीएस 2008 सपा 1 एसक्यूएल प्रबंधन स्टूडियो 2008 (SQL2008 सर्वर से कनेक्ट करने के लिए) जब मैं राइट क्लिक करता हूं App_Data निर्देशिका और "नया आइटम जोड़ें" पर क्लिक करें, अगर मैं SQL सर्वर डेटाबेस का चयन करता हूं और। एमडीबी फ़ाइल का नाम देता हूं, तो मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है: SQL सर्वर फ़ाइलें कनेक्शन (*। एमडीएफ) SQL सर्वर एक्सप्रेस की आवश्यकता होती है 2005 को ठीक से कार्य करने के लिए घटक की स्थापना की पुष्टि करें या URL से डाउनलोड करें ... इसके साथ क्या हो रहा है? किसी भी मदद की सराहना की है ... क्या यह x64 विस्टा है? यह है एक । वर्कअराउंड सुझाव देते हैं कि हो सकता है कि एक हॉटफिक्स () हो।

Type Declarations in Fortran -

I think the type of Wi is real below. SUBROUTINE F (X, Y) C no applicable real: X, YC Real: A, BC, parameter :: C = 3.14 E Cx = Y + 2 * SIN ( Y) ED But what's the type of it here? SUBROUTINE F (X, Y) C Real X, YC Real :: A, BC Real, Parameter :: C = 3.14A CX = Y + 2 * SIN (Y) END Is it exactly typed or real due to the real token at the beginning of that line? What else does the purpose: Service? (Sorry, I know that the scope of a declaration, working on a parser at midnight in a confused state is afraid to make you a misconception and the knowledge of the moment says that other people Consult with more experience.) Area of ​​the end of the line: Y is real For "::", this is something new.

jquery - C# Adding callback to JsonResult -

मेरे एमवीसी पृष्ठ जेसन (माइक्रिस्कास्ट क्लास) फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करके जेसनई रिजल्ट ऑब्जेक्ट वापस करने के लिए जेसन देता है। यह केवल ठीक काम करता है, मुझे कॉलबैक में जेएसएन को लपेटने की आवश्यकता है ताकि jQuery इसका उपयोग कर सके। मुझे यह पसंद है: jsonp1246168411282 ({"मैजसन": "कुछ मान"} ) लेकिन मुझे यह मिल रहा है: {"मैजसन": "कुछ मान"} क्या कोई रास्ता है जो मैं सी # जेसनई रिजल्ट को कोष्ठक और जेक्टीकल कॉलबैक के साथ लपेट सकता हूं? धन्यवाद Lorax जेक्जरी उपयोग कर सकते हैं Json प्रतिक्रिया ठीक है जब तक आप किसी दूसरे डोमेन के किसी पृष्ठ से इस कार्रवाई को नहीं बुला रहे हैं क्या यह आप कर रहे हैं? यदि ऐसा है तो मैं आपको एक wcf सेवा बनाने की सलाह देता हूं जो jsonp का समर्थन करता है उदाहरण यदि आप सिर्फ jquery विधि का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते हैं।

c# - using STAThread on ArcFM license -

I am trying to use ArcFM with ARGGIS project, and I have seen a bug I if If my main thread is marked with the [STAThread] attribute, then the program hangs out with the OS loader lock exception, when I remove that feature, the program ends right away. The following code hangs [STAThread] Private static zero main () {MMAppInitialize mmAppInitialize = new MMAPInitialize (); MmAppInitialize.IsProductCodeAvailable (mmLicensedProductCode.mmLPDesigner); } Has anyone here seen this before? Is there something that I'm doing wrong? I have to think that I have to run on STAThread because otherwise all my COM instances will be killed with a different thread from the main thread. My bugs were found - It would work fine: [STAThread] Private static zero main () {MMAppInitialize mmAppInitialize = New MMAPInitialize (); MmAppInitialize.IsProductCodeAvailable (mmLicensedProductCode.mmLPDesigner); MmAppInitialize.Initialize (mmLicensedProductCode.mmLPDesigner); MmAppInitializ...

javascript - iframe's onload event not firing in firefox (related to ASP.NET file uploading) -

मुख्य पृष्ठ: & lt; iframe src = "/ files / new" onload = "चेतावनी ( 'ऑनलोड');" & gt; & lt; / iframe & gt; और iframe, / files / new renders के अंदर: और अगर मैं एक फाइल सबमिट करता हूँ, तो आइफ्रेम के ओलोड इवेंट में अपेक्षित रूप से आग लग जाती है लेकिन अगर मैं web.config में httpRuntime के maxRequestLength में निर्दिष्ट मान से बड़ा एक बड़ी फाइल सबमिट करता है, तो iframe के ऑनलोड इवेंट में आग नहीं होती है (केवल फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में (मैं v3.0.11 के साथ परीक्षण किया गया था)। IE और Google क्रोम सामान्य रूप से ऑनलोड ईवेंट को सक्रिय करता है )। मैं फाइलों को अपलोड करने के लिए jQuery के अजैक्स का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और आइएक्सएम्स को आंतरिक रूप से आईफ्रेम का उपयोग करता है और सफलता या असफलता को सूचित करने के लिए ओलोड ईवेंट को सुनें। इसलिए अगर मैं एक बड़ी फ़ाइल अपलोड करता हूं तो किसी भी कॉलबैक को फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में बुलाया जाता है और मुझे यह पता नहीं है कि यह सफल है या विफल है या नहीं। मुझे अक्सर इस तरह की समस्याओं में चलना पड़ता है इसलिए मैं एक बि...

arrays - Easy way to implement dynamic views? -

See are useful productions. Those who have never seen (like me): You can write k = d.keys () for a dictionary d and even if you d variable k will still provide you an updated key. You can then type k1 & amp; K2 and it will always give you the d1.keys () & amp; D2.keys () I want to apply it to my personal Today manager, but I would like to consider complex Dynamic , or Authentic Assessment . That is, I have some views named such as , post and priority and I want to be able to write: is now = like this. Phone & amp; Priority So, when called __ repr __ (now) , the evaluation is done only on that point. My first idea was to give surcharge to logical operators, so I changed the to create a new view .__ and __ , which is itself the overall form of two subviews Remembers and & amp; them in Compass But there are many logical operators, so I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing. Is there a standard library class that will help me ...

How do I find out what Python libraries are installed on my Mac? -

I'm just starting with Python, and I have come to know that I can import various libraries. How can I find out what libraries are there on my Mac which I can import? I think using a few web server type thing to browse through local help files, but I might have thought it too! For the web server, you can run the pydoc module Distribution includes a script as: python /path/to/ -p 1234 where 1234 Code> on the port that you want to run on the server. You can then go to http: // localhost: 1234 / and browse documents.

security - Requiring unique email addresses while protecting the privacy of your users? -

I set up my website to require a specific email address (no two users have the same email address ), But I realized that it can allow a person to check that someone is registered on my website in an attempt to signup from that email. It is believed that this person will have to know the email address they wanted to try, but this can be useful information for some people (like competitors who want to see if their users are registered on my website or not ). Is there any real way to stop it, or is it just to be accepted as a possibility? EDIT: To be just clear, this is about creating an account even if you provide a general "invalid login" for bad login, you must provide usernames or email addresses Due to not being valid, why would a unique email address or user name be required? Extra, very later edit: One thing that has not been considered here is that when you create the account after change your unique email addresses Here, the solution that I have accepted to ...

html - How to create dock type toolbar at the bottom of the page? -

जैसे की & lt; div id =" toolbar "style =" position: fixed; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; चौड़ाई: 100%; रंग: #fff; background: # 000; "& gt; टूलबार सामग्री & lt;! - यहां आपकी बाकी टूलबार सामान - & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; यह एक काला पृष्ठभूमि वाला एक div बना देगा जो स्क्रीन के निचले भाग में बनी रहती है, ब्राउज़र रीसाइजिंग या स्क्रॉलिंग की परवाह किए बिना। फिर आप उस शैली को शैली बना सकते हैं, हालांकि आपको पसंद है।