
Showing posts from February, 2014

How can WPF RIchtextbox display Unicode? -

I use WPF RichTexBox control in WPF project. The problem I am having is that the Unicode system Windows .form. Can not display as a Win project in the Reach Text box. Example: When I copy the paragraphs of Chinese language and paste it on the WPF RETextbox. The font is broken and can not be displayed. But when I use the System.Windows.Forms.RichTextbox control, I display correctly. So, how can I solve this problem in the WPF project? I suppose you are using a font that does not support Unicode Chinese characters To display, make sure that you are using the Unicode font. (If you do not know, try some common fonts, such as in Tomo, WordPad.)

java - Which Cipher Suites to enable for SSL Socket? -

I am using SSLSocket Java to secure communication between the client and server programs. The server program also works up to HTTPS requests from web browsers. Of "", page 371, according sure you should always call setEnabledCipherSuites your on SSLSocket / SSLServerSocket This For that cipher suit which is ending for your purposes is sufficiently strong. That being said, I SSLSocketFactory S getDefaultCipherSuites method can 180 option to create these options TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (see I think that that is quite safe) to SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 (not so sure that is safe, the current state of MD5 is) SSL_DHE_DSS_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA (not completely sure what does). What is a sensible list of cipher suites to restrict sockets? Please note that access to client and server service provider, and that they do not install or install unlimited cryptographic policy files. Do not use anything with exports, that is why crippleware due t...

java - How to hide RuntimeException details from EJB client? -

I have a JEE5 application that exposes the services using (local) session beans. happens during service execution, a RuntimeException is thrown in a javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException and explained by JBoss (5.0.1). The problem is that customers can access detailed information about the order due to the applications received by this EJBTransactionRolledbackException, highlighting the internal structure of your application and I do not want to do so. Instead, I would have always jeopardized runtime exposure displayed in the same (and simple) technical exception (without any reason). > What is the best way to achieve this? (Based on the previous answer and my personal research, I use the JBoss configuration (using the interceptor)?) Public class FaultBarrierInterceptor {@AroundInvoke throws exception exception, Public Invocation (Last Invitation InvocationContext) Exception: {Try {return invocationContext.proceed ( ); } Hold (Last Runtime Exception e) {Las...

date - How can I convert an Integer to localized month name in Java? -

I get an integer and I have to convert it to different places in one month's names: For example Local N-Us: 1 -> Jan 2 -> February For example Local S-MX: 1 -> Enero 2 -> February import java.text.DateFormatSymbols; Public String Mill (Int. Months) {New DateFormat Symbols (back)) getMonths () [months -1]; }

apache - Caching image requests through PHP - If-Modified-Since not being sent -

I am serving images via PHP and to respond to 304 headers to save load problems, There are some problems in setting up. Most of the code given below is found on It works, but always responds with 200. If-Modified-For Any reason- Because the header is not being received on any request, I am sending the final revised header. Any Apache server being done on this could be a wrong idea? This page will load the image from the disk and will finally display it in the browser, with the modified header sent. If you refresh the page, then the browser does not send an F-Moded-header like it should. Define ('SITEPATH', (dirname ($ _ SERVER ['SCRIPT_NAME'] == '/')? '/': Dirname ($ _ SERVER ['SCRIPT_NAME'] ). '/'); $ Load_path = $ _SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] Sitepath 'Fpo_image.jpg'; // Get the header sent by the customer $ header = apache_request_headers (); $ File_time = filemtime ($ load_path); Header ('cache...

linux - Can't write to FIFO file mouted via NFS -

I am trying to find the FIFO file on the NFS mount and what could be the problem with this block? My / etc / export: / tmp / test / (rw, nova_roct_squash, async) LS / TMP / test is on NFS server and customer is same prw - w - w - 1 root root 0 2009-06-24 17:28 Itemprop = "text"> FIO means the inter-process communication mechanism. While trying to export FIFO through NFS, you are asking the kernel about local interaction communication as a local network communication system. There are many issues related to it, the most obvious is that in order to implement FIFA inside the kernel, a buffer is expected to copy the data in the user space. Such a buffer is not available directly in the NFS. Thus, the kernel does not support export of FIO on NFS. You may want to use sockets for network communication instead.

Javascript to Flash communication without SWFObject.js -

If possible, to communicate with Javascript without flashing SWFobject or any other additional javascript file. At this time I am using the following guides: Thank you for your time. This is entirely possible and Javascript you are writing alone (which should be javascript only SOFFBZ is only available for HTML content to add flash pieces, so this is not absolutely necessary (it's basically going to write the appropriate object and embeds tags Depends on your browser and works around IES ' ActiveX click-to-run-flash warning). If you want to hand-code your flash piece in a document, then it is perfectly fine; SWFObject makes it cleaner and easier But beyond this does not enable or add functionality, because it works very well, it has become a standard method for getting Flash on a site. Your flash on one page Drop the piece, make sure you It is set in a ID and Embed tag and you should be set.

php - How to do monthly refresh of large DB tables without interrupting user access to them -

In the Oracle Database I have four DB tables which need to be rewritten / refreshed every week or every month. I am using this script standard PHP OCI functions in PHP, which reads new data from XML and refreshes these four tables. The four tables have the following properties Table A - up to 2mil rows, one primary key (one row can contain up to 2K data) Table B - up to 10mil rows, a table A foreign key indicating A (the data can take up to 1100 bytes in a row) Table C - Up to 10 millimeter rows, a foreign key indicating Table A (Maximum of one line data 1100 bytes may take) Table D - 10mil row To the extent, a foreign key leading to Table A (maximum 120 bytes in a row) So I need recapitalization without damaging these tables User Experience I can not explicitly remove the tables and only offer them again because it is a somewhat long process. I have only considered a big transaction where I remove from all the tables and rebuild them. I am a bit worried about the length of...

reporting services - How do I get advanced date control for SSRS Reports which allows me to select year? -

Is there a better way to allow us to scan in one year instead of one year instead of one year only Once a month? You year & amp; The month parameter for your report, which is used by date control to get the starting point, for example, list the probable year list and months for users to choose from. Use the combination with '/ 01' to set them to default for you. This means additional work and amp; Parameter, but it will solve your dilemma.

c# - How to track application usage? (2) -

I asked about this question yesterday and got a great feedback / code example. The only problem is that I forgot to mention that I have to be forced to work with Net Framework 2.0 and can not use the list. Select (I consider leak namespace). Nobody works well for the list. Please select the one seen below: class program {struct process start-up process {get public process process; Set; } Get public datetime start-up; Set; } Public Datetime Execution {Get {Date Date} Now; // estimated value}} Public ProcessStartTimePair (Process P): This () {Process = P; {StartTime = p.StartTime; } Hold (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception) {StartTime = DateTime.Now; // estimated value}}} static zero main (string [] args) {SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection (@ "data source = XXXXXX; initial catalog = XXXXXX; user id = XXXX; password = XXXX"); & Lt; ProcessStartTimePair & gt; Known process = new list & lt; ProcessStartTimePair & gt; (); Process (Process.GetProcesses) ...

css - padding not even in IE -

If you paste the following code into test.html and browse with Firefox, OK. But if you browse with IE, you can see that & lt; A & gt; has more space on the right side of the element. & lt; Style & gt; Li {display: inline; Margin: 0 90px; Padding: 6px 12px; Background: # 777777 Scroll To No Repeat 0 0; } Lee Ek {Color: #FFFFFF; Text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Div id = "tab" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "nav" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "test" & gt; Trial & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "test" & gt; Trial & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "test" & gt; Trial & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "test" & gt; Trial & lt; /...

c# - Silverlight Deepzoom API output vs. Deepzoom Composer output -

Using Dzozom Composer creates a good clientbin and a good HTML page that works in HTML Using the DeepZoom API, I can create processed pyramid images and some metadata in some XML files and all of them, now, when I have those images and metadata, which is half the battle, then I have some Silverlight and HTML ( Programmatically Being able to go to all engineers of the metadata and images should be about how to use, without Deep Zoom and create music without reverse ?? It is important for my purposes that I can automatically generate complete Shebang, because the Deepjum Composer does not have to click around in the visual studio. At the very least I should be able to exclude the image that is shown from time to time in the final Silverlight Deepzoom app completely magically reconstructed (I hope that MSBILD It is not necessary to be included here because I prefer it to freely redistribute it.) I'm just looking for some quality reference material and some ideas. Links, bo...

Python "Event" equivalent in Java? -

What is the closest thing in Java (probably an idiom) in Python? /. Java for Or / 5 Edit: Because the Python specification is similar to how we generally wait for Java implementation: class event {lock lock = New retract lock (); Condition condom = lock.newCondition (); Boolean flag; Public Zero doWait () throws throttled; Exception {lock.lock (); Try {while (Flag) {cond.await (); }} Finally {lock.unlock (); }} Public Zero Dualight (Float Second) throws blocking exception {lock.lock (); Try {while (Flag) {cond.await ((int * (seconds * 1000), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }} Finally {lock.unlock (); }} Public Boolean Hasset () {lock.lock (); {Try Return Flag; } Finally {lock.unlock (); }} Public Zero Set () {lock.lock (); {Flag = true; Cond.signalAll (); } Finally {lock.unlock (); }} Public Zero Clear () {lock.lock (); Try {flag = false; Cond.signalAll (); } Finally {lock.unlock (); }}}

java - .NET - vs EJB -

What is the comparative technique of EJB (Enterprise Java Beans) in Nginet? WCF is the most common in Net 3.5 unless you are trying to use CMP . Although it allows service endpoint for type of SOAP type, it also allows binary remoting.

c++ - Reference-type conversion operators: asking for trouble? -

जब मैं जी ++ वर्ग का उपयोग कर निम्न कोड को संकलित करता हूं ए {}; शून्य foo (ए और) {} इंट मुख्य () {एफू (ए ()); वापसी 0; } मुझे निम्न त्रुटि संदेश मिलते हैं: & gt; जी ++ test.cpp -o test test.cpp: फ़ंक्शन 'int main ()' में: test.cpp: 10: त्रुटि: अस्थायी प्रकार 'ए' परीक्षा से टाइप 'ए एंड' के गैर-कॉन्फ्रेंस संदर्भ के अवैध प्रारंभ .cpp: 6: त्रुटि: 'void foo (a & amp;)' का तर्क 1 गुजराने में कुछ प्रतिबिंब के बाद, ये त्रुटियां मेरे लिए काफी समझदारी होती हैं I ए () एक अस्थायी मान है, स्टैक पर असाइन करने योग्य स्थान नहीं है, इसलिए इसमें कोई पता नहीं होगा यदि इसका कोई पता नहीं है, तो मैं इसके संदर्भ में नहीं रख सकता। ठीक है, ठीक है। लेकिन रुको! अगर मैं निम्नलिखित रूपांतरण ऑपरेटर को वर्ग ए वर्ग ए {सार्वजनिक: ऑपरेटर ए & amp; }}; तब सब ठीक है! मेरा सवाल यह है कि क्या यह भी दूर से सुरक्षित है। क्या यह बिंदु है जब ए () को एक अस्थायी मान के रूप में बनाया गया है? मुझे इस तथ्य से कुछ विश्वास दिया गया है कि void foo (const A...

tsql - How can I SELECT where there is a specific link in a linking table or there is no link? -

I have two tables: video --------- - ---- VideoID VideoGroup ID User ID and VideoTag -------------- Video ID Tag ID I want to select all video group ID where producer is 1, 2 or 3 and there are 10 or 11 or 12 videos or videos attached or there are no tags related to the video. . Can I do it in the same question? I think you want to join a left with an empty probe Select VEE from V. videogrouped video. Videvideoid = vt.videoid at v.te.videoid where v.creatoruserid (1, 2, 3) and (vt.tagid is empty or vt .tagid in (10, 11, 12))

SubSonic Change DropDown Value for Load Drops SUB -

I used the subsonic generator to create some aspx pages, it works fine on some pages, Generates dropdown boxes for key standards. How can the code drop in the load in the load? Or where I need to change it For example, I have a laborer's table and a worker's table. In the table of workers, there is a worker, first name and last name field and workers with worker ID field is. The generator sets it to automatically show the first name in the dropdown. I want to change the value so that both have the first name and last name. I'm sure I have to add code which does something like the first name + "last name". I just do not know where to generate this code. I think the load sub leaves, but it does not seem that I need to modify. If it loads with a foreign key, it loads from a database table. If you need to include the field in the query, try creating a view with the aggregate field like in the code behind the FSPX page, from the view to load the combo ...

OpenID in django without local site accounts -

I am working on a DJ site, which I want to do the authentication section exactly like how stack overflow works Does. A new user arrives at the site, they click on "create new account", select their open-end provider, become valid, then the account for them is created as "OpenIDSier 4356" or username is. Users can go to preferences and change username to whatever they want. I do not have any kind of local account sign-up I've been working in the Dinggo-Ethiopaid for a number of days and this is the only way that works with the addition of openID identification to the existing account oak, whenever you do not have the degengo-ethopenidine installed You can not even run your site by the time you do not even have the jojo-registrations installed ... Before I try to get it another day Spends wrestling Not what I want, if I do something like this is possible / is a good idea, so I just will know the batsman. I have seen that there are some other openIDed plugi...

Find all locked files in TFS -

I want to see all the files being locked. So far, I only got to use tf.exe status and '!' Because they have not been reported as "lock, edit" because they are in UI. any idea? Thank you. If you have installed, this is a one-liner: tfstatus-r-user * | % {$ _. Pending changes}. ? {$ _. Alokak} || Choose - Multiple Servers If you prefer scripts to GUI, then try.

css float - Force a floated or absolutely position element to stay "in the flow" with CSS -

I'm looking for a way to force float or fully deployed elements to stay in flow in CSS I am I am thinking a lot of CSS is stupid to do nothing like the flow: on the flow: to keep it in the flow or to take it out The point is that I have a variable height I want to div with a div element, I have a floating image on the left in the div, and I want the div to be at least the height of the photo; I also want to be at least that which is all the text in the flow ( This is clearly a Or is not). I need to change the size in the picture. I am currently using a jQuery solution, but acting it because I do not feel like debugging, and I think should have any kind of CSS solution, I'm asking. Does anybody know how I can do this? I usually go with overflow: hidden or overflow: automatically .

C# windows mobile skins or fancy controls -

I am developing an application for a window mobile 6 using Visual Studio C # 2008 SP1. However, the design of the application is a bit too much by using standard window controls. The application I am creating is a phone that will be installed on WM6, so I'm looking for controls, which I can drag on the form which looks like what the phone is like is feeling. Or just skins Any third party control or skins that can do better? However, I do not have to pay for anything if they are fit for the requirements of my application. If there is no one, then any ideas for how to make them self? Any website tutorials? Many thanks for any advice, Steve

css - Selecting an element that has a specific class and ID -

I tried to do this and it worked in all browsers (IE, FF, Chrome, Opera and Safari): .classname # id However, I can not find it anywhere on, can you tell me where it is? I mean it is supported by all those browsers, so it should be a part of the standard, right? Many thanks You can chain the CNS selectors, it's just H 1 is like using a dootle, where you chain select one type selector (H1) and a class selector (.title).

java - Print full call stack on printStackTrace()? -

In case of an exception entry in the log, I need to collect the collected information about the methods associated with the stack trace from the top to the actual location of the exception. Unfortunately, by default, the Java printstreetreset () does not print each method in the call stack, but to a certain number and the rest are referred to as just 16 and ... is. . If I can catch exceptions myself, I use getStackTrace () and print it myself, but the root cause is never included in the exception, which throws this library. Is there any way to print this to Java Common logging besides my status Is there an option for frameworks? Edit: This program runs on JWM of Sun with ZDK 1.5.0_0 9. There is no substitute for changing it. 'due to' and '... n in printed trace more See also 'lines. You have no work to do this. "" ... note the appearance of the letters "..." These lines indicate that the stack traces of ...

javascript - How can I keep the context of 'this' in jquery -

मेरे पास ऐसा कुछ है: var कुछ = कार्य () {this.render = फ़ंक्शन () {}; $ (विंडो)। Reset (फ़ंक्शन () {this.render ();}); } परेशानी यह है कि गुमनाम समारोह के अंदर 'यह' विंडो ऑब्जेक्ट को संदर्भित करता है। मुझे पता है कि मैं ऐसा कुछ कर सकता हूं: var कुछ = कार्य () {this.render = function () {}; Var temp यह = यह; $ (विंडो)। Reset (फ़ंक्शन () {tempThis.render ();}); } लेकिन क्या कोई बेहतर तरीका है? यह बहुत ही खूबसूरत नहीं दिखता है। आपको जो समाधान मिला है वह है जो कि अधिकांश लोगों का इस्तेमाल होता है। आम सम्मेलन आपके tempThis चर "कि।" कॉल करने के लिए है var कुछ = समारोह () {this.render = function () {}; Var = यह; $ (विंडो)। Reset (फ़ंक्शन () {that.render ();}); };

Which repository holds the Maven 2 Simian plugin? -

Is there a Maven Simian plugin available for Maven 2.x? The first thing I could find was an unpublished version: Maybe I'm googling using the wrong words ... Plugin Robert Reference is actually a Maven 1 plugin, for details see the related question as far as I do There really is not a Simian plugin for Maven 2. Try the PMD CPD instead (see the above answers for details).

redirect item added in sharepoint list -

How can I redirect to a "thank you" page after a user has entered a new item in the custom list . In a way I can think that item is an item linking receiver, but is there a CAM method to do this? You can use the "source" URL parameter. For example, if you have a link to your list: http: //server/SiteCollection/Site/List/MyCustomList/NewForm.aspx source Adding the URL parameter displays the next page: http: /server/SiteCollection/Site/List/MyCustomList/NewForm.aspx?Source=http://server/SiteCollection/Site/ThankYou The downside of .aspx is that if they click Cancel, they will be redirected to this page. But you can probably change this behavior with some javascript.

django directory layout explanation -

So I have a project that has something like this that looks like something called 'project': * Media (DIR) * MATPLATES (DIR) * Admin * (DIR) * Cool projects (DIR) * Cool projects (DIR) * * Cool project (DIR) * * * __init__ Py * * * * * * Model_jew * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * So I have some questions Yes 1) Is cool project project considered 2) Is cool project 'application' considered 3) Media 'CSS, javascript file etc. Is there a suitable place for them? Out of the project 4) There are specific files in 'summerplates' that contain the Django markup (eg {%%}) and are used because my indicates them. Is this file proper out of these files? 5) If I want to include some arbitrarily javascript file (say jquery), then I can only create a new entry in (if so, then it is cold project site or Should be in cool project) and then link to that URL? "Projec...

automation - Automobile Programming languages -

How are the most programming languages ​​used on automobile systems? What type of data is collected, while running? Thank you! Electronics in the automotive industry usually But are based on embedded microcontrollers. As such, programming languages ​​are generally C, C ++, and Assembly. In some cases, high-level language like ladder-logic is used to describe the actual control logic. There are many different computer systems in modern automobiles, each vehicle is designed to control the specific aspect of the operation. Usually one controller for the engine, one for transmission, one for dashboard electronics, ABS braking system, traction control etc. is one. Each of these control modules has a set of input and output. For example, many sensors read the engine controller, cooling temperature, engine speed, oxygen intake, throttle position and so on. And, on the basis of these inputs, it decides to refuel fuel for the engine. The engine control system in hybrid vehicl...

testing - How can I set up a simple test with Cabal? -

I have a Haskell project and a cabal package-description that allows me to create and install my package $ cabal build $ cabal install but what about cabal test ? With the help of Kabal, the user is asked to configure a test suite with the hook, but how can I do this? In response to Greg, Kagal-10 .10 gets support for test suits outside the box . It seems that I have got the best information about how to use it. There is a snippet from manual that shows how to use the exitcode-stdio test type: foo.cabal Name: foo Version: 1.0 License: BSD3 cable-edition: & gt; = 1.9.2 Build-Type: Simple Test-Suite Test-EF Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 is main: test-foo.hs build -depend: base test -foo.hs: Module main where importing systems ExitFailure main = Do "STRLN" This test always fails! "ExitFailure

c# - How do I ensure that a table triggered SP has completed to use the data? -

In my SQL Server 2008 database there is a trigger that will run to populate a calendar table for inserting and updating first Date information in the table (i.e. start date, end date, repeat sequence information). I am using linux to access the database using ASP.NET MVVI. My first view is collecting data to populate the input information, and then I want to redirect to a second "result" view, which will include the calculated date How do I make sure that my The trigger update is complete before reaching the database to populate the "Results" view? Is there any better way? The trigger operation will be part of the same transaction, which is due to the original insert or update causing the trigger to fire I do not know Linq2Sql very well that you will know how the operation is complete or not. Ado With Net, I believe that the ExquuteNonQuery will not hit the next line of code until ExecuteNonQuery is complete. I do not think you need to worry about it....

c++ - auto_ptr for arrays -

In short, I'm wondering if there is a type of auto_ptr for an orange, I know that I do my own roll I am just making sure that there is nothing already. I know about vectors even though I do not think I can use them. I am using several Windows API / SDK like Windows Media SDK, DirectShow API, so that some structures can be moved back to the function call, which takes an indicator and size twice. The first time I have to allocate to get that data, for which I am looking for, the first time to pass as an indicator to return the shape of the structure. For example: CComQIPtr & lt; IWMMediaProps & gt; PProps (m_pStreamConfig); DWORD cbType = 0; WM_MEDIA_TYPE * pType = NULL; Hr = pProps-> GetMediaType (NULL, & amp; cbType); CHECK_HR (hour); PTEP = (WM_MDIITYE *) New BYTE [cbType]; // auto_ptr instread hr = pProps-> GetMediaType (Ptytype, & amp; cbType); CHECK_HR (hour); // ... remove some stuff [] petite; Since the CB type usually returns to (WM_MEDIA_TYPE)...

java - How to add javax.* dependencies in Maven? -

I'm tired of installing javax jar files manually in Maven and would like to know that to include dependencies The best solution is Javax.cache, javax.transaction, or other JSRs that are not easy to find in the Mewen repository. Have you seen? To use this link, Group ID and ArtifactID have been suggested, as well as a Java database. It seems to me that almost all of these are present in Central under the Naying scheme, the Maven repository.

c# - Prevent Multi-select in WPF Tab Control? -

It appears that in a WPF TabControl , the user can select multiple items, either Ctrl-click or Shift-Click . Is there any property that controls it? Or do I have to organize the clicks / events and clear the other items unselected? Thanks for Moore's comment, I was able to solve it. TabControl.Items in each TabItem needs a control to display the contents. My program is using a ListView : tabItem.Content = new System.Windows.Controls.ListView (); When creating each ListView , set SelectionMode property to single . (Why this is not happening, if is the default one, then the secret is ...)

tomcat - Which way is best, to implement Comets in a Java Servlet -

I want to write an epicode that uses the comet pattern - this is a request which happens when an event occurs. When it may be reacting to the server, instead of responding immediately to the request. What is the easiest application server to use for this purpose, is this: 1) Its nio package 2) JT with its continuity 3) or some other options I think the main criterion should be: - the ease of use - reliability - Speed ​​ I tried Tomcat / NIO last week. It started very great and easy, but I soon ran into problems because there is no way to send the data from the client to the server after the comet request is opened. Apart from this, you need a different abstract framework to deal with the connection and it requires some quicks and hacks to run with different browsers. I forgot about that. PubSubHub ... can be another option for the abstract on different servers, using a frame called a stream called Server or Athoswasthor. Jiti I have not tried. Greetings, Zid ...

security - Communication Between MS 2003 CA Server and Client - Non active directory environment :Design Query -

I have a scanner where CA and its clients are not in the active directory environment (win 2003 Enterprise). They are physically located in different (different places). For example, * If the domain name is '' * * * CA name is 'ca'. '* * CA Type Enterprise Root CA (Online) [Windows 2003 Enterprise Server] * How certificates / CRLs will be distributed by CA non-Active Directory Atmosphere? How will the client send their CSR to CA? Can the ICARTQ2ST2 interface be useful under this type of scanner for sending CA's requests? (Send call) Do I need to look at the LDAP approach? CA will publish a certificate in a public server or LDAP server . Therefore the certificates should be delivered through those URLs. From time to time, the C50 will be published in the X509 certificate at the place point indicated by the area. The CSR can be manually moved to the registration authority (if CA is one) or this interface wi...

c# - Upgrade an existing application to include ClickOnce -

Is it possible to apply clickon functionality to an existing application? The scenario is: Version 1.0 is already installed in the client premises, I would like to send them a new setup package which will be upgraded to 1.1 which has the functionality of clickon, making future upgrades "easy" can go. Except it, is there any other solution to such a problem? PS: Was developed with the original application (i.e., .NET 2.0). I'm using now. No, this is not possible with the standard click-on deployment scenario. Once clicked on the client side there is a sandboxed installation it will not know about version 1.0 already installed. It's just going to see if its click-through has already been installed, and if it has been updated, but only if the previous version has been deployed through click-on. In your case, if the user installed version 1.1, both versions will be installed on one side, Version 1.0 will not be updated, since ClickOnce does not know tha...

c# - Where should I generate temporary files for my application? -

I have warned many people to store temporary files in the temporary Internet file directory. Any temporary or log file that will be the best place to generate my application? You have to use the best bet for temporary files, but you can also use it.

application.cfc - Where to store common functions in ColdFusion -

We are running ColdFusion MX 7. We have a problem that we have a lot of work we use in many pages Is there a way to do this that does not include custom tags or preferences is? ? I know that we can add applications or server scope to some objects, but then we have to give them context in this way. Just be sure to add them to the global realm. Edit Thanks for the suggestions, here it is that I came along. In fact, for each request in the OnRequestStart function, assign the variable named in the function reference (this.functionName) client scope correctly. Application.cfc: & lt; Cfcomponent OUTPUT = "FALSE" & gt; & Lt; Cfset = "MyApp" & gt; & Lt; CFSET This.clientManagement = true> & Lt; CFSET This.Session Management = True & gt; & Lt; CFFUNCTION NAME = "Coalesce" OUTPUT = "FALSE" Access = "Public" & gt; & Lt; Seafoodgroup name = "ARG1" & gt; &...

iphone - Control flow in Objective-C -

I have been working through this book in the book: - ( Zero) Playensound {NSString * path = [[NSBundle main bundle] Pathfoser resource: @ "win" type: @ "Wave"]; SystemSoundID soundID; Audio ServicesSystemSystemsID ((CFRRRF) [NSR File URL Thither: Path], and Voice ID); AudioSyverSpeed ​​System Sound (sound id); WinLabel.text = @ "Win!"; [Self Performance Selector: Object with @Selecton: After Zero: 1.5]; } - Spin {IBAction} {BOOL win = NO; Int numInRow = 1; Int lastVal = -1; {Int newValue = random ()% [self.column1 count] for (int i = 0; i = 3) win = yes; } Button.hidden = Yes; NSString * path = [[NSBundle main bundle] Pathfoser resource: @ Type of "Defect": @ "Wave"]; SystemSoundID soundID; Audio ServicesSystemSystemsID ((CFRRRF) [NSR File URL Thither: Path], and Voice ID); AudioSyverSpeed ​​System Sound (sound id); If (win) [self display selector: object with @silver (play winesond): after zero: .5]; And [self display selector:...

c++ - When is the planned date for C++0x to be released into the wild? -

We are always waiting to see if it is going to be a complete language, and yet it does not seem formal For the release of definition only committees and discussions and amendments Is anyone aware of the planned deadline for C ++ 0x or will we start calling it C ++ 1x? OK, the committee is currently very busy working on the next revision - from each meeting several papers Is the first, which is a good sign of the effort going to the new standard: There is some relation (but in this sense it is convinced that they do not publish a standard to calm the public Will, however, understand the urgency involved in it) Straststr by calling only a paper Say that we should take a second look at the concepts and make sure that they can be as simple - and have proposed a suitable solution. [Edit] This letter is available for those interested in it. C ++ 0x will be a major improvement on C ++ in many relationships, and unless I talk to the committee - my hope is that it will be by the ...

c++ - How do I generate GUID under Windows Mobile? -

What is a ready-to-use API (C / C ++) in the Windows Mobile ecosystem, which is a GUID Can I use it to generate? I am looking for a simple one-shot API to do this. If there is a complete algorithm to write or some additional third-party modules are required to be used, then I will remove it without it. Background I use SHNotificationAdd to display information to the user, for which a GUID is required for this. Examples in MSDN and other sources show that the GUID is hard-coded. However, I want to wrap SHNotification * within a class which mixes well within the overall design of my application. MSDN, SHOLFITAIntTA-> CLD is very shy about the information about the representation. There are more questions to be raised than the answer mentioned in "Class" You do not need to generate a GUID for SHNOTIFICATIONDATA. If you want WM to notify the object to a COM object, you can only set clsid. When the SHNOTIFICATIONDATA structure is loading, you can either spec...

javascript - Hidden div flashing on page load -

In my rail app, I am trying to hide a div (box) on the page load in the Javascript function. This function gives the end through a series of checkboxes with the same name (CB) if any checkbox is checked, then it should be shown div. function boxcack (CB, box) {var cbs = document.getElementsByName (cb); Var d = document.getElementById (box); = 'none'; Var flag_check = 0 (var zxc0 = 0; zxc0 & lt; cbs.length; zxc0 ++) {if (CBS [zxc0] is checked) {flag_check = flag_check + 1} and {}} if ( Flag_check> 0) {d Style.display = 'block'; Document.getElementById ('multi_control_spacer'). Style.display = 'block'; } And { = 'none'; Document.getElementById ('multi_control_spacer'). Style.display = 'none'; }} A fire starts with this task: & lt; Body onload = "javascript: boxcheck ('doc_ids []', 'mult_control');" & gt; The problem is that when a checkbox is not...

migration - Building Proxy/Stub dll in VS 2008 -

I have an ATLCOM project that migrated from VC6 to VS2008. My question is, how can I make PS Delan VS 2008? In VS 2008, there is a separate PS project in new ATL projects which makes PS DLL. But migration from VC6 did not make this project. I tried to call NMK on PS MK file but it returns a redefinition error for an AML type which is included automatically along with our source file in the Windows Header File solution. Defined by defining WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN preprocessor, which does not include unnecessary header files. Can I do this while using NMAK? Is there any other way of making PS DLL? Aron's suggestions seem logical but I am unable to find some of those things about which they Was doing. So I tried a different approach. I created an empty ATL (server) project in VS 2008. This automatic al. Creates a PS project with the project. I copied the vcproj file to the PS project in my project folder and it was converted to myprojectname ps.vcproj. Then I open...

How Sharepoint enables editing data via Excel? -

Allows a SharePoint web query server to save changed Excel cells. QYI file is very easy to come up with custom JSP (or any other dynamic HTML producer) page to create the data that is called in my query: excel in the JSP page in the "Synchronized with Server" menu clicked in Excel Is there a way to make a change in the list? Other words. How does Excel edit from cell to sharepoint server? I have used TCP trace, to see how Excel sends "synchronized" but it has not understood much so far. Microsoft publishes them under.

SSIS get reference to package -

I am trying to add an executable SQL function to the program within a script work of my SSIS package. I know that there is an executable collection in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package class, which I can add to my new work, but how do I get the reference to Im package inside? It is not possible, SSIS does not support self-modified packages. To do whatever you are trying to do, the job code does not have access to the package API, so you can not get the context of package objects from any object. But even if you find a way to stop it - the results are not as expected, because the package is not allowed to modify itself on runtime. If you can tell what you really want to accomplish is a special way of doing this) - Someone can find a way to do this, that you can use a child's package It is okay to modify a child package before to apply your package, or it may be enough to change some variables that are later in this package for SQL work Used by

Custom scroll layout with fisheye in WPF -

I know that the Windows form is good but I'm new to WPF I read the RSS reader I want to make an application like this - every note will be displayed in the main window in the post like frame and all the notes chained and scrolled up and down until scrolling. I also want to include a fishee scene - a note will display full size in the center of the screen and will rotate on the edge. I have custom control, change and databasing concept, but I'm not sure how to deal with displaying and scrolling notes in the main window. The questions are: Have you been suggested to organize, display, and scroll a series of notes? On the screen should be a single note to find your position or it should be notified by its container? How is the solution provided in this kind of solution that opens the related notes as "more than one popup" note that is connected to a line with the original one? Is there a standard solution for displaying and adding such popup-widgets (sha...

Remove * from label in JQuery -

I am using JQUery in my application. I am getting one & lt; Label id = "label1" & gt; First name & lt; Span class = "req" & gt; & Lt; Em> * & Lt; / Em> & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Labels & gt; $ ("# Label" + div_id + "") clone () .; Clone.remove ('time'); Warning (clone.text ()); // FirstName * to display but I only need the first name How to do this in JQUery ... otherwise there is someone Working code: / P> var clone = $ ("# Label 1"). Clone (); $ ("Time", clone) .remove (); Warning (clone.text ()); or warning ($ ("# label 1") .clone () .html (). Replace (/ & lt; span. * /, ''));

WPF calling commands via events -

Is it possible to call commands in WPF through an event? I have a Save button when a pressed call is called a command, then it is pressed when you edit the text box, it also assigns the object as a command parameter & lt; Button content = "save" command = "{binding data content} .SaveQueueTimeCommand, RelativeSource = {relative saras FindAncestor, ancestor type = {x: type objects contact}}}" commandpalmter = "{binding}" /> What I would ideally like to do is call this command and pass the object as a parameter when the text box loses focus, by pressing the button, something like this: & lt; Button Lost Focus = "{Binding Saving Quali Time Commands}" /> And still somehow pass the object as a parameter. Thanks for the itemprop The easiest way to do this is using interaction triggers. & lt; Grid xmlns: i = " 2010/Interactivity" & gt; & Lt; I: Interact...

c# - do interfaces belong in files of their own -

As a rule of thumb I usually put classes in my files. Visual Studio encourages it, but what is proper regarding the interface? For example I have a class FU which implements the interface bar Public Interface IBR {} Public Class Fu: IBR {} It seems that it implements the interface to a group within the same file, but it takes more than 2 lines to dedicate a file, but correct. What's appropriate? I will split them into 2 files. Trying to find Class Fu in a file named Icar.cs or vice versa. / html>

c - Why does my program's output flash and close in Windows? -

I & amp; I'm trying to create an .exe file for "hello, world". The code given in the book is: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Main () {printf ("hello, world! \ N"); } When I & amp; To run from Code :: Blocks (under Windows XP), I get a quick window with the message "Hello World" until I manually turn it off until it remains open. However, when I double click on the .exe file, the signal only shines and disappears, why is it so? Nobody is telling you this clearly, so I will: When you double click General Why is it like this? What your IDE does (to keep the window open) is an feature . Since you are developing the console application, your app should have a console to display its output. If no one is yet, a new console has been created (which is a black window). If you launch your program from inside the console (say, from cmd.exe ), this will inherit only the parents' console to be new [1] ]. After the...

null - ASP.NET MVC, strongly typed views, partial view parameters glitch -

अगर मुझे लगता है कि जो से प्राप्त होता है: System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage & lt; फू & gt; जहां फ़ू के पास एक टाइप स्ट्रिंग के साथ एक संपत्ति बार होता है और दृश्य दृढ़ता से टाइप किए गए आंशिक दृश्य को प्रस्तुत करना चाहता है जो कि: से प्राप्त होता है: System.Web .Mvc.ViewUserControl & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; इसे पसंद करें: एचटीएमएल.रेंडरपार्टीअल ("_ बार", मॉडल। बार);% & gt; तो इसे क्यों फेंक दिया जाएगा: शब्दकोश में दिया गया मॉडल आइटम 'फू' प्रकार है, लेकिन इस शब्दकोश में एक मॉडल की आवश्यकता है प्रकार 'system.String' का आइटम। जब बार प्रारंभ नहीं होता है? और अधिक विशिष्ट: क्यों यह फू पास करता है, जहां यह शून्य से गुजरना चाहिए? @ डेनिस बताते हैं कि यदि मॉडल का मान रिक्त है, तो यह मौजूदा मॉडल को दृश्य से इस्तेमाल करेगा। इसका कारण एक आंशिक दृश्य को कॉल करने की क्षमता का समर्थन करना है, जिसमें हस्ताक्षर का उपयोग किया गया है जिसमें केवल आंशिक दृश्य नाम शामिल है और इसे मौजूदा मॉडल का पुनः उपयोग किया गया है आंतरिक रूप से, सभी प्र...

java - Why am I getting a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when I try to replace `\\` with `\`? -

I have to change \\ with \ in Java. The code I'm using System.out.println (MyConstants.LOCATION_PATH + File.Sseparator + myObject.getStLocation ()) .replaceAll ("\\\\", " \\ ")); But I do not know why this is throwing StringIndexOutOfBoundsException . It says outside the string index range: 1 What could be the reason for this? I think this is the first argument because replaced all a pattern accepts what could be possible solutions? Stacktrace Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: string index out Category: 1 on java.lang .String.charAt ( at java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement ( at java.util.regex.Matcher.replaceAll ( 806) java.lang. On String.replaceAll (String.Java Month 2000) got the answer The code is required, but I do not know why he removed it here in any case. One has already been filed in the Java Bug Database. (Thanks...

Database Architecture for "Badge" System & Arbitrary Criteria (MySQL/PHP) -

quick-question: In short, I'm confused with how to design Such a database which allows creation of an uncertain badge rule without requiring structural changes in user-tables already in the database. Archiving badge title, criteria, etc. What does that table look like? Badge_id (1) Badge_title (badges of 10) Badge_image (10k.jpg) Badge_Getria ([ Post]> = 10000) ... winded-question: I apply badge system to myself I want to do personal projects, but to get some advice on the advice of how to do it would be best, I am reading some questions about badges-systems, but databases do not look more architectural. Badges that are based on user-number (hypothetics "badges of 10") will appear very directly in front of any event affecting the reputation of users (exceptions, downwots, answer-approved etc.) Will call a method to review the new reputation and potentially provide a badge. The system runs very straight forward, but what does it look like as a ...

Additional replication options for large files on IBM Domino -

Is there any product that can be used to handle replication of large files with IBM Domino? Preferably one who can replicate the byte level, I have an environment (more than 50 servers) where large files are kept and replaced (bandwidth is a premium). I would like to copy only the bytes which the whole file has been repeated again. Is any other product used to handle all other items with standard domino replication to handle the byte level changes in files? I think there is nothing in domino or domino space, which is true byte-level replication On the file enclosure between the server but, you may want to consider the approach in which you extract / separate the attachment from the dynamos document into the file system, then use a commercial file-replication product to replicate the file, and (Now very small) two Using standard Domino replication to Rane to documents. (In a way, it imitates, which does DAO in Note 8, but DAOS replication is ignored). To remove the file attach...

performance - Should I cache data pre-emptively -

I have an app that gets the message every few minutes from the devices. I also have customers who have a special Request the last 10 messages for the device. I am suffering from some database saturation and I want to cache this list by device. The basic premise is that when a message is received from the device, the processor that receives the messages will cancel the cache for that device. My question is, should I just invalidate the cache and then rebuild it when the next client connects, or should I rebuild the device processor in the pre-blank form of the device processor, stop the last entry in the current cache Can add new entries, and cache new results. I appreciate it that this one can be dependent, answer, but I appreciate listening to people's experiences in this area. I think you are describing a "pre-fetch" system, only for help You put a name on it :) I do not have much experience in this particular area, but if you think you can get the data a...

cocoa - How do I edit an interface builder object programmatically? -

I created a label using the interface builder, and now I use the code instead of the IB color to label the background Color selector (I want to do this so that I can define the color using RGB and finally I can change the color of the label for the label.) I am using coded code in the properties of the IB object How do I edit? My code looks like this: //. H file #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; @ Infrastructure IBAppDelegate: NSObject {UILabel * label; } @ Property (Nonomatic, Rectangle) IBotlet UILBL * Label; @end //.m file #import "IBAppDelegate.h" @ implementation IBAppDelegate @ synthesis label; (Memory content ...) @end - (zero) application idbackback : (UIApplication *) Application {self.label.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.1f green: 0.2f blue: 0.3f alpha: 1.0f]; }

Nested tables: 1px border with css -

I am trying to create a table with 1px black border. Get me the nest table in the main table, and "thick" boundaries where the next code ends I want a 1px border everywhere I have this effect: table.outer {border: 1px black solid; Boundary-fall: collapse;} TD {boundary: 1 px black solid; Boundary-fall: collapse;} table. Integrity (boundary: 1px black solid; boundary-fall: collapse;} I understand you correctly, you can use the limit For example, in your nested table you can set border-left: 0; To get "resultant" 1 pix border on the left side of the nested table.

java - Thesaurus Application -

I need to implement a thesaurus application in Java that will retrieve the synonyms of a user's input. If user input is a word then do something like this: Create a hashtable that uses Store synonyms in a list or string array Add Key and Synonyms in the hash table When the user The word print prints I am thinking that it is homework and you will decode the dictionary and synonyms

sql - How to export the results of a stored procedure directly to a MS Excel file? -

text after "itemprop =" text "> I found a way to extract the content of an MS SQL table to get the (sharp) excellence directly. But I do not know how to do this with a stored procedure that requires parameters, is it possible to extract the results of a stored procedure in Excel? I know how to do this indirectly (using the data table), but it is very slow Thanks a lot. PS: This is the method that I was using to do some tests. It works with a table, but what I need to do is to get the result of a stored procedure: private sub SqlToExcelTest2 (ByVal excelFilePath as string, _ ByVal nonExistingSheetName string In the form of _ ByVal as the SQLServer string, _ ByVal sqlDatabase string, _ ByVal as sqlUserName string, as _ ByVal sqlPassword string, as _byVal as sqlTable string) excelConnStrTemplate string = "Provider = As Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0, data Source = {0}; Expanded Properties = "" Excel 8.0; HDR = Yes; IMX = 2 ";" connStr Dim Strin...

performance - Why is ODBC slow? -

Why is the ODBC slow? What is the underlying architecture? Anyone can put more light on the same> Normally (and I usually have a general meaning) Add another layer in the ODBC driver mix, it needs to take your query and translate it into the original query language (where the original language is SQL Or its full implementation). That translation / interpretation adds a performance overhead which is worse for some data sources than others. For a small amount of ODBC driver architecture, look at this small Microsoft blur:

WPF ToolBar: how to remove grip and overflow -

Nested WPF Toolbar - In the Toolbar menu we want to get rid of the hold for the left and overflow area right. Both of them are grayed out, but we do not want them to show everyone. Any ideas on how to accomplish this? Just completely correct in terms of my terms, if you see the picture in Figure 3 of the link given below, at the lower level of the three toolbars, hold the left side of the dropdown and the right-most The overflow is on the right side of the button. The attached property can be caught by setting ToolBarTray. IsLocked = "True on Toolbar" . In order to remove it, you have to remove it in a custom controlmetlet, as six alternative variables suggest, if you can be blended or downloaded, then Blend 3 preview is not high in quantity difficult. You can also hide the button in the toolbar's loaded event, however, whatever route you take, you set the attached property ToolBar.OverflowMode = "never" A toolbar's menu, so that the it...

.net - SQLHelper Class - ExecuteNonQuery Code Modification -

I just browse the code in SQLHelper Class V2 and I notice the following Public stable int execution query (SQL transaction transaction, command type command type, string command text, parameter SQL parametter [] command parameter) {if (transactions == empty) repeat new logic ("transaction"); If (transaction! = Null & transaction.connection == zero) throwing new logic exception ("Transaction rollback or committed, please provide an open transaction.", "Transactions"); // Create a command and prepare it for execution SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand (); Bool should CloseConnection = false; PrepareCommand (CMD, Transactions. Connection, Transactions, Type Commands, Command Text, Command Parameters, Should be Close Connection); // Finally, execute the command int retval = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); // Separate SqlParameters from Command Object, so that they can be used again cmd.Parameters.Clear (); Return return; } Is there any reason that the comma...

ruby on rails - RPXnow Facebook Connect - Use and Level of support? -

I am using the authentication solution for a rail app and now the desire to use Facebook integration features I am at the time of Facebook connect and client API I am not clear from the RPXnow docs provides their solution is the level of integration. When a user uses their FB credits via RPX, are they now using Facebook Connect? Can I call client APIs from my app? Do I need to use the RPX API to access the FB Client API? Dnewman, Great question Facebook Connect is just a Javascript layer, which is made up of Facebook Platform APIs. RPx uses the Platform API to authenticate the user, and after signing in, you can use Netizial Facebook Connect JavaScript to implement FB specific features on your site safely, like posting in the news feed. Are there. All you have to do is set your connect url on the Facebook developer site and drop it into Facebook Connect JavaScript and then have to start implementing it. After authentication via RPX, the user will be already ...

opengl - How can I draw a half torus? -

I'm reading OpenGL Game Programming from the tutorials on the Net itself. I want to draw a semi torus like this can look like a gateway, how can I do this, is anyone involved in mathematics? Most tutorials show online how to attract a full torus. Set as appropriate ([0,0,1, 0] should work, assuming + Z 'up') and attract a complete Torus.

Posting HTML within an ASP.NET form -

I am using master pages in an ASP.NET MVC app that gives you HTML data as part of a form Offers to present. Even when I or set & lt; Pages validateRequest = "false" & gt; ... & lt; / Pages & gt; My web In the config file I still get the same error: A potentially dangerous request. Farm value detected from client ... Description: The request validation has detected potentially dangerous client input value, and the request process has been revoked. This value can indicate an attempt to compromise your app's security, such as cross-site scripting attacks. You can disable request verification by setting validateRequest = false in the page directive or in the configuration section. However, it is strongly recommended that your application clearly checks all the inputs in this case. I am using ASP.Net Master Pages within an MVC app. Any thoughts? See this. MVC occurs in the verification level instead of the page, implemen...

Need help naming a class which represents a value and its linear variation -

While refactoring, I've found that I'm often using a pair or float to represent the initial value For a long time, this value varies from linear form. I want to make a straight line to catch both areas but I can not find the right name for this. It should look something like this: struct XXX {float value; Boat slope; // Delta? This difference? } Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Since you have an initial value, and it shows how 'some' develops , You can go with some things like "Linear Function". I will add the necessary member functions: straight linear function {Float continuous; Boat slope; Float Incharm (Float Delta) Const. {Return Stable + Delta * Slope; } Add zero (conif liner function and others) {constant + = other.contstant; Slope + = other Slopes; } Linear functions invert () const {LinearFunction inv = {-constant / slope, 1./slope; }; Return; }}; Am I curious here?

Getting started with Visual C++ -

I am trying to get started with Visual C ++ in Visual Studio 2008. When I press the play button (start debugging), the console opens, but then immediately closes. How can I keep this window open so that I can see my output? You can also press Ctrl + F5 to begin without debugging and it will end your program Keeps the console open when done.

c# - How can I make a part of text bold in an MS Word table cell? -

I have a C # application that uses MS Word document. Do I have tables where some text in the cell should be bold Is there any way to do this? I think you are using Microsoft Office Interop. Example I found: Says: using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word; Using Microsoft.Office.Core; Document varDoc = varWord.Documents.Add (referee vermming, ref worm messing, referee vermming, referee value value); VarDoc.Activate (); VarDoc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = WdSeekView.wdSeekCurrentPageHeader; VarDoc.ActiveWindow.Selection.Font.Bold = 1; Similarly, use it in your app. Otherwise, if you are using HTML Tables, then use a dirty method html tags

Securing a WCF service so that it can only be called by a Silverlight application -

I am writing a Silverlight application that will be both reading and writing data to a server-side database through some WCF web services . What is the best way to secure these web services? My goal is to ensure that services can not be called from other applications and potentially can be spammed with requests to add items to the database. Only the Silverlight application should be able to access them. In general, you can not believe the customer about non-silverlight applications If you try to avoid collision with your site, then a malicious client can easily pretend to be a Silverlight app, and you are back to square one. This means that it is not an effective way to secure a server to secure your server, then assume that any and all clients will kill your site, and start from there. Edit: I should amend this saying that if you want to enter the world of reciprocal authentication, you will be able to issue user notifications for all your users, You can set up a PK...