
Showing posts from March, 2015

Subquery in Rails report generation -

I am creating a report in Ruby on Rails application and I understand how to use a subquery I'm struggling. / P> Every survey has 'survey response' and it is quite easy to retrieve them, although I need a group according to one of those areas, 'jobcod', because I only Want to report one related information to a single jobcode in one line in the report However, I need to know the component data that makes use of that job code because the reason I need to calculate data such as the media and standard deviation, and know the values ​​like this Need to understand the total yoga. My thinking is that I get different jobs which are surveyed and then I receive personal responses to each jobcode as a loop through them. Is this the right way to do or should I follow a different method? You can use the named area to make groups of reactions easier to achieve: named_scope: job_group, lambda {| Job_code | {: Terms = & gt; Put it in your modeled model, an...

version control - git branching practices -

I am using GET for a visual studio solution. Here's the structure. myProject.Domain, myProject.Common, myProject.Core, webClientForCustomer1, is webClientForCustomer2 means as names, web client projects depend on the domain, general and core projects I create a new web client app for every customer and optimize the UI. I add new features to the other three projects, so web client projects need to be updated with new features. What are your suggestions for modeling my repositories in the branches? "Is there a model in my repository branch?" "Destructive Rupees" representation of branches is very suitable for identifying different groups of files A branch specially Guit or other VCS, for which there is a first-class citizen, which is the method of separate from your other parallel work. The branches do nothing for you because you have my project xxx directories, but because you want to separate your development efforts from other activitie...

How to make data ownership explicit in C++ -

While working with references in Pointer and C ++, sometimes it is difficult to see that the indicator is on the referenced data Is ownership, or if it is just a temporary reference for example: example * i = new instance (); Example: Jammu = i; How can it be clarified that for example, who has 2 pointer ownership? In other words, how to clarify which pointers should be removed? Note: In the above example it is not difficult to see, because it is a very small piece of code. However, when the pointer is duplicated and much is exceeded, it can be unclear. You can not determine the owner, since there is no mechanism designed to know that the pointer What kind of memory is monitored? If you are really worried about this, you can always start your naming convention, eg. In some of your variable names, through pre-post-fix, in other words, this is your code design that can give you this information. Since you (and your colleague) are writing the code, you can always en...

sql - self join table - performance/other implications -

Is there any performance / other implications in relation to the object itself? (Self-contained) Consider the following example: People (name of the table) belongs_to: profile ,: class_name = & gt; 'Person' ,: dependent = & gt; : Delete the id login password first_name last_name profile_id this question party You do not specify which database you are using, but AFAIK, there will be no performance problems with not only joining itself, on some alternative solutions Performance benefits can be. In addition, IMHO is easier to understand than nested SQL statements, but it is completely subjective. View:

c++ - How should I use a QGraphicsScene with layouts and widgets -

I am creating a display of some graphic data display in Qt4 and for me, QGraphicsScene Make QGraphicsItem for more However, I wanted to add some layer of control (such as scrollbar, zoom + other button - I want to create it in a style such as Google Maps, i.e. the data will be displayed on the widget, and Widget will be shown on widgets). So I thought it might be possible to add them to the scene (possibly as a child of a QGraphicsGroupItem , which will be shown on statistics) but I want to move them forward; When I change the size of the whole widget, then let it be sized, so I should use the QGraphicsLayout to manage them. But at this point, I came to know that things are very complicated. The problem is that while using QGraphicsLayout , the following constraints are: By designing only QGraphicsWidget QGraphicsLayout can only be used to manage one QGraphicsWidget This means that I have to create my own controls as QGraphicsWidget s, add the top level ...

.net - Can I tell Windows not to swap out a particular processes’ memory? -

Is there a way to tell Windows that it should not store a specific process on disk? It has a net window service with plenty of net memory usage. I get a lot of physical RAM but the OS process takes part of the memory part of the page anyway. You can use to prevent memory from being paginated on the disk, but in reality I think That you leave the OS to manage the system's memory. It's great on this, and I do not guess second why the OS was swapping things in the disc until I actually knew what I was doing.

mysql - Control not entering into PHP class file -

I'm calling a class that does not execute any of its following files (db-com. ): echo "enter db-com.php"; Class DBCOM holds the {/ ** * @ wise string query string. * If the blank manufacturer is used, then be sure to use parametrized functions * / var $ queryString; / ** * @WAR Resource MySQL_query function catches the MySQL resource returned by the / var $ queryResult; / ** * @ sar array holds the entire array of results * / var $ queryArray; Function __ conversion () {$ this- & gt; Query string = $ this- & gt; Query sage = $ this- & gt; Query = ''; } Function __ conversion ($ qS) {$ this- & gt; Query string = $ qS; $ This- & gt; Queryaristult = mysql_query ($ this-> query string); $ This- & gt; Query array = ''; } / ** * * * Routine array contains an array containing all elements of the requested query. * / Function get_query_array () {if ($ this- & gt; query string == '' || $ this-> query string == "...

web services - Tibco SOAP request over https - SSL certificate verification problem -

मैं एक HTTPS कनेक्शन पर एक साबुन वेब सेवा का उपभोग करने के लिए Tibco BusinessWorks का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। निर्देश एक वेब ब्राउज़र का प्रयोग करके प्रमाण पत्र निर्यात करें। प्रोजेक्ट के अंदर फ़ोल्डर में टूल्स-> विश्वसनीय प्रमाणपत्र-> PEM प्रारूप आयात करें। परिवहन विवरण टैब के एसएसएल विन्यास में, उस विश्वसनीय विश्वस्तृत फ़ोल्डर को इंगित करें जिस पर आप उन्हें आयात करते हैं। - OR - BW_GLOBAL_TRUSTED_CA_STORE का उपयोग करें वैश्विक चर एक बाह्य फ़ोल्डर (फ़ाइल: /// c: / tibco / certs) को इंगित करने के लिए और pem प्रारूप में वहाँ certs डाल। मैंने दोनों तरीकों की कोशिश की है, और अभी भी साथ समाप्त नीचे त्रुटि: ChainVerifier द्वारा अस्वीकृत सर्वर प्रमाण पत्र मैंने उन्हें फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स और IE के माध्यम से निर्यात करने की कोशिश की है। सभी चाबियाँ और व्यक्तिगत रूप से विभिन्न स्वरूपों में, फिर भी त्रुटि फिर भी बनी रहती है। क्या कुछ और विशिष्ट है जो मुझे करने की ज़रूरत है या क्या प्रमाण सत्यापनकर्ता के लिए डिबगिंग को चालू करने का एक तरीका है? ...

c# - Looking for an alterantive to List<KeyValuePair<string, KeyValuePair<string, string>>> -

इस भयानक डेटा संरचना के साथ समाप्त हो गया: सूची & lt; keyvaluepair & lt; स्ट्रिंग, कीवेलपेअर & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; & gt; यह बहुत अधिक (& lt; 1K अनुमानित) प्राप्त करने की संभावना नहीं है और मैं इस सूची को बार-बार पुनरावृति करने वाला हूँ। कोई भी बेहतर विकल्प के बारे में सोच सकता है अंतर्निहित प्रकार? सबसे अच्छा विकल्प अपने स्वयं के टपल वर्ग को लपेट करना होगा, जैसे कि एक । तब आपके पास एक भी हो सकता है: सूची & lt; ट्यूपल & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; यह एनआईटी 2.0 में लिखने में काफी आसान है - यह मूलतः मूल्यों की एक तिहाई है, एक कील्यूपियर में 2 होने के बजाय। हालांकि, एनआईटी 2.0 में मूल्यों की तीन गुणा के लिए कोई अंतर्निहित समेकित नहीं है। संपादित करें: किसी अन्य पोस्ट में क्वेरी के बारे में अपनी टिप्पणी पढ़ने के बाद, मैंने सोचा मैं इसके बारे में भी उल्लेख कर रहा हूं - यहां तक ​​कि अगर आपके पास कुंजी 1 में अनूठे मूल्य नहीं हैं, तो आप किसी भी प्रकार की क्वेरी / खोज का उपयोग करके गति बढ...

linden scripting language - How can I read a random line from a notecard in LSL? -

I have a notecard on each line with a different word, and I can be able to select randomly from the lines Want to How can I do this? First of all, as you say, you need a note card. For this example, I I am using a "color" name with the following content: red blue green yellow orange purple with that notecard, // This script will chat every time by holding the random line from "colors" and each time it touches, a random string with the following script card Will read and chat by reading. Prime touch is the string card = "color"; Key linecontact; Key linux; Integer linemax; Integer random_integer (integer minimum, integer maximum) {return min + (integer) (llFrand (max - min + 1)); } Default {state_entry () {// Get the number of notecord lines linecountid = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines (card); } Touch_start (integer_number_fix) {lineid = llGetNotecardLine (card, random_desktop (0, linemax)); } Dataset (Key ID, String Data) {if (id == linecount...

c++ - Any way to get the AtomineerUtils addin to ignore __declspecs? -

I am evaluating AtomineerUtils addin (which allows Visual Studio to automatically enter the Doxygen comment block) . When I have a class definition that has __declspec (dllexport) in it, it is, it adds to the name of the class appearing in the comment block, instead, instead of the class name it uses, it uses the word dclPPP. Little annoyance, but still annoyance. Anyone uses this tool and any clues? wow .... nuclear developer shot an email this. He came back to me, his new version 5.97 fixes it!

php - Wrap Text in P tag -

1'm trying to figure out how to wrap text like this: Football player tortor, consectetur vitae eu laoreet, lobortis id is very important. Integer sit pillow For once, my need now is laoreet. The middle bridge was on Android before my movable developer is not Plan Mauris Consumer and Environment Soft player always always decorate with meissance salad. Now completely pure protein or football but, it needs the fridge. Apart from this, that the cost of ecology and : & lt; P> Soccer players' macros, football deposits, cardboard box tomato Integer sit pillow For once, my need now is laoreet. The middle bridge was on Android before its customers ran, i & lt; / P> & lt; P> Plan Mauris Consumer and Environment Soft player always always decorate with meissance salad. Now completely pure protein or football but, it needs the fridge. Apart from that, the price of that ecology & lt; $ text = & lt should do this; & Lt; & Lt...

commerceserver2007 - How to make a discount apply to only one shipping method in Commerce Server 2007? -

I searched and searched for this simple question in Commerce Server 2007, but found nothing useful. Something looks like that should be possible. How can a discount on only one shipping method in Commerce Server 2007? Prior to this problem, I had a scenario where standard delivery options were only one which would never be reduced and the next day and international options would always be the full price. In this example I wrote a custom pipeline component, which removed any shipping discount, if any other shipping method other than the standard was selected. I have all the following pipeline shipping discount update components, this is a bit of a hack because I hardcoded the standard delivery id, but he would never be able to change it so that I could remove it : Function MSCSExecute (config, orderform, reference, flags) Due shipment 'Simple list of shipment in basket' lamp shipment ' Ount Save (As shipping has been written by Diskountadit) If not (Ordrformkvalu (...

database - MS Access row number, specify an index -

Is there any way to access MS to return a dataset between a specific index? Then I can say my dataset is: rank | First_name | Age 1 Max 23 2 Bob 40 3 Sid 25 4 Billy 18 5 Sally 19 But I only want to return those records between 'ranks' between 2 and 4, so my result is Bob , Sid and Billy? However, the rank is not part of the table, and it must be generated when the query runs. Why I am not using the auto-digitated number, because if any record gets destroyed, it will be incompatible, and what if I want to reverse the results! This is obviously very simple and I am asking because I am working on a product list and I am looking for a more efficient way of paging through dataset, so if I get only 1 page data from the database, then it is going to be sharper and then set its full set of 3000 records and then sub-selection from that set! Thanks R. Basic suggestion: SELECT * from the table where between ranks 2 and 4; Modified after comment, it is not present i...

c# - Unity configure by convention -

Is it possible to configure the Unity dependency injection framework to solve by the conference? So in other words, if I have an IC subscriber's repository, when it is an attempt to solve it, it first wants to see if there are any registered types and if not, then try the client's registrar royalty class and resolve. Too many repetition coding. Integration 3 has now supported the registration by the conference. For more information and examples, see.

apache - Setting up Railo in the same way as Multiple Instance Adobe CF -

I'm currently looking to install Rails in the same way for Adobe CF. Currently we run Adobe CF8 on top of JR4, in a multiple installation setup, we use Apache as a web server on our local sandboxes. We then use Apache virtual directories that point to our codebase that exists outside the CF reference. This gives us the last flexibility that we can run multiple servers, multiple sites from anywhere on our machines. In the production we use IIS 6, but the above still applies. All the documents that have come to me till date have not yet been able to emulate this. I have tried combinations of Jebos, Railo War, Apache, JMMenet, Resin, JRUN, etc. Things that we are trying to avoid: We do not want to include tomac (to replicate the web server requirement), we can copy the new site (as well as Apache) We do not want to configure anything in, we need our codebase to run from any location. Has anybody been successful in optimizing this approach to the railways? Can you point me ...

use database view in Django -

I have seen the previous question and try it in my app, but it is not working. I'm manually creating a view called "vi_topics" and had the "id" column in it. But I always get an error about "no such pillar:", even if I explicitly add the "id" field Here is my visual model: django.db import model class Vitopic (models.Model): title = models.CharField (max_length = 200) content = models.TextField () Author_name = models.CharField (max_length = 200) author_email = models .CharField (max_length = 200) view_count = models.IntegerField (default = 0) replay_count = models.IntegerField (default = 0) tag = models.CharField (max_length = 255) Created_at = models.DateTimeField (auto_now_add = true) updated_at = models .DateTimeField (auto_now = true) class meta: db_table = 'vi_ Topics' BTW: I use sqlite3. Try this: Managed the option. Manager In the new Django 1.1, please see the Release Notes By default, whi...

javascript - How to Move Element With Script Element Without Re-Executing Script with jQuery? -

मेरे पास यह कोड स्निपेट है: & lt; div id = "div1" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "div2" & gt; & Lt; h3 & gt; यह सामग्री है & lt; / h3 & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; चेतावनी ('यह सामग्री है'); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; jQuery ( 'div # DIV2') appendTo ( 'div # div1')। & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; इस कोड का इस्तेमाल करते हुए, अलर्ट संदेश दो बार दिखाया जाएगा (एक बार जब पृष्ठ लोड हो रहा है, और तब जब jQuery स्क्रिप्ट को फिर से कार्यान्वित करता है जब यह एपेंडटो विधि कार्यान्वित करता है? JQuery के उपयोग के लिए आसानी से तत्व (जिस पर स्क्रिप्ट टैग है) को फिर से बिना जावास्क्रिप्ट के निष्पादन के लिए स्थानांतरित करने का कोई भी विचार? धन्यवाद एक बार जब और gtc: निष्पादित हो गया है, तब आपको इसकी ज़रूरत नहीं है, इसलिए आप इसे # div2...

apache - How do I make my urls work with mod_rewite? -

All of us, I have revival issues. Works fine. does not work. Apache throws 404 The PHR logic is missing the page 1 for the specified page, so I know that the script is okay. Here is the code: RewriteRule ^ Crocodile-style / ([0- 9] +) /? $ Products / display.php? Folder = crocodile-style and page = $ 1 [L, NC] What can I do? Thanks Nick You are using + modfier (1 or more) * Modifier (0 or higher). Instead, you should use it: Rev. Rules ^ Magar-style / ([0-9] *) /? $ Products / Display.php? Folder = crocodile style and page = $ 1 [L, NC]

c++builder - Anyone used Boost SERIALIZATION with Codegear Builder 2009 Successfully -

If you have succeeded in continuing your data, then what type of stream did you work? Text or Binary ANSI or Unicode Do you have to use any BOOST_ASSERTS or some additional macro or dancing around 4:00 pm Fairy Ring. Thanks for your reply C ++ builder is a posting for 2010 (unfortunately I Does not know for 2009), which shows part of that. Serialization library is listed as not supported Note that posting also includes a link to the source code, which they would like to use with any unsupported libraries.

C#: Should an ILog interface be or have an IEnumerable<Message>? -

We say this is the interface: public interface ILog {void Add (message message ); } Surely there should be a way to access those additional messages too. But what do you think is more natural and right? Does that apply to the ILlog IEnumerable property? Or maybe both? Or will both be a weird and strange bit? Or should it be an IEnumerator instead of IEnumerable? (Or is it completely wrong? The difference between them is not quite understood ...) Public Interface Yell: IEnumerable & lt; Message & gt; {Add zero (message message); } Public Interface ILog {IEnumerable & lt; Message & gt; Message {receive; } Add zero (message message); } Public Interface ILog: IEnumerable & lt; Message & gt; {IEnumerable & lt; Message & gt; Message {receive; } Add zero (message message); } This is definitely a bit subjective, but I want to hear the opinions of others. I do not really know, nor do I want to ask someone else: p I suggest I do not have a cal...

windows - IsValidLocale returns FALSE - how to overcome this? -

जब Windows XP का एक स्पैनिश संस्करण चलाया जाए तो मेरा प्रोग्राम invokes LANGID langId = ( लैन्गिड) मैकलनजीड (LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT); एलसीईडी लोकेल = मकेलसीड (भाषा, SORT_DEFAULT); BOOL isValid = IsValidLocale (लोकेल, LCID_INSTALLED); इसाललाइडलोकेल () अंग्रेजी लोकेल के बारे में पूछे जाने पर FALSE लौटाते हैं। जाहिर है, इस व्यवहार को बदलने के लिए कुछ में विंडोज में ट्यून किया जाना चाहिए मुझे वास्तव में क्या करना चाहिए? मैं समझता हूं कि यह पूरी तरह से एक प्रोग्रामिंग प्रश्न नहीं है बल्कि एक परिनियोजन प्रश्न है। फिर भी मुझे लगता है कि यह कहीं और से बेहतर होगा। समस्या यह है कि आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं SUBLANG_DEFAULT विकल्प SUBLANG_NEUTRAL का उपयोग करने का प्रयास करें या कुछ और कंक्रीट का उपयोग करें, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US का उपयोग करें।

terminology - What is the meaning of "cascading' in CSS? -

What is the exact meaning of the word "cascading" in CSS? I get different ideas, so I ask here. An example would help. "Cascading" in this context means that because more than one stylesheet rule can be applied to the HTML code of For a special piece, there can be a known method of determining which specific stylesheet rule applies to HIL the rule used is more general rules than the specific rule required The most specific rule is chosen by cascading below Expertise is

javascript - html icon show in firefox but cannot showed in IE -

लिंक आरएल = "शॉर्टकट आइकॉन" HREF = "/ images / greentheme / favicon.ico" प्रकार = "छवि / x- आइकन " फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में उपरोक्त कोड का काम है लेकिन IE में काम नहीं करता है, यह कैसे IE में काम करता है? & lt; link href = '/ path / to / favicon.ico' rel = 'icon' प्रकार = 'image /' / & gt; अगर आपके पास एक आईफोन के लिए 57x57 पिक्सेल पीएनजी है & lt; link rel = "apple-touch-icon" href = "/ apple- स्पर्श icon.png "/ & gt;

mysql - How to fix data after changing key -

I have a table with many integers in the form of primary keys, one of them is a counter I need to remove the counter from the key is. Deleting the counter from the key will duplicate several rows (with different counter values, but all other key elements are the same). I need this to be a query that will remove all duplicates and leave only the row with the highest counter value. Any help is appreciated. How about: create a table Fu (a number , B number, C number, obstruction pk_foo primary key (A, B, C)); Put in Fu (a, b, c) values ​​(0, 0, 0); Put in Fu (a, b, c) values ​​(0, 0, 1); Put in fu (a, b, c) values ​​(0, 1, 0); Put in Fu (a, b, c) values ​​(0, 1, 1); Put in Fu (a, b, c) values ​​(1, 0, 0); Put in Fu (A, B, C) values ​​(1, 0, 1); Put in Fu (A, B, C) values ​​(1, 1, 0); Put in fu (a, b, c) values ​​(1, 1, 1); Removing from foo t1 where not in t1.c (Select from maximum (t2.c) from foo t2 group a, b); Choose * from Foo; PS: You must remove before by removing ...

moss - Populate a SharePoint Site with Users/Groups from AD -

I have created a SharePoint (MOSS 2007) site template, and I am creating a number of new sites program based on this template. . I want to populate each site created with this template with many users and groups from Active Directory. How can anyone do this, either as a part of the site template, or can provide guidance through code? Thank you, Magic Andy. Look at this article, it shows 3 different methods of adding users

c++ - Convert BYTE buffer (0-255) to float buffer (0.0-1.0) -

How do I change a byte buffer (from 0 to 255) in float buffer (0.0 to 1.0)? Of course, there should be a relation between the two values, such as: 0 byf buffer in buffer buffer, will be in 128 byte buffer, in the 5F float buffer, 255 bytes buffer will have 1.f float buffer. In fact, I have that code: for (int y = 0; y & lt; height; y ++) {for (int x = 0; X & lt; width; x ++) {float * floatpixel = floatbuff + (y * width + x) * 4; BYTE * bytepixel = (Bytebuff + (y * width + x) * 4); Floatpixel [0] = bite pixels [0] / 255.f; Floatpixel [1] = bite pixels [1] /255.f; Floatpixel [2] = bite pixels [2] /255.f; Float pixel [3] = 1.0 f; // A}} It runs very slowly My friend suggested me to use a conversion table, but I wanted to know that someone else told me another Can give way. Whether you choose to use a lookup table or not, your code will be very much like each loop Is doing what it does not really need to do - possibly enough to cover and multiply the cost of conve...

wpf - Comboxbox Selected Value In XAML -

How to set the selected value for the combobox For example, there are some values ​​of my 1-10, and I select the 5th value Want to do I tried to use SelectedValue and SelectedItem , but its not working for me. The selected index should work.

c# - .Net browser screen capture utility -

I see a good .NET based screen capture utility It needs to be able to capture secure pages (https), it would be better to capture Flash / ActiveX. If you are trying to do this with code, then you are described here as Graphics.CopyFromScreen method. You can use:

Determine which user deleted a SQL Server database? -

I have a SQL Server 2005 database that has been deleted, and I have to figure out who removed it Is there a way to get this username? Thanks, Magic Andy If deleted or very little If the activity is not done, the out-the-box trace may be of help try: DECLARE @ path varchar (256) SELECTtra path = path from sys.traces where id = 1 SELECT * fn_trace_gettable (@ path, 1) [In addition to the out-the-box trace, there is also a less famous black box trace, which is useful for diagnosing intermittent server crashes . This post shows you how to configure it.]

javascript - Cannot collect alle results of asynchronous call with geo.getLocations (Google Maps) -

itemprop = "text"> The problem is that my code is down [0] always undefined, whatever I try. I know that there is nothing to do with this callback result. I tried to add some delay, so that it would be given more time to give results, but she did not help from that. Any ideas (for example please)? much appreciated. function getAddress (id, searchValue) {geo.getLocations (searchValue, function (result) {if (result.Status.code == G_GEO_SUCCESS) {var recordsOutStr = id + ';' + SearchValue + ';'; (; j & lt; result.Placemark.length; J ++ j j = 0) recordsOutStr + = result.Placemark [J] .address + ',' + result.Placemark [J] .Point.coordinates [0] + ',' + result.placemark [j] .point.coordinates [1]; recordsOut.push (recordsOutStr); Warnings (recordsOutStr);} else {var cause = "code" + result Status.code, if (causes [result.Status.code]) causes = causes [result.Status.code] warning ('could not find' '+ searchValue ...

linux - Problems when trying to exectue exec("unix2dos xxx") in PHP/Apache -

In one, I was trying to update php encoding to a downloadable file. One of the suggestions was made to run the unix2dos command before sending the file to the user. It works great when I run the command on the Linux box, but when I try and I command php Run got nothing to me. Here's what I tried: $ cmd = "unix2dos -n $ fullPath $ downloadFile"; ACO ACC ($ CMD, $ Out, $ RATE); It does not show anything on the screen, $ retVal is 0, and $ is an empty string. resonance system ($ cmd, $ retVal); It does not show anything on the screen, $ retVal is 0. echo shell_exec ($ cmd); It does not show anything on the screen. I also tried to avoid a command such as this parameter: $ cmd = escapeshellcmd ($ cmd); and $ cmd = "unix2dos" escapeshellarg ("- n \" $ fullpath \ "\" $ downloadFile \ ""); Please tell me if you see something that I'm doing wrong thanks! Edit: Here is some information that can be...

c# - NHibernate Save, Delete, Save yields unique key violation -

I have a scenario where I need to do the following in the transaction: 1. A model with a unique key 2 Save to Remove that model 3. Save the first one with an new model with the same unique key. I hope this works just fine, but a unique key violation to me The NH profiler also shows that the removal statement was not released before inserting the second is. My mapping looks as follows: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Hibernate-Mapping XMLNS = "Color: Nurbinet-Mapping2.2" Assembly = "NHTist" & gt; & Lt; Class name = "UniqueKeyModel" table = "UniqueKeyModels" & gt; & Lt; ID name = "id" & gt; & Lt; Generator class = "heilo" /> & Lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "TheVal" Unique-Key = "Valuation" Type = "System.String" & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / Square & gt; ...

php - Any problem with using includes for everything but page-specific content? -

I am developing a site that is quite light on the interface and most operate the database (reads and writes equal volume) . It's written in PHP, and I found the easiest way to create each page: Page: Data Point 1 & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> Data Point 2 & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> Data Point 3 & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> Data Point 4 & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt ;? Php included ("footer.php"); ? & Gt; header- nav.php: & Lt; Title & gt; Welcome to & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "property / style.css" /> & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt ;? Php included ("db_connect.php"); ? & Gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "wrapper" & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Welcome to & lt; / H1> & Lt; Ul ...

.net - Displaying controls based on radio button selected -

I have three radio buttons based on the selection of radio buttons, I have one of three controls - one text box, one Dropdown list, or want to disorient a button. How do I show control on the basis of a selected radio button? Visibility after You can force control of the RadioButton for IsChecked property, using BooleanToVisibilityConverter : & lt; Page xmlns = "" xmlns: x = "" & gt; & Lt; Page.Resources & gt; & Lt; BooleanToVisibilityConverter x: key = "convvisibility" /> & Lt; /Page.Resources> & Lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; StackPanel Orientation = "Vertical" & gt; & Lt; Radio Button Name = "Radiobutton 1" GroupName = "Group 1" & gt; Control 1 & lt; / Radio button & gt; & Lt; Radio button name = "radio button 2" groupname = "group 1" ...

creating keywords dynamically from mysql using php -

My structure: There are texts in each category, because these texts have their own entries, therefore table 'category' and table 'treatise' each There are about 90 texts in the category, each lesson is about 300 characters. What I have to do is create meta tags for categories, how to get all relevant 'texts' and rank all the words and take the top 10 words. These will be the top 10 category keyword meta tags. Now .. move how to get those top 10 words> Currently I've found that each text (a full text) will be divided into a one-per-word array this array (in php) is quite long After that, I take the frequency of each word and rank it again at the frequency. Voila Top 10 Words I have not tested this process but I think that it can take a bit, it will be cached, so it can only be run once or every week, but still, I I do not want to end the time. Do you have any suggestions? Maurice Any help appreciated. OK, now I have said my peace in th...

c# - ASP .NET - Setting the value of a DetailsView TextBox -

I use the code-behind (Page_load or prerender) to set a date-time text box in a description Trying to do this is default for a current date-time. The effort I have made (one of several forms): Protected Zero Details View2_PreRender (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {((Text box) DetailsView 2.Find control ("date_time"). Text = datetime.Now.ToString ("d"); } But whatever I get is a 'nullreferenceexation' error. Am I doing wrong? You can use the description details control databound event to define values ​​within your description view : & lt; Asp: Label ID = "Description View2" runat = "server" OnDataBound = "DetailsView2_DataBound" & gt; & Lt; / ASP: Labels & gt; Code Back: Protected Zero Details View2_DataBound (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {DetailsView myDetailsView = (DetailsView) Sender; If (myDetailsView.CurrentMode == DetailsViewMode.Edit) {((TextBox) myDetailsView.FindControl ("da...

sql server - Dimensional Modeling: should a fact table have a foreign key? -

Is there no key at all? Or if it can, is it a good design? If there is no dimension in any fact table, on which basis is it analyzed? What if a fact table is not a primary key / only and no foreign key /? Speaking silently, with foreign keys, you can link to those tables that are your fact table To break into categories and sub categories. If there was a table of contents to create a table store (id, typeoffery, sale) Then kindOfStore will be your dimension- If it was, then you can argue that there is a separate table for the overstore overkill (except space, instead of "Kind_id = 8") store is destroyed by saying "food." If you have sub categories, So this is a dedication table like table type offstore (id, variation, specialization, sub To make the arrangement), this will be the place of free space for diversity, expertise and sub-disassembly. Fact Table. The result is a schematic level schema and data warehouses Although new and fast data...

How do I add Page Events for ASP.NET in Visual Studio 2008 -

This visual studio is a bit of a question. I think there should be something to help with all the helpful Intellisense but I can not seem to know this. I created a page in ASP.NET C # with a codebehind in VS2008 and this method autogenerates a PageLoad event, of course. Well, what if I want to add more events than pageloads? I would think there would be some list on the Foo.aspx page of possible method event handlers. Are not more like page int, pagedesp, (or equiv) etc ...? Where can I find them? Edit - I can see method names in the API. I'm looking for an easy shortcut to add them to Visual Studio. If it generates one, then does it not make others? can? In Solution Explorer, right Open property panel / window ( Press F4 ) Now click on the yellow arrow / Flash icon and you will see a list of all the page events for the event that you have a handler Double click on it to add I was pretty sure another way (starting with the designer scene), but I can not repro...

File Checkout/Version Control on PHP site -

I have realized that this question has been asked 100times but no one really has found the answer to my questions. . We have many developers working on the same project. Some use Windows, some use Mac, our server is Linux, and each developer uses a different development application (Dreamweaver, Eclipse, etc.). Each developer is running some kind of Apache / PHP / MYSQL on its own computer, with similar versions of our live server. We have a live (bug free) site on the server, and our test site (each has its own MySQL database). What we are seeing Some way to allow developers to 'check out' files from the test site and then work with them After doing 'check in'. We want to be able to log in / check in the date / time and check in We end the trial Would you like to be able to copy the selected folder / files to live site even after doing it? Developer's command line changes the degree of knowledge, at least not from any experts Is possibly...

Keep App directory the same when building for iPhone Simulator? -

Text after "itemprop =" text "> I'm creating an iPhone app on a first-of-a-set of resources for the App's documentation directory, and my app Copies While I'm developing the app, I just modify the files in the app's document directory for the iPhone Simulator to make things easier to test without the reconstruction of the app. But when I rebuild the application, the GUID of the application has changed, the name of the installation directory is used in it, and any file I had opened now indicates on an invalid directory are doing. While installing on the iPhone Simulator, to minimize the app's GUID continuously, anyway, at least? . This will allow me to edit the files in the vim and not let them "disappear" when I have to make a build I have searched StackOverflow for an answer, and have not seen any .... The closest it was: But this was not quite the same question! Thank you! I never found a way to do this by using the a...

sql - Total with select query -

निम्नलिखित डेटा पर विचार करें: Insurance_Comp | 1To30DaysAgeing | 31To60DaysAgeing | 61To90DaysAgeing | TotalVehicles ================================================= ============================ एबीसी | 30 | 5 | 20 | 55 XYZ | 10 | 35 | 5 | 50 स्टॉक के बाद # उस वाहन को निर्दिष्ट किए जाने के बाद मैं विशेष समूह के लिए आयु वर्ग के वाहनों की गणना कर रहा हूं। किसी समूह के लिए वाहनों की संख्या (1 से 30 दिनों की एजिंग) की गणना एक जटिल क्वेरी के आधार पर की जाती है। मैंने इस परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए एसपी को लिखा है। वही चुनिंदा क्वेरी निष्पादित करते समय मैं वाहनों की कुल गणना करना चाहता हूं। सरलीकरण के लिए मैंने प्रत्येक समूह के लिए वाहनों की संख्या प्राप्त करने के लिए एसक्यूएल में फ़ंक्शन बनाए हैं। अभी मैं इस तरह क्वेरी का उपयोग हूँ ... चुनें Ins_Comp, dbo.fn_1To30Ageing (...), dbo.fn_31To60Ageing (...), (...) dbo.fn_61To90Ageing टेबल से कहाँ .... मैं के साथ सी # ASP.NET में GridView की कुल का उपयोग कर RowDataBound घटना की गणना कर रहा हूँ। क्या क्वेरी के भीतर कुल गणना करने...

directx - Painting directly on the Windows desktop -

I want to play animations on windows desktop without dependent on third-party products such as i. What am I supposed to do? You can read this thread ... It is too long, But there is a discussion of writing on the desktop ... Hope this helps ... ~ Bolt

deadlock - Critical section negative lock count -

I'm debugging a deadlock issue and call the stack show that threads are waiting on some events. Code synchronization is using the important section as the primitive I think there is some problem here. Apart from this, the debugger is pointing to an important section which is owned by another thread, but the lock number is 2 according to my understanding of calculation> 0 means that the important segment is locked by one or more threads has been done. There is a possibility that I am looking at the right section that can be a criminal in Deadlock. I say the negative lock in a key segment in the scenario Might be possible? If you are talking about the CCriticalSection class in MFC, I think that you are looking at the right section. I have noticed that lock count of important segment can be negative if the lock () function is less than the number of calls unlock () calls I have found that it usually occurs in the following type of code: void f () {CSingleLock lock (...

Analyze core-dumps created while running wireshark on linux -

I am going to build wireshark on liners I am having an accident while doing some activities. I also have a core dump being generated. . But, when I order the following GDB / Wearhark Corps It says that the file format is not recognized. Also, when I do a cat on "./wireshark", then how does a script look like analyzing the original dumps? Check the script to see if the actual wireshark binary is in progress. GDB is good for coredump analysis.

java - Icons between text in a jlabel using graphics -

ग्राफिक्स का उपयोग करके JLabel में एकाधिक आइकनों (जैसे। कृपया इस प्रयास में मेरी सहायता करें एक विकल्प जो मैं इस्तेमाल करता हूं, वह है जेएलएलएलएल का क्रम। आइकन के साथ और केवल पाठ वाले वाले। दूसरा विकल्प जेएलैबल के मिनी एचटीएमएल समर्थन का लाभ उठाने के लिए होगा: gt; & lt; img src = 'Theimage.png' & gt; पाठ & lt; img src = 'theimage2.png' & gt; जेएलैबल का पाठ के रूप में यह तरीका पाठ स्वरूपण के लिए काम करता है, लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि छवि टैग भी वहां काम करते हैं। या आपने कस्टम रेंडरिंग बीटीड करने के लिए जेएलैबल पेंट () को ओवरराइड कर दिया है? तब मैं निम्नलिखित दृष्टिकोण का उपयोग करेगा: सूची & lt; ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; पाठ ANDImage = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; () {{add ("यह"); जोड़ें (नया इमेज़न ("image1.png")); जोड़ ("है"); जोड़ें (नया इमेइकन ("image2.png")); जोड़ ("एक"); जोड़ ("छवि पाठ नमूना"); }}; फ़ॉन्टमेट्रिक्स एफएम = जी.गेटफॉन्टमेट्रिक्स (); Int x...

wxpython - Hiding characters typed into password field -

I am developing a student application application in wxpython and I need to know that password fields do not resonate characters Is the screen? Foreign exchange: If I tell the meaning of Moni, then it should be displayed as a format of ****. You need to control your text TE_PASSWORD style (As Jarn's comments say, this is not "encryption" - I believe that you are only talking about the visual presentation of the password.)

PHP's json_encode does not escape all JSON control characters -

Is there any reason that PHP's json_encode function does not escape all the control characters in the string? For example, take a string that extends into two rows and has the control letter (\ r \ n "/ \): Note that the carriage return and the newline characters are unrecognized. ? I'm using the jQuery library and this $$$getJSON () function is okay when you fully believe the 100% incoming data. Otherwise I would like to have's library I use json2.js as everyone else. But if you try to parse that encoded string If so, it throws an error:

winforms - I am having problem with Keyboard events capturing in C# -

I have a simple form windows application, on which I have set a custom control for my specific work, I wrote a keydoin The handler for the form, the problem is that KeyDown handler is working fine with all other keys except the arrow keys ... Does the control key fall into the handler? Why it is so? When I remove custom control, is it working fine? Take a look. What is the key demonstration? What is control?

Using JavaScript's replace() method with global switch on a variable -

I am not able to understand how it will work for me even after I have not been able to understand it. What I want to do is take a string that is assigned to a value, and it is used as a match string for all matches. var replacement = 'i'; Var text = 'tieiam'; Text = text Location (substitution, ''); // 'pyium' text = text Location (/ time / g, ''); // 'Team' How do I use them together ?? What do you want to use RegExp object: Text = text.replace (new RegExp (replacement, 'g'), '');

c# - Generic Model Representations In ASP.NET MVC -

I changed into a high reusable trying to implement Web systems have the model will source data It is possible that whatever I need is a normal type rather than depending on type generated by LINQ or entities. Highly different for reusability, but what happens if the data between institutions and LINQ ever changes a bit? Then you have to change the scene. Are LINQs and the classes generated by the institutions are guaranteed to be the same when they go to the scene? Is it possible to create a class / interface that normally represents data? Example Namespace Intranet.Eres.account. Using VisualModels {Intranet.Areas.Accounts; Using System.Collections.Generic; Intranet.resus.account Using Models; Get Snvidasnyantradrishy data public category (public Aianinmerebl & lt; Agreement & gt; contracts {; set;} public IEnumerable & lt; tblCC_Contract_CC & Get gt; TblCC_Contract_CCs {; set;} public IEnumerable & lt; tblCC_Contract_Data_Terminal & gt; TblCC_Contr... MVC calling wcf service -

I have an application that I am planning to convert to mvc app. An area I did not find how this can be done, the app is using the script writer for the WCF service to make AJAX calls. I do not know how I can use in MVC which changes that methodology Response to AGX calls No controller, view etc to wrap wcf service to do I found a lot about using jquery, ajaxaction stuff, but this functionality is such that the exact author of a script writer Does not look like. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> If I understand your question, then the easiest way would be to continue using the Script Manager control in the MVC port of the application. . One has done this topic, there are several potential links in it.

SharePoint Email Alerts -

I am having trouble sending an email alert from the discussion board. I have added all the shared service user profiles to the SharePoint Central Administration area. However, when I click on Alert Me, I get the following error: Specify e-mail address to the following users: User name alerts were successfully created but they These users will not receive e-mail notifications until e-mail notifications are available. Set up my email address ... Thanks for anyone who can help me ... please email Check the ED user in Active Directory After changing the email ID, you need to import the user profile in the SSP

design - Suggested architecture for associating code to db rows -

I have a situation where there is a bunch of rows in my database. For example, suppose we have a ReportRendererType table is. Line graphs Bar graphs Grid P> etc. For example, I want to see the database specifically for viewing specific stores. Frank liked the profit report displayed in the bar graph. It would be cute if I can add code with DB entry. In other words, it would be nice if the LineGraphRenderer class knew that it was affiliated with line 1 in ReportRenderType table. This is a trivial example of why this would be useful, that you can populate a dropdown list of ReportRenderType options, and then select a value and a manager class can easily find that the value selected from the dropdown list How to be displayed. The question is - how do you relate between DB and that part of the code? There are a lot of options: A When you create LineGraphRenderer class, you may have a Property ReportRendererType, which returned the primary key of the corresponding row...

How to change the theme of a program -

I have a piece of software, a winform program developed in C #, which has many different themes but if If one of my team members wants to change a subject, then I have to ask me, then I have to change it, compile it again and send it. Instead, I want to change the subject freely for them. It's like changing the subject in Firefox, etc. Any ideas about how to start such a piece of software? It's a good thing to put in your config file. There is a way that checks the config file for theme settings. And change the theme based on it. I also recommend having a default theme if the config file fails to specify one. Alternatively, it can go to the Admin / Settings / Options section of the application. Where you can save it from your other settings in the registry or app settings folder, etc.

render - When does a page get rendered in ASP.NET? -

I'm writing ASP.NET/C# Project, this is a simple blog page that is with comments. The problem is that when I'm clicking, you can see the comment, loading the original Blogload plus blogs and comments, trying to load the blog / comment, if I try to not load the blog in page_load I have to do it only if postback nothing is displayed. Any help would be appreciated. PS I know that there are many blog engines, but they have specific reasons. Protected Zero Page_Init (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {// ParseControls (GlobalVar.pathxsltver); // BindInfo (); } Private Zero ParseControls (string myxlt) {// Load the data file fs = new FileStream (Server.MapPath (GlobalVar.compathver), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); Datasetset = new dataset (); Dset.ReadXml (FS); Fs.Close (); XPathDocument xdoc = New XPathDocument (Server.MapPath (GlobalVar.pathver)); XmlDocument mydoc = New XmlDocument (); XPathNavigator Navigator = xdoc.CreateNavigator (); XPathExpression Expr... - How can I assign a callback function to an asp:HyperlinkField? -

I want people to click on the link (generated from ASP: hyperlinkfield) and call it a method on the server somewhere Does anybody know how to redirect users to it? thanks, matte Instead of an asp: commandfield Or use asp: ButtonField and use the button type = link - which will look similar to your linkfield, and then you can control the OnRowCommand event in your grid to run your code. - Catch, Handle, then Rethrow Exception? -

Today I ran into an interesting dilemma I have a function that handles information and checks for duplicate values , Then returns the next number that is not a duplicate. So, I have something like this: Long / non-duplicate function will return a dim non-duplicate if the Folk Function GetNextNonDuplicateNumber (check number as long) if CheckForDuplicate ( NumberToCheck) = True then in the lower part of the Function for For Future function I have a catch block which handles duplication unless I have a duplicate As you can see, I want to duplicate Catch as freight Akspasn Nondipliket = Inkrementtioandupliket value (Nanbrtoc) to exclusively handle the exception, but I want to throw it whenever I want to warn other code outside the function. The problem is that by thrown it exits with a null value of the function whether I am thinking of a try / catch Am, or is there a way around it? If you have taken an exception and have recovered from it (with your increase co...

image processing - How would you align pictures? -

I have a bunch of gif files that will be more useful as an animation. Unfortunately, they are not exactly the same size, and the main features (country boundaries) make a slight difference in the picture from the picture. My problem seems to be solved, but I should be a little easier. This is not the real answer to your question, but the technique is called "registration". You can get better luck with a Google search on "image registration"

Create lists of multiple users as a model property in Google App Engine -

I want to create a group model in Google App Engine and then there is a feature where I can make a list of UserReferences . The documentation said: "One property can have multiple values, can be represented as the Python list in the DataStar API. The list may include values ​​of any value type supported by Datastore. . " Will I implement it by creating: class group (db.model): group_list = db.ListProperty (users.User) or yes Could I easily index the user's existence key? It depends on your usage-case. If your user already has a user model, then to store additional data about your users, then using db.ListProperty (key) for user model key is probably your best choice.

cocoa touch - UIWebview Previous / Next -

In my project (iPhone app) I have a good webview that allows users to browse certain websites and I have past / next buttons like any browser. How do I know if I have previous or next pages, so can I disable one of those two options? There are properties on the UIWebView: @property ( Nonatomic, readonly, getter = canGoback) BON can be Goback @property (nonatomic, readonly They are boats which do not return yes or no depending on either direction Whether or not to navigate pages.

java - Ideas for building a virtual conference -

I am trying to create a virtual conference framework that provides functionality to keep virtual summit / conference. Some key features: Graphical representation of conference room hall (probably different styles?) Invite people to summit / conference Other useful ideas to add, ability to register, register, cancel registration Video podcast / broadcast PPT and other presentation formats ? Considering a Java EE / Java based platform - this decision is purely based on my expertise. Are there any reference implementations / templates that I can use to start the wheel instead of changing it? I suggest that you apply GoToMyPC offerings, GoToWebinar, GoToMeeting etc. for features to apply For an idea about scheduling, look at the code camp server too.

How do I handle an empty List in Grails/GORM? -

I am trying to create multiple relationships with grails / gorm. I do not know how to handle empty lists. This is my domain class: class guardian {list is stable in children = [children: child}} This is my test: zero testEmptyChildren () {def parent = new parent () 0, parent.children.size ()} This "fails with java.lang.NullPointerException: The size of the method can not come on the tap object (") " What should I do to handle an empty list? Parents in their tests. Children will always be unwell (children will not be started until you add one before) so you can change your test to: assertNull parent.children When you want to save your parents, children will be started (even if children are added) or when children are added. If you wish, you can manually do it yourself while defining children to get it started: list & lt; Children & gt; Children = new array list & lt; Children & gt; ()

How to generate multiple mousedown events with overlapping objects in jQuery? -

I have overlapping (somewhat) div s, and if the user is on that part Clicks overlap, I want every div for the bottom of the mouse coordinates mouseden event (or any similar callback). The standard way, of course, generates callback for the highest div Is it possible? I had a big (empty) little boy's situation, and then from the big div Masuadon handles the event and divides it to smaller people. It is slightly better to walk through all the divs on the page because there are some structures where they are, therefore the look is fast.

Can I assign a category to more than one section in Joomla? -

I want to provide the same category to many sections in Joomla. The category cats will have a child of domestic animals and adorable- anmials . Is there a component or what is the trick to achieve this? You add section-category relations and dirty -this case there. However, I would not recommend this type of Joomla core hacking because you will need to keep track of all such hacks during the core update. What do you want to accomplish? I think that should be an alternative solution.

artifacts - What is the cause/use/reason for the blocks that show up in high compression videos? -

Be patient because I have not worked with compression algorithms, so it can be clear for some of you I have always seen something when some streaming video begins to interval, only I realized that I was curious to see this question: I did not own about pixels Speaking, rather than a grid layout that results from compression. What kind of signal is algorithm or technique? What can you tell me about it? Take a look at this Wikipedia article. To quote one part of it: In short, the raw frame is divided into 8 pixels 8 pixel blocks. The data in each block is replaced by a discrete cosine result. The result is 8 matrix of coefficient. Converting spatial variations into frequency variations, but this does not change the information in the block; The original block can actually be created by transforming the inversion cosine. In other words, the grid-like structure you see is a direct effect of this DCT being applied to the 8x8 block. Pixel

parsing - Javascript parser for simple expression -

I would like to search for a JavaScript parser which can control and evaluate simple expressions Parser being able to evaluate regular mathematical expressions Should, and support the custom function with parameters It also has to support string handling. With string containment || Operator support is preferred, but it would be fine if + moves. Examples of expressions that should be controlled by the Parser: (2 + 1) - 1 2 * funk (2, 2) / P> Funk ('Hello World', 0, 5) || 'You' Has anyone implemented such a thing or where can I find it? I have a revised version of one (written in AS, not AP) which is custom Supports functions, but not string. Perhaps it would be easier to add string support. I will upload it somewhere else so that you can get it at . Edit: I added basic support for string very easily, it does not support escape sequences and toJSFunction does not work, but only a few minutes to work on it Got it. Concecitation operator "||...

.net - WiX: How to register application to start when Windows launches? -

I am searching for distribution of .net desktop applications with MSI generated by YX. So far it works very well. What is the advice of registering the application to start the window (in YX)? Note: The application is not a Windows service and should not be registered in this way. > Allow the user to disable that option in the setup process. Thanks in advance! I (launch automated program via registry); It also includes adding UI. Do not forget that you should also provide automatically to provide / disable an option outside the setup. The origin of this is Wix: & lt; Asset ID = "ASSISTANCE_START_VIA_REGISTRY" & gt; 1 & lt; / Property & gt; & Lt ;! - Automatically Start Through Registry - & gt; & Lt; Component ID = "MerliniAssistanceAutostart" Guid = "Place-own-self-GUID-here" & gt; & Lt; RegistryValue id = "MerAs.rst" root = "HKMU" action = "write" key = ...

keyboard - Creating video tutorials on Linux for my application want to display keystrokes in heads up display? -

I am running Ubuntu 9.04 and am completing half an hour's worth of search. I am creating a visual tutorial for a developed app and want to show the user well to show the pressed keys. However, it is not particularly interested in the programming programmer concerned. check out.

php - Does any one have an example of a website build in ZendFrameWork? -

I want to know what it looks like. I do not have any idea about the Zend Framework, and it hurts me: ( If any site that has been created in the Zend Framework or has any other experience with it, Tell me ideas. I would like to make myself an up-to- Debt looking for the best practice and feature-wide Zend Framework based application I came in a decent mini version, though last week - this is a very simple Ajax enabled list, with the members themselves registering, login and admin back-end , But any open IDs or key uses of ACL and I have to enjoy more live examples to do this. At least Z.APDCESS has been updated to use and download the source code Is eligible to be dated.

c++ - Taking type of a template class -

Is there a way to take the type of a template class, for example / / I have a template function template & lt; Typename T & gt; IData * createData (); // a template class example std :: vector & lt; Int & gt; a; // The type of this example is imaginary in any other template / quotation mark / part: D idtime * newData = createData & lt; "TypeOf (A)" & gt; (); Is it possible in C ++? Or a shortcut option yes - use IData * NewData = createData & lt; Typef (A)> (); The new standard ( C ++ 0x ) will provide a built-in method for this. Note that you can template A dummy-logic that can be used to estimate compiler type. IData * createData (Constant and Dummy); IData * newData = createData (A);

iphone - Organizing instance variables in a view hierarchy -

When programming for the iPhone, I think I have to use the same example of an object in many objects is. What is the best way to handle this? My strategy has been prepared to make it as a member of the original scene, and it has been done to pass the later ideas which it retains as a member. However, this does not look like a very good approach because it will be very difficult to update what is being pointed out in the context of each class. I have also seen appletlets used for this purpose along with singleton sections. As an iPhone developer, how do you handle this problem in large apps? In order to make the application representative representative easy, the downside is that the representative To fetch and then get the shared object. Singletons mean only classes using singleton should be aware of this, but for this it can be difficult to write unit tests. Or cleaned properly in low memory conditions. In addition, you should write Singleton Classes more carefully so that th... mvc - Html.ActionLink problems -

I am trying to provide a link to filter the search results. & lt;% = Html.ActionLink ("filter result", "index", new {page = model.listed in index (), search text = text , Usefilter = true, filter option = model.filteroptimation, filtertext = modelFiltertext}, empty) & gt%; The definition of the controller is such. Public ActionCheck Index (anti-page, string search text, bull usage filter, string filtertext, string filter operation) But when I debug it, the values ​​are not set correctly, even the use of a filter variable. My link is localhost / home / index / true? Page = 0 Any ideas how to fix this? The code segment looks ok I think there are 2 possible errors: Information about the wrong path: Make sure the routes in the global.ascx.cs / vb file to ensure a route for Home #. Call MapRoute (...) # Incorrect Controller: Try to use the overlink overlink which clearly specifies a controller If you I...

apache - Handling subdomains and https with .htaccess -

In the .htaccess example below, if there are any of the following types in the URL ... ... This will automatically load the page from the subdirectory of the ExDom under Public_Html, named "Racks-Motorcycle". This technique is called proxy throughput . Revive Engines on Rewrite Rules ^ ricks-motorcycles /(.*)$$1 [P, L] It's great, but how do I manage two other situations: (1) Anyone should have https instead of http. (2) Someone wants ... http # // / ... instead ... http # // (from top: switch # because the stack overflow was blocking me from posting.) You can get your writing ability with a RewriteCond : RewriteEngine On RewriteCond% {HTTPS} = on RewriteRule ^ ricks-motorcycles /(.*)$$1 [P, L] Rivet condom% {HTTP_HOST} = Rix-motorcycle. MISIT Act Rev. ^ (. *) $ Http: //$1 [P, L]...