
Showing posts from August, 2014

service - Private beta release website like uservoice -

I am running a large private beta release for an application, this number increases around 100 beta testers. I'm looking for a website, but focuses on the more personal beta release. Can be accessed only by invitation; I also allow the use of personal download files as well as access to voting. Do you know any such website / service? Free or commercial. Or what is the best way to meet big private beta processes? Do I have to roll my system? You can try something - findComponent in iframe -

मेरे पास इस तरह से iframe वाला एक पृष्ठ है: & lt; iframe runat = " सर्वर "id =" rsPrintFrame "src =" फ़्रेमयुक्त पृष्ठ। एस्पक्स "ऊंचाई =" 0 "चौड़ाई =" 0 "& gt; & lt; / iframe & gt; मुझे मातापित पृष्ठ से 'फंसाए' पृष्ठ पर एक घटक तक पहुंच प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है, क्योंकि आमतौर पर $ find () या Sys.Application.findComponent () । लेकिन जाहिर है मैं बस नहीं कर सकता: myFrame.contentWindow.document। $ Find () । मैं एक काम के साथ आया हूँ- जिसमें $ ढूँढ़ें () फंसाए पृष्ठ पर कॉल करें और इसे जावास्क्रिप्ट के माध्यम से अभिभावकीय पृष्ठ पर पहुंचने योग्य चर में सहेज सकते हैं। लेकिन findComponent () को कॉल करने का एक सरल तरीका है फ़्रेम वाले पृष्ठ के तत्व / घटक को लक्षित करते समय माता-पिता पृष्ठ से। बीटीडब्लू, getElementById () एक स्वीकार्य समाधान नहीं है। जहाँ तक मुझे पता है कि आप बच्चे विंडो में एक घटक खोजने के लिए पैकेट विंडो से $ का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते। आप हालांकि ऐसा कर सकते हैं: var घटक =...

VB6 migrating to .Net with Visual Studio 2010 -

Has anyone migrated the VB6 project to Visual Studio 2010? I have tested the migration in VS 2005, but as a result the .net code was so messy, we decided not to migrate to the net. So has the VS2010 migration wizard improved in the WS 2005 or VS 2008 wizard? This is definitely not in 2008 and I would be very surprised if it is any different in 2010 . VB6 and are completely different languages, and MS has never formally supported the automatic migration route beyond simple applications. The migration path is non-trivial that there are many companies around the migration services offered, I have not tried them, but my advice would be to manage it myself. We currently have many applications which are written extensively in VB6. Our position is that the current working code has not been migrated to .net for any good reason, but all new code should be written in .net (we have actually chosen C #) its What this means is that if we want to add a new feature to an exist...

java - Unexpected ArrayStoreException -

क्यों निम्नलिखित कोड को ArrayStoreException दोहराते हैं? [] ए = {2.0,3.4,3.6,2.7,5.6}; Int [] बी = {2,3,4,5}; System.arraycopy (ख, 0, एक, 1,4); डॉक्स से: अन्यथा, यदि निम्न में से कोई भी सत्य है, तो एक अर्रेस्टोर अपवाद फेंक दिया जाता है और गंतव्य संशोधित नहीं होता है: [...] src तर्क और डेस्ट एर्मिबिल एरे को देखें जिसका घटक प्रकार अलग-अलग आदिम प्रकार हैं। यह वास्तव में यहां मामला है - int और डबल अलग-अलग आदिम प्रकार हैं, इसलिए अपवाद के रूप में फेंक दिया जाता है दस्तावेज। अर्रेपीपी का मुद्दा यह है कि किसी भी रूपांतरण को लागू किए बिना, यह आँख बंद करके कच्चे डेटा की नकल करके अंधाधुंध रूप से तेज़ी से काम कर सकता है। आपके मामले में यह होगा को रूपांतरण लागू करना होगा, इसलिए यह विफल हो जाता है।

sharepoint - Custom BusinessDataListWebPart Pagination (Next Button) - pageindex never changes -

itemprop = "text"> Pagination (Next button) does not work for custom Business DataListWebPart. I'm adding BusinessDataListWebPart using code, everything works fine. I can see 20 data raw at the same time, but when I click on the "Next button" Can not see data -40 There is a postback, but the page index does not change anytime. I am using the following code to add BusinessDataListWebPart to the SharePoint site. BusinessDataListWebPart Consumer = New BusinessDataListWebPart (); Consumer.Title = Title; Consumer. Application = Example: Name; Consumer Entity = Prosecuti. Name; Consumer.XslLink = "/ Style% 20 Library / XSL% 20 Style% 20 Sheet /" + xslFileName; Consumer Page size = 20; OK .. I got the answer. Pagination I need to add "parameter bines" in the business data list webpage, my last code is, it works correctly BusinessDataListWebPart Consumer = New BusinessDataListWebPart (); Server Coronet ServerConcept = ServerCont...

iphone - Core Data Migration really Slow, Why does it happen at all? -

I'm developing a desktop Mac OS X app, which is core data in SQLite and companion mobile app for iPhone, Need to read data from the app even though they share the same managed object model, when I load the SQLite database on a mobile app, data takes several seconds to migrate data. I would really like to avoid this long wait because it is related to the size of the SQLite file in Linux. Why does the need to migrate data from the same managed object model? We have found out what was the reason for this problem. Although it is probably very clear, I am related to him and hope that no one will make this mistake ... There were two different managed object models in my project. Attempts to migrate data to compel what data matches with Mac As a solution, I was able to manually merge the model, so both data Sources to A Only one can be presented with MOM.

cassini - Disable Visual Studio Web Server Directory Browsing -

I am using Visual Studio, built in Web server for testing and EPIServer applicaiton. When I run an IIS running app, if I hit the root of the virtual directory, then the episode server will take me and the default page will be taken to the server. I use the Visual Studio server (which I used to do with the SDK I'm doing this), it always gives me the 'directory listings' view of my site. Does anyone know that this directory allows the web server to access directory listings / browsing How to have to configure? Additional information: This problem only affects the root of the Visual Studio Web server (I will call it Cassini from here). As an example, if I run a site from the localhost: 6666, then what I will find is that localhost: 6666 / n / will work fine and EPIServer VPP will know what it is doing. If I use the localhost: 6666, then do not kick in VPP (or faster) it seems that when Cassini's roots are hit, it checks to see if the page exists (which is I have no...

sql server - SQL Job having issues with transaction log -

I have a SQL job that only executes a stored procedure. Every morning when the job tries to run, I get the following error: The current transaction can not be committed and can not support works written in the log file. When I am trying to resume the job, this gives me the same error, however, if I execute the store process without just using the job then it works fine. And here's a really hard part. If I run the stored procedure, cancel it, and then run the job, the job works perfectly well. Has anybody come in this unique problem or what is the reason that can be due to it? This error indicates that you try to perform a log operation during a wasted transaction Are there. If you are ignoring the value of -1 then it can only be in the BEGIN catch block: There is an active user transaction in the current request, but an error has occurred, causing the transaction to occur Should be classified as an undocumented transaction, the request can not do transaction or ...

C# Linq to XML check if element exists -

मेरे पास एक XML दस्तावेज़ है, जैसा कि निम्न है: & lt; डेटाबेस & gt; & LT; एसएमएस & gt; & LT; संख्या & gt; "+ 447528349828" & lt; / संख्या & gt; & Lt; दिनांक & gt; "09/06/24 & lt; / दिनांक & gt; समय & gt; 13: 35: 01" & lt; / समय & gt; & LT; संदेश & gt; "बंद" & lt; / संदेश & gt; & Lt; / एसएमएस & gt; & LT; एसएमएस & gt; & LT; संख्या & gt; "+ 447528349828" & lt; / संख्या & gt; & Lt; दिनांक & gt; "09/06/24 & lt; / दिनांक & gt; समय & gt; 13: 35: 01" & lt; / समय & gt; & LT; संदेश & gt; "बंद" & lt; / संदेश & gt; & Lt; / एसएमएस & gt; & Lt; / डाटाबेस & gt; मैं यह जांचने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं कि क्या मूल एसएमएस नोड के नोड को दस्तावेज़ में मौजूद है (डुप्लिकेट डेटा डालने से बचने के लिए सत्यापन उद्देश्यों के लिए)। कोई भी सलाह संभावित समाधान पर? संपादित करें: तत्व क...

c++ - Boost Thread Cancelling -

Can you cancel a boost thread like you would a pouch? I am writing a simple watchdog if it crashes to end the work thread and there is no way to cancel a thread in the Boost Thread Library. They do not support cancellation, which is a good thing because it's all kinds of subtle problems Can cause. Take a look at the section of documents that have thread interruption and boost: Thread-uninterrupted exception and fashion is something that allows you to complete things while cleaning.

visual studio - Organizing multiple Composite WPF applications to share a single Shell -

How can I organize more than one composite WPF application so that they can share a shell project, but different apps Can be able to populate their module catalog from config. Files? I am writing a suite of applications using Composite Application Guidance for WPF, each application's functionality is determined based on the availability of different modules, which are listed in Shell's App.config . By giving each app a separate app.configging, I can specify which modules can use each application. However I would like to share a single shell project between all applications for common view and experience. Initially I created a solution for each app, added the Shell project, and then added the relevant module. The problem is that there is only one App.config file in the Common Shell project, and I can not change it on a per-solution basis. Creating a list through code does not escape the problem - there should still be an application-specific code in shell that can be a...

linux - How to know what is the default audio device? /dev/audio or /dev/dsp in ubuntu? -

I was trying to use the random songs command line to mpg123. But I did not know what my default audio device is, or if I need to specify another audio device with the '-a' option, both are / dev / audio and / dev / dsp audio devices which are by default Information is there? is the default sound system and / dev / audio or / Dev / dsp (Interface, deprecated in Linux) is only an emulation layer above ALSA - and is not even fully functional either. The default ALSA device is " default ", and if you install it, then it should do the right thing without requiring any options.

.net - Sockets Vs. WCF -

I work on applications such as a chat, where I use WPF on the serial lights on the client side and server side. Now the communication is based on socket: I have different messaging which I send serial and through TCP. I started to realize that creating a separate message class for every possibility communication scenario is very high and is going to WCF. So I need to know the following: It seems that the entire communication client using WCF is based on the colin. Is there a way to know what my WCF service is like when a customer calls in a certain way? This is very important for my application. Does the WCF notify my application when the customer is disconnected (e.g., the browser closes the window, where the Silverlight client is running) from the server ? This is also very important. Are the methods completely call Asynchronous? If so, do I have to start each method call again in the main thread of the server application? Does every customer have their own th...

automation - Source of data for "official" country/region list -

Recently we are presenting users of our web-application with a list of old countries / regions Names of localized countries have been collected with our region (states) with some DB tables presently present. Although in the form of a planet, this list is in continuous development and some areas are destroyed, it is proving to be a pain to maintain some merged-existing data needs to be updated all the time. What is it, if anybody is present, is it best practice to deal with the list of multi-local countries / regions? Is there a place or a standard location? I know of ISO 3166, but their list is not exactly DB friendly ... plus it is not fully localized. Will an ideal solution allow us to "sync" it? Preferably in multiple languages ​​ thanks post-lesson " Itemprop = "text"> looks great: multiple languages, update options, database for independent file formats for import, information about countries / regions / cities, and some other fe...

ruby on rails - What are the best gems for social networking features? -

What are some good gems that allow simple pre-built connectivity and integration with networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. gives? And there are both great open source pre-built social networking platforms for Rails on Ruby. Check out Twitter and Facebook, respectively, and more.

c++ - Error instantiating COM object -

Currently I'm trying to use a CD DL which I have done on a simple system Everything is compiled successfully, but CoCreateInstace S_OK is returning at runtime, but somehow my object pointer is returning NULL. This interface pointer is built on my class header. The strange thing is that on the method stack results, the same object is to immediately convert the same indicator type into the correct object, but the entry violation has been started while trying to make the latter call the __ hook a base violation class. Some other aspects may be useful: An attempt was made to run the program with CoInitalizeEx, which was started as COINIT_MULTITHREADED and COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED This project is a DLL that uses I have tried the same method without starting a new method and the error persists I 've not created a test program (no threads, executable) and the object is created normally Security is, and has been fitted correctly. So my guess is that it relates to ...

How to use JavaScript or jQuery to read a pixel of an image when user clicks it? -

How can I use JavaScript or jQuery to read the pixel color of the images when a user clicks on it ? (Surely (x, y) value of this pixel by subscribing to click event we have) If you can drag the image into a canvas element then you have to return an array with RGBA value Can use the method for var img = new image (); Img.src = 'image.jpg'; Var reference = document.getElementById ('canvas'). GetContext ('2d'); Context.drawImage (IMG, 0, 0); Data = Reference.GetMajadata (X, Y, 1, 1) .data;

What is Windows 7's Fault Tolerant Heap? -

How do I get some technical information, and how can I disable or enumerate fault tolerant pile shim Is connected to the processes that often crashes, is there any kind of anticipation that when Windows 7 uses FIT Shim to implement? The defect tolerant is a layer on a heap stack that causes common heap errors, such as piles overruns, double freezes, and Rescues against this kind of. For my knowledge, there is only one FTH Shim - not many for each quenching. Indicates how you can monitor that FTH is being enabled for an application through the event log. I do not think MS has published the exact estimator which will enable FTH, but yes, an estimate

c - how to mask out 'upper half' of long int -

I have a question about the creation of bitmask in C. I need to mask at least the important half part of the 'long interval', so that I only left with the upper part, I need to make sure that if I'm on a 64-bit or 32-bit platform, So this is not an outshone half . I think __WORD_SIZE is defined by limits.h. Initially I am doing this like this: define #UPPER (X) (x and (~ 0 What is the most accurate and efficient way to do this? like #UPPER (x) (x & amp; (~ 0 here So far, if the limitations are not present or if __WORDSIZE is not defined for any reason, it will also work for other types, so that you are sad it is an int, a Use it on AOTA, A4, etc. Any decent compiler, sizeof (x) * 4 will calculate the value compile time ( Since they are both constants), which means that you do not have to worry about any performance. Edit: Correct Error - Size is not in the bytes of size, so our To get the right result to multiply by 4 (8/2) Edit 2: If you...

Get unique System ID with Flex -

Is there a way to get a unique machine-specific system ID in the Flex application running in a browser, so that To use it to determine whether the machine is properly licensed to run the app? In order to do this based on user machine or OS, think of the whole thing in browser applications That's able to run them any time through the browser. For my information, Flash does not provide any information that can be converted into a unique machine ID for licensing purposes, and not even the MAC address of a network card on the machine. Personally, I think that you will be better, the user needs a username / password to log in, and then to leave that step, the user has a session key stored in a cookie To be used (for example, 'Remember me on this computer' like Gmail has). It can be used by any user of the PC that they like.

casting - How do I convert Int/Decimal to float in C#? -

How does one convert a float from C to a C or Decimal? I use a float to control a third party, but I do not use them in my code, and I'm not sure how it will end with a float. you can do only one artist int val1 = 1 ; Flat val 2 = (Float) well 1; or decimal value 3 = 3; Flat val 4 = (float) val3;

disaster recovery - Data Guard Oracle 11g -

I want to recover a disaster in Oracle 11G using data guard. But I do not have the process or the way to do it. I want everyone who shows me the document or how to do it. Can anyone help me do this? Thank you, Unit Sopolin You can start with that guide Includes the entire arrangement of guards and the way to implement it.

windows - How can I rename all hidden directories under the current directory in DOS? -

How do I change the names of all the hidden directories under the current directory in DOS? I just updated Turtle SVN to use SSAN instead of SSN. I see that it still works if I change the names of the folders. The following batch file will be trickled, at least on Windows which I hope you are using (There is no luck in DOS): @echo off call: recurse Goto: eof: / d %% d in (*) Recurs (pushd% d attrib -H .svn> null 2 ​​& gt; and 1 ren .svn _svn & gt; ft2 & gt; and 1 attrib + h ssnn & gt; null 2 ​​& gt; and 1 call: recurse popd) Goto: eof The problem is that rin refuses to change the names of hidden directories and appears to be / code for Received that actually trying to find ever works when the directory is. So here I am creating a small recursion through the Directory Tree and in every directory I enter, I clear the flag hidden from the .svn folder, I rename it , And hide the file again. To set the hidden flag again and due to never returnin... - How can i format aspx-markup as html to show it on webpage -

I use c # to copy the c # code as html for a webpage. I am using the best of the caller. Now, I was surprised to see that the same tool exists to convert the APX-markup to legitimate HTML to show on the page? The functionality that I am looking for can be seen. F.ex If I feed it & lt; Asp: button id = "btnSthing" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; In the tool given in the above link, this creates the following for me: & lt; Former style = "font-family: Andell Mono, Lucida console, Monaco, Fixed, Monospace; Color: # 000000; Background-color: # IA; font-size: 12px; border: 1 px dashed # 99 9999; Line-height : 14px; Padding: 5px; Overflow: Auto, Width: 100% "& Gt; & Lt; Code & gt; & Amp; Amp; Lip: ASP: Button ID = & amp; Quot; BtnSthing & amp; Quot; Runat = & amp; Quot; Server & amp; Quot; & Amp; Gt; & Amp; Lt; / Button & amp; Gt; & Lt; / Code & gt; & Lt; / P...

c# - Find Out Connected clients IP's? -

How do I find out the connected customer's IP address and we will call that address to IPAddress ? Check your socket: If you are using a connection-oriented protocol, the endpoint of the remote pointpoint property has a remote IP address and port number in which the socket is connected. If you are using a connectionless protocol, then the remotepointpoint has the default remote IP address and port number with which the socket will communicate. Before you can get any information you need to put this endpoint in an IPEndPoint. After this, you can call the IPPpoint. IPEndPoint.Port method to obtain address method and remote port number to get remote IP address If you use high level components such as TCPListon and TCP Client, then you can obtain the remote end point and retrieve it. If you use other technologies like ASP.Net, WCF or Remoting, then you have to say in your post. Recover by using the built-in bytes to store an IPadress, you can rebuild the address fr...

.net - Why is an insert of 1M records slower without a transaction than inside a transaction? -

I have SQL Server together. Using 3.5 3.5 I'm doing some performance testing. I am making an entry of 1 million records when I wrap it in a transaction (either serial, recyclable or redunamised), it runs under my system under 80 seconds. When I withdraw the transaction, it runs in about 300 seconds I hope that any transaction will be the fastest way to incorporate lines into a database, because DBMS does not need to keep a potential rollback in mind is. What happened here? Is SQL Server, SQL Server ADOnate Provider, Adineat in general, what is typically typical for DBMS? I have background in the iSeries / DB2 database. You can get commitment control and transactions before enabling journaling in DB2, and journaling is relatively expensive. What I really wanted to do was comparing the SqlCommand Inserts vs Entity Framework, but I was surprised at these results that I wanted to know what is happening here. I use the code below to run a test. When I run the code below, it ta...

remove() function not working in javascript -

I have the html selection box and a search field (input type) when I search for something The new, javascript function first clears the selectfield. But JavaScript returns the following error: The gs.options.remove function is not This function is function blank (theft) (for {var i = gs.options.length; i & gt; = 0; i--) {gs.options.remove (i); }} and gs = & lt; Select value style = "width: 420px; height: 150px;" Name = "selection box" size = "5" & gt; What's going wrong? I think there is no selection box reference in your example "GS". All options are being removed Remove the functionAlloption (selection box) {var i; (I = selectbox.options.length-1; i> = 0; i--) {selectbox.remove (i); }} Removing selected option Delete function option (selection box) {var i; (I = selectbox.options.length-1; i> = 0; i--) {if (selectbox.options [i] .selected) selectbox.remove (i); }}

.net - C# Check Remote Server -

Can advise using the best method (NET 3.5) when a remote server is available. I was thinking of using the following code, but would like to know if there is a better way if the community has any other option. TcpClient client = new TcpClient ("MyServer", 80); If (! Client.Connected) {new exception ("Unable to connect to MySer at port 80"); } Client.Close (); you can do it you can do it from You can make a request If this is a local IIS 6 server on your network, and you have some administrator details, then you use some directories by using the internal code Can also help answer some, especially the accepted answer that talks about to the print server (or, in particular, the printer) A Code can help code by Scott, anyway there is a fun code to play :-) That code mentions DNS roll, which is obsolete and replaced I'm out of ideas: -)

Remove using Jquery -

मैंने बयान का उपयोग करके एक चित्र जोड़ा है $ (this)। Parent () .siblings () बच्चों ('# नियंत्रण)। इससे पहले ("& lt; img src =' .. / cx.gif '/ & gt;"); एक अन्य बटन पर क्लिक करने पर मैं एडेडेड छवि को हटाना चाहता हूं। इसे कैसे करें I मदद की ज़रूरत है। मैंने इसका परीक्षण नहीं किया है, लेकिन मुझे पिछला () फ़ंक्शन का पता है, इसलिए मान लें कि आप उस छवि को एक से अधिक बार शामिल नहीं कर सकते हैं, शायद कोशिश करें: $ (this)। Parent ()। भाई बहन ()। ('# Control')। निकालें ()

WPF TextBox Custom Dictionary Support -

Has anyone found an alternative solution for the custom dictionary support built into spell check on WPF TextBoxes / RichTextBoxes? We are investigating the spelling stuff in which it is expected to find where the entries are coming from, but it is very visible as it is the COM object .... I know That it is not currently supported and Microsoft was looking to support it in future releases, but it was a long time ago and I can not get any news about it in the recent past. By holding in the stove, I have posted a suggestion on the connector: Just FYI Custom will be in WPF 4.0. Cheers S. Tweet from Tweets by Group Program Manager from Kevin Gageersted

sql - Using IsolationLevel.Snapshot but DB is still locking -

I'm an ADO. I'm part of a team that creates a net based web-site. We are sometimes working together with the development copy of many developers and automated testing tool databases. We use snapshot isolation level, which is the best of my knowledge, uses optimistic concurrency: instead of locking, hopes for the best and throws an exception if you do the transaction During the change of rows affected by any other party, try to do the transaction. We use this to make the snapshot isolation level: Alternative Database & lt; Database Name & gt; Set ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION on; and C #: Transactions = SqlConnection.BeginTransaction (IsolationLevel.Snapshot); Keep in mind that the segregation level snapshot is not similar to a read comet snapshot, which we have also tried to do, but it is not currently being used. When a developer enters into debug mode and. Prevents the NET app, during debugging, they will maintain a connection with an active transaction....

In C#, are Lambda Expressions objects? -

Is Lambda Expression Objects in C #? If so, what kind of object are they? The price of lambda is present only in the source code, they do not have a type of self, which is the reason That the compiler always says that they are converted into a specific type. This is the reason why this code does not compile: // Do not know what to change in type! Object x = y = & gt; Y.Length; But it does this: function & lt; String, int & gt; X = y = & gt; Y.Length; Lambda Prices always either a representative type or are converted to an expression tree type. Similarly, anonymous methods always change in a representative type.

c# - How to check stored procedure return value elegantly -

यहां एक संग्रहीत प्रक्रिया का मेरा वर्तमान कार्यान्वयन है जो किसी दिए गए ऑर्डर आईडी के लिए ऑर्डर की स्थिति देता है वहाँ दो स्थितियां हैं, वहाँ ऑर्डर आईडी से मेल खाती है और मैं संबंधित स्थिति को पुनः प्राप्त करूंगा, कोई भी मिलानित ऑर्डर आईडी नहीं है (अर्थात गैर-मौजूदा ऑर्डर आईडी) मेरा भ्रम है, एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि में सुंदरता / कुशलतापूर्वक दो कार्यों को कैसे कार्यान्वित करें, ताकि मैं स्थिति 1 के लिए मेल आईडी प्राप्त कर सकूं और यह भी संकेत मिलता है कि ग्राहक स्थिति में कोई मेल खाने वाला ऑर्डर आईडी नहीं है ? मैं क्लाइंट के रूप में VSTS 2008 + C # + ADO.Net + .NET 3.5 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, और सर्वर के रूप में SQL Server 2008 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo]। [गेटस्टैटस] एडी [नैवर्चार] (256), @ स्टेटस [इंट] आउटपुट के रूप में प्रारंभ करें - SELECT NOCOUNT पर अतिरिक्त परिणाम सेट को रोकने के लिए जोड़ा गया है - SELECT कथन के साथ हस्तक्षेप। सेट नाकनेट चालू; - यहां प्रक्रिया के लिए बयान डालें SELECT @Status = [Status] FROM [dbo]। [ऑर्डरस्टैटस] WHERE (@ID = [आईडी]);...

HTML within Javascript Function Not Working Properly -

I am using the following JavaScript function: function projects () {var PrjTb1 = "& lt; input type = text id = proposition size = 100 /"; Var PrjTb2 = "& lt; TextRay lines = 5 col = 200 wrap = hard> gt; & lt; / textarea & gt; Var info = "1. Name of the project or activity: + PrjTb1 + " 2. Project or Activity Details: & lt; br & gt;" + PrjTb2 if (document.getElementById ('PrjNo'). Value == 1) {document.getElementById ('AllPrj'). InnerHTML = "& lt; b & gt; Project or Activity 1. & lt; / b & gt; & lt; br & gt; & lt; br & gt;" + info}} This function is executed well after an onclick event; However, some parts of HTML within the declared variables are not working. For example, within the variable PrjTb2 , the rows and columns of my texture do not change. Also, I have HTML tags and lt; Dd & gt; and & lt; / Dd> Can not add anywhere within the variabl...

open source - A good Business calendar library in Java? -

Is there a good business calendar library in Java? Ideally, in addition to configuring holidays and company closed days, we should be able to configure work hours on a single day , so that we can calculate SLA and KPI at the working hours. I know that such a jboss is part of jBpm, but I was wondering if any other project was doing it. Of course, open source is a big plus point! Look at this library, its holidays and similar functionality, it has been created around the pair .

dhtml - SilverLight Overlay HTML? -

I will add that Aspiaks page'm looking to build a Flaidaip type menu in Silverlight. Items will be created dynamically through returned data from the web service. All the specimens of the building menus are not allowed to fly "flyout" on the HTML. Can this be done? If so, what would be the best way to do this? This can be done if you: your silver Set the window to correct Make the background of silver transparent. Use CSS to position your object tag so that it has other HTML elements placed at the top.

regex - Non-greedy matching in Treetop/PEG? -

How do I do something like this in the trip? It seems that the only way to do this is: [ ^;] + ';' What kind of ugly is there any other way? . +? does not seem to work. Peg is greedy blind by default , It means that they can eat as much as they can input and they do not believe what happens next: S & lt; - P1 * P2 (greedy, blind) It can be decided that the order can be decided using the option (and without the use of the hideheads): S & lt; - P1 S / P2 (lazy, non-blind) S & lt; - P2 / P1S (lazy, non-blind)

sharepoint - WSS 3.0 email forwarding -

I have established WSS and some sites have I set outgoing email address as SharePoint @. ..... When I get a message from the server and try to answer it, it does not go anywhere because there is no sharepoint ... Email account. Is there a way to set it up so that email goes to site owners? That way they can respond accordingly? We will have many different sites and bosses and it would be great if I could establish such a way. Any guidance would be great. First of all: I do not know if you know, but you can override default outbound SMTP settings based on per-web application - You are not limited to outbound settings just within the Central Admin's "Operations" tab. To see what I'm describing, go to "Central Administration"> "Application Management"> "Web App Outgoing Email Settings". It does not give you completely controlled control, but does give you many addresses and can be used constructively, for example: You ca...

php - How to implement an inventory system for a game? -

How do I go about implementing an inventory system for a game in PHP? I am trying to find a way in which the item can be used dynamically instead of just in your inventory, eg Enabling weapons that use drugs, teleporting etc. The only solution I can store PHP code in the database, and when the item is used it is to get it, but it does not really seem reasonable. Is this a better way to implement it? To clarify: This is an mmo browser game, and the inventory of each player must continue through the game. It is difficult to maintain a square for every item (there can be hundreds of items) if any changes are made. In addition to applying a 'base item' class as suggested, you may also want to consider developing an interface. In order to highlight all the approaches, all the objects must be in the class. Then, each type of item can apply these methods differently. For example, all items may need the 'las ()' method, but on what kind of commodities it can be app...

iphone - Getting notified when a sound is done playing in OpenAL -

I am using OpenAL on iPhone to play multiple audio samples simultaneously. Do I notify OpenAL when any sample is played? I want to avoid setting the sample length and setting a timer. performSelector: afterDelay: when You start the sound: - (zero) play {[Representative display selector: @selector (Sound HasFinishedPlaying pleased after: self.length]; ...} (If you manually turn off the sound, the callback can be canceled, see.) Or you AL_SOURCE_STATE : - (zero) check status {Alint state; AlGetSourcei ( Source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, and state); if (state == AL_PLAYING) return; [timer invalid]; [representative sound HASFinishedPlaying];} I do not know how to return the open call Do you want to have a callback for you? Some things can be better resolved without callback.

inheritance - Filtering a Class and Subclass in Django -

I have a project with an FAQ application I frequently asked questions in the app (written by site authors ) And the userfox (written by users - not just a clever name) I want to return all the entries, frequently asked questions or userfires which match the conditions, but I would like to exclude any userfixes What special Do not match Andndon. Ideally, something looks like: faqs = FAQ. Biesesfilter (question__icontains = search) .exclude (show_on_site = false) Where "Show_on_site" is such a property that is only userfive objects, it does not work because the filter exits on the original class, because this property is not found. What is the best way to do this? I came across, but I think that's what I want to do to feel like overkill. In your situation, there are two tables absent, I have a common question model / host in which I_user_faq And show_on_site fields are included. Sometimes it helps data to organize data for easy and fast access. Having some ...

sql - xslt/xml byte array, to a image -

I am retracting an image from a SQL server as a byte [] Can I use XSL Transform to convert? How can I do this if it is possible? OK, so I again use my colleague: Return file (myImage.ImageBinary, "image / gif");

Allocate 2D Array on Device Memory in CUDA -

How can I assign and move 2D arrays in device memory in Queue? I found a solution to this problem. I did not have to adjust the array. Inbuilt cudaMallocPitch () function worked. And I cudaMemcpy2D () function. can move device and device into array using cudaMallocPitch (zero **) and ; array, and pitch, one * Size (float), b); This creates a 2D array of size with the pitch passed as the parameter. The following code creates 2D array and creates loops on the elements. It's easy to compile, you can use it. contains # lt; Stdio.h & gt; #to & lt include, cuda.h & gt; #define height 50 # defined width 50 / device code __global__ void kernel (float * devPtr, int pitch) {for (int r = 0; r & lt; height; ++ r) {float * row = (float *) ((Four *) devPtr + r * pitch); For (int c = 0; c

c# - Access Textbox from JQuery -

I'm new to .Net and JQuery and I'm trying to access a textbox through jquery, but it Can not get to work, can someone help you? ASP.Net breaks your client ID - Microsoft is not complaining! Have you entered the client ID store? var textboxclientid = ' & # 39; $ ('#' + Textboxclientid) .val ('horray');

javascript - How can I access the properties of an anonymous object? -

$। Post ("test.php", {नाम: "John", समय: "2pm"} , फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {सतर्क ("डेटा लोड किया हुआ:" + डेटा);}); ऑब्जेक्ट {name: "John", समय: "2pm"} अनाम है आम तौर पर, मैं किसी वस्तु के गुणों को निम्न के जैसा सिंटैक्स का उपयोग करूँगा: objectname.propertyname लेकिन जब मैं नहीं objectname ? मैं सम्पत्ति नाम तक कैसे पहुंच सकता हूं? एक गुमनाम वस्तु का पूरा अंक कि यह सिर्फ यही है, गुमनाम यह केवल संदर्भ में पहुंचा है यदि आप ऑब्जेक्ट को बाद में एक्सेस करना चाहते हैं, तो आपको ऑब्जेक्ट को किसी वैरिएबल में निर्दिष्ट करना होगा। कोशिश करें: var obj = {name: "John" समय: "दोपहर"}; $ .post ("test.php", obj, फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {चेतावनी ("डेटा लोड किया हुआ:" + डेटा); चेतावनी ("ओजज नाम है" +;});

Where does the ASP.NET development server get its images from? -

In my web application I Dynamically generated images and images as part of a web Want to show the page? But However, when debugging using ASP.NET Development Server (not IIS) - I do not know where to store these images so that they are mine Can be referenced from web application. Do I Directory.GetCurrentDirectory () ? or assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (). or Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (). CodeBase ? None of these paths is working. Any thoughts? server Mappath ("~ /") will give you root path of web application. Everything within the scope of this path should be automatically highlighted by the web server, it is an IIS or VS developer server. Server property is available in all pages objects, and otherwise can be found on HttpContext .

c# - Dependency injection - Place logic in the overloaded constructor? -

आज मुझे यह वर्ग मिल गया है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग SmtpEmailProvider: IMessageProvider {निजी रीडोनली SmtpClientWrapper _smtpClientWrapper; सार्वजनिक SmtpEmailProvider (SmtpClientWrapper smtpClientWrapper) {_smtpClientWrapper = smtpClientWrapper; } SmtpClient को नकली करने में सक्षम होने के लिए, मैंने इसे इस तरह लपेट कर रखा है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग SmtpClientWrapper {निजी रीडोनली SMTPClient _smtpClient; सार्वजनिक SmtpClientWrapper (SmtpClient smtpClient) {_smtpClient = smtpClient; } सार्वजनिक वर्चुअल शून्य भेजें (मेलमैसेज msg) {यदि (_smtpClient == नल) नया अमान्यऑपरेशन अपवाद फेंक ("कॉल करने से पहले SmtpClient को निर्माता को पास किया जाना चाहिए।"); _smtpClient.Send (एमएसजी); }} अभी मैं यह करने के लिए SmtpEmailProvider वर्ग शुरू करने के लिए, और वहाँ SmtpClient तर्क जगह कर सकते हैं: सार्वजनिक IMessageProvider LocateProviderByName (string providerName) { Var क्लाइंट = नया SmtpClient {होस्ट = "", पोर्ट = 25}; Client.Credentials = नया नेटवर्क क्रेडेंशियल (...

performance - Benefits of using XML Accelerators -

What are XML accelerators and how do they work? Does anybody use heavy XML processing for those systems in production environments? If so, how have you used them? Generally they are applicable to dedicated hardware XML services, which include: Change (xslt) Parsing (specifically, for SOAP messages) Knowledge software is already clean and there is a huge difference in performance in your canonical format. Some companies who do this Who was bought by IBM However, some companies Believe that properly customized software is sufficient - Intel bought by Personally, I think the software implemented properly does not require acceleration. In the last few years, parsers, transformations engines and valettiers are quite Long time Have come from. Witnesses, and applications as examples.

delphi - How to remove duplicate records in grid? -

Good morning! What is the best way to remove duplicate records from grid control? I use the Delphi 200 9 and the Dvx Quantum Grid component. I tried looping through all the records and when a duplicate record was found, add it to the list and apply the filter to the grid. There is also two downsides of this approach that I got as a logic of taking this time. [1] When duplicate records are high enough, it takes a lot of time to apply filter after 10K record, because many entries to filter. [2] Looping through all records only takes time to set big results like 1M rows. SQL queries give me different rows, but when the user hides any of the columns in the grid, it looks as if there are duplicate records (they are internally intact). Is there any other way to do this? Any ideas on this are very useful! Thanks & amp; Regards, Pawan. With thousands of rows I will add an additional area to DB, which is said to be yoga or hash Or if you can not change a count fiel...

Java vs C#: Are there any studies that compare their execution speed? -

Take all clear warnings related to the benchmark and benchmark comparison, there is no study (well documented and fair trial) which Comparison of the average performance of the mentioned languages? Thanks The best comparison I know. It compares speed, large number of programming languages ​​(currently) 11 standard for memory usage and source code size. Benchmark's implementation has been introduced by the user and has improved continuously, so the standings come to some extent. All comparisons are made on Linux, so C # / Mono is measured and C # / Microsoft is not Net. But it is my belief that these two are comparable in speed nowadays. , but note that for some reason the Java implementations are multithreaded, whereas most of the C # / mono implementations are single threads.

python - wxPython SplitterWindow does not expand within a Panel -

I'm trying a simple layout and a divider by a divider does not extend to fill the entire area, I What is this: [button] & lt; = (Fixed size) --------- text area} ~~~~~~~~~ & lt; = (It import wx app = WxkApp () Frame = Wx: separator)} This is a panel text field} The actual code .Frame (no, WxkID_ANY, "translator Registration") parseButton = wx.Button (frame, label = "parsing") panel = wx.Panel (frame) panel.SetBackgroundColour ( "Blue") separator = wx.SplitterWindow (panel) inputArea = wx.TextCtrl (separator style = wx.TE_MULTILINE) outputArea = wx.TextCtrl (separator style = wx.TE_MULTILINE) splitter.SplitHorizontally (inputArea, outputArea) sizer = wx.BoxSizer (wx.VERTICAL) Size measure Add (parsetton, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) sizer.Add (panel, 1, wx.EXPA ND | wx.ALL) frame.SetSizerAndFit (size measurement) frame.SetAutoLayout (1) frame.Show (true) app.MainLoop ( ) I have set the panel color differently, and it is actually using the...

size - Do certain characters take more bytes than others? -

I am not very experienced with lower level like how much a byte is a character, I tried to find out A character is equal to one byte, but without success I have to set the delimiter used for a socket connection between a server and the client. To reduce the bandwidth, this delimiter should be as small as possible (in bytes). The current delimiter is "#". Will another delimiter reduce my bandwidth? It depends on the character encoding used to translate between characters and bytes ( Which are not all in the same thing): In ASCII or ISO 8859, each character represents one byte In UTF-32, each letter In UTF-8, each letter uses between 1 and 4 bytes In ISO 2022, it is much more complex The US-ASCIIHole (the Hsik # one) will be only 1 byte in UTF-8, which is the most popular encoding which allows Maltibait characters.

.net - Excel VSTO sort dialog box C# -

I want to rewrite some VBA code in Excel VSTO. The VBA code is as follows: Application. Dialogues (XLDAlogsart). By the way, when I try to do this in VSTO, I think the same method requires 30 arguments! Signature "Show (Object Argus 0, Object Argus 1, etc.)" Globals. Risk Whitework Workbook This app Dialog [XBuilt in DiLoog XL Diarygog Sort]. Show (empty, empty, empty, ...); Using the VBA code, what values ​​do I need to do the same call? The tap does not work. I started writing this question and then searched the answer, I will post it. In the form of a solution, it was assumed to be "missing" as each argument. Missing Missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing);

Are there any game engines for iPhone? -

क्या आईफोन के लिए कोई गेम इंजन हैं? दो सबसे लोकप्रिय शायद हैं, लेकिन इसकी कीमत क्या है, मैं आपको कुछ ऐसा करने की सलाह देता हूं: ध्वनि: सीएएफ फ़ाइलें और सेब के स्वयं का उपयोग करें मॉडल: ब्लेंडर या मैक्स से सीधे निर्यात की गई obj और mtl फ़ाइलों के लिए उपयोग करें उदाहरण के लिए, बनावट: नमूनों से एपल की अपनी बनावट 2 डी कक्षा का उपयोग करें (बीएमपी काम करेगा, लेकिन मैं प्लेटफॉर्म ऑप्टिमाइज़ेशन के कारण पीएनजी की सिफारिश करता हूं) 'इंजन' वास्तव में सिर्फ कक्षाएं हैं जो इस सामान को एक साथ जोड़ते हैं। "पाठ्यपुस्तक" की तरह लगता है भी एक सभ्य उदाहरण यूएमएल भी है (आईएमएचओ) निजी तौर पर मुझे लगता है कि यह सब बहुत ही व्यक्तिपरक है, आपको वास्तव में यह सामान अपने आप लिखना चाहिए क्योंकि इसे जिस तरह से आपको इसकी ज़रूरत है, उसी के लिए आर्किटेक्ट किया जाना चाहिए, न कि कुछ लिखे जो सभी के लिए सब कुछ बनने की कोशिश करता है। एफवाईआई, हमारी टीम ने उद्देश्य- C ++ में सब कुछ करने का निर्णय लिया, जहां गेम का मुख्य सी ++ में लिखा गया है और इसके शीर्ष पर उद्देश्य-सी की एक पतली...

amazon s3 - Deploying on EC2 -

This question is for all those people who have actually used Amazon EC2. I see what happens to be deployed on a server in It seems that I can start in virtualbox, setup my server, and then export the image using the provided EC2-Tools. What makes it harder is that if I really want to make configuration changes to my current server, they will not be continuous. I have some PHP code that I should be able to deploy (and re-deployed) in the system, so I was thinking that EBS would be a good option. I have a huge amount of data that I need to collect but it happens that latency is not an issue, so I was thinking that s3fs could work. So my question is ... what will you do? What does your configuration look like? What are the special challenges you might not be getting? I recommend saving my PHP code to a repository of SVN, and writing a script that That checks out the latest code from the repository and when you want to upgrade you can start this script at startup so that...

c++ - What is #nomacros (EP003), and is it alive? -

is ... EP003 #nomacros See EI 001 note written by Stroustrup. In some (or exact) words, what is #nomacros , and is it available anywhere as an extension? This will be a useful diagnostic tool in a recent project, in which 2005 files of 2005-Vintage C ++ run code through pre-editor and thousands of files compared to the option to check .i files for optional packages. Must be connected to porting. ES042 #nospam Provide a preprocessor mechanism to enter the macro range and exit. For example: #nomacros #in AB ... #out AX #endnomacros No macros are added between #MMCross and #Ananomacross, as long as # in # No macros defined between #omacrocos and # endomacros will not be defined after #endnomacros, unless explicitly enabled by #out. After discussions in the EWG suggested by Bjarne Stroustrup, it was decided that the "#in" used in the expansion of such macros would be used by the macros used by macros. Having macros are allowed. #nomacros should nest

c# - IXmlSerializable -

Can you help me with a problem with deserialization via IXmlSerializable var ArrayOfAccounts = new accounts (); // This class structure I am trying to read class accounts: list & lt; Session & gt; {} Class Schedule {public datetime startup {get; Set; } Public Date Expired {Received; Set; }} Class session: IXmlSerializable {public string name {get; Set;} public string pass {get; Set;} public list & lt; Scheduled & gt; Schedule = new list & lt; Schedule & gt; (); Public Zero ReadXml (System.Xml.XmlReader Reader) {// and there is a problem here. I do not know how to apply the correct code here. I have tried // code below, but it only works for the first account, and does not restore other schedules. Clear (); XmlReader subR = reader.ReadSubtree (); If (reader.MoveToAttribute ("name")) name = Reader.value; If (reader.MoveToAttribute ("password")) password = reader value; Reader.MoveToContent (); While (subR.ReadToFollowing ("Schedule...

mysql - How do I ignore a single row in a query result using SQL or PHP? -

Do I somehow ignore the date as soon as possible? With SECL or PHP? SELECT topic, date by date, id = $ id order dsc ($ row = mysql_fetch_array ($ query)) { Cheers You can write some complex SQL to do this or you can do this in your PHP: $ first = true; While ($ line = mysql_fetch_array ($ query)) {if ($ first) {$ first = false; to continue; } // process rows here}

Erlang style - case vs function pattern matching -

I have found on the forum where I have written a lot of aloud codes, and I can see some style ( Bad or good) in the way I am writing it in the organism. I want some opinion on this special idiom - is it better (more readable / faster / whatever) to change the case style statement to function pattern matching? Example Compare (a follower example) Case {Size & gt; 100000, type} {true, asset} -> gt; Do something to change something to %%; {False, food} - & gt; Do something to change %% some things; _ - & gt; Unseen end; with ... maybe changestorage (size, type) ... maybe changestorage (size, eats) when size & gt; 10000 - & gt; something; Maybe changestorage (size, disc) when the size & lt; 10000 - & gt; anything else; Changes maybe (_, _) - & gt; Do not ignore it. I like the latter in most cases but I would be interested in other opinions. The second is the preferred method, especially if you can place segments in one line: Ma...

java - Problem with JavaMail and Exchange Server 2007 - BAD Command Argument -

In the application I'm working on, there is a function that connects to a mail server with a Java server via IMM is. One of our customers had the following stack traces: javax.mail.MessagingException: A13 BAD command argument error. 1 1; The nested exception is: com.sun.mail.iap.BadCommandException: A13BAD Command Argument Error. 11 com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPMessage.setFlags ( at javax.mail.Message.setFlag ( lesson65) ... Now, What has been attempted to do this: Message [i] .setFlag (Flags.Flag.RECENT, incorrect); Where is the message [i] a javax.mail.Message . Now, this error has never come to any of our clients who use Exchange Server 2003 and since this client is using Exchange Server 2007, I think there is something to do with it. (Bug?). I also have ensured that they have updated it with the latest service pack and rollup update (Service Pack 1 update 8 in this written form 8) and the latest jammail (1.4.2 as in this writing) a...

webserver crash with exec in php -

I try to convert some files to exec in PHP and get returns. I do this and this work is done successfully but if I run it more than 10 times, then the webserver crashes and I have to restart the server to continue? Please tell me if there is a problem then what problem do you have? System: Wampserver version 2.0 on Windows XP and 2003 Server. Thank you See the log for more detailed description of the accident. This will tell you in the right direction. Checking one thing is the memory usage of the script If your server is finishing its memory limit, then the PHP module can crash the entire server.

graphics - In terms of OO design, can two-d and the three-d point classes be derived from single base class? -

I am currently designing for a simple graphic editor, which is trivial for two-dimensional and three-dimensional size Support works. The issue is, I want to render the prototype of these shapes, because MSPPent does. And right now it is rendering what I need to store pixels from canvas, which is covered by prototype, just because the prototype varies to restore its position on the canvas. Therefore, I want to support all such shapes to support this type of buffering (graphic operation is the basis square of all the rendering operations): Public abstract class shape: graphic operation {secure list & Lt; SomePoint & gt; Backup; Public shape (color C): base (C) {} public color picture {{color of return is obtained; } Protected Set {color = value; }} Public abstract zero Render Prototype (bitmap canvas tridone); } The main idea is that in the context of o o design it would be great to provide buffer support at the base class (shape) level, I mean two diappets and This l...

internet explorer 8 - wmd-editor breaks in IE8 -

We have recently started using the WMD editor and have found that in IE 8, this scroll size of the page Enhances the textarea's size is increasingly increasing, the only option left is to turn off the browser that would be very frustrating. You can check the wmd-editor demo Do anyone know any solutions to this issue? After a lot of testing & amp; Error, we finally got this issue and it has decided that none of the original parent container of the deal in which the wmd editor has been placed, the position of the CSS property should be determined. Otherwise, it will break the editor in IE8.

c# - Database or flat file for 600K records? -

I am writing a C # application that requires records of 600 records in a database at a certain point . These are very easy records: just 3 tall ones. I am using the parameter to set the command, and then insert the loop through the data in the memory to insert, the value in the command parameter and the running command on each loop. Except nonclline () The SqlServer takes approximately 50 seconds to finish, and it is only slow on MySQL when only a few milliseconds on the same file is inserted. Am I doing something wrong or is the database just too slow? You have to type more speed in a flat file for some reasons: ExecuteNonQuery does not group multiple insertion statements in the batch, so you send the complete difference per record to your inserting statements in the communication processing turnaround group. You already have a successful file size, so you can stop writing it or write it with a few buffers. The database operation uses trees which take N log n...

debugging - After page loads I can't execute Javascript functions that access properties from console -

I have a page that loads a bunch of scripts to prepare for the dropdown and clicks on the script Click on the html event and etc. After the page is loaded and I open the page in script console I can not do anything. For example, there is an onclick function onclick = "popup ('Seattle');" . If I try to say that the script console gives me the expected error of the object as if it is not present. But if I click the button then the method starts to fire. I can not modify this code, so it is important that I am getting this job. When I am moving through the code and stopping the script, I have access to everything, but as soon as it has finished it is nothing. Does anyone know what's going on and there is no way to implement these tasks? "Expected object" appears for example, such as the popup function (somedomnode, args ...) . When an event handler is called, this is set to the element called the handler. If you try to c...

PHP AJAX proxy not returning body for POST requests -

I am using this AJAX proxy for cross-domain AJAX requests:. When I use GET it works great but when I try to use the post, the body is lost and never printed. I tried to touch the log and studied the code but I did not know what was going wrong. Thanks, Esak Waller Edit: Here's the code I'm using: $. Post ("proxy.php? Proxy_url = http: //", {postvar1: "Hello", postwar 2: "goodbye"}, function (data) {warning (data);}, "text" ); Even if I make a simple form and it does not produce any output results. Try it out: $ Post ("/ proxy.php", {proxy_url: "", postvar1: "hello", postwar 2: "goodbye"}, function (data) {alerts (data);}, "Text"); When I tried your original version, this error came back with 405, but the above functions are either happy to mix JQUERY or proxy.php posts and get parameters is not. Edit: I got a page back, which...

Eclipse - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException -

When trying to start my JUnit-test out of eclipse, I get "ClassNotFoundException" from the console "MVN testing" from the console. Flex Project Configuration Project P > Edit: How can not get the class? This is a simple HelloWalk-application There is no special library in which there is no special library. Here is the run-configuration of my JUnit: Test class (but as I said, this is a simple work Does not hello either ...): import org.junit.After; Import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test ; Import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; Import; Import biz.prognoserechnung.domain.User; Import biz.prognoserechnung.domain.UserRepository; Import biz.prognoserechnung.domain.hibernate.UserHibernateDao; Public class UserDaoTest {/ ** * applicationcontext * / private applicationcontax ctx = null; / ** * user * record of private user ...

c - Can you explain this 'Hello world' program? -

I have just begun learning but I do not understand this part of the code. Can anyone explain each line of code and thanks for what it does! Please tell me what I said instead of saying (thank you in this book) Thanks. Hope you guys can help me #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Zero zero (zero); Int main (int argc, const char * argv []) {SayHello (); Return 0; } Zero shenlo (zero) {printf ("hello, world! \ N"); } I would suggest getting a separate book, because it might tell you Should have been given However, get it! #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; In that episode, "Preprocessor" (the part of the compiler that is ready to be compiled) asks to take the contents of the file "stdio.h" in some special part Like this, keep the compiler on top of your source code, and this way, the compiler may know about the function printf below, what is this for logic, and what value (Gives it back after it's finished). zero to zero (zero);...

Is it correct that blueprint css allows you to formulate your layout as a grid instead of in terms of floats? -

The argument I have given about BluPrinting CSS is that it will give you a grid about your layout Let me think this is a big advantage for me in terms of float, because I am always confused where I am going to finish my floats - sometimes a float will come down unexpectedly from some other floats and I To find out how to do everything Have to restore. Does this make blueprint css a good choice for me - or do I just have to learn for hours how to properly use Float and do all my layouts manually? Post-text "itemprop =" text "> Yes, lets use grid exactly - see this, which grid is visible by rotating the background according to the grid column. (But I must say, for the short time spent, a big dividend will be given - to better understand it by leaving it and trying to work around it. And then you will have the option of creating flexible layouts which will be different On devices Works like Rci.) - Design db for questions and answers with tags on a blog page -

XML files based or use SQL Server? Which will be efficient based on storage size, retrieval and performance? Considering a large number of blog entries, the way to go to the database is to assume that you have a database If you want to search for an entry with some text, you can simply check the questions asked in the XML scenario, you have to load the files gradually in memory, finding a string is painful and slow.